"YARC" Post of the Week, Hummmmm!


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
You poor WISHers have been kind to your Senile Old Panda and let him ramble on with his ideas, opinions and theories. Thank you bunches.

One of my opinions is that even with our technology and "expert's", we still don't know everything there is to know about training and improving in our performance.

This years Olympic swimming is proving me right. We have had Olympic level sports for a long time and if we were not getting smarter and smarter all the time then we wouldn't be seeing world records falling the way they are.

We are all an experiment in human performance and the things we pick up from the "Experts" are great but the things we learn out there on the road are the ones that matter most.

The most sucessfull athlete, whether they are training for world class competition or training for their first 5K are the ones who take the lessons of the "Experts" and modify them to fit their own unique life style, body and fitness level. If you try to train from a plan you will more than likely accomplish the goal of finishing a race but if you want to really improve and be your best you have to customize the plan to work for you.

So just how does one go about doing that? You make a plan your own by listening to your body. If a workout seems to hard, back off a little, if it seems to easy, pick up the pace a little. Pay attention to how you feel during and after a workout, are you totally exhausted or feel like you could turn around and do it again? I've found that if I feel like I did a strong effort but had some left then I did it exacty right.

Pay attention to how you feel when you wake up in the morning. Do you feel ready to get up and excited about your training and your day or are you barely able to crawl out of bed. An adjustment in your training might be needed if you are still tired the next day.

We need to keep up with our eating also. We need to eat like a high performance athlete if we are going to be one. We can't starve ourselves and expect to improve and neither can we over eat and expect to have the body shape we want. We have to monitor what and when we eat to get the best results.

Of course we are not professional athletes so we can't just spend our time training and resting and eating. What we are, are people who have busy complicated lives, who wish to get maximum return from the training we do. So it becomes even more important to customize our training to fit our lives.

Posting your results and your workouts does a couple of things, it makes you see your results and think about how it went and it also helps others get ideas for their own routines.

My senile Panda challange for my dear WISH friends this week is to post every workout you do and think about how you felt doing it. Think about what you did and how you could have done it just a little better. Making it better remember might be backing off a little if it is leaving you to tired. Or it could be picking it up a bit, if you felt like you didn't do enouth you probably didn't.

"YARC" Panda :hippie:
Well Dear Panda:

My workouts for the last week have had to take a negative turn. I am still getting in my workouts but I am having to limit my weights as I train. I have developed some tendonitis in my left wrist and with that, heavy weights or a lot of bending and pushing on the wrist really hurts. I am still keeping up with a lot of ab work and cardio but the weights are being left to a minimum.

This week will be a light week for me even on the cardio as I took this past weekend off and I will take Friday off as well. Saturday is my first 5k race ever and I want it to be respectable. I know I won't be the fastest. I just can't allow myself to be last. I will of course post how the race goes afterwards.

Off topic: Sir Panda, I have done a little research and have discovered that the 20km racewalk is slated to be on Saturday morning. I wasn't sure if you were aware or not and I figured you might want to watch/tape the race. Just thought I would share.

Have a good night!

Byran, thanks for the info on the 20K racewalk, I'll see if I can find it.

Walking Panda:)

I keep a journal in my yearly calendar that I leave in my car. After each workout, I log my distance, time, weather, and how I felt after the run. I also indicate if anything was sore, painful, so I can compare it to future workouts.


I keep a journal in my yearly calendar that I leave in my car. After each workout, I log my distance, time, weather, and how I felt after the run. I also indicate if anything was sore, painful, so I can compare it to future workouts.


Thank you for your idea Jeff. It's easy to keep it up if it's right there waiting for you when you are done.

"YARC" Panda:hippie:


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