"YARC" Post of the Week, Investing for Retirement


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
This week I want to talk about a serious subject. More of a front runner concern for my "masters" friends than the younger WISHers. We all have some sort of plan or have thought about how to be financially functional in retirement. Someone like Craig could talk about that way better than I.

The investment I'm talking about is the investment we make in our health. Each time we have a workout we "deposit" into our account to have a functional body in our retirement years.

We work hard for something like 40 to 50 years. Then we have an opportunity to retire or at least to cut back to where we have way more "Me Time". How bad would it suck to have your finances in place but have a body that won't let you enjoy your retirement you worked so hard for.

Just like a financial plan you have to diversify. You have to exercise, eat healthy, keep your weight under control, keep your mind young and your goals realistic.

You have to have dreams and you have to love. You have to love yourself to. If you don't love yourself then you need to work on changing whatever it is about you that you don't love. Whether it's temper, weight, shyness, ect... work on being comfortable in your skin. You are the you that you are stuck with so be the person that you want to be.

So when you work on your retirement plan think health and money. Wouldn't it be wonderfull to travel around the country and do races with the friends you meet on the WISH instead of having to stay close to home because your health won't allow you to be far from medical care.

We never know what the future will bring but we can do our best to meet all the challanges that come our way with a strong body a caring heart and a positive attitude.

"YARC" Pandapirate:
How about this Dave,

50 WISH meets in 50 States, oh, and 50 races thrown in there as well. :thumbsup2
How about this Dave,

50 WISH meets in 50 States, oh, and 50 races thrown in there as well. :thumbsup2

I'm in for that Jeff. I'm on a mission to rewrite the book on aging. There have been some other standard bearers before my like Jack Lalanne the fitness guru from my child hood. He is old as dirt and still works out every day.

YARC Panda:hippie:


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