"YARC" Post of the Week, Let's Roll


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
I want to say something today about this being 9/11, a day that Americans will not soon forget. It was a day of terror and also of heroism. People don't plan to be heroes, it just happens and when it does a person's character is tested to the limits. Along with all the famous phrases that we as free people remember a new phrase will take it's place of honor: "Let's Roll". Thank you passengers of flight 93, may you sleep in peace. When our country needed a battle cry to rally us to action you provided it.

We live in difficult times and we often feel helpless to do anything about it. I wear a little gold charm around my neck that says, "Grant me the serenity to accept what I can not change, the courage to change what I can and the wisdom to know the difference". It seems to me to be a good rule to live by. There is so much we can't change but there is a heck of a lot of things that affect our lives every day that we can make better.

Think about what you would like to change about your life. I can't without major surgery ever be handsome like a movie star, and I can't ever be 20 years old again. When you get to be my age you start having thoughts like, "If someone wrote a book about your life, would anyone want to read it". Or, "Is the world a better place because I am part of it".

You only get one life, are you happy with it? If not why not, what do you want to change? Do you have goals or a plan to accomplish your goals? There is a saying that you can't hit a target you can't see. You can't accomplish a goal you can't see either. You have to decide what you want to change and make a good plan to accomplish it. If it's losing weight or getting in good shape, you are at the right place, there is plenty of help here, many WISHers have blazed that trail. If you want to be rich and famous, sorry I don't have a clue.

The place to start is to visualize yourself at your new weight or able to do what you want to do. If your goal is to do a race, 5K, 10K, half or full marathon, you have to be able to see yourself crossing the finish line. If your goal is to lose some extra fluff you have to visualize yourself at the new lower weight. Once you can see it, make a commitment to you, "I want this and I can do this".

When you change what you can change you are a hero, even if it's only to you. But you might find that more people than you think will be proud of you. "Let's Roll".

Free Panda :hippie:
Panda, I just have to say I love your posts. I love your wisdom, your insight and the encouragement that leaps off the screen when I read something you have written.

Thank you and I do hope I get to meet you in person over Marathon Weekend. I'll be looking for you!

Panda, I just have to say I love your posts. I love your wisdom, your insight and the encouragement that leaps off the screen when I read something you have written.

Thank you and I do hope I get to meet you in person over Marathon Weekend. I'll be looking for you!


Thank you Allyson, that was a very nice thing to say. I get more form the group here and at DisneyRunning that I could ever give back. It's an honor for me to be around such positive and inspired people. When I line up at the races or just sit down for a beer with a group of fellow athletes I know that this is how life was meant to be lived, facing a challenge and sharing an adventure with friends.

Yep, I'll be there at the Marathon weekend and looking forward to my hug from another pretty princess.

Happy Panda:)
Panda Dave, I am not a pretty little princess by no means. Nor am I a handsome little prince. There is no surgery out there that will make me handsome either. I am what I am and that is the way God made me. I have always had issues with accepting that so for most of my life, I have made myself the butt of the joke. Most of the time I do it to make others laugh. Somtimes I do it because it is actually how I feel at that time. I will never be able to compete in a bodybuilding contest. I will never be a model. But thankfully, I can be the best that I can be and from what I see on a daily basis, from people who can't walk, talk or see, that isn't too bad. I may still joke around but I have a new spirit about it all.

Panda, you're an awesome inspiration to us all.

Ah, Panda, you inspire and encourage all of us to be all that we can be.

To add to your post.....if there's something you've always wanted to do, do it. Have you always wanted to take a trip to China.....Take It! Are you waiting for the best time to do something.....Quit Waiting!
No one knows what tomorrow will bring, if I wait to take that longed for trip to Peru it may never happen.
Whether it's travel, or running events, or anything else; do them now so you don't end up saying "I wish I had _______".
Great post again Dave, very insightful and full of feeling.

My necklace says "Be strong, be happy, be me". It sums up the way I feel right now in this stage of life. I have been a bodybuilder and I have been a model and folks, it is not all it is cracked up to be, believe me. There are pressures there that leave deep seated scarring.

We all need to strive to be happy with ourselves, big or small, short or tall. You have to love the person that you are inside and out in order to make change happen. If you walk around oozing confidence people look at you differently than if you walk around through life meekly. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be the best you that you can be.

Change is hard. Changing your life through exercise, healthy eating and living well is just a mind set. You have to believe in yourself.

I set out a quote to the Super Goof team today that says: "Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way. Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running." ~Julie Isphording

This does not only apply to running, it applies to walking, bicycling or whatever other activity that you undertake that makes you happy. Running brings me joy from inside. It has shown me that I CAN do things that I could never imagine. Three years ago I started running and I could not imagine running a 5K, and then I did. And I liked it so much that the next year I did it again, and then a 6.5K and now, 2 half marathons later and ready to do my third, I can visualize the full marathon happening for me. I can do it. I know that I can.

Believe in yourself, find joy in yourself and find something today to feel good about. Roll on Panda!!!!!
Sam Sam and Lisa, thank you for your thoughts. Yes Yes Yes to everything you princesses said.

Being a part of this group is something special. I decided a long time ago to be around positive people, no time for the "Poor me" folks, life is to short for that.

Bryan thank you.

YARC Panda:hippie:


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