"YARC" Post of the Week, Toga! Toga! Toga!"


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
This has been a weird week on the old WISH boards. SO....


The bar is open and the drinks cost a hug for your fellow athletic Disney loving party animals.

Everyone stopping by gets a vertual drink and a brand new reason to question the sanity of your fellow team mates.

For you newbees "YARC" is the "You Ain't Right Club", Judy:snooty: is the Queen and our undisputed leader.

For everyone who has had someone question your sanity, you have found your home team. We don't follow the herd here we are firm believers that all work and no play is just stupid.

So my dumb Panda challange for everyone today is to go visit Robert's site, DisneyRunning.com and look at the pictures from the races that are posted there. Check out the pics and remember what we are all about. Having fun and achieving our personal goals, with the support of each other.

YARC Pandapirate:
Pre-med or pre-law, what's the difference anyway--even if Mr. Blutarsky has no grade point average.
I'll hug both of them, that means 2 drinks!:lmao:
Pre-med or pre-law, what's the difference anyway--even if Mr. Blutarsky has no grade point average.

Bill, just when I thought there was hope to teach you to speak RedNeck. What are we going to do with you? No Hugs for Bill, we don't know where he has been:eek:

Ah Gee Vic:rolleyes:

Scott, I found a stuffed panda key chain for Lynn's pack.

SamSam, yes 2 drinks and 2 hugs waiting at the next race.

YARC Pandapirate:
I feel left out. I can't run because of my knees and ankles but I love to stay fit and exercise. I am a hugger so that isn't a problem but what difference does it make, I don't drink. I guess mine would be a little cheaper for all I need would be a glass of water.:confused3
Oh....OK , I'm in. Hugs and drinks all around. Althought I think last night was enough for me,
for now I'll take a V8 Fruit Fusion Tropical Orange??

Panda, I didn't know you were starring in a new Dreamworks
movie (why not Pixar??) called ........... Kung Fu Panda?

I like the new look...


Can't wait to see how your core work has helped your Kung Fu action.

I feel left out. I can't run because of my knees and ankles but I love to stay fit and exercise. I am a hugger so that isn't a problem but what difference does it make, I don't drink. I guess mine would be a little cheaper for all I need would be a glass of water.:confused3

Nothing wrong with a cheap date Bubba, here's the plan, any princess you see with a bottle of water gets a hug.:hug:

Erica and I are not runners either, we are walkers. We walk the run races, told ya we weren't right.

YARC Pandapirate:
Oh....OK , I'm in. Hugs and drinks all around. Althought I think last night was enough for me,
for now I'll take a V8 Fruit Fusion Tropical Orange??

Panda, I didn't know you were starring in a new Dreamworks
movie (why not Pixar??) called ........... Kung Fu Panda?

I like the new look...


Can't wait to see how your core work has helped your Kung Fu action.


Tracy I love it. There was a time that Korean Hapkido was my passion. That went to running then walking as I got older and didn't heal as quickly.

I love the Panda Picture, that is my avatar over on DisneyRunning.com

We will of course have to see the movie.

YARC Pandapirate:
True we don't know where Bill has been, but there is the 5 sec rule.

ANimal Hose, way too real for me and my four year vacation between Highschool and life, I had to go to grad school.
Dang! I hope this party ain't over!!!

I will hug Panda, and Erica, and Vic and even Bill!!! Let's see that makes......me drunk!!! What a party!!!
Dang! I hope this party ain't over!!!

I will hug Panda, and Erica, and Vic and even Bill!!! Let's see that makes......me drunk!!! What a party!!!

Connie, the WISH party is never over. We just have to take long breaks, between the fun times. When we have our next adventure with you we will call in our hug rain checks.

Everyone that idea about a scavenger hunt theat Scott started over on the Committee thread sounds great. Especially if it involves beer.:cloud9:

YARC Pandapirate:
Oh Panda, this couldn't have come at a better time. :hug: I NEED to deal with my stress, stat! Doctor's orders! :scared:

Captain Morgan Parrot Bay anyone?? :laughing:


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