Yes...another WWYD question..


Earning My Ears
Oct 19, 2009
and I'm hoping you can help me out! We're leaving for Disney in a few weeks and I'm debating about buying another lens.

Current gear:
Canon XS
18-55 IS f/3.5-5.6
75-300 III f/4-5.6
35 f/2
(all canon)

planning on buying an external flash (430EX) before I leave.

Lenses I'm considering:
Tamron 28-75 f/2.8
Canon 100 f/2

I've thought about selling the 75-300 & buying a better telephoto lens but that one was "free" (bought the xs kit & rec'd that with it) & I can get ok shots outdoors in good light with fast shutter speed.

F stop is a consideration since the xs does not have great high ISO capabilities (I usually only like the photos at 100-400 ISO) - I'm ok with that..for now. :)

I think I'm ok with the lenses I have for now, but if someone has a compelling argument for getting another one, let's hear it! Pictures I usually take: kids, characters, parades, resort, and anything else that catches my eye. I did seriously think about the canon 24-105L but the f/4 makes me pause because I do take a lot of indoor photos, too. I like sharp pictures and not sure if I'd be very happy with a "vacation lens" - I did check out pics on another site.

So, what do you think? Go with what I have? or add another one?
Have you considered a wide-angle? Disney just seems to be the perfect place for a UWA.

1) You can get closer to the attraction for your shot and minimize the number of strangers in your shots

2) You can get MORE of the beautiful scenery in your shots

3) You can get MORE of the interior of rides in your shot

4) I love the fantasy-like feel the UWA lenses give, which I think is perfect for Disney.
Have you considered a wide-angle? Disney just seems to be the perfect place for a UWA.

1) You can get closer to the attraction for your shot and minimize the number of strangers in your shots

2) You can get MORE of the beautiful scenery in your shots

3) You can get MORE of the interior of rides in your shot

4) I love the fantasy-like feel the UWA lenses give, which I think is perfect for Disney.

That's a very good suggestion. And great reasons, to boot. I do a lot of shooting at Disney; and over time, I've realized I want to go wider for a lot of shots. Or like was listed, get close to something, and avoid having people in the shot.

But if you're going to AK, you'll definitely be using your zoom more. So if you sell your zoom lens, you might consider getting another one.
Thanks! My concern with an UWA lens is that I'd only use it at WDW & then it wouldn't be used until the next trip (probably in another 2 years). Maybe I'll try a couple out when I go to the camera store Thur.

How frequently do you use your UWA?
I haven't had my UWA very long, so haven't had a chance to use it much. I did use it in my daughter's classroom, and it was great to be able to get most of the room in one shot.... something I couldn't do before.

2 things to consider:

1) You COULD always rent the lens for your Disney trip or

2) You could buy it then resell it if you decide you just aren't getting enough day to day use out of it. They hold their value pretty well.

I could also easily see getting the Tamron 2.8 since you do a lot of indoor shots. I am currently considering something like that myself. Only I want the 17-50. Once again, I like that wide angle....


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