Yet another Day 4 induction story.


Crazy about Stitch
Feb 18, 2001
Sorry folks, but this has been a horrible day. I have a blinding headache and I'm nauseous as can be. I know it will get better and I am going to stick with induction (when does ketosis start ???)........I just needed to feel sorry for myself for a bit. Thanks for listening.


PS - Just got back from grocery shopping and I guess nausea is a benefit.......NOTHING looked or sounded good ! I didn't look twice at anything I used to like to fact I could barely look at it once :earseek:
Oh, dear, Vicki! Well, at least you have a "looking on the bright side" attitude to help you through it! Hopefully tomorrow will be your bounce back energy filled day! ;)
Hello Vicki

Sorry you aren't feeling so good and boy - do I know how you feel!!

That shopping thing was definatley a bonus you didn't need to force yourself not to buy treats!!

I promise you it will get better - you just have to hang in there a little longer!! I started to feel a lot better by day 6. I am now in day 11 and I feel fine.

Take care of yourself and drink more water than you can stand!! This did help me to feel better.

I am not much of an expert on ketosis - I only go by the book and it says it should start after the first few days - once you have detoxed and are not eating many carbs you have to be fat burning - I hope!!

Really hope to see you in September, hugs from me to hope you feel better soon,
Email or PM me if you like!
Boy do you sound like me!! I feel so bad for you!! I guarantee you will feel better! Especially when you get on the scale--it will all be worth it!! Good for you to stick with induction-it works! I have been on Atkins almost 2 months, and haven't cheated once!! I don't want to go back to square one-detox!!
Great job, and it will get better!;)
Hang in there! Day 2/3 were my headache/bad days. I stuck it out and now I'm only at day 6, but I feel so wonderful! I have little/no appetite and have to remember to eat, I have lost a few pounds (7 to be exact) and my energy is so up! Yesterday I actually washed 5 loads of laundry, cooked 3 full meals, played with my kids, did not need my afternoon nap and cleaned the kitchen and kids rooms. That is a huge amount for me for one day. I even cooked the kids a gourmet meal (lately it's been convenience items for them!)

It does get better and you can do this, the light is not too far away, keep going and keep eating the *good* atkins approved foods.

Many Hugs and Headache Powders
Hey Vicki! I'm on day 4 today too (re-Induction)! Hang in there - you'll feel better this weekend! I guarantee it! :)

I'm not sure what your eating plan is - but if you're not getting 20 carbs per day, you might feel better if you add a few (in the form of veggies). Are you eating a big salad every day? Add veggies that have fiber (spinach, broccoli, etc.). It will make you feel better!
I can relate! It will get better- really!! Make sure you're eating (the right stuff.) and drink that water. I couldn't go to Curves for the first week - I was rather weak, and couldn't get my heart rate up where it needed to be. But, now 2 1/2 months later, I no longer long for that afternoon nap and can eat a meal out WITH the bread basket on the table and not feel the urge to eat it! You'll get there too!
Hi Everybody,

Thanks for listening yesterday. Day 5 dawned with just a slight headache and no nausea to speak of. I was finally able to eat a hamburger with cheese and lettuce and a small salad last night around 9. That was the first thing I could handle since breakfast yesterday morning.

Also, for those of you who know what a Claim Jumper restaurant is, they KNOW about Atkins and fix up a great protein style burger, no bun. No croutons in the salad either :teeth: It was actually nice to chat with the servers who wanted to know all about Atkins....what you can or can't eat ....... they even offered their support on my weight loss journey :eek: I can't wait to go back to see what other menu items they can modify to fit the Atkins lifestyle, because I love to eat there. ( Now if I could just figure out how they can make their signature huge corn muffins, HUGE biscuits and huge blueberry muffins so they're carbohydrate free :p )
talk about a craving! I adored CJ when I lived in southern CA. Man, okay, gonna go eat my afternoon snack now which is very un-ClaimJumper like!

What a great find and what a wonderful thing that they will work to suit you.
I am on week 4 of Atkins and my headaches come and go as the ketosis comes and goes.
I am having a terrible time losing weight, lost 6 lbs the first week, gained back 2 the 2nd, gained back 4 the 3rd and now I am stable at what I started at.
I know that premenopause is not helping, my hormones are way out of wack and I am going to see my Dr on Monday. I am going to show him the chapter in Atkins (18 in my book) about hormones and metabolic resistance and see if he will do the bloodwork and maybe give me a trial of some hormones.
I have been very strict with this diet, even going to picnics and bringing all my own food and not touching anything. The guy I live with tried to tempt me by buying me a chocolate cake because he knows I love chocolate but I didn't touch it. I tossed it out Wednesday after it sat in my fridge for over 2 weeks. He is a great guy, but very poor self esteem I guess, he wants to ruin my diet to keep me fat and with him.
I check my keto sticks every day, and I am only in ketosis approx 1 or 2 days per week, no matter what I eat, so I am blaming the hormones.
I will let you all know what my Dr says, I am hoping I won't need to change Dr's. Peggie


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