Zooper Tango Double stroller - anyone have one? Update post 6


DIS Veteran
Aug 30, 2006
I know another stroller thread- sorry.

Does anyone have the Zooper Tango Double stroller?? I am looking at one on Craigslist. Purchased last yr and only used for the summer. was asking $300 but will go to $250.

I am in need of a double that will hold ds2 and a newborn(foster). Our babies are only with us for a short period of time from discharge from the hospital. So I am looking for one that will hold an infant carrier.

I recently sold a PP Aria twin - absolutely hated it. Didn't hold the infant carrier and steering was terrible. There also wasn't a flat recline to hold the infant either.

I see mixed reviews on the tango double. Does anyone have any input??

thanks in advance
I had one and LOVED it
The storage was better than any other stroller
The sunshade was great
Pushed like a dream

The only thing I did not like, was how heavy it was and that it was.
My neighbor has one & she is happy with it. She got it almost 2 years ago while preg. with #3. I remember her using it back & forth to the bus stop. I know she bought it because it could hold a carseat. It has held up well. She doesn't use it much now. She has a FP wagon that she uses more often now.
Thanks for the input. I am still deciding on the stroller. I really need to go and try it out w/ ds and a car seat in the stroller. The aria twin push was awful.

It is good to hear good reviews on it. The weight of it shouldn't be too bad. There is not much out there that holds an infant seat and a toddler. I dont' want a graco dou glider again. DS will still nap so I want something he will be comfortable in. It is mainly for walking to school and the occasional trip out when we have a baby with us.

thanks again
I had a Zooper Waltz single stroller and loved it! Wish I had gotten the Zooper double, like the PP said, it was so easy to push. Nice, big wheels.
OP here-- I ended up going with a Maclaren Techno Twin. I found it on CL for $125 with all accessories (not used). Stroller is in great condition. I didn't feel comfortable spending the $250 for the zooper when it would not get constant use. We own a Techno single and love it.

thanks for all the input


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