Embarrased to tell friends/family that I'm buying a timeshare in Florida


DIS Veteran
Jul 4, 2003
Okay. I've done the research. I'm convinced DVC is a good deal for my family. Even convinced DH. Now, how do I break the news to my friends and family? I never thought I would buy a timeshare. But, this is so different. How do you tell people you own a timeshare without them thinking you're an idiot or going through a 30 minute DVC sales presentation to explain to them why this is such a wonderful thing? Maybe I should just keep this a secret.
Okay. I've done the research. I'm convinced DVC is a good deal for my family. Even convinced DH. Now, how do I break the news to my friends and family? I never thought I would buy a timeshare. But, this is so different. How do you tell people you own a timeshare without them thinking you're an idiot or going through a 30 minute DVC sales presentation to explain to them why this is such a wonderful thing? Maybe I should just keep this a secret.

It's your $$, you can spend it anyway you wish. Why does their opinion matter?

Besides, they'll probably be bugging you to use your DVC, after all, they're family, right? WARNING, when they start asking, even if you haven't invited them...RUN!! ;) :lmao:
I can relate to what you are saying. In general, timeshares have a bad reputation. The way I handle it is that I refer to it as a Disney timeshare. Once people hear the word "Disney", I usually get a response like "You mean it's on DisneyWorld property?" and people seem to think that's pretty cool. But as Chuck said, your bigger problem will be the expectations you might create among family members who may start lobbying for free (or at least cheap) Disney accommodations!
We don't tell them :) Seriously we haven't told our family for that exact reason. Some things are better kept quiet.
It's your $$, you can spend it anyway you wish. Why does their opinion matter?

Besides, they'll probably be bugging you to use your DVC, after all, they're family, right? WARNING, when they start asking, even if you haven't invited them...RUN!! ;) :lmao:

Hum. I already have 4 kids. Maybe I should have a couple more to ensure that there will be no extra space in that 2 BR unit.
Is it any of there business? Trust me if you tell them what they will see if "Free vacation" on you!
We don't tell them :) Seriously we haven't told our family for that exact reason. Some things are better kept quiet.

I'm with the SHOEMAKER, I don't tell my family either. Well at least not for the first 2.5 years, and none of them know how many points/resorts I have.

(Thank goodness, they're all computer illeterate. <==== Hey am I illiterate if I can't spell illeterate?)

I don't understand why you would be afraid to tell anyone. You're an adult, it's your money and your decision - if they don't like it, too bad. When I told my brothers - their first response was "you sure must be rich" - my response "yep, sure am" (which we certainly are not and they know it). I told my mother who lives in a retirement home and I could immediately see she didn't approve, but that's only because that is one more week out of the year we'd be travelling (which we do alot) and wouldn't be around to take care of her needs. They all think it's strange we go to WDW year after year, but I think it strange that they go back to the same beach resort year after year for their vacation. Anyway, the great thing about being 56 years old is I really don't give a hoot what anyone thinks about what I do.
The only problem I've encountered is a few family members don't understand why we can't "always" get a 2br and have them stay with us for free. We're taking my parents next week for 10 days in a 2 br-- but we had to bank and borrow for this trip (my mom has cancer and we're taking her before she starts chemotherapy-- plus my parents have done so much for us we wanted to do it-- but I can't do it for everyone on every trip). We only have 150 points, so we usually do studios until we add on in a few years.
Anyway, the great thing about being 56 years old is I really don't give a hoot what anyone thinks about what I do.

Okay, off topic but ain't that the truth!!!! I'm turning 40 in mere months and I'm excited because age brings such wonderful things.

As for the OP. I don't really understand not sharing. Well I couldn't wait to tell. Of course, people have their negativity. And I've had it. That's a given. And as far as sharing my points well that has been one of the best parts of DVC for us. I know a lot of people on this board don't see things this way. But I'm sorry if I sound like a Pollyanna or whatever I have received such joy from "sharing" points (and I don't have tons at all) with friends and family. Such joy!! Okay, I sound like I'm on a soapbox. I'm off.....

Wait. Congratulations on your decision and "Welcome Home". Are you doing the friends and family promotion?
It has been my experience that my co-workers do not understand why I travel to WDW so much. Why I own DVC. Why I travel to DL.

It's the office joke of people asking me when am I going back to WDW.

Just tell people, its the happiest place on earth, why wouldn't you want to live there!!
We have a few people in our family that are Disney nuts too, so they completely understand. I can understand your hesitation, though. I know my parents didn't approve, but whatever. They just don't get why we keep going to Disney, not matter how much I try to explain it. They're supposed to come with us later this year, so maybe they'll finally get it. Just don't let anyone ruin the moment for you. Enjoy, and Welcome Home!
Bah - who cares what they think.

My step-dad thought we were stupid and should have invested in real estate out there instead (he is a real estate investor). Then he and mom stayed with us in a 2 bedroom at OKW for a week. He has changed his tune and is looking forward to the GV stay this next year in November.

I have no clue what any of our freinds think; I have never bothered to ask and they have never bothered to comment.

Oh, I do have one freind who comments...a lot. She calls me the devil and that I have made her a WDW junkie. :confused3 (She hadn't been to WDW in 22 years and I made her go last year...twice. I am SUCH a mean friend)

Tough gig but someone has to do it :rotfl:
Okay, off topic but ain't that the truth!!!! I'm turning 40 in mere months and I'm excited because age brings such wonderful things.

As for the OP. I don't really understand not sharing. Well I couldn't wait to tell. Of course, people have their negativity. And I've had it. That's a given. And as far as sharing my points well that has been one of the best parts of DVC for us. I know a lot of people on this board don't see things this way. But I'm sorry if I sound like a Pollyanna or whatever I have received such joy from "sharing" points (and I don't have tons at all) with friends and family. Such joy!! Okay, I sound like I'm on a soapbox. I'm off.....

Wait. Congratulations on your decision and "Welcome Home". Are you doing the friends and family promotion?

We purchased at BWV through TTS. Just received word that Disney passed on ROFR. So, we did it! I'm so excited I want to tell everyone! But, I just don't think people will get it. I mean, really, does anyone think a timeshare is a good idea (other than all the DVC Owners that is)?
I think you probably get the message with all these posts. Some of my family know, some don't. Mainly, it isn't "news" that needs to be disseminated. I don't take the time to explain DVC until someone asks "how do you afford to keep doing that?".
When we bought DVC we didn't tell anyone just based on my own experience and views of timeshare. Only 3-4 people know that we own DVC and I have no problem keeping it that way. If they ask, I'll give more details, but until then this is our little secret.
We're adults, and when we purchased 10 years ago, some of our family and friends thought we were nuts, and some of them thought it was a great idea! Of course, those who got to share in a couple of our stays thought it was a WONDERFUL idea.

None of it matters. They can think it's wonderful or think it's crazy, it's ours and we enjoy it, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. Those of our friends and family who truly "get it" are happy for us, and those who don't "get it" don't, so it's their loss, because I don't invite those naysayers along anytime either. I only keep happy people around me on vacation, and I can do that easier with DVC!
Our families know, have no clue what IL's think, nor do I really care. As for friends, the less I tell them the better, as while I like to have lunch with them I sure don't want to go to WDW with them. The ones I do tell are the "gossips" gives them something to talk about. I get immense pleasure in following the gossip trail(how it gets from person A to person D). Then I can tell them, guess what were going down again in May!

Just have a feeling that most of my neighbors must take a plane trip once every 5 or more years(they hated it when I travelled for business). Guess a case of "airplane" envy.

It amuses me, don't really care what they think.
Okay. I've done the research. I'm convinced DVC is a good deal for my family. Even convinced DH. Now, how do I break the news to my friends and family? I never thought I would buy a timeshare. But, this is so different. How do you tell people you own a timeshare without them thinking you're an idiot or going through a 30 minute DVC sales presentation to explain to them why this is such a wonderful thing? Maybe I should just keep this a secret.

We never thought we would own a timeshare either. I guess we still don't look at DVC as a typical timeshare. We just look at it as a great way to prepay for amazing accomidations at Disney (or elsewhere) for a long long time.

And as far as what anyone else thinks... who cares? After a while I bet they are green with envy and may just become members as well. ;)


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