Wk of Jan 21--WISH Walking/Running Club

Greetings from Ohio, where it's a balmy 16 degrees. :beach: Thankfully we didn't get any of the white death like Dave did.

The time between the Flying Pig and the training for WDW starts is hard on me! Crossing my fingers I don't lose my groove this summer.

Dave--Tell your princess: happy birthday!!! That trampoline sounds way cool! There's nothing wrong with mashed potatoes being her favorite food, they're mine too. :) Oh, and the Flying Pig course is pancake flat. Pancake flat I tell you! ;) :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

(have to beat Carried and Dave in the post war;))
Hmmmm, Krista, I'm thinking you could have broken your long message up into 4-5 posts to beat me in the post war.

Maybe you and Steve could come out and do the Rochester half marathon on September 16. It's not near the event that the Flying Pig is, but it might be something to have on your training calendar to keep you going. Check it out:


Whew, I'm glad I looked at that map of the Flying Pig half marathon course wrong. I don't know why I thought it had a big hill in it. Good to know it's pancake flat and a Boston qualifier.
Maggie- Welcome back! I definitely remember you from last year because our oldest daughter, who had her 9th b-day in Disney the day before the marathon, is named Maggie too. Good job on your 2 mile walk. Keep it up. That's where I started last year.

Dave, I remember. I remember how you struggled through your shin splints etc.. Way to go sticking with it. I thought about you when I was walking the other day. You started slow and stuck with it.. Your accomplishments are obvious. :thumbsup2

I am coming to terms with giving up last year, but I am ready to do things right this year.

p.s. I really like the comment your wife made about you being a better person when you run. I feel better when I am walking. It really does carry over into the rest of your day.
Hey everyone. I would like to officially join your wish team. I just signed up for the Donald 08! I've been exercising for a while but I'm relatively new to running. My son and I are doing the couch to 5K together to get a base going. I do an extra day of run/walking (hopefully just running someday), which is 4 days for me, 3 days for him (he's 10).

To give me some extra motivation I signed up for a 5k on April 28th. It's a run/walk so I should be able to do it.

Can anyone recommend a good shoe for and underprotonator?

Thanks and HI to everyone!
Good Morning Team

Dave, Happy bday to dd6. I think that is a great age. Although having dd16 I do have to say I think I have said that at least once every year! :goodvibes

Terri, I am so sorry. I hope the MRI disagrees with the MD and it isn't a rupture.

My dh is being gracious today and says he will stay with ds's while I take my LW (3.6m) today. He will be gone for 7 days skiing with his brothers/dad in Utah so he knows he better be nice to me today! :)

Happy Friday.

Sorry about your DD's legs. Please accept my best wishes for her speedy improvement.

Carrie R:

Clean out your private message box. I sent you one and it bounced.

Tomorrow I end the post race hiatus and begin easy training. Hopefully I haven't put on too many pounds in 3 weeks. Hopefully but unlikely.

Also, and off topic, we've had a bit of pretty cool news here. I have been hired as a Visiting Professor of Finance by the old alma mater, the Univeristy of Colorado for this coming summer. This is in addition to my Babson gig, but it will allow me to teach a 7 week mba elective this summer. Basically I'll be paid to spend 7 weeks in Boulder. Maybe you actually can go home again.

Best to all

:sick: I've got the crud...2nd day of calling in sick:sick: I'm too dizzy to walk on my tm, let alone get off the couch. Ugh!
HI everybody! wow-a lot of posts to catch up on!

today is a rest day for me!! Good thing because it was only 9 degrees when I left this morning for work, and the wind chill made it feel a lot colder than that!!! At least we have no snow!!!

Dave Thanks for the sweepstakes entry!! You are good at finding those......sounds like you had a great party for your DS.

Kim Oh no, not another blister!! Hopefully, it is just from wearing new shoes. Are the other ones gone yet?? Take care of those things!!

Ashley Thanks for putting together the calendar, it is great to see what races everyone is running in!! Also, I am like you, I need a constant goal. Before I signed up for a few races, I dreaded going out to run, now that I registered for a few races, I love getting out and running!

nucpharm Good Luck on your 18 miler tomorrow!!

Mel/Christa I can relate to the Diet Coke addiction....I have to have it all the time. Although I have cut way back!!! It was so hard but I went from drinking 4-5 cans a day to only 1!! I am so proud of myself for that!

Vicki Have fun on your scrapbooking weekend!!! I scrapbook all the time, my favorite pages to do are always about my Disney vacations!!!!

Cam/Krista Thanks for the ideas for songs for my ipod....I never know what to put and then when i am running, I skip through every song because I don't like them....but I like the songs you both listed!! I will have to make a new playlist!

Texa :welcome: This is a great group of people!! About the running shoes, I would suggest that you go to a local running store and have someone there look at your feet and suggest the best shoe for you. I was wondering about shoes a few weeks ago, and I went to a local running store and they helped me find the best shoe for me, and I love the shoes I got!!

ok, I think I am all caught up now!! Good luck to all on their training this weekend!!
I had a beautifully written, witty, wise post just evaporate into the ether :badpc: This is the Reader's Digest version ;)

:welcome: Texa! Definitely check out a good running store. I underpronate (supinate) too, but I have bizarre skinny feet with inhumanly high arches so I can only give suggestions. I have made it my personal mission to try every neutral/cushioned shoe on the planet ;) For me, ASICs and Mizuno are best right now, New Balance and Brooks are too wide for my feet.

Craig...congrats on the Boulder gig! DD14 just made her school soccer team (for the 3rd year). Don't all soccer players eventually need arthroscopic surgery? ;)

Thanks to everyone with good wishes for my girls. The wild todd is hangin' in...just fine as long as we keep the Tylenol going. She is currently watching Lilo and Stitch while wearing her Cinderella dress and pink gardening gloves princess:

Actually a good thing she was home sick today because it gave me an excuse not to run. Waaay too cold. Not nearly as balmy as 16 degrees (which is colder than any temp I can remember :cold: ) but pretty cold for down here.

Cam...I read paperbacks on the TM for SR. I've also started playing with my intervals to help so it doesn't seem like I'm running for 50 whole min. I do two warmup and cool down intervals at 4.5mph, do two intervals each of 4.8 and 5.0, then back down to 4.8 before the cooldown. I'm working on increasing the speed of each interval. I'd like to get up to 6.0 for 4 intervals for that top speed.

sorry...wild todd needs something
Hi everyone :goodvibes

I have been lurking with nothing much to share since Marathon Weekend. I have been making it to the gym pretty regularly the last two weeks to cross-train. I have generally been using the eliptical cross-trainer for 3.1 miles, lifting weights for 25 minutes and biking for 6 miles. Other than some occasional 5K's and a 5 miler I will be doing in May (Memorial Day Weekend), I do not have any BIG races planned for this year. I really don't have time to train :mad: with Grad School starting up on February 6. After that date, I will become scarce around these parts until mid to late May.

I wish everyone good health and successful training for the many events that are on the schedule. I WISH I could train for the Pig and some of the others, but I have to take a pass for now. I fully expect to do the 2008 Goofy and the 2008 Marine Corp Marathon. Something to look forward to indeed.

Craig: I am really excited for you! Congratulations on your summer position at the Univeristy of Colorado. Teaching MBA students in the summer sounds exciting! :laughing: :lmao: :rotfl:

Terri: Major truckloads of Pixie Dust for you and your feet. Get well soon and try to get some cross-training in in the mean time.

Have a great weekend! Keep supporting each other!


Afternoon everyone, I was going to try and respond top everyone, but that's not going to happen. So i'll jsut do a quick update for today. Just finished ath gym here at work for a tempo run. 5 miles including 3 miles @ 8:57. Total time for the run was 50:43.

Off to ski for the weekend and I hope everyone who is ill or injured starts feeling better and have a good weekend.
Hello Krista

Thanks. Maybe one day I can turn a Visit at CU into a permanent position and we can move back to the mountains.

Lesley's interview went well, so well that they offered her the job. The job itself was something she was interested in but the starting salary was beyond silly low. If she was there 5 years and got promoted up the ladder she still wouldn't be earning as much as her classmates are starting at this summer. She thought about it a lot and politely turned them down. Not surprisingly being able to tell someone no made her feel a lot better, as she realizes she can be patient and wait for the right job.

She has another one next friday for a position which sounds pretty good. We'll see how that one goes.


Yes, eventually all soccer players get the knees cleaned out. When you see Martha you can ask her about the year of the 2 knee surgeries, when I was on crutches for 13 weeks. 1 was "minor" and one sure wasn't. The minor one was to clean up debris in the knee from years of use and abuse. The major one was to repair a lengthwise fracture of the tibia in the knee joint from really wierd collision on the soccer pitch. I have more screws in my right tibia than home depot has in their stores.


Hang in there buddy. The spring semester will open and close before you know it, and you'll be under less mental pressure to stay fit than last fall. I think in the fall you'll find the 2nd year of the mba program isn't as difficult as the 1st.

You're also welcome to come out to Boulder and take Financial Markets and Instruments with me on Monday and Thursday evenings beginning July 2. To heck with Cam and the kids in Delaware.


Go to a good running shoe, a place with real runners on the staff. Talk with them about your situation and goals and let them look at your feet and watch you walk. Then let them watch you jog in each pair you try on. Between your feeling of comfort and support and their advice you'll get shoes which meet your need.

Best to all

Wow, Craig, I was just about to congratulate you on your awesome teaching position! :goodvibes: :banana: :thumbsup2: :cheer2: :dancer:
AND THEN . .. . you try to make me a grad school widow and single parent for a summer! :sad1: As much as I adore you, I am NOT sending my husband out to spend the summer with you! :rotfl: :lmao:
BTW, congrats to Lesley for having the opportunity and the courage to say "no". Give her a hug for me and my sincere congratulations! Oh, and we are having such a grand time corrupting your DW! ;) We'll find all sorts of ways to spend that summer salary when she spends Minnie weekend at WDW.

Mel -- awesome speeds there. I'm glad to hear someone else gets desperate enough to read on the TM

Laurie -- so glad you liked the list. Mine is significantly updated recently and I'll post more ideas to that thread as I remember them.

Texa -- :welcome: Welcome!!!!
Mel - Is DD14 still planning on doing the Minnie stuff.

As of right now, yes. She's not restricted from any activity, just go as tolerated with ice and ibuprofen as needed. It's really up to her if/when she wants to go ahead with surgery. Her other option is total rest, which I'm going to campaign for this summer. I'm going to try to convince both her and her dad that a light activity summer would be beneficial for her knees. Of course, I'm not any better. I certainly didn't rest for 3 weeks after the half to heal my foot :rolleyes1
Too funny about hte mashed taters! I have a strange DD who hates any potatoes except French fries, and she might not eat those again, after she realized the other night that inside the French fry was mashed potato!!!

OMG! I remember when I discovered there were mashed potatoes inside of french fries too! I was in wendy's...:rotfl: Thanks for the memory!

I didn't know if you guys would be interested or not, but ....... if you follow this link to the WDW site, there is a countdown to some BIG announcement today at 1pm.

Countdown to something BIG


What was the big surprise??? :confused: I couldn't find anything...
Craig: Don't let Cam fool you... she was very much a "Grad School Widow" this past semester. I was totally consumed with my studies; I was unable to keep up with most of my fatherly duties and support most of the everyday activities of the household. I think that IF I survive the current Finance course I am signed up for (FINC850 - Financial Management), I will probably not want to further subject myself to another similar course, no matter how enticing taking a course with you as the instructor may be. :groom:

Mel - Hope the WT's doing better! Soounds like it.

Craig - I opened a few spaces in teh PM box. Hope dd find something soon! You're right, though, patience for the right job is a key.

Melissa - If selling medals means we get to see your butt at WDW again, sell, sell, sell!!!

Terri - :wizard: :wizard: :grouphug:

Krista - So it's war now????? :p

Dave - lol. Yeah, I've been thinking tha ti've been kind of quiet this week too. :rotfl2:

I ran last night. So hapy to be outside. DH skipped out, he's got a nasty flu/cold. I thought time would fly. I have forgotten what running on packed snow is like. Ugh! GOnna' be a long weekend. Btwn TM and snow it really is a lesser of 2 evils thing.

I know I'v emissed a ton, but I really shoudl be working, so I need to beg off again.

****Note: Just 1 post Krista.*****
Christa--Can I tempt you to do the Pig by telling you the average temp in May in Cincinnati is around 60 degrees? And 2 years ago it was 32 at the start? Last year I think it was in the 50's and overcast the whole time--perfect!! Oh, and it's a Boston qualifing course. I'm just sayin'. ;)

Oh I am tempted...
So many races...so little $$$:scared1:
One day when I am rich I will be able to run all the time.

Speaking of making $$$ running......I have been thinking of starting a JRT running service. JRTs should not be walked. They need to run. My little JRT is such a good dog when she runs 10 or so miles with me.:love:

Texa:welcome: :welcome: ! You will love it here!

Doing my "Shirt Run" tomorrow.....It is basicly a 15 mile run to get in the Mangum Track Club. I get a T-shirt and pizza for it...I will take my camra and take pics...but there will be pics posted on the tricharlotte site I bet.


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