Wk of Jan 21--WISH Walking/Running Club

Terry, Good Luck with your achilles. Hope it's nothing major.

I can't keep up with these threads, but I see a few of you are thinking/planning/committed/considering the "pig". I've also signed up for the 1/2Marathon, and DW and I may do the 5K together. Doing a shorter race on Saturday, and then a longer race on Sunday, sounds like good training for the '08 Goofy, right? Well, maybe I'm thinking in the right direction, even if my order of magnitude is off.

Hopefully, I'll see some green shirts there.:banana:
I was able to get in 4.15 miles last night with a pace of 10:20. The main smoke smell was gone but replaced by smoke coming from fireplaces. I didn't know there were so many in Florida. It was nice to run in something different than heat though.

As for food, during the week I eat dinner about 2 hours before hand and it can be anything. If I run any sooner, my stomach tends to cramp up. For long runs, I take about half a Gu/Power Gel right before the run and some Gatorade. When I get back I will usually get breakfast soon after.

Terri - So sorry to hear about your doctor visit. Hopefully they can get everything diagnosed quickly so it can heal. pixiedust:

Dave - Sounds like a great party. You did save enough cake for all of us didn't you. ;)

Ashley - Great job on getting to the gym. Thanks for doing the calendar as well.

Anne - Yes I think Donald missed out on his 10th medal. We were told at the expo that this was his 12th year so they may have opted not to do anything since they were just starting Goofy the year for his 10th.

Mel - Lots of pixiedust: for your daughters. Hopefully it doesn't interfere with the party this weekend.

Laurie - Great job on the training run. I have noticed it takes longer to warm up when it is cold outside but the runs usually go easier.

Anybody else need to have a constant challenge or goal?
Without a 'threat' of a race, I do nothing.

I signed up for the Great Bay half this week, and miraculously, I started training again! I had done nothing since the WDW 1/2. :rolleyes1

Another reason I *need* to do the Minnie! ::MinnieMo

I swapped yesterday & today's schedule. I will do my 3 mile wog & strength this afternoon at the Y track. I did my resting yesterday. ;)

I have to add "Sexyback" to my mp3 player - my sister won me tix to see Justin Timberlake! My latest guilty pleasure. Although he's no Johnny Rzeznik!
Good morning team!!!

Thank you all for the input on your food intake, sounds alot like someone said, hit and miss.

Dave: Thank you, I generally walk very fast but if I recall I had the treadmill set at 6.2 mph and even jogged at that pace for 4 or 5 of the mins and I think twice I upped it to 7.2 for the jog about 3 or 4 mins. Can't remember exactly but 7 mins is the most I have jogged in years so I was pretty happy with myself.

Terri: Sorry to hear about your dr's appointment. :wizard: Pixie dust for quick healing.

Ashley: Congrats on getting to the gym

Mel, sorry to hear about DD's knee pain, my DD use to have alot of knee pain when she played hockey, hope she feels better soon.

Will be back later to catch up.

Just a quick drive by, since I probably SHOULD do some work today.

Terri--oh, that is horrible news! I am so sorry for you. Let us know how the MRI goes, and we'll be praying for you.

Anybody else need to have a constant challenge or goal?

Yeah, Ashely, I'm the same way. If I'm not signed up for something or at least planning to sign up for it, I lose motivation fast. I ALWAYS need to have a training schedule printed on my wall, or I feel like I have no real direction. I just finished tweaking my schedule up to the Flying Pig in May.

Dave--glad to hear the party went well. Are you planning to use the trampoline as cross training?? :thumbsup2

Have a great Friday everyone!

Anybody else need to have a constant challenge or goal?

:wave2: Without a 'threat' of a race, I do nothing.

Me too!

Terri - Sorry to hear about your injuries, I hope they turn out to be minor.

Note: Many Dr's are not all that familiar with the trauma that endurance events put on your body. Blood test taken after an endurance event can be WAY off. My Dr sent my results to a sports medicine guy to have them double check them. My counts were out of range, but the Sports med guys said they were fine considering the training I have been doing. Whew!

Perhaps muscles and tendons have the same issue. I am hoping that what looks like a serious injury turns out to be minor with a couple weeks of rest.

Good morning all! Rest day for me here--and I plan to take full advantageof it!:goodvibes I'm also spending hte day psyching myself up for the 18miler I have tomorrow! Makes me a little nauseous thinking of the distance! I"m so glad I have a great partner that will keep me going!

Kristi--I tried to buy "Sexyback" off iTunes with DH's giftcard and he told me under no circumstances he would spend his $$$ on Justin Timberlake! :rotfl: Not even to help his DW get through a long grueling workout! Poor me!:rotfl:

Dave--the party sounds great! Too funny about hte mashed taters! I have a strange DD who hates any potatoes except French fries, and she might not eat those again, after she realized the other night that inside the French fry was mashed potato!!! Thanks for contest entry--so with that and the other one, I have what a 2 in a million chance of making the Minnie!!!!

cecilia--I am with you about needing that coffee before a LR!! Nobody wants to run with me unless I've had my morning go-go juice first!:rotfl:

ashley--too bad I'm not still in WI or I would most definitely make the trek over to the Twin Cities. MY DBIL lives right outside Minneapolis and we loved visiting him.

Have a great Friday all!:)
Greetings from Ohio, where it's a balmy 16 degrees. :beach: Thankfully we didn't get any of the white death like Dave did. Hines and I went on a walk last night for my training, his too, ever since we got into upper mileage in marathon training, he hasn't gone on runs with us and he is getting quite pudgy. I don't know our pace or exact time, as I didn't wear my Garmin, but I'm guessing we did about 3 miles and it took us around 35 minutes. He was SO tired when we got home (and this is the dog that was up to running 6 miles just a couple of months ago) that he laid on the couch all night long. It made for a quiet night for Stephen and I. :)

Ashley--Thank you so much for doing the calendar, it's great to see what other WISHer's have planned for the year. Great idea! I know what you mean about having another race scheduled to stay motivated. That's the main reason why I'm doing the Flying Pig, if I don't have a race in mind, then I won't train. The time between the Flying Pig and the training for WDW starts is hard on me! Crossing my fingers I don't lose my groove this summer.

Jen--Ahhh, the joy of owning Labs. There is never a dull moment around our house. I thought about you last night when I past the scene of the sock crime, I laughed and laughed, if my neighbors had heard me, they would have thought I was :crazy:. Of course they already think that after watching me all fall and winter doing my marathon training and making lap after lap around the neighborhood. :laughing:

Maria--I love how excited you are about the marathon. Your posts make me. :teeth: :teeth:

Dave--Tell your princess: happy birthday!!! That trampoline sounds way cool! There's nothing wrong with mashed potatoes being her favorite food, they're mine too. :) Oh, and the Flying Pig course is pancake flat. Pancake flat I tell you! ;) :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Colleen--Did I tell you they have pig noses at the Pig Expo? Oink! Oink!!!

Carrie--It looks like I'm going to have to try really hard today to get my post count up. I want to be numero uno! :thumbsup2

Melissa--BOO!!!! Tell your friends to come do the Pig!! Running through Over the Rhine is like an adventure race!! It's called dodge the bullets and hurdle the drunks! ;) (Dave and Colleen--kidding!!)

Terri--:grouphug: :wizard: :grouphug: :wizard: I am so, so, so hoping it's not your Achilles tendon! I will be thinking about you this week.

Christa--Can I tempt you to do the Pig by telling you the average temp in May in Cincinnati is around 60 degrees? And 2 years ago it was 32 at the start? Last year I think it was in the 50's and overcast the whole time--perfect!! Oh, and it's a Boston qualifing course. I'm just sayin'. ;)

Mel--Don't feel bad about the Diet Pepsi thing, I'm practically hooked up to a Diet Coke I.V. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get pregnant. I've already told both Stephen and my Mom, after I give birth, somebody better have a cold 2 liter of Diet Coke in the delivery room for me! :teeth: How is the Wild Todd today? Feeling any better?

Laurie--Nice job on your run yesterday! Enjoy your rest day.

Denny--YAY!!! Another WISHer!! We are going to have to plan a place to meet or we will never find each other that morning. At least we don't have to be there so early, like Disney. I think last year we got Downtown at 5:30. By the time we walked to Paul Brown and stretched, it was time to get in our pace groups. I think the 10K on Saturday and the half on Sunday will be great practice for Goofy.

Stephanie--Good luck on your 18 miler!!!!!!!

Kevin, AmyBeth--Are you out there?????

Whew!! That was a long post!! I tried to get everyone, but I know there were people I missed. SO SORRY! But don't you worry your pretty little heads, I will be back! (have to beat Carried and Dave in the post war;))
:wave2: Hi friends! I don't have time today to read through this thread from where I may have left off! Ya'll are too chatty!;)

I ran my maintenance 3 miles today. I looked like this :scared: No pain, just didn't feel like it today, but I got it done and now I feel like this! :dance3:

I'm off to a scrapbooking weekend in Galena with friends, so have a safe and fun weekend!

Terri-- I really hope your achilles is a-okay.:thumbsup2 Do the MRI and find out, but I'm really thinking that doctor was being cautious to the extreme??:confused3 Rest it until you know for sure (obviously) but we're rooting for you.

How many pages am I going to need to read on Sunday to play catch up!:laughing:
One more thing before I dart off: Is there a thread for ideas for running songs to put on an Ipod? I'm looking for some good tunes because I'm getting tired of mine. Thanks!
Terri – I really hope the doctor is wrong and the MRI shows your achilles is healthy. Sending pixiedust: and :goodvibes: for you, sweetie!

Mel – So sorry the wild todd was sick yesterday. Is she better today? Hopefully, you will get to WDW today to do the pirate and princess party and have a wonderful time. I hope DD14 can continue to do all the things she loves to do without pain!

Vicki – There was a workout song thread last year that I’ve revived once in a while, but I’ll share some of my current favorites. This is what my list looks like with warm-up song and gradual build to speed:
Live Like you were Dying – Tim McGraw (my signature song. The first I relied on after my heart surgery)
Mountains – Lonestar
I Run for Life – Melissa Ethridge
Unwritten - -Natasha Bedingfield
Me and My Gang – Rascal Flatts
Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
Theme from Rocky
Lots of Scooter
Please Mr. DJ –Rihanna
Let Love In – GooGoo Dolls

I’ll find the other thread and bump it up and maybe we can all add to it. When my shuffle/headphones got "killed" during the Full I came to appreciate just how much I had come to rely on my music to dictate my pace.
Hey, Krista -- If you want to get your post count up, sweetie, you have to stop doing such long posts and split it into many smaller posts! ;)
Hey, Krista -- If you want to get your post count up, sweetie, you have to stop doing such long posts and split it into many smaller posts! ;)

Yeah! I should have responded to everyone individually. That would have been 14 more posts! D'oh!!! ;)
chimera: DD14 ouch. I know that is rough. I had minor knee injury when I was her age, and the doctors told me the same thing. It is one of the reasons I still have take it easy with any training I do to this day. For me some stretching and light weight training helps. Also I have the pain more in the winter than I do in the summer.

As for me I did a little TM this morning and the knees felt good. Must be the new shoes DW got me. The one thing that I have a problem with is. How do you get over the unnatural pull of the treadmill? I don’t have this problem when I am bike training on a stationary bike.

Live Like you were Dying – Tim McGraw (my signature song. The first I relied on after my heart surgery)

I LOVE this song! And I hate country music, and slow songs slow me down - but I have this one on the mp3 player.

I won't bore you all with all the Goo Goo Dolls I have on my mp3...

Other ones I have & love:
Lose Yourself - Eminem
My Humps - Black Eyed Peas
Lets Get It Started - B.E.P.
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani
If I Were A Rich Girl - G. S.
Switch - Will Smith
Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard (a must - right, Christa?)
Slave Girl - Goo Goo Dolls (ok, I lied - but this 'Robby song' rocks!)
Good morning WISHers!

Dang, 28 pages! I have no idea where to start.

We've been planning a major renovation of my communications center and today starts the project. So, it will be hit and miss as far as posting for the next couple of weeks. Then its off to Orlando for a conference. Its always something.

Wednesday night workout was upper body again (I think my body is rebelling). Pushups, crunches, dips, static holds (pullup and chinup position), and I added a couple sets of bodyweight squats.

Last night was 3 miles on the TM. Nothing fancy.

All - From what I have read it looks like most everyone is getting their training time in. Keep up the good work!

Y'all take care and I'll check in when I can. :surfweb:
Hey Team - Check it out, my DH Paul posted finally. I think I am wearing on him!!!

Well, I have been doing some self diagnosis and I may have hip bursitis. My hip pain came back last week on my trip. It started up after I had to run the Chicago Airport 4 times carry my carry on and heavy laptop. I have been a slacker on taking ibuprophin, so now I am doing that regulary and stretching it more. I haven't run since Monday and hope to try out the Y treadmill tonight. The hip pain has made me a little sad this week.

Kristi - I forgot to mention, when I was in Reno last week, the super huge hotel video sign had the Goo Goo Dolls on it. I immediately thought of you. They are playing in April, so if you are looking for a trip....


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