I'm glad your eye is feeling a little better! You and your girls look like you had so much fun getting ready :)
Only on page 3, but I had to stop and say GO TIGERS!

I love your LSU shirt in day 1 of your trip! Yall are so cute!

I can't wait to read more about your wedding/honeymoon!

Congrats and thanks for sharing!!!!!
Now I'm only on page 6, but I have to tell you that my DH was sick on our honeymoon too. Literally from the time we got on the plane (I had to tell the pilot to wait for him because he was in the bathroom inside the airport still while I was already on the plane), to the day we left. He felt better the morning that we came home. We were in hawaii for an entire week of him feeling like that. And of course, I'm the HUGE eater (when we have dinner, we split it in half- I eat just as much as him - thank goodness for a good metabolism!).... So, three times I day, I'm like "Where are we going to lunch?" ... "Where are we going to dinner?" He must have told me 1 million times, "Courtney, can you please stop talking about food for two seconds. That's the last thing I want to think about right now." He was such a trooper though… He did everything I wanted to do and only spend one solid day in the room sleeping. Poor thing!
Well- for our Disney trip last June, girl, I packed the finigrin (sp)... I brought the ice coolers and all on the flight. I wasn't risking it again!
That stuff works so well! For us at least-- I see it took sickly a little longer to get over it.
Regardless, I'm still loving your report! Can't wait to get caught up!
Ok, so it was 3:45, and time to do my hair. While Sandra did my updo, I talked to the videographer who on and off video taped me getting my hair done. At this point during my hair time, I had no idea what time it was or how long it was taking. I was starting to get a little nervous about the wedding at this point, and my eye was starting to hurt (I found out later that it was probably the hairspray that made it hurt worse, but we didn’t think about that at the time, and she put a TON of spray in my hair!) while I am still sitting there, the photographer walks in. ah! I’m not ready yet! I start to freak out. My eye is killing me, and I am trying to pull it together.
Now for my hair drama. Sandra was stressed after doing all this hair and after us being rushed so badly, I don’t think she realized she wasn’t doing my hair right. This may seem nit picky but to me it was a big deal. Ok, my “trial run” for hair was for my bridal portraits I had done at the reception site in late October. She did everything great except she did it up a little to high. So for the wedding I showed her a pic to refresh her memory, and said to just do it a little lower. I had even had my hair trimmed and thinned since then to make it easier (I have such thick hair!) well, when she did my bangs, instead of letting them sweep low and spray/pin them back (I wanted to cover a lot of my forehead) she just pulled out a few, not even half the bangs, and pulled them back really tight behind my ear. No sweeping down and my whole forehead was showing. Great. But I was in so much pain and we were running s late I didn’t say anything. Now I wish I would have but at the time, it was just so crazy in there! About this time the florist arrives to drop off the flowers so we could take pics with them in the lobby. She forgot my mom’s corsage and had to go back to her house and get it. Great. What else is going to happen today!!!
As soon as my hair was finished I hurried and put on my makeup while the videographer filmed and photographer snapped. I was going SO fast I didn’t really get to take my time and make sure I was doing it right. Oh well. After that it was time to put on my dress. We were running late. There was SO much tension in the room! My mom and sis helped me into it and they started lacing up the back which took forever. All this time my eye hurts and I’m trying to smile and not let my eye water for the pictures. Then Sandra put my veil in while my sis put my garter on. I did a quick once over in the mirror and we were out the door to the lobby to take pics.
There were a lot of ppl down there b/c they serve free wine and stuff in the evenings so everyone was looking, it was kinda nice. We started taking pics and we had to stop in between takes so I could fan my eye b/c it kept watering. I was so terrified you would be able to tell in the pics how red and bloodshot it was. In certain pics you can but I can’t do anything about it now!


taking pics in the lobby

We finished at about 4:45 and went back up to the room. We had an hour until the lims were supposed to come. The videographer went ahead to the church to film and we all (BM’s and me and FG’s family) sat up in the room in silence. I kept fussing about my eye and trying not to cry and everyone just sat there and said they were sorry. It was a pathetic sight. This was not how I had pictured it at all and I was so angry!

Coming up….limo rides, trying to pee, and the ceremony!:bride:
Wow, you sure looked calm and happy in your photos! You couldn't tell you were worried about anything. Keep it coming! I love reading all about it.
goodness-- i can relate with the bad hair problems!! Sorry about everything, I hope it got better from there...
Finished!!!!! It was so fun to read!

I can't wait for limo rides, trying to pee, and the ceremony!!!!!

You and your sister are so beautiful! And I loved all of your pictures... and your dress, and their dresses; I could go on and on and on....
sparkles9306- yay! i accomplished my goal! as much as I was in pain I was so trying to look "normal" in my pics!

maggimus- thanks. I wish I can say it got better...

JJclemson-thank you! I did't think my hair looked "bad" just not exactly what i wanted ya know?

CourtneyandRyan- you are cracking me up over here! glad you are enjoying this so much! lol. trying to pee is very humorous, so stay tuned!

PrincessPaczki- yay! owrking on it. probably won't be a long installment today, I have a test tonight and am neglecting studying...again! :guilty:
At about 5:50, my mom’s cell phone rang. The limos were here. The BM’s and my mom were going to ride in one, and me and my dad in the other. We did one last check and retouch and went down to the limos.


one of my favorite shots. i like how it gets my dress looking all big haha. this is right as we were walking out the dor to go to the limos!

One still had not gotten there yet, so we stood and waited. Then the flower girl started crying b/c she was not getting to ride in the limo (we had not even thought about it) so they let her ride with the BM’s to the ceremony and her parents just followed. The limos were very nice and so were the drivers. I was really excited for this time with my dad, but it was very akward. My dad is SO not emotional, I have NEVER seen him cry. He is the “tough it up and stop crying” type of guy. And I was in so much pain we just kinda sat there. We talked a little but it wasn’t like I wanted it to be. My dad and I have a great relationship. We are both very quick witted and sarcastic, and can joke with each other all day long. But this ride was nothing like that. It was pitch black dark by then, which I was glad for because I wanted the church to be kinda dim and romantic.
We made it to the church and pulled up in front. The limo driver honked his horn and it played the “here comes the bride” beat. It was cute. People were still getting into the church so we waited in the limos. It was still early anyway, and I wanted the least amount of ppl to see me. At about 6:15, we decided to go in. there was a room in the back of the church where we were taken with the bridesmaids and the grandparents were back there too. Everyone was fussing about my eye. Bobby’s dad’s good friends came down for the wedding, and he is a doctor, and when he found out about my eye earlier that day he said he would pick me up something and bring it to the church. I found out it was lacro lube. It makes your eye glaze over all glassy looking and I said “no way!” I didn’t want to look funny for my pictures, so I said I would put it on later. :confused3


bobby waiting to go in


talking to his dad and some friends. **I did not see Bobby until i walked down the aisle**

We had about 5-10 minutes, and I realized I had to pee. I guess it was better now than when on stage…..but I knew it would be an issue. Ok, fellow brides. You can realte if you had to do this. My dress was SO heavy and big, and so was my slip. The bathroom in the room was a very small onesie. I knew I would need lots of help, so my sister, bobby’s mom, and my best friend bridesmaid Lauren (the one who I did the makeup on) came to my rescue. It was kind of embarrassing but at that point I didn’t care as much. They help my dress up really high while I went but we had to be sure I didn’t get makeup on my skirt. It took a minute for me to pee, I had stage fright with all those people! Haha. I have a good sister. Since I obviously could see or reach anything, she wiped for me haha. Sorry if that’s TMI, but I thought it was really funny. Were all (mostly I hope) girls here! :rotfl: Almost wish I had a picture of the whole thing! Soon after I got myself all situated again, I heard Elizabeth start to sing “how beautiful” and I knew the grandparents and parents were about to go down the aisle, and I would be soon after. My eye still hurt badly. The only good thing that came from that was it kept me from being too terribly nervous b/c my eye was all I could think about! oh, I forgot to mention. My eye hurt every time I shut it or blinked like I had something in between my upper lid and my eye. But about every 15 minutes or so, I would basically have a blinking spasm where I couldn’t help but blink over and bovver again, and it hurt SO bad but I couldn’t stop! :scared1: It was like my body wouldn’t let me. My eye would water and I would freak out. I was hoping it didn’t happen while going down the aisle, or at all anymore for that matter! I had taken a half a loratab before the ceremony (I didn’t want to be TOO loopy) and was hoping it would “kick in” and help some, but not yet. The bridesmaids all walked out and lined up, and I walked out and stood to the side so I could still see them and talk to the coordinators but no one inside could see me. Slowly one bye one they walked down to cannon in D (I think) as did the ring bearer and flower girl. Then the two coordinators closed the doors. My stomach started to turn. My dad and I lined up behind the doors as harriett fixed and fluffed my dress. My dad kept trying to joke and keep things light. He knew I was in pain. I honestly was really not that nervous, just more annoyed I guess and in a “why me” kind of mood. :sad2: The music stopped and harriet looked at me and said “are you ready?” I looked at my dad, took a deep breath, and nodded.

**coming up. the ceremony. (sorry no pics from it, but i was definately busy! haha) and my silliness HAD to come out SOMEWHERE in the ceremony...
Yuck with the whole eye thing:scared: .

I can relate to having to use the bathroom while in my dress.

Randy had just left the hotel room and I had to go SO bad. (This is a really nasty story).... SO I didnt knwo what to do-- my skirt was just so big and literally weighs half my weight.. it was a struggle to even walk in it. So I went over to the sink and grabbed a coffee mug :rolleyes1 and prayed to God that I didnt have to pee more than the amount would let me in that coffee cup. I lifted my skirt up enough and was feeling the total since of comfort. Luckily it didnt overflow. LOL. I sat the mug down and had my mom get me some TP. :laughing: Peeing when you are in your dress can certainly be an event!!

Im sure your wondering what I then did with the coffee mug--lol. I covered it in a lot of empty disney bags and put it in the garbage(after I emptied it ofcourse).... from there-- I dont know what happened-- i hope the maid threw it away and never discovered it.

When ya gotta go-- ya gotta go!!:flower3:
OMG:rotfl: Heather and Maggie, I never actually thought about having to pee when I'm wearing my dress. Honestly I have tremendous bladder control, but I will be in my dress from about 08.30 until about 2.00pm, I'm gonna have to go aren't I? What will I do, my dress is really big too, I have a bustle, ahhhh!!!
I'm really loving this trip report heather and your pictures are just beautiful, your dress is gorgeous:love: Can't wait to hear about the ceremony!
OMG:rotfl: Heather and Maggie, I never actually thought about having to pee when I'm wearing my dress. Honestly I have tremendous bladder control, but I will be in my dress from about 08.30 until about 2.00pm, I'm gonna have to go aren't I? What will I do, my dress is really big too, I have a bustle, ahhhh!!!
I'm really loving this trip report heather and your pictures are just beautiful, your dress is gorgeous:love: Can't wait to hear about the ceremony!

:rotfl: I vote for having your mum carry around a coffee mug just in case;) You cant ever be too sure:laughing: And yes-- surely in that time you will be able to put it in good use!!:laughing:
Heather --

still loving the report. I haven't had much of a chance to post lately. The last installment cracked me up :rotfl2: ...when nature calls, you have to do what you have to do!

I was really worried about having a pee break too...and I didn't have enough people to help out. So one of the reasons for booking a room for the wedding night at the GF was because I could completely get out of my dress -- run to the bathroom -- and get dressed again :thumbsup2 Ah logistics, logistics.

Your dress was beautiful -- I love your colours!
OMG - these stories about answering nature's call are HI-larious - and definitely great cautionary tales for future brides - but I kinda wish I wasn't reading them over my lunch... :rotfl:
HAHA this is so funny. i believe I opened up a whole can of worms. I tried not to drink to much all day so I wouldn't have to pee. luckily, I didn't have to go at all anymore after that, so yay! but it was QUITE a sight! I know a girl who did this and her BM's lifter her dress up too high and she got red lipstick all over the front of teh dress on teh bottom! ah! so we were VERY careful. not to high...not to low! haha:rotfl2:
:thumbsup2 oh btw, I just started my dining reviews over on teh restaurant/disney dining reviews board, check it out! its very near the top!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm laughing so hard I need a coffee mug!!!!!

(that is officially my new 'I have to pee' line now BTW :lmao: )
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm laughing so hard I need a coffee mug!!!!!

(that is officially my new 'I have to pee' line now BTW :lmao: )

Hahaaa :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: That is too funny! Heather and Maggie, both your stories are hilarious! This is honestly one of my biggest fears for my wedding day. I drink about 30 glasses of water a day so I go to the bathroom literally once every 1-2 hours. I have no idea what I am going to do on my wedding day :scratchin Maybe I should have a trial run w/ my BMs' help once I get my dress :rotfl: I am seriously considering that now!

Heather, I'm so sorry your eye hurt so much! That is not something you want on your wedding day! You poor thing! I hope it felt better after the ceremony :flower3:


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