8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13

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... my spouse is clammoring to go to JC Pennys to scope out $500 in MENS wear DOCKERS purchases. SHe's a nut. I'll get her to visit on the DIS tomorrow nite ... hopefully...



I still don't know what to make of this deal... but here it is. If you buy $125 worth of MENS Dockers at JC Pennys by saturday (6/3 to 6/9 only) ... then you'll get a free round trip flight good to Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, or Dallas from a very large selection of cities! IE... the list of departure cities in Califonrina spans 13 cities including Bakersfield, CA; Chico, CA; Fresno, CA; Long Beach, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Oakland, CA; Orange County, CA; Palm Springs, CA; Sacramento, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; San Jose, CA; San Luis Obispo, CA..

I am still evaluating this but my spouse is HOT for this deal ... and she wants to run over to JC Pennys' soon to evaluate this. I'll see if I can't get her to come on line to chat when she's back from her walk in the neighborhood.

Tell me what you think.... I believe we're gonna buy $500 of stuff and use 2 addresses to get 4 tix. I kno... we're nuts! ;)

In the quoted terms of the deal below I highlighted lines for special attention - such as ONE POTENTIAL TRAP... where they reserve the right to SUBSTITUTE the offer with something else IF they run out of airline vouchers. What can the substitute which I would have $300+ of interest in? Or rather $1200 since we are thinking of going for 4 tix with 2 addresses?

Here is the link and a quotation of the offer:


Looks like it would be well worth the purchase of $375 of Dockers. May work out perfectly for a November trip tp WDW or Las Vegas. Thanks, Tom:)
Hi Everyone!

Well.... I think I may be invisible, but I figured I'd stop by and wave goodbye:wave2:

DS8 and I will fly down to WDW tomorrow. DH left on Sunday and is at the TechEd conference down there. I just about have stuff packed and decided to take a little break and check in here on the board.

I've totally given up on trying to "ketchup". When I have a little time I stop by and read the last 5-10 pages, but since that is usually only a couple times per week, I am missing TONS of stuff.

Of course, when we are at WDW it about the best I can do to keep up with email and I probably won't make it onto the DIS at all. If I get a chance, I'll hop on and say "hi" from there.

I usually have trouble sleeping the night before a trip. I also usually have trouble sleeping when DH is away. Sooooo, I may be back later tonight!


Have a wonderful trip. I'm sure I can speak for all of us, we are JEALOUS!
I heard about that deal Tom. I'm not sure if I will go for it or not. I'm thinking I can get blue dockers in a slightly larger size in the hopes that my son will fit them next school year and we can use them as school uniform pants. I've got to take the time to carefully read all the terms again.
You all did have a late evening. Everytime we have taken a later flight out of MCO we always
. Glad she is back in the nest.:)
Paula (if I don't say this J.R. or Tom will)........so what happens when you take an earlier flight? do you just keep going around in circles?:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I think I would stick with the late ones......

Monica I like Mark already :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Please tell him I said that, and also, that I am a nice, church-going, conservative middle-aged woman. Thank you. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

M.R.---- Monica knows better than to start a relationship off with deceptions:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hi Everyone!

Well.... I think I may be invisible, but I figured I'd stop by and wave goodbye:wave2:

DS8 and I will fly down to WDW tomorrow. DH left on Sunday and is at the TechEd conference down there. I just about have stuff packed and decided to take a little break and check in here on the board.

I've totally given up on trying to "ketchup". When I have a little time I stop by and read the last 5-10 pages, but since that is usually only a couple times per week, I am missing TONS of stuff.

Of course, when we are at WDW it about the best I can do to keep up with email and I probably won't make it onto the DIS at all. If I get a chance, I'll hop on and say "hi" from there.

I usually have trouble sleeping the night before a trip. I also usually have trouble sleeping when DH is away. Sooooo, I may be back later tonight!


Pam I hope you realize that we all pretty much do the same thing. Don't feel alone about reading only a few pages. It is kind of like stopping in at the coffee shop to visit when you can ......We have missed you and I hope you can get some sleep and that you have a wonderful time down here.
Post by "Please Quit stating the obvious" Judy:

Yes did you have to ask?

Again. Sheesh.

Oh Lorri I was giving M a hard time. You are important too. I just have to stand behind the head PIP.....MR has to be herself or chat would not be chat......

yes, if we had a chat task force, O'Blender would be the Chair.

Did you guys hear about the 3 soldiers that were captured in Iraq and the video that was released that claims they were murdered? This hits close to home for us. The stepfather of Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, is a member of our choir at church. I have never met Byron but I know his stepdad from my years in the choir. Please keep this family in your prayers as well as the family of the other two boys.
http://www.clickondetroit.com/tu/5plIofu3c.html for the news story.

Thay have been in my prayers since day one. I can't even imagine.

Tina I am sorry about your DD's disappointment. I agree with you wholeheartedly though. It's better to learn early that life isn't always a bowl of cherries. Still is it human to want to scoop our kids up and make everything okay for them. Glad she's sticking with it too! :thumbsup2

Tina, I'm sorry DD didn't make the chior she had hoped to. Although, it sounds like you are both have a great attitude.


For the last few years, I wondered what will happen when this generation of 'trophy kids' grows up and gets jobs. I've seen it as a college professor. Some (not all) students are so used to getting a trophy for showing up or every kid in the school being named "student of the month/week/day/hour/minute" that it is incomprehensible to them that they can show up for class, complete the assigments and not get an A. I have had parents call me to debate their 18-22 year old student's grade! Despite posting grades for assignments and test, a few students are always baffled that they are failing the class & I didn't set up a personal consultation with them to spell out that their grades are lousy! I guess I should add that if they come to me I will bend over backwards to help them succeed.

Frankly, I'm too lazy to look it up, but I heard a segment on NPR within the last few weeks about HR departments having to adapt to the grown-up trophy kids. They need constant encouragement and need to be told how special they are all the time. The are resorting to things like "Yay, we almost met a sales goal" or gatherings in the break room!

My DS8 commented that he had almost as many hockey medals as I have skating medals. I didn't bother explaining to him that when I was a kid you only got a medal for first, second, or third & that a trophy wasn't recognition for still being on a team at the end of the season.

I am all for inclusiveness in sports & other activities. I think every kid should have every opportunity. Every kid is special, and there should be various levels so that every kid has a chance to succeed, but they also have something to work for. My kids know they are special, but they also know that not everyone thinks they are as special as I do! And if they want to earn a Cub Scout badge or make the higher level hockey team, they have to work their little tooshies off!


(that was me jumping down from my soap box)

Hi Everyone!

Well.... I think I may be invisible, but I figured I'd stop by and wave goodbye:wave2:

DS8 and I will fly down to WDW tomorrow. DH left on Sunday and is at the TechEd conference down there. I just about have stuff packed and decided to take a little break and check in here on the board.

I've totally given up on trying to "ketchup". When I have a little time I stop by and read the last 5-10 pages, but since that is usually only a couple times per week, I am missing TONS of stuff.

Of course, when we are at WDW it about the best I can do to keep up with email and I probably won't make it onto the DIS at all. If I get a chance, I'll hop on and say "hi" from there.

I usually have trouble sleeping the night before a trip. I also usually have trouble sleeping when DH is away. Sooooo, I may be back later tonight!


Have a great trip!!!
DIS mini-meet

This is a 1:00PM game!

To date these are the Peeps we have coming:

Peter, Johnna, DD Nicolette, DD Gabrielle

Jack, DD Nastassja, DD Angelica

Lorri, Pete, DS

Paula, Alan, Adam

MR, DH, DS?, DD?

Sil, DW, DD, DD

Rudolfo Mosca, DS

Please let me know by this Wed. or Thurs. if you can make it, I'd like to buy the tix this week as they sell out fast ($20.) They will be nosebleed, that's all thats left.

I'm offically in!
Paula (if I don't say this J.R. or Tom will)........so what happens when you take an earlier flight? do you just keep going around in circles?:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I think I would stick with the late ones......

Oh my........yes it would seem it is in circles. How do you think those crop circles get made.
:lmao: :lmao:

I meant to say LATE!:)
Did you guys hear about the 3 soldiers that were captured in Iraq and the video that was released that claims they were murdered? This hits close to home for us. The stepfather of Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, is a member of our choir at church. I have never met Byron but I know his stepdad from my years in the choir. Please keep this family in your prayers as well as the family of the other two boys.
http://www.clickondetroit.com/tu/5plIofu3c.html for the news story.

:grouphug: :grouphug: for your community.
Hi again - I'm still up... every time I start thinking the packing is done, I think of one more thing I should do. It is sort of weird packing and getting organized without DH here.

I guess I'm not invisible! Thank you for the kind good wishes. DS8 and I have plans to do the stuff that DH never wants to stop for. We are going to look for hidden mickeys, and stop at any spot that catches our eye. DH always wants to get to whereever we are going as fast as possible, so it is hard to stop and "smell the roses". Actually, we probably will stop and smell the roses - I love the rose gardens at both MK and Epcot!



... we're back and I think Alicia has come to the realization that I could not possibly use 25 pairs of Dockers which are on sale reduced from $50 to $20. LOL! So ... I think she's scaling it back to possibly $250 in purchases because she gets that shooping crazed look in her eyes when she say $125 is no problem but $250 makes sense. SO... can I use 12 pairs of Dockers? Seriously I have no need for ANY clothes now. And with my existing wardrobe I certainly cannot use an infusion of 12-13 more pairs. LOL!

OK... so let me see if I can corner her to come over and post a hello or something... :confused3
Hugs Laura for your friends........there sounds like there may still be hope....

Since we are discussing serious stuff for the moment.....NASA launches this Friday at 7:35 or so (unless it is scrubbed or postponed) but anyway one of the mission specialists on board is someone that went to high school with me in El Paso.....His name is Danny Olivas. So please keep those gentlemen in your prayers. I am especially nervous with this launch. I always get kind of queesy but I am really nervous for Danny. We are going to try and drive over. Every single time I have driven all the way there....they have scrubbed the launch.
Hi again - I'm still up... every time I start thinking the packing is done, I think of one more thing I should do. It is sort of weird packing and getting organized without DH here.

I guess I'm not invisible! Thank you for the kind good wishes. DS8 and I have plans to do the stuff that DH never wants to stop for. We are going to look for hidden mickeys, and stop at any spot that catches our eye. DH always wants to get to whereever we are going as fast as possible, so it is hard to stop and "smell the roses". Actually, we probably will stop and smell the roses - I love the rose gardens at both MK and Epcot!


Pamela-Can't wait to hear about your adventures. I sometimes feel invisible too. I think it is just that so much is going on and although people are interested they just do not respond. I know personally after reading numerous pages I forget what all I wanted to respond to........a good example is I have been meaning to tell Brack that I am so sorry that JoJo is not feeling well. I hope the aches and pains get better. ........I just honestly forgot. Sorry Brack!!!!!!

I think we all feel that way sometimes. Sometimes I feel like an outsider too. Sometimes I feel like I am going to seize when they start running formulas and numbers......Sometimes I even feel like I have got to be the only one not going to Europe. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one without a tattoo around here. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one sober at chat. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Anyway my point is that I think we all feel like that from time to time.
I am typing EXACTLY what Alicia is saying...


Sorry I didn't have much time to chat - it's been kinda busy. I'm sure it's been the same for all you gals too.

I don't know ... what do I say? I don't kno ... I don't kno...

<chuckling> have any of you guys looked into the Docker deal? (I have not told her of Paulas' & Got2travels' reply).

It looks like a pretty decent deal if it is what it looks like.

<she's washin' dishes and I'm chasing down things the kids need...>
Hugs Laura for your friends........there sounds like there may still be hope....

Since we are discussing serious stuff for the moment.....NASA launches this Friday at 7:35 or so (unless it is scrubbed or postponed) but anyway one of the mission specialists on board is someone that went to high school with me in El Paso.....His name is Danny Olivas. So please keep those gentlemen in your prayers. I am especially nervous with this launch. I always get kind of queesy but I am really nervous for Danny. We are going to try and drive over. Every single time I have driven all the way there....they have scrubbed the launch.

Lots of prayers and very cool! Gosh, Alaska's only astronaut was involved in the whole diaper scandal! He was the, umm point, in the love triangle that caused the female astronaut wacko.

Anyway, I LOVE shuttle launch. We were able to see John Glenn go up in 1998. It was amazing. It is one of those things that knowing what it looks like from TV, etc., and experiencing it are two very different things. You can actually SEE sound coming at you. Just way cool. We also drove over from Bradenton a few times to 'watch' a scrub, but we could see the shuttle from our back yard (it was small, but we could see it). I hope you get to see it this time Judy!
Pamela-Can't wait to hear about your adventures. I sometimes feel invisible too. I think it is just that so much is going on and although people are interested they just do not respond. I know personally after reading numerous pages I forget what all I wanted to respond to........a good example is I have been meaning to tell Brack that I am so sorry that JoJo is not feeling well. I hope the aches and pains get better. ........I just honestly forgot. Sorry Brack!!!!!!

I think we all feel that way sometimes. Sometimes I feel like an outsider too. Sometimes I feel like I am going to seize when they start running formulas and numbers......Sometimes I even feel like I have got to be the only one not going to Europe. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one without a tattoo around here. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one sober at chat. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Anyway my point is that I think we all feel like that from time to time.

HEY EVERYONE! Our plan to isolate Judy is working!!!!

Seriously, there is just a lot going on. It is hard for anyone to keep up! But it is like that in any cocktail party/group of friends/family - however you choose to view this thread!

Let's see Judy, no math for me, not going to Europe, no tatoo (until next Wed. :)), and I have a libation or 2 in chat, but I bet I could pass a field sobriety test!
Oh, and I'm part of the under-40 crowd that always seems to get picked on!
Hugs Laura for your friends........there sounds like there may still be hope....

Since we are discussing serious stuff for the moment.....NASA launches this Friday at 7:35 or so (unless it is scrubbed or postponed) but anyway one of the mission specialists on board is someone that went to high school with me in El Paso.....His name is Danny Olivas. So please keep those gentlemen in your prayers. I am especially nervous with this launch. I always get kind of queesy but I am really nervous for Danny. We are going to try and drive over. Every single time I have driven all the way there....they have scrubbed the launch.
pixiedust: and prayers
Did you guys hear about the 3 soldiers that were captured in Iraq and the video that was released that claims they were murdered? This hits close to home for us. The stepfather of Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, is a member of our choir at church. I have never met Byron but I know his stepdad from my years in the choir. Please keep this family in your prayers as well as the family of the other two boys.
http://www.clickondetroit.com/tu/5plIofu3c.html for the news story.

That's really terrible news. We will keep those troops in our prayers.

Hi Everyone!

Well.... I think I may be invisible, but I figured I'd stop by and wave goodbye

DS8 and I will fly down to WDW tomorrow. DH left on Sunday and is at the TechEd conference down there. I just about have stuff packed and decided to take a little break and check in here on the board.

I've totally given up on trying to "ketchup". When I have a little time I stop by and read the last 5-10 pages, but since that is usually only a couple times per week, I am missing TONS of stuff.

Of course, when we are at WDW it about the best I can do to keep up with email and I probably won't make it onto the DIS at all. If I get a chance, I'll hop on and say "hi" from there.

I usually have trouble sleeping the night before a trip. I also usually have trouble sleeping when DH is away. Sooooo, I may be back later tonight!



Having the power of invisability is a POWERFUL TALENT. Of course, I'm sorry to say you are far from invisible with the DIS family gathered here! We'll be wishing you safe and pleasant travels!​

Looks like it would be well worth the purchase of $375 of Dockers. May work out perfectly for a November trip tp WDW or Las Vegas. Thanks, Tom:)

Remember to be careful of any "traps". I get a little suspicious of these deals - but we frequently pursue them just the same... and snicker afterwards!

I heard about that deal Tom. I'm not sure if I will go for it or not. I'm thinking I can get blue dockers in a slightly larger size in the hopes that my son will fit them next school year and we can use them as school uniform pants. I've got to take the time to carefully read all the terms again.

I KNOW the feeling.


IIRC a couple of you here are daycare providers? I gotta know if I'm overreacting or what...

DW called and told me about the latest visit to the Y. Our Y offers 2 free hours of Child Watch which is nice because we don't have a babysitter as of yet. (One advertised on CraigsList and she's in our development but that's a story for later). Anyway, she went to sign DS in and the lady said he can go join the 2-year old group. :confused: Evidently he's not a baby anymore and can play with the big kids. The main difference is they have more structured activities but he could still hang out in the baby area.

So DW put him over there and asked the lady to please put his hat on him should he go outside. Yes, he'll probably take it off but he's pretty good about wearing it. She said no problem. Well she left and didn't pass the word to the next girl who came in. Yeah, you know where this is going...DW said a lady came up to her and asked if she is "Nathan's Mommy"--yes, that's her name now :teeth:--and that she should go check on him. Well he was outside and when the girl went to bring him in...he was red as a beet!!!!
:eek: Not only that but he was sopping wet from sweat and his diaper was about 5 pounds (not dirty, just wet)!!!! The girl sloughed it off saying he must have been playing hard...
Well the mommy behind DW demanded to see her tow headed child and she was just as bad or worse! Well she started to raise holy hell
and I guess there's going to be a big pow wow tomorrow. Turns out the lady who normally runs that side wasn't in that day so I don't know if this was lack of training or what.

DS if feeling fine now...he had sunscreen on, sucked down his entire sippy cup in about 2 seconds and DW says he only has a little sunburn on his cheeks. Not sure how that other little girl will fare because she didn't have sunscreen on

You don't wanna know what I WOULD HAVE DONE if that had been my child! YOU ARE FULLY JUSTIFIED in pursuing any action to extract some justice and greater care on thier part for the future.

Hey everybody - somebody probably has posted but take at look at my siggie line?

I think I'm within guidelines - ok - don't laugh ok - but I calculated bytes and it looks like I'm in - but I'm a techno-phobic.

You all like? :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

Below is the official DIS posting with guidelines for siggys.

Is your DISboard Signature Legal?

In order to keep the DISboards both friendly and efficient, there are guidelines users are to follow when developing their signatures. Many users are unaware of the guidelines and unknowingly create signatures that in many cases exceed the guidelines.

NOW is the time to check your signature and make certain you're legal.

While we send out notices to those users who have signatures that do not meet guidelines, this is time consuming for the moderators and Tech Support volunteers on these boards. In some cases when a user does not correct a signature, it is necessary for us to delete their signature entirely. This can be unfortunate if someone has put a lot of effort into creating their signature.

The MAIN violations we commonly find are listed below:

1. No more than three images are allowed. All of the following each count as an image: (1) A photo, (2) A Clipart, (3) A Countdown, (4) A 'sparkly' signature, (5) Any non DISboard smilie, (6) Eggs. Note also that WISH images each count toward the maximum of three images allowed.

Thus if you have a sparkly signature line, 2 photos, 3 countdowns, 2 eggs, and 1 WISH, your total image count is 9, or triple the allowed number.

Remember, if you add any type of Holiday decorations to your signature, it all counts toward 3-image maximum.
2. No single image may exceed 550 pixels in width nor 200 pixels in height. The old standard was that all images combined must fit within a single 400x400 square. This was changed earlier this year to the current requirement. If you have a signature developed to the old requirements, you need to fix it to meet the current requirements.

The most common item we find are users with an image that is greater than the allowed 200 pixel maximum height requirement. Be sure you check ALL your images in your signature to be sure none of them exceeds 200 pixels tall.
3. The TOTAL filespace of all your images combined must not exceed 50KB. (That's 51,200 bytes).

One item we commonly find are uses of animated gifs which can have very large filesizes. If you have an animated gif such as a sparkly signature, or other 'moving' image, be sure you add up all the filesizes for all images. If you have highly detailed photos, it's also easy to exceed the 50KB combined filespace limit.
4. The TOTAL number of lines in your signature may not exceed 12. All of the following count as a line: (1) a line of text, (2) a blank line, (3) an image of any kind on it's own line (such as photo, countdown, smilie, egg, etc), (4) any type of spacer such as a dashed line.

The most common item we find here are users with a long vertical list of their WDW trips. Instead of putting all these on separate lines, one on top of the other, it's suggested you put them on one horizontal line going across the page. Many users do this and differentiate the trips by using different colors, etc.

Note: The above items are not all inclusive. There are other signature requirements. You can see the full Signataure Guidelines with samples by clicking HERE . This also gives you an explanation on why the guidelines are important.

If you don't know if your photo, countdown, etc meets guidelines, you can look at your signature in one of your posts, and right-click directly on the image, and from the drop-down menu, select PROPERTIES. The image's properties will show. There you can get both it's filesize and it's dimensions ( Width x Height). If the height dimension is greater than 200 your image does not meet guidelines.

If you add up the filesizes of all your images, and the total exceeds 51,200 bytes, then you do not meet guidelines.

You can see a typical Properties screen in the example below.


Thank you for your cooperation. If anyone needs technical help, feel free to visit the Technical Support Forum
http://www.disboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=43 .

Kind of caught up and finished downloading pictures from yesterdays trip to Disneyland. Was walking by this and thought of Judy and chat and had to take a picture.

Does anyone here play VMK?

I don't know what VMK is all about ... it's something I have to look into ... :confused3
I am typing EXACTLY what Alicia is saying...


Sorry I didn't have much time to chat - it's been kinda busy. I'm sure it's been the same for all you gals too.

I don't know ... what do I say? I don't kno ... I don't kno...

<chuckling> have any of you guys looked into the Docker deal? (I have not told her of Paulas' & Got2travels' reply).

It looks like a pretty decent deal if it is what it looks like.

<she's washin' dishes and I'm chasing down things the kids need...>

Hi Alicia, sometime you will need to sit down and join us:)
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