A trip to WDW w/NO kids? Hubba Hubba! Wink Wink! UPDATE: EXTRA, EXTRA!!! Pg 158

I found a pic of one like it, but it's just not OURS. I was contemplating posting it in the meantime. (still haven't found the transfer cord)

What Camera do you have? I do hope you find your cord before your trip. Moving is almost as bad as half a fire some say, you can never find what you had where you put it now!

:rotfl: Will you fit in a stroller and could I lift you? That's the only way I'll be able to take you. :lmao:

Me in a stroller that would be a sight. I guess a double would do! and you did say you were a three time Olympic gold medal winner in weight lifting right!


I will PM you that info. And I got my 24 points by taking surveys (esp. the daily survey), and signing up for free offers. Oh also I ordered some business cards and only had to pay shipping for them. I wanted them anyway and it got me some points.

Thanks for the info, business cards that would be a great idea to give out during pin trading i will have to find that offer. If you have any other good offer that are earning money fast with no actual cost other than time feel free to pm me thanks!

It sounds nice, I really don't want to spend the extra money. We're just keeping it simple. I would love to take Mike on his birthday next year and do something special. It's just not in the budget right now.

As far as the buttons go, do they have an anniversary button? I mean, ours won't be for another 2 months (Nov. 18th) so I don't want to deceive anyone. :confused3

Well the Buttons are free, and its ok if its not your real anniversary, hey it would be your 8 month anniversary on Sep 18th right :goodvibes.

Every time we have gone to disney we all pick a day to be our birthday while at disney world, we could not go down for evey birthday so during our trip we each get our own day. We also mention the birthday celebration to or server at ts restaurants and sometimes they bring a special dessert or sing. We never expect anything but its just fun to have a birthday or unbirthday day at disney. Anniversaries are the same way. So get you buttons and have fun!

Thats ok if the budget is low on the ability to plan something romantic, the cruise was just an example, you can do lots of low to no cost things, like the buttons. Be a little creative! and Have fun!

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but I will check it out.

Photopass is the picture service at disney were they have cast members who take your photo in different spots a round the parks and they give you a card and you give that card to each one when they take some pictures and at you can buy prints if you like to photos or get them all digital copies on CD. if you had thought about getting the cd, then pre-ording (paying) for it would save you money and if you decided you did not want to get the cd when you returned you can always get a refund!

Thanks for leaving so much feedback! By the way did I mention Chip and Dale are my FAVORITE characters? I scout them out every time. This time I will see them at the Garden Grill!!! :goodvibes

Hey Chip and Dale are mine! mine! mine! :rotfl2: Ok we can share its disney!
They are my favoriate characters. So much fun! they both are! It almost always works out that we have a character meal in which that are in attendance! I wonder how that happens!:lmao:

Here is a picture I found that is similar or might very well be the same thing.


Mike's looks like this and is signed by George Lucas. This little guy actually makes me feel tall. Oh by the way, did I mention I am only 5'0" ?

Ok so now the 3 foot hint makes sense, wow that looks neat, Did you find a good place to put yoda in your home, Better yet does he float!
I promised some stories, so I’m going to start now:

As far as embarrassments go…whew, we had a LOT of them on the 2001 trip. My parents, sister Tracey (19, now), one of my girl friends, grandmother, and grandfather all were on this trip. Keep in mind my grandma and grandpa had been divorced for YEEEEEEARS. My grandmother was living with my aunt and uncle at the time, and my aunt (who likes her alone time) SUGGESTED she go along---basically pawning her off, and my grandmother didn’t refuse. My grandparents weren’t in any way “enemies,” but they hadn’t been in close quarters together in quite some time.

Here are some pics of the cast (I didn't have any singular ones so just bear with me):

Mom and Dad

Grandma(and me)

Grandpa(with my mom and I)

And here's my sister and I (was taken in Destin)

sorry, none of my friend on this computer (but she wouldn't want me to post them anyway)

On with the program....
We stayed at the Coronado Springs Resort, in 2 rooms next to each other. Of course the grandparents couldn’t sleep in the same room, so we worked it out so they’d be separated and everyone else would be happy…..or would we?
Room #1: Mom & Dad in 1 bed, Grandpa in the other
Room #2: Me & my friend in 1 bed, Grandma and Tracey in the other (Disappointment #1: Tracey griping because she has to sleep in a bed with Grandma. I tell her I’d sleep in the bed with Grandma if it was HER friend with us on the trip. She finally sucks it up and is “okay” with the situation.)

The beginning of the madness:
So, the second night of the trip my sister ended up squirming SO MUCH that Grandma kicked her out of the bed---yes, literally kicked her out! :sad2: My sister went next door and my mom, not wanting to tick her mother off, let my sister into the room and Dad voluntarily finished his slumber on the FLOOR! I think I was half asleep when all of this was going on. Anywho, I think they got a cot for the rest of the trip. Everyone was furious with my Grandma.
Meanwhile, my grandmother was busy trying to turn the room into a real live FURNACE! Seriously, GRAB a BLANKET, woman. Luckily, the thermostat was right next to my bed (to the left). I’d be laying there about to fall asleep, and here she’d come tip-toeing to the side of the bed to turn it up. And I’d have one eye open watching her. As soon as she went back to her bed, I’d reach my left hand up there and put it right back down where it was. I was pretty sly about it. I think this may have went on every night of the trip. LOL :rotfl:

There’s just so many stories that I wasn’t sure which way I was going to start off, and that one seemed appropriate b/c it deals with the room situation. However, I have MUCH BETTER ones to come.

Next up….DVC presentation…and the first bacon incident occurs!

Get your popcorn ready! popcorn::

Hey Cher. I saw you posted on Disneydad99 trip report and figured I take a lookie at yours.

That funny about you turning the thermostat back down everytime your grandma would put it up....:rotfl2:

BTW....I love the pic of you and your grandma on your wedding day. Your dress is gorgeous:thumbsup2

So, I am subsribing!!

I think you and Disneydad99 are going to be there at the same time....you going to meet up with him and his wife one night?? They are a hoot...:rotfl2:
You're the second adult that has asked me that. And I'll tell you the same thing. If you can fit in a stroller and I can lift you up, you pass. LOL :lmao: (Keep in mind I can't pick many people up because I am very petite :rolleyes: )

Also, I really need someone to do my laundry (for free :rolleyes1 ). Any takers?

I was the First!, I will do your laundry if i can come! Any thing for DISNEY WORLD! :dance3:

So last year, we went to Crystal Palace (our only table service meal). When piglet came around, Mike started saying "Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon!". So Piglet immediately grabbed Mike's LSU hat, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. It was the funniest thing. ~I was joking about not going back to CP. I'll go back one day, it's just that we've been there a couple of times (Dad loves it) and I want to try some new things.

That's all I got for ya, but I just thought it was a cute story. Try it sometime if you're at CP and see what reaction you get.

Was it the Crystal Palace Breakfast, Dinner or Lunch?
Was bacon on the buffet?

Was this story filed in your bacon box?
This was after the Grandma bacon in bag right!

So does your DH read your ptr? if not what are you preemptive bacon striking plans?
(cont. from previous post)

So all is well, and then:

Grandma speaks up….

And what does she say, you ask?...

Well first, she reaches into her purse…..

And says…..

“OH GIRRRRRRRLS…I SAVED THIS PIECE OF BACON FROM BREAKFAST, IF ANYONE WANTS IT!” We all collectively tried to ignore her, thinking she’d give up and put it back in her purse, and that’s when she held the bacon up higher and asked again! We all yelled “NO!” and she put it back in her purse. Here we are, trying to act like we can actually AFFORD something like the DVC, and Grandma is saving ONE piece of bacon from our little quick service breakfast! The ride seemed to take forever after that, and we were all trying to retain our composure when pulling up to the DVC place.
Truthfully it was pretty boring, but we had some snacks, and tried to get as much out of it as possible. I, being 19 at the time, knew that I shouldn’t dare even get my hopes up. My parents would never buy into that club. They were just along for the ride. As that finally ended, we got driven back by the “limo-bus” and Grandma made some embarrassing “grandma comments” about the whole deal. I don’t remember what she said, just know that they were things a grandmother would say to embarrass her grandchildren. LOL

BUT The best part is…..when I was trying to get to sleep that night, I heard a chewing noise---I looked up and it was Grandma standing by the television EATING that same piece of bacon that no one wanted!:eek:

(when I asked her why she got up to eat it, she said she didn't want to waste it! LOL)

Ever since then, it’s been a running joke in the family. I told Mike and he also thinks it’s hilarious. Last year, he secretly pocketed (in a napkin) a piece of bacon at breakfast, and pulled this bit on my dad on the bus back to the hotel from one of the parks. It was SO FUNNY! We all laughed our butts off, and everyone looked at us with wide eyes in disbelief that this guy had actually saved 1 piece of bacon all day in his pocket.

Yes, my family is NUTS, but I love them!

I’m sure Mike will try to get me at some point during our vacation, so I’m keeping a good eye on him at breakfast. Donuts it is! No bacon for you! LOL (Maybe I should get him, first)

So if anyone sees someone on the bus(or other form of transport) at WDW holding out a piece of bacon...you know who it is! :rolleyes1

OMG...That is hilarious!!

I am seriously LOLing right now...:lmao:

When we were in Florida a few years ago, we went to the Golden Corral and my mom wanted to take back a few cookies in her purse for later.

She was trying to be real discreet and this lady comes zooming up in her ECV, nearly taking out like 3 tables ands say"Lady, let me show you how it is done!!" "Follow me!!"

She is like the more discreet you are, the more easier you are going to be caught.

She goes "Look at us!!" We are taking cookies and sticks a few in her and my mom's purse!!" Then, she goes what else you want, how bout some Jellybeans!!"

Meanwhile, my hubby, me and my mom's husband are rolling in laughter back at our table and my mom's face was beet red from being so embarassed!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I know you Ladies are crooning over Rob Thomas but here is a pic that will make you croon for someone else!!!!!!


See I told you so...Now go & freely show it to all your Friends...the need hel[p also!!!!


That pic looks strangely familiar;)

Nice Eye Candy for sure!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Can we get DD to stop posting the scary clown picture. Every time my 3 1/2 year old walk by the computer and sees it runs past screaming :scared1:


Cheri, loving the TR. I follwed your shameless plug from the TFW thread;)
What Camera do you have? I do hope you find your cord before your trip. Moving is almost as bad as half a fire some say, you can never find what you had where you put it now!

It is an Olympus C-725, got it because of the 8x Optical zoom (and I think it's 4 x digital). By far the best zoom we've ever had on a camera.

Thanks for the info, business cards that would be a great idea to give out during pin trading i will have to find that offer. If you have any other good offer that are earning money fast with no actual cost other than time feel free to pm me thanks!

That's a good idea. I actually got them for my other business. I used to have a business on the side (til the wedding had me so busy)---no not what you are thinking DD but close (hahaha), and I am going to get back into it very soon. Sure, I will send you a couple of SR ideas.

Well the Buttons are free, and its ok if its not your real anniversary, hey it would be your 8 month anniversary on Sep 18th right :goodvibes.
actually it would be our 10 month anniv. but you're close :)
Wow I'm getting closer and closer to that year old yummy cake!:rolleyes:

Thanks for all the ideas.

Actually I know about photopass, I just didn't understand how the pre-ordering worked, but I went to the link and I think I got it now. Thanks!

Did you find a good place to put yoda in your home, Better yet does he float!

Not really, I want to sell our little friend. :rolleyes: No, I don't think he'll float.

Hey Cher. I saw you posted on Disneydad99 trip report and figured I take a lookie at yours.

That funny about you turning the thermostat back down everytime your grandma would put it up....:rotfl2:

BTW....I love the pic of you and your grandma on your wedding day. Your dress is gorgeous:thumbsup2

So, I am subsribing!!

I think you and Disneydad99 are going to be there at the same time....you going to meet up with him and his wife one night?? They are a hoot...:rotfl2:

Thanks for coming! And you can call me Cheri. :) I think DD and I will JUST miss each other. If I remember correctly, I am departing the day before he arrives.

Yeah thank God that thermostat was right by my bed. You shoulda seen me being so inconspicuous. hehehe

Thank you for the compliment on my dress. I had to cut some other people out of the pic because I realized I didn't have a pic of just her and I.

I was the First!, I will do your laundry if i can come! Any thing for DISNEY WORLD! :dance3:

Can you start now? I've been catching up on it ALL day. ROFL :lmao: Actually I forgot to mention that the prize for 100th poster is to get to do my laundry! And look who it is....YOU! :rotfl:

Was it the Crystal Palace Breakfast, Dinner or Lunch?
Was bacon on the buffet?

Was this story filed in your bacon box?
This was after the Grandma bacon in bag right!

So does your DH read your ptr? if not what are you preemptive bacon striking plans?

Lunch. And no bacon was on the buffet. She wasn't with us last year, but Mike made sure to embarrass my dad one time. If I knew which post it was I would put a link here, but sorry I'm too lazy. hehe

I don't really have any plans, but I'd LOVE some ideas. I think it would be fun to do it on the ME bus.

OMG...That is hilarious!!

I am seriously LOLing right now...:lmao:

When we were in Florida a few years ago, we went to the Golden Corral and my mom wanted to take back a few cookies in her purse for later.

She was trying to be real discreet and this lady comes zooming up in her ECV, nearly taking out like 3 tables ands say"Lady, let me show you how it is done!!" "Follow me!!"

She is like the more discreet you are, the more easier you are going to be caught.

She goes "Look at us!!" We are taking cookies and sticks a few in her and my mom's purse!!" Then, she goes what else you want, how bout some Jellybeans!!"

Meanwhile, my hubby, me and my mom's husband are rolling in laughter back at our table and my mom's face was beet red from being so embarassed!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

:rotfl: I'm so glad I made you laugh. And you made ME laugh too! Mike ALWAYS takes cookies home from Ryans or Golden Corral. He wraps them in a napkin and makes me put them in my purse. I'm a co-conspirator!!

Can we get DD to stop posting the scary clown picture. Every time my 3 1/2 year old walk by the computer and sees it runs past screaming :scared1:


Cheri, loving the TR. I follwed your shameless plug from the TFW thread;)

LOL :rotfl2: I am scared too! Thank you for coming! My shameless plug still lives on!! :teeth: I took a break from being Suzie Homemaker :laundy: and I come back to a bunch of posts...yippee!!
Can you start now? I've been catching up on it ALL day. ROFL Actually I forgot to mention that the prize for 100th poster is to get to do my laundry! And look who it is....YOU!

Ok so I will do your 100th winner laundry!


Ok that was yesterdays laundry, Looks in basement and finds


When was the last time you did laundry WOW! I guess its going to be alot of work, but its for a Disney Trip Right!!!

What was your side business, my brain is running over everything it can be and well i can not post too many of them on the Dis. :confused3:rotfl::confused3

Do is see Yoda on ebay for some extra disney cash!?????

Thanks for the SR pm!
Ok so I will do your 100th winner laundry!


Ok that was yesterdays laundry, Looks in basement and finds


When was the last time you did laundry WOW! I guess its going to be alot of work, but its for a Disney Trip Right!!!

What was your side business, my brain is running over everything it can be and well i can not post too many of them on the Dis. :confused3:rotfl::confused3

Do is see Yoda on ebay for some extra disney cash!?????

Thanks for the SR pm!

Wow are you looking in through my windows? I do have a LOT hehe
Actually I have to make sure I am caught up before Thursday because we're taking a weekend trip to Destin.

Nothing bad. Let's just say I threw parties. And at these parties people have a lot of FUN. Women might catch on to this description a little easier than men.

I would love to make some extra Disney cash. But part of me wants to keep him. Maybe we can get save some money by getting rid of our alarm system and putting him by the door. hehehehe

I was just on the phone with Disney Dining and was able to get a lunch ressie for Le Cellier on Sept 18th at 11:40! Now all I have to do is decide whether I want to cancel our dinner at Les Chefs de France. He had said he didn't want to do any sit down lunches, only dinners, but I told him I've been trying to get this reservation for a while now. He'll probably budge easily.
Wow are you looking in through my windows? I do have a LOT hehe
Actually I have to make sure I am caught up before Thursday because we're taking a weekend trip to Destin.

Nothing bad. Let's just say I threw parties. And at these parties people have a lot of FUN. Women might catch on to this description a little easier than men.

I would love to make some extra Disney cash. But part of me wants to keep him. Maybe we can get save some money by getting rid of our alarm system and putting him by the door. hehehehe

I was just on the phone with Disney Dining and was able to get a lunch ressie for Le Cellier on Sept 18th at 11:40! Now all I have to do is decide whether I want to cancel our dinner at Les Chefs de France. He had said he didn't want to do any sit down lunches, only dinners, but I told him I've been trying to get this reservation for a while now. He'll probably budge easily.

Ok i did not get the description :confused3

Sure a yoda alarm system that would work, :woohoo:

Do enjoy your weekend trip! where or what is destin?

Congrats on a Le Cellier, I know its a lunch, we had to option of doing lunch but since we have a dinner we passed, if i had to pick between no le cellier or a le cellier lunch it always wins. I know it might not be the nicest thing to do but keep the lunch keep trying for dinner and keep or France dinner too. then as you deiced what to do call to cancel the one you did not want. :dance3::dance3:
Wow are you looking in through my windows? I do have a LOT hehe
Actually I have to make sure I am caught up before Thursday because we're taking a weekend trip to Destin.

Nothing bad. Let's just say I threw parties. And at these parties people have a lot of FUN. Women might catch on to this description a little easier than men.

I would love to make some extra Disney cash. But part of me wants to keep him. Maybe we can get save some money by getting rid of our alarm system and putting him by the door. hehehehe

I was just on the phone with Disney Dining and was able to get a lunch ressie for Le Cellier on Sept 18th at 11:40! Now all I have to do is decide whether I want to cancel our dinner at Les Chefs de France. He had said he didn't want to do any sit down lunches, only dinners, but I told him I've been trying to get this reservation for a while now. He'll probably budge easily.

I know what your side business Is...but I promise not to tell ... let's just say it involves Toys..yeah that's what we will call them Toys...

& you will love Le Cellier!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: on a Ressie!!!

Ok i did not get the description :confused3
SEE DisneyDad's answer. LOL

Sure a yoda alarm system that would work, :woohoo:

Do enjoy your weekend trip! where or what is destin?

Destin is a city in Florida...I guess I didn't think that northerners may not be so familiar with it. You oughta go. It's relaxing. Also we are staying with a friend of the family and attending a big 50th birthday bash for both of my Mom's friends (they are twins). One of them is the one that owns that pretty Cinderella carriage that I posted. Actually I will post it again.

I know what your side business Is...but I promise not to tell ... let's just say it involves Toys..yeah that's what we will call them Toys...

& you will love Le Cellier!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: on a Ressie!!!


yeah, you got it, Dd.

I'm excited about my ressie...BUT the only bad thing is...I just looked at the menu on Allears and I see that the lunch menu is missing the exact thing I had planned on ordering----"Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon" :sad2:

I guess I could still keep calling to see if something opens up for dinner. And if not we'll probably go anyway.
ALL CAUGHT UP!!!:yay: See.....I told you I would catch up!!
Great job!:thumbsup2
Yes you will be carded for a loooong time!
Will beaiting for more!:surfweb:
A lightbulb went off in my head, and I thought of another story that I should share with all of you, a story that helps to shape who my Grandpa really is...and further proves he is a nutcase.

To start, I'll post his picture to remind y'all what he looks like.
(he's in the middle....obviously)

Here goes.

Alright, how should I say this? Well, to start, my Grandpa LOVES to drive. I don’t understand it, but he has ALWAYS loved driving. He also loves DQ (as in Dairy Queen, not DisneyQuest). And of COURSE he loves Walt Disney World. Mom told me that he used to drive 2 hours just to get to the nearest Dairy Queen (for their ice cream).
(a picture is always nice...mmmmmm)

That said…

One day, a long time ago (I was about 10 years old I think), we were 2 weeks away from our next Disney vacation, and of course very excited. We had some type of family gathering at my Grandpa’s house, and my bestest cousin in the world, Christina, was there too. We’re the oldest (which means we’ve been to WDW the most) and always stuck together. My Grandpa decided to take us for icecream…at…you guessed it! Dairy Queen.

By this time in our lives, there was one nearby so we didn’t have to go too far, thankfully. So we went and got our icecream….

and on the way back, as we’re being tortured with gospel music--or “church music” as we’d call it—he said “Do youse girls[that’s really how he speaks] want to drive up to Disney World to see where we’re staying?” We silently scratched our heads, and my cousin piped up “What do you mean?” He said, “We’ll drive there and see what our resort looks like, and then we’ll come back” When we both screamed “Are you NUTS?! We’re not driving to Disney just to come right back! We won’t go there unless we are staying for at least a week!”
And let me tell you, he was DEAD serious. We were both scared that he was going to take us on the 24 hour escapade anyway. But thankfully we were brought safely back to our parents, told them the story and they thought he was nuts, too! I think he went later that week by himself just to take a drive. I don’t remember where we were staying that year, but I doubt it was that special that it would be worth a trip there and back in one day.

So if this story wasn't funny enough for you....

I like to please my audience in any way I can so let's take a look at some more pictures of icecream! :banana:



Love those chocolate dipped cones!

NEXT: Update: ADR changes & map ordering attempts
I know what your side business Is...but I promise not to tell ... let's just say it involves Toys..yeah that's what we will call them Toys...

& you will love Le Cellier!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: on a Ressie!!!


I get what these parties are, too!!

I couldn't call myself a Proud Gutter Chic, if I didn't:thumbsup2

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
A lightbulb went off in my head, and I thought of another story that I should share with all of you, a story that helps to shape who my Grandpa really is...and further proves he is a nutcase.

To start, I'll post his picture to remind y'all what he looks like.
(he's in the middle....obviously)

Here goes.

Alright, how should I say this? Well, to start, my Grandpa LOVES to drive. I don’t understand it, but he has ALWAYS loved driving. He also loves DQ (as in Dairy Queen, not DisneyQuest). And of COURSE he loves Walt Disney World. Mom told me that he used to drive 2 hours just to get to the nearest Dairy Queen (for their ice cream).
(a picture is always nice...mmmmmm)

That said…

One day, a long time ago (I was about 10 years old I think), we were 2 weeks away from our next Disney vacation, and of course very excited. We had some type of family gathering at my Grandpa’s house, and my bestest cousin in the world, Christina, was there too. We’re the oldest (which means we’ve been to WDW the most) and always stuck together. My Grandpa decided to take us for icecream…at…you guessed it! Dairy Queen.

By this time in our lives, there was one nearby so we didn’t have to go too far, thankfully. So we went and got our icecream….

and on the way back, as we’re being tortured with gospel music--or “church music” as we’d call it—he said “Do youse girls[that’s really how he speaks] want to drive up to Disney World to see where we’re staying?” We silently scratched our heads, and my cousin piped up “What do you mean?” He said, “We’ll drive there and see what our resort looks like, and then we’ll come back” When we both screamed “Are you NUTS?! We’re not driving to Disney just to come right back! We won’t go there unless we are staying for at least a week!”
And let me tell you, he was DEAD serious. We were both scared that he was going to take us on the 24 hour escapade anyway. But thankfully we were brought safely back to our parents, told them the story and they thought he was nuts, too! I think he went later that week by himself just to take a drive. I don’t remember where we were staying that year, but I doubt it was that special that it would be worth a trip there and back in one day.

So if this story wasn't funny enough for you....

OMG....What a riot!!! Take a drive, 24 hr drive, just to see a resort....:rotfl2:

I love it....:lmao: :lmao:

Keep those stories coming...:cool1:

I am not sure if I missed it or not, but did you book your air yet? I saw something about your hubby not being ready yet.....

Cutting it pretty close......Men....:confused3
All caught up, man, I had some reading to do ;) Lovin' the stories, man, your grandpa was nuts! You left out my favorite DQ treat, their chocolate malts ROCK!!!!:thumbsup2
I get what these parties are, too!!

I couldn't call myself a Proud Gutter Chic, if I didn't:thumbsup2

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:


OMG....What a riot!!! Take a drive, 24 hr drive, just to see a resort....:rotfl2:

I love it....:lmao: :lmao:

Keep those stories coming...:cool1:

I am not sure if I missed it or not, but did you book your air yet? I saw something about your hubby not being ready yet.....

Cutting it pretty close......Men....:confused3

Glad I'm keeping you entertained!

Uhh...nope....yeah..MEN! :rolleyes: I'm a little worried...but trying NOT to be. By the way I told him about my bad dream and he told me I was nuts. LOL

All caught up, man, I had some reading to do ;) Lovin' the stories, man, your grandpa was nuts! You left out my favorite DQ treat, their chocolate malts ROCK!!!!:thumbsup2

Sorry! Had a busy DIS weekend! Glad you enjoyed the stories. (Grandpa not only WAS nuts...he IS nuts!)
I just tried to find a picture of a DQ malt, and unfortunately that is one that I couldn't find! Sorry. :confused3

Despite opposition from Mike, I've officially decided that I'm going to plan a meeting (possibly lunch) with Grandpa and my cousins(distant cousins) from Philly, and hopefully I'll get a good story out of it!


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