May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 5

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Wow you guys have been chatty!!

Today was DH, Ted's, 50th Birthday!!!!

We have had a crazy week, we finally moved our web servers on Wednesday. We had been putting it off as we were concerned about lossing our website.

Sure enough, we have been down since Wednesday!! My email was down as well, but it is back up now. DH will hopefully get us back up and running by tomorrow!


We went to one of our favorite restaurants in San Francisco, Farallon, and had an amazing dinner and a great evening.

Tomorrow is another day...

Still catching up, I'm on page 1491...

As far as the cabin assignment goes, I wish I could request non smoking neighbours.:) I will wait till you get a reply from DU and then decide if I do the same as you.

Good morning Marilyn!

Gosh, I couldn't agree more about the non-smoking neighbors! On our last Panama Canal Cruise we had a Cat 3 with a great deck and every time I went out there our neighbors were smoking! Hated it!

I've got to figure out where to run away to for least Christmas eve...that's when I would go to mom's and we would celebrate and do presents at midnight because that's when Santa comes!

I'm already leaving town for Thanksgiving because I have never spent one not at mom's house...she always did the cooking. I've got to be away this year so I'm going to Bradenton, FL to be with some of my favorite people, my cousin and my aunt and my cousin's son Kyle who is our godchild.

Then I'll have to run away again during Greek Easter...that's going to be a hard one. It's the most celebrated holiday for the Greeks. It was all about mom's cooking our favorite Greek foods and traditions.

Thank goodness I'll be with all of you and Venetia on Mother's Day....that's a relief. My mom loved peach roses...she had them at her funeral. Maybe I could get a peach rose and drop it in the water, where ever we are on Mother's Day. Venetia said she was going to release a tink balloon for her mom this weekend in DL. Maybe we can do flowers and balloons for our mom's on the crusie. That would be nice.
:cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:


That's such a sweet idea. Let's try to put that together.

We are sailing on what would have been my mom's 80th birthday! She loved the water and I think that this would be a good omen for a great cruise!

Holiday's are still tough, even after all these years. I still miss both of my parents on every holiday. But friends, family and new traditions with our DD are helping to make it better.

This Thanksgiving we will be in WDW. We usually host that holiday, so we are trying to talk my Dsis into joining us so that she will not feel left alone (though we have lot's of cousins in our area that we do the holidays with.) It will be our first Thanksgiving without our Aunt, who was the Matriarch of the family and was the one who hosted Thanksgiving when we were younger.

You can always come out to California for Christmas!!!

OK, I promised a couple of pictures of Olivia- so here you go!

Ginamarie-Olivia's just adorable...and I see she's a Gymboree girl. I recognize those clothes!!! I should explain...after I left my corporate career and was home for a few years with the boys, I decided I needed to get out of the house and be around grown ups so I was working at Gymboree a few times a month. Consequently, I'm always spotting Gymbo lines...I drive DH crazy! Anyway, she's just a love!!!! I want to "squeeze" her.
Good morning.

Olivia is just gorgeous, so cute.

Wow Marilyn - 11pm!!

How do you handle the time difference when you come to the states - do you adjust pretty quickly?

:rotfl: We're old you know!!:rotfl: We are usually up early(well I am!) and tired early for a few days. That is quite good really and we like getting off to the parks etc early. It moves back to normal gradually.

The reason for so many naps was that starting the second night we lost an hour a night for 6 nights. DCL sure saved on breakfast since most the people we knew didn't get up in time. We slept till 12 one day and normally we get up around 7am. At least this cruise we will gain time -not lose it!

More time to eat!:lmao:

you don't want to Google him...he is (was) the Atlanta Falcons quarterback, he's 27, VERY talented and he ran a dog fighting ring in which he executed dogs who did not perform well.

Nasty, nasty. Just can't understand the mentality.

My DH is going to die when we surprise him on his birthday with this cruise!

Well I know it will stay a secret until final payment is due because he is the type that thinks vacations are useless and no need to listen to him gripe until necessary. His birthday is April 9 so we are planning on giving him his plane ticket then. He will know we are going, but not him until then. He didn't want to do the TA cruise until the last minute when it was to late for a plane ticket. I think he will enjoy the Panama Canal and the grandson wants him to come.

Now, your husband doesn't like cruising does he? I never thought I would get my John on a cruise and it was being a Panama Canal cruise that swayed it. I couldn't have kept the secret this long, but it will be a great day when you tell him.:)


i am still alive and well...just too busy for computer time...i will have lots more time now that the kids are in school!!!! :lmao: :rotfl2:

we are planning a surprise trip to WDW in sept and then we save for this cruise....i guess i missed all the controversy about the prices going up $100 per person and now down again...i will try to catch up a little at a time!!!

good to be back!

Hi again.

Just wanted to post and say hi!!

We have been busy getting Daniel ready for VA Tech and we came down last night. We got him all moved in today and then his roommate showed up with way way way way too much stuff. I have no idea where they will put all that STUFF...oh well I don't need to live there. I just want Daniel to have a great year.

The memorial to the shooting will be dedicated on Sunday. It is really beautiful and touching. Not much media here, I saw just one news crew today. They have doubled the Campus police for this year. Cops are everywhere!!

Off to bed...will write more later,

Busy, busy, busy for you Lisa. Nice to see you though. Hope Daniel ahs a great year. You will be missing him.

40 years of marriage has taught me cannot read our minds and are not particularly good at taking hints. Just telling them straight up what you want will save lots of disappointment since they really do like to make us happy if they know what we want. ;)

Too true!:rotfl2:

I baked a peach/blueberry cobbler for DrHug tonight. Now he's a happy man! :goodvibes

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach! That dessert would make my John a very happy man too!

I'm in too! :thumbsup2 You KNOW I can stay up LATE!!


You're on!
Finally caught up, just in time for the DIS to go down and for me to go to bed.

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday!

40 years of marriage has taught me cannot read our minds and are not particularly good at taking hints. Just telling them straight up what you want will save lots of disappointment since they really do like to make us happy if they know what we want. ;)
I couldn't agree more....! You have to let them know!

Wow you guys have been chatty!!

Today was DH, Ted's, 50th Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Ted!
well one load is in the wash, the dishes are done and we are going to head out soon to pick up groceries.
well one load is in the wash, the dishes are done and we are going to head out soon to pick up groceries.

Sounds like what I SHOULD be doing today - instead I'm going to the San Diego Scrapbook Expo for the day and then going over a friend's house after to continue scrapping this evening.

Everyone have a great day! sister just called to vent, apparantly mom is copping an attitude and complaining about me to her and she doesn't want to hear it. I would never complain about one of my girls to the other one...that's awful I think.
Sounds like what I SHOULD be doing today - instead I'm going to the San Diego Scrapbook Expo for the day and then going over a friend's house after to continue scrapping this evening.

Everyone have a great day!

that sounds fun!

I am going to take the girls to lunch today since we haven't been able to have a girls night out in a couple weeks. We can't go into the pool tonight because the chemicals John put in say no swimming for 48 hours. sister just called to vent, apparantly mom is copping an attitude and complaining about me to her and she doesn't want to hear it. I would never complain about one of my girls to the other one...that's awful I think.

:hug: :grouphug: That is awful. :hug: sister just called to vent, apparantly mom is copping an attitude and complaining about me to her and she doesn't want to hear it. I would never complain about one of my girls to the other one...that's awful I think.

As the oldest of 5 girls, my mother would often call me to complain about one of my sisters. She was more unhappy about the way her life turned out than angry at any of my sisters. No matter what I did or said, she would have to directly resolve the problem though in my opinion, it sometimes took a VERY long time.

I learned the lesson well never to talk to one of my children about problems I was having with another of them. When I am having a problem with one of my children, I go directly to the source of the problem. We don't always see eye to eye about everything but I find it easier to confront my problems head on with the source.

Perhaps you might call you mom directly and leave her a message about exactly what you meant about the cruise. She will either stew longer or give you a call. Just my thoughts......
well I guess everyone is out having fun. We haven't left yet (as you can tell) I need to get motivated.
You should tell your sister to (and you do this too) stand up for you with mom. My sister and I were tired of our mom calling to vent so we started standing up (even if we didn't agree) it only took 1 time each and now our mom doesn't vent about the other. BUT that means you can' call mom and vent about sister either. Which is fine too.

You're dinner menus always sound so good! It's inspired me to grill, but not as fancy as your dinners.

I'm going to finish my housecleaning today and then we're going to the A's game. 1st one this season. Well, we usually only go to one a season so it's here!

Have a good day all...
As the oldest of 5 girls, my mother would often call me to complain about one of my sisters. She was more unhappy about the way her life turned out than angry at any of my sisters. No matter what I did or said, she would have to directly resolve the problem though in my opinion, it sometimes took a VERY long time.

I learned the lesson well never to talk to one of my children about problems I was having with another of them. When I am having a problem with one of my children, I go directly to the source of the problem. We don't always see eye to eye about everything but I find it easier to confront my problems head on with the source.

Perhaps you might call you mom directly and leave her a message about exactly what you meant about the cruise. She will either stew longer or give you a call. Just my thoughts......
Thanks Noel...I did call and leave a message and told her to book it as well saying that I mean of course we would want to spend time together just not all 15 nights.
I'm going to finish my housecleaning today and then we're going to the A's game. 1st one this season. Well, we usually only go to one a season so it's here!

Have a good day all...

John mentioned going to see the Indians and Rays tomorrow.....maybe I should check into tickets.
Thanks Noel...I did call and leave a message and told her to book it as well saying that I mean of course we would want to spend time together just not all 15 nights.

Perhaps that is what is upsetting her that you guys don't want to eat dinner with her. As a mom and grandmother who travel with family, we have the same kinds of rules for daytime and evening activities. However, we do eat dinner together every night together but the rest of the time, we pretty much do our own things. I enjoy my kids and GK's but I do enjoy doing things just with DH alone. As a grandparent, I do enjoy having GK's to myself once and awhile, plus dinner with all of them is a special treat for all of us to share. Just my thoughts.....
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