How embarrassing! Perceptions of DVC members...

Before I was a DVC member, I was in line at AK to enter the park with my family when a man stepped right in front of me claiming he was a DVC member and had some problem....It stopped the whole line!:headache: I ended up having to go to another line to join my family who were already through the turnstiles!
I ended up having to go to another line to join my family who were already through the turnstiles!

Oh I soooo, would have turned to this guy and said, "Excuse me, but do you mind if I join my family?" while pointing at them.

Similar to the thing that I said to the jerk that would not move down the row at one of the shows in my trip report.
And then there is the time we had a ligit problem with a ticket and ask the CM at OKW to check it out. It seemed even before we walked up to her to explain the problem she had two strikes againist us because we were DVC members(I was wearning my hat). My wife quickly ended the conversation and we left, came back about 20 min. later talked to a different CM and had the whole problem taken care of in a couple of minutes. The first CM was reading the screen wrong. Sure there are rude DVC members and non-members as well but don't condem the whole bunch because of the rude behavior of a few. I think Disney has a share in this as well. They try their best to get you to buy and really lay it on thick during the sales pitch to make you feel special. I can a little maybe see why some may feel special. There is no excuse for rude actions but CM's can at times be very short tempered as well..smjj
Gee, people, we need some good will....

The next time you do something nice on Disney property .... give up your seat on the bus to someone else .... hold the elevator door .... let the little kid cut ahead in the line to the restroom... whatever... scream out that you are a DVC member and spent a lot of money to be able to be nice, polite or well behaved.

We need to police our own community. When we see a DVCer misbehaving, we should take drastic action. Create some kind of positive diversion... Start tap dancing and passing out dollar bills in the lobby! Or maybe shout out "Smile, your on Candid Camera!" or "There goes Mickey!"

If that doesn't work, go up to the offending DVCer and whisper in their ear "I spent more than you and so they treat me better". It probably won't help, but it would be fun to do.
It's sad but true... two of the "guest" groups the CM's consistently have problems with DVC and AP. There seems to be a "sub culture" of "I PAID A LOT AND I AM SPECIAL"

As a result, I don't were any AP or DVC type "logos" when in the parks....

I have once seen a Manager at OKW have a DVC member escorted from the property for phyiscally threatening the CM over his room assignment. The Manager told the jerk's wife that DVC management would contact her regarding thier membership the next business day.

I must be big trouble, I'm a FL. Resident Passholder and DVC member. I own that park and should be treated with more respect than your average park goer. :laughing: I guess I should stop wearing my annual passholder lanyard while carrying my DVC bag when I'm at the park. Maybe that's why I've never got one of the million dreams! I'm being discriminated against because I'm a DVC member and passholder!
We've been DVC members since 2002. The only thing that really drives me crazy is when we can't get the dates we want for rooms. I also work in the nation's largest electronic superstore and a lot of the time I have to deal with those types of bad attitudes. I think everyone should spend a year in the service industry, (like the military in foriegn countries) so that they would know how it feels to be yelled at on a daily basis for something you cannot control.
It's sad but true... two of the "guest" groups the CM's consistently have problems with DVC and AP. There seems to be a "sub culture" of "I PAID A LOT AND I AM SPECIAL"

As a result, I don't were any AP or DVC type "logos" when in the parks....

I have once seen a Manager at OKW have a DVC member escorted from the property for phyiscally threatening the CM over his room assignment. The Manager told the jerk's wife that DVC management would contact her regarding thier membership the next business day.

Add another group to that.. FL residents. When I was at the resorts, I hated working Friday nights because they came in by the boatload and would comment that 'we'd better give them the best because there'd be no WDW if it weren't for them'.

MS is so much saner.
Add another group to that.. FL residents. When I was at the resorts, I hated working Friday nights because they came in by the boatload and would comment that 'we'd better give them the best because there'd be no WDW if it weren't for them'.

MS is so much saner.

So tell us......what do MS reps think of the membership in general?

And just out of curiousity how many MS reps are there?
It's sad but true... two of the "guest" groups the CM's consistently have problems with DVC and AP. There seems to be a "sub culture" of "I PAID A LOT AND I AM SPECIAL"

As a result, I don't were any AP or DVC type "logos" when in the parks....

I have once seen a Manager at OKW have a DVC member escorted from the property for phyiscally threatening the CM over his room assignment. The Manager told the jerk's wife that DVC management would contact her regarding thier membership the next business day.

They would have a big problem taking away someone's membership. The DVC membership is a legal real estate holding recorded with the state of Florida. I doubt that they can touch it for anything other than non-payment of the dues or deed of trust of it is financed by Disney. Threats can be dealt with through other legal means.
So maybe someone needs to come up with some more specific DVC-logo wear so we know what to expect instead of generalizing? I can have the "warning--this DVC member yells "buy american!" in an attempt to help her Michigan autoworker husband keep his job and buy her add-ons" shirt. ;)

Add another group to that.. FL residents. When I was at the resorts, I hated working Friday nights because they came in by the boatload and would comment that 'we'd better give them the best because there'd be no WDW if it weren't for them'.

MS is so much saner.
Just remind them that if not for WDW they would not be there..... This area was worthless before WD had his dream, That's how he aquired so much for pennies. I grew up in Atlantic City NJ and as big a pain as tourist are, without them the area dies. When everyone started going to other resorts in the 70s AC was a ghost town, Casinos brought the tourist back and now there are plenty of jobs and money, and everyone complains about the tourists again.
back on topic I stopped generalizing people years ago, comes with age I guess you meet all kinds in the service industry and part of the job is to deal with it, smile and say have a nice day, this really erks the rude ones.:)
So maybe someone needs to come up with some more specific DVC-logo wear so we know what to expect instead of generalizing? I can have the "warning--this DVC member yells "buy american!" in an attempt to help her Michigan autoworker husband keep his job and buy her add-ons" shirt. ;)


Hey, I'm with you! We only buy AMERICAN and are very proud of it!!!! I am really reading labels now, even for my pet. My husband has a fleet of vehicles, all GM products! I have never said anything about being a DVC member at Disney, I have been proud to be one, but I think I will just keep it to myself until some get better control of themselves. ;)
Hey, I'm with you! We only buy AMERICAN and are very proud of it!!!! I am really reading labels now, even for my pet. My husband has a fleet of vehicles, all GM products! I have never said anything about being a DVC member at Disney, I have been proud to be one, but I think I will just keep it to myself until some get better control of themselves. ;)

I like your husband's taste:cheer2: (DH works for GM!) And I was excited to buy a dish drainer the other day that was Made in the USA! Oh the things that make me happy:laughing: I also bought new dishes that have 2 American union stamps on them--one for the dishes, and one for the box!:woohoo:

I'll try an experiment and go one trip as a DVC member and one trip incognito:cool2: and see if there's any difference in how I'm treated. I'll also write down how many rude DVC members I encounter and how many non-DVC guests I do. I'll then divide it out based on average percentage of each type of guest, and see what I come up with. Then I'll know, based on my perception, on certain days, during different times of the year, at different resorts, at different parks, with different cast members, who is more rude. Hmm.. will it work?
So tell us......what do MS reps think of the membership in general?

And just out of curiousity how many MS reps are there?

I really like 99.9% of the members I talk to. I know it's going to be a 'less than magical' call when the member starts saying the member number rapid-fire quickly. I don't change the way I service the call, but I make sure I'm ready if it escalates, and it usually doesn't.

I think most of the advisors feel the same way that I do, or else we would have a much larger turnover there in cast members.

We will have just shy of about 200 when the next training class is completed.
I really like 99.9% of the members I talk to. I know it's going to be a 'less than magical' call when the member starts saying the member number rapid-fire quickly. I don't change the way I service the call, but I make sure I'm ready if it escalates, and it usually doesn't.

I think most of the advisors feel the same way that I do, or else we would have a much larger turnover there in cast members.

We will have just shy of about 200 when the next training class is completed.

Interesting, approximately how many advisors are working at a time? How large is your office? How long have you been an advisor? Sorry for all the questions but 'inquiring minds want to know'. :magnify:

It's "Get-to-know-your-MS-reps Day" here on the DIS. That's code for "I'm bored and it's always fun to talk to CMs".
Interesting, approximately how many advisors are working at a time? How large is your office? How long have you been an advisor? Sorry for all the questions but 'inquiring minds want to know'. :magnify:

It's "Get-to-know-your-MS-reps Day" here on the DIS. That's code for "I'm bored and it's always fun to talk to CMs".

We all work every day, Thursday is divided into thirds, but you have a full staff between 1:30 and 5:30. Saturdays is half staff. Our office space is shrinking by the day, it seems. Our building has 9 floors, and we occupy half the building (not just MS, it's all the DVC operations). I've been there longer than many, less than most.

I'm one of those advisors that won't confirm or start rumors because I really like my job... and I don't want to mess that up. I'll be happy to answer any questions that don't violate that. :-)
Two years ago we were on the bus leaving MK after the fireworks, headed to BWI/BWV. A couple in their probably late 30's/ early 40's were sitting. The guy had a DVC hat on. Some parents holding sleeping children got on. DH got up for one of them, as did a couple other men, others like myself, pulled children on our laps to make extra seats. I had my older son stand. This couple with the DVC hat on sat there as the bus pulled away. A father holding a sleeping child, and a probably 10 year old daughter stood directly in front of the DVC guy trying desperatly to hold onto the sleeping toddler AND his daughter, AND the pole. Someone behind me wondered aloud why the DVC guy didn't get up and give him the seat. People started saying stuff like "Well he's a DVC member, he probably thinks he owns the bus" and a LOT of worse things. The couple HAD to of heard them, but didn't react at all. It amazed me that people had such negative opinions of DVC members. It's like they thought the guy was an inconsiderate jerk BECAUSE he was a DVC member. We were DVC members too and my husband stood, I had my 10 year old stand, and pulled my other 2 kids onto my lap. :confused3
Add another group to that.. FL residents. When I was at the resorts, I hated working Friday nights because they came in by the boatload and would comment that 'we'd better give them the best because there'd be no WDW if it weren't for them'.

MS is so much saner.

I'm glad that MS has worked out well for you. I've always found the CM's at MS to be friendly and helpful.

Just remind them that if not for WDW they would not be there..... This area was worthless before WD had his dream, That's how he aquired so much for pennies.

Not everyone who moved to Florida moved there because of WDW. I can assure you that when we moved to south Florida in 1972 WDW had nothing to do with my parents decision to move here. That was just a perk for my brother and I.

That being said, I'm sure there are plenty of rude Florida residents who go to WDW thinking Disney owes them something. Probably about as many people as those who vacation/move to Florida and then spend their time telling everyone how much better, cheaper, faster and nicer the same thing is up North.
Two years ago we were on the bus leaving MK after the fireworks, headed to BWI/BWV. A couple in their probably late 30's/ early 40's were sitting. The guy had a DVC hat on. Some parents holding sleeping children got on. DH got up for one of them, as did a couple other men, others like myself, pulled children on our laps to make extra seats. I had my older son stand. This couple with the DVC hat on sat there as the bus pulled away. A father holding a sleeping child, and a probably 10 year old daughter stood directly in front of the DVC guy trying desperatly to hold onto the sleeping toddler AND his daughter, AND the pole. Someone behind me wondered aloud why the DVC guy didn't get up and give him the seat. People started saying stuff like "Well he's a DVC member, he probably thinks he owns the bus" and a LOT of worse things. The couple HAD to of heard them, but didn't react at all. It amazed me that people had such negative opinions of DVC members. It's like they thought the guy was an inconsiderate jerk BECAUSE he was a DVC member. We were DVC members too and my husband stood, I had my 10 year old stand, and pulled my other 2 kids onto my lap. :confused3

I realize that I might start something here, but if the couple had a problem and they couldn't stand? You can't always see someone's ailments.


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