8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 15

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We could use some happy thoughts and prayers our way as well. Angelina was spending the night at her girlfriend's house when she received a call about 1:15 this morning that her friend Ryan, who is in the photo below with Angelina, was in a boating accident last night and drowned. Angelina called me right away, and had me bring her home, as she was so upset. It took Hazel and I over an hour to get her to calm down. I put Angelina in bed with Hazel and I tried falling back to sleep myself, but to no avail. Hazel and I have known Ryan's mom since she was just a kid. Both of Ryan's parents are deaf and they relied so much on Ryan as he would always sign for them. Ryan also has two younger sisters, please remember this family in your thoughts and prayers as well. Ryan just graduated from high school this past June, he was getting ready to start at our local community college this coming Tuesday. The photo below was taken in October 2005 as Angelina and Ryan we heading off for their Homecoming Dance.


Oh Andy, that's horrible. That family & yours are definately in our prayers.
How cool is that!!!:thumbsup2 Our Captain better be careful or he'll be getting offered a new job. :lmao:

Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)
We could use some happy thoughts and prayers our way as well. Angelina was spending the night at her girlfriend's house when she received a call about 1:15 this morning that her friend Ryan, who is in the photo below with Angelina, was in a boating accident last night and drowned. Angelina called me right away, and had me bring her home, as she was so upset. It took Hazel and I over an hour to get her to calm down. I put Angelina in bed with Hazel and I tried falling back to sleep myself, but to no avail. Hazel and I have known Ryan's mom since she was just a kid. Both of Ryan's parents are deaf and they relied so much on Ryan as he would always sign for them. Ryan also has two younger sisters, please remember this family in your thoughts and prayers as well. Ryan just graduated from high school this past June, he was getting ready to start at our local community college this coming Tuesday. The photo below was taken in October 2005 as Angelina and Ryan we heading off for their Homecoming Dance.


Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. We are waiting for the next news report that is coming on at 11am for the latest information. Angelina woke up a little bit ago, I asked her if she wanted to go down by the river, but she said that would be too hard on her, so we will stay here and wait for any word on Ryan.

Andy, Please give Angelina a hug for us. I know that she is going through a rough time. It is wonderful that you are there for her and a shoulder for her tears. We will be keeping Angelina, your family and Ryan's family in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

Thanks Roger. Here's the place we're looking into,not sure if they're the same or not. They give group tours of the island.
I believe it is the one and only. I don't think there are to HD stores in Aruba and the picture looks like the inside of the store.

Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)
Stace, your secret is safe with me. :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
I arrived home a little bit ago from taking a drive down by the river. I know there wasn't much I could do there, but I did get out of the car and said a short prayer for Ryan. Even with so many people there, I felt so all alone.

I saw two rescue boats still searching the banks of the river.

Now I know this might sound a bit crazy, but I had a conversation with Ryan and said to him, "Ryan, this is pops speaking, you need to surface for your family's sake, they are hurting real bad, and I know you wouldn't want that for them."

An article was written in the high school newspaper during the past school year about Ryan and the struggle his family has been through. I am attaching a link to the paper and the article's title is "Lewis Will Sign to Help Others" the page might take a minute or two to load, but the story is on page #3. http://www.venisegrossmann.com/English/Talon PDFs/06-07/Jan07.pdf

What is not in this article is the fact that Ryan's family had been apart because of financial problems, and they were going to be moving into their own house this coming Saturday and be one united family again. Sadly, it looks as though one chair at the table, will be empty.

Andy: Thanks for sharing article. I may not have known him personally but feel like I know him now through that article. I believe everything happens for a reason, we just aren't suppose to understand those reasons. When something like this happens it's so hard not to ask why?:hug:

I pray your family and Ryan's family get the closeure they need. Still hoping they find him o.k

Andy, I'm sitting here crying... And, I too believe there is a greater good to be found somewhere, sometime.

Here's my story: When I was 17 my 9 y/o brother died very unexpecetedly in the operating room at CHoP. He was having a biopsy for a newly diagnosed cancer. Devastating does not begin to describe the impact on our family. As a mother now, I don't know how my Mother ever got out of bed the next day. To further compound this pain, my brother was a twin. His twin brother is coming on this cruise with us.

When I was about 35 I needed to have surgery as part of an infertility treatment. As routine, the anesthesiologist was questioning me prior to the surgery. I told her the story about my brother who died in the OR at CHoP. I could hardly believe my ears when she told me that my brother's case became a landmark case in anesthesia. It seems that the anesthesiologist that did my brothers case was so distraught that my brother crashed in the OR that he began researching what went wrong. Based on my brothers death, children with mediastinal tumors are anesthestized on their side instead of their back.

I told my Mother that story and truely, honestly, a little weight lifted from her that day.
It's always Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!

What about poor Jan??

Now that is funny!!!!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)

'kay, I will not tell a soul.:rolleyes1

Andy, I'm sitting here crying... And, I too believe there is a greater good to be found somewhere, sometime.

Here's my story: When I was 17 my 9 y/o brother died very unexpecetedly in the operating room at CHoP. He was having a biopsy for a newly diagnosed cancer. Devastating does not begin to describe the impact on our family. As a mother now, I don't know how my Mother ever got out of bed the next day. To further compound this pain, my brother was a twin. His twin brother is coming on this cruise with us.

When I was about 35 I needed to have surgery as part of an infertility treatment. As routine, the anesthesiologist was questioning me prior to the surgery. I told her the story about my brother who died in the OR at CHoP. I could hardly believe my ears when she told me that my brother's case became a landmark case in anesthesia. It seems that the anesthesiologist that did my brothers case was so distraught that my brother crashed in the OR that he began researching what went wrong. Based on my brothers death, children with mediastinal tumors are anesthestized on their side instead of their back.

I told my Mother that story and truely, honestly, a little weight lifted from her that day.

OMG Thank you for sharing. There is always a reason why things happen......somtimes we find out "why".:flower3: :flower3:
Thanks again one and all for your words of comfort and support for all concerned. This has been a very long day to say the least. After dinner I took Angelina to Shaun's house so she could spend a few hours with him this evening. Shaun graduated with Ryan in June, and knew Ryan well.

I think I am going to sign off for the night and try to get some rest, of course I won't be going to sleep until I know my baby girl is home safe and sound.
Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)

It'll be our little secret!
Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)


I smell something .... someone cooking something and not keeping track of it? Wait... there's SMOKE in the kitchen.... now HOW MANY COOKS do we have in here?
Okay I surrender!!! You are the queen of cakes.:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: but....you are still a great teacher.:goodvibes

:lmao: Cheryl I appreciate the comment but I've seen some pretty yummy cakes conjured up by you! Keep up the competition! :thumbsup2


I haven't been pushed out a DIS window yet...

Happy birthday Brooke!

And anyway...obviously Crash is still the King around here! :goodvibes

Andy, I'm sitting here crying... And, I too believe there is a greater good to be found somewhere, sometime.

Here's my story: When I was 17 my 9 y/o brother died very unexpecetedly in the operating room at CHoP. He was having a biopsy for a newly diagnosed cancer. Devastating does not begin to describe the impact on our family. As a mother now, I don't know how my Mother ever got out of bed the next day. To further compound this pain, my brother was a twin. His twin brother is coming on this cruise with us.

When I was about 35 I needed to have surgery as part of an infertility treatment. As routine, the anesthesiologist was questioning me prior to the surgery. I told her the story about my brother who died in the OR at CHoP. I could hardly believe my ears when she told me that my brother's case became a landmark case in anesthesia. It seems that the anesthesiologist that did my brothers case was so distraught that my brother crashed in the OR that he began researching what went wrong. Based on my brothers death, children with mediastinal tumors are anesthestized on their side instead of their back.

I told my Mother that story and truely, honestly, a little weight lifted from her that day.

Wow I am truly moved by your story. :hug:

pirate: ing to wish Brooke a Happy Birthday. What a great cake.

Here's my story: When I was 17 my 9 y/o brother died very unexpecetedly in the operating room at CHoP. He was having a biopsy for a newly diagnosed cancer. Devastating does not begin to describe the impact on our family. As a mother now, I don't know how my Mother ever got out of bed the next day. To further compound this pain, my brother was a twin. His twin brother is coming on this cruise with us.

When I was about 35 I needed to have surgery as part of an infertility treatment. As routine, the anesthesiologist was questioning me prior to the surgery. I told her the story about my brother who died in the OR at CHoP. I could hardly believe my ears when she told me that my brother's case became a landmark case in anesthesia. It seems that the anesthesiologist that did my brothers case was so distraught that my brother crashed in the OR that he began researching what went wrong. Based on my brothers death, children with mediastinal tumors are anesthestized on their side instead of their back.

I told my Mother that story and truely, honestly, a little weight lifted from her that day.

Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother, but thankful that he was able to save so many lives. And that you were able to share your story.
Andy, I'm sitting here crying... And, I too believe there is a greater good to be found somewhere, sometime.

Here's my story: When I was 17 my 9 y/o brother died very unexpecetedly in the operating room at CHoP. He was having a biopsy for a newly diagnosed cancer. Devastating does not begin to describe the impact on our family. As a mother now, I don't know how my Mother ever got out of bed the next day. To further compound this pain, my brother was a twin. His twin brother is coming on this cruise with us.

When I was about 35 I needed to have surgery as part of an infertility treatment. As routine, the anesthesiologist was questioning me prior to the surgery. I told her the story about my brother who died in the OR at CHoP. I could hardly believe my ears when she told me that my brother's case became a landmark case in anesthesia. It seems that the anesthesiologist that did my brothers case was so distraught that my brother crashed in the OR that he began researching what went wrong. Based on my brothers death, children with mediastinal tumors are anesthestized on their side instead of their back.

I told my Mother that story and truely, honestly, a little weight lifted from her that day.

I have to wonder ...

... as when we were younger we had an older cousin who lost a child to a misdiagnosis/or conservative diagnosis on a condition that snowballed into an acute problem (the technical name eludes me now). Anyways - the family (our cousin) paid over a 100K in cash to airlift thier son from Honolulu to Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles where those in California gathered. [edited] That was a LOT of money back then. I've seen some folks make serious career changes/adjustments as a result to try and help folks rather than just make max $.

I've gotta watch the steak I cooking. I got ripped off as the whole back side of the cut is sort of undesirable. I might have returned it if not for he kids being so hungry. SO I am sort of cooking it in an unorthodox way.... gotta go check on it...
LOL! I had those boots in 7th! :rotfl: :rotfl:

I had them as well along with a white vinyl jacket. What were we thinking back then????

Andy, I'm sitting here crying... And, I too believe there is a greater good to be found somewhere, sometime.

Here's my story: When I was 17 my 9 y/o brother died very unexpecetedly in the operating room at CHoP. He was having a biopsy for a newly diagnosed cancer. Devastating does not begin to describe the impact on our family. As a mother now, I don't know how my Mother ever got out of bed the next day. To further compound this pain, my brother was a twin. His twin brother is coming on this cruise with us.

When I was about 35 I needed to have surgery as part of an infertility treatment. As routine, the anesthesiologist was questioning me prior to the surgery. I told her the story about my brother who died in the OR at CHoP. I could hardly believe my ears when she told me that my brother's case became a landmark case in anesthesia. It seems that the anesthesiologist that did my brothers case was so distraught that my brother crashed in the OR that he began researching what went wrong. Based on my brothers death, children with mediastinal tumors are anesthestized on their side instead of their back.

I told my Mother that story and truely, honestly, a little weight lifted from her that day.

You were there for a reason. Had you not met that anesthesiologist another one may not have been so quick to reference your brother.:cloud9:

Thanks again one and all for your words of comfort and support for all concerned. This has been a very long day to say the least. After dinner I took Angelina to Shaun's house so she could spend a few hours with him this evening. Shaun graduated with Ryan in June, and knew Ryan well.

I think I am going to sign off for the night and try to get some rest, of course I won't be going to sleep until I know my baby girl is home safe and sound.

Try to get some rest Andy. Give her a big hug when she gets home.
Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)

I Love It!! :lmao:
I am so sorry for the pain others are feeling. It physically hurts to read these stories and I do not even know these people.
May peace come to all hurting tonight.
So ...

...things came out ok with the cooking. The kids ate so much (must be a simultaneous growth spurt) that I've hardly anything left for me. I'll just turn in hungry (better for me probably) ... or I'll heat a little left overs.

I ended up carving away almost a quarter of the cut - the entire side facing down was a layer of fat... well about 65% of the SURFACE facing down in the PACKAGE was fat varying from a quarter to 3/4" in thickness. I was apalled.. but when I checked the other cut it was just fine. So of the total between both cuts it was maybe 10% carvable fat.

And so - I got a few minutes before I get the kids ready for bed.

Hope folks are doing OK tonight. The last couple of days seemed to be unusually active with challenging and sometimes sad events. I feel again without proper words for how I feel ... almost in limbo in some ways. Kno what I mean?


With this posting Andrew achieves his 2,500th posting to the thread!

lbgraves 4,943
Diznyfan68 3,749
Verandah Man 3,709
captaincrash 3,093
Andrew DEREK UK 2,500
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O'BWV 2,381
PBader 2,333
justmestace 2,018
DisneyVegas1 1,877
windermerejudy 1,841
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Enna 1,633
tom31b 1,618
pyramid2000 1,548
allshookup 1,512
sk8ingmom 1,458
BibbidyBobbidyBoo 1,443
brack 1,408
darthrugby 1,243
jonesing 1,075
micmse2003 1,072
GoofyontheHiSeas 1,042
DindelsPA 1,006
buckifan 968
magiroux 950
dahuffy 931
disneypilots 923
arlenesp 907
bellelinus 880
goofyforlife 865
The FairyGodmother 813
atakaratemom 721
ChrizJen 720
pansmermaidzlagoon 695
castoff 694
Downrivermama 630
kap158 567
geffric 560
mkygrl 490
daipp 436
eeyorelvr10 420
DiaLady 404
PMDR59 384
maine_jennifer 368
radioclash2 343
Grandma x3 342
kab407 341
Esteri 339
Lil' Grumpy 332
cinderella_mom 312
Joel110 281
wheelerkidz3 269
Sarangel 269
Friend_of_Piglet 261
Stepht5 249
pdarrah 228
tiggrbaby 218
cruisin'Mike 205
disneyjunkie 195
Reenieny18 163
m&m's mom 158
dh chrisva 148
miztigg 141
Buddy Bear 126
mtt-swd 112
silmarg 107
Grandma4ever 100
MJGirl 99
mousehouseman 96
poohssmum 93
jeanneg 90
ohanafamily 89
maryisme 79
4boons 79
Pluto, 75
GSCM_DisneyScout 73
winnyis 72
Michelle2 67
DisneyMom13 66
poohmomof5 62
paulasillars 62
A fat english gent 61
RobinMarie 59
Stinasmom 57
ivanova 57
Scratch42 56
MrsScooby 56
wdwluvrs 55
AndyR 53
mom_rules 52
lotsofboys 50
Sarah's Dad 49
Reenieny 41
villagesbarbara 40
joksten2000 40
Celestine 39
Gabbie 39
msaseifert 39
CBJHockeyNut 38
crzy4dals 34
scuba.mom 29
tynkerbell 29
Randy_Man 25
lillygator 24
Jhalkias 23
GrayFal 23
tjeagle 22
newfamilyman 22
luvmylab 22
disneylover5 21
cykojoe 20
OCD for WD 20
Disney Sweetie 20
disneycrazzzy 20
FairyGodmama 19
DisCrazzy 19
rsjj 18
J&C'sGrandmom 17
Hygiene99 16
piglet33 16
winotracy 15
A Litle Pixie Dust 15
princess81499 14
rsschneck 14
Mickey&Co 14
Twice Charmed 13
faireygod mother 12
ElenitaB 12
dzneprincess 12
GoofyforGoofy 12
sklimuck 11
kimerinc 11
agraygirl 11
pjpoohbear 11
Walsh clan 10
Mickey02 10
eeyorelova 10
kaceyisme 10
tiggerandpooh 10
luvmy3sons 9
mndisfam 9
MkUSmile78 9
Mom323 9
ladypoo 9
poolex3 8
Denise W 8
Minniemiss 7
chipscinderelly 7
SeaSpray 7
minnieandmickey 7
mjy 7
tap & dap 7
Hanover 7
drumbumswife 6
nearcat 6
bigben 6
eeyoregon 6
[edited 1-5 postings]
So, in the good news department, the office manager (who I've already interviewed with) and I are trying to convince the two principal architects at her firm that they should take a chance on me & let me help them with their accounting...

We've won over one of the principals & she's working on the other one. I've come up with some good arguements for her to use & I'm optimistic that within a month I wlll be better situated. Either I'll be making enough money to actually support the 3 of us OR I'll be making enough money to scrape by and I'll have 4 weeks of vacation a year. Either way would be fine with me.

Thank you all for the positive energy you've put out on my behalf - Keep up the positive thinking & I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Wahoo! I'm #57. I guess that means I have to try really, REALLY, REALLY hard. Heck, by the time we cruise I may even break 500.
It isn't working for me.:sad1:
What in the world? I wonder why???

It's still showing rates..... Did you put SD50 in the promo rate?

I see certain catagories are no longer available though...

I may stay on-site through DVC points but right now i have tentatively put a ressie in for 3 nights in a NQQ2....

So Building 2 for me if i stay there.... It is a sweet rate though...

I was able to get NQQ3- the same thing I had already booked... in building one. When I booked it online -it did say "highway side" though. I have no idea what side I would have been on anyway. But that's the building I want to be in- it's near the things I want to be near and a tiny bit less walking to DL. :)

DJ did you try emailing Willie? I saw a few of the other posters on that thread did it that way.

BIP, you did get the 2008 card?
I bought it on ebay- yesterday. I haven't received it yet.

I called and spoke to Jennifer. She said they haven't released on discounts for next summer yet.:rolleyes:

I'll try emailing or calling Willie.
The guy I talked to (that told me to call back 3hrs later) also gave me the spiel (also mentioned on that thread about this code discount) about how they aren't doing next summer yet and only having certain dates/etc. But I booked it online and already have the confirmation and everything. So I don't get it...

I arrived home a little bit ago from taking a drive down by the river. I know there wasn't much I could do there, but I did get out of the car and said a short prayer for Ryan. Even with so many people there, I felt so all alone.

I saw two rescue boats still searching the banks of the river.

Now I know this might sound a bit crazy, but I had a conversation with Ryan and said to him, "Ryan, this is pops speaking, you need to surface for your family's sake, they are hurting real bad, and I know you wouldn't want that for them."

An article was written in the high school newspaper during the past school year about Ryan and the struggle his family has been through. I am attaching a link to the paper and the article's title is "Lewis Will Sign to Help Others" the page might take a minute or two to load, but the story is on page #3. http://www.venisegrossmann.com/English/Talon PDFs/06-07/Jan07.pdf

What is not in this article is the fact that Ryan's family had been apart because of financial problems, and they were going to be moving into their own house this coming Saturday and be one united family again. Sadly, it looks as though one chair at the table, will be empty.

So sad. :( Breaks me heart.
I had a cousin (adult cousin but with 3 young children) that drowned 5yrs ago. We just had a family get together/memorial type thing this past Sunday. He is missed by many. It's hard... for everyone.

I'll read the article after I post this.

Well, I'm not sure I should repeat this, so just between you & me....Todd DID say that the ship's CJS didn't look too pleased with him. And he says he has pictures to prove it.
So...shhhh....don't tell anyone else, 'kay? ;)
He needs to get over it- or work on his costume a little more. ;)
He needs to get over it- or work on his costume a little more. ;)

Ah, he's not the one working on his costume (or making decisions about it). There's a whole professional staff that does that. Maybe he needs to put some real PIRATE pressure on THEM...
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