Love the Podcast but why does it always seem low volume wise?


DIS Veteran
Sep 22, 2004
I know, just turn up the volume but compared to all other music, and podcast, the volume on the DisPodcast just seems quiet for somereason.

Maybe I am doing something wrong?

This is one of those ongoing mysteries for me. We've had reports for a while that some listeners have had this problem, but I've been unable to recreate it. Are you listening thru the online stream, or are you downloading it to an IPod/Zune?

I download thru iTunes and have the same problem. it's very quiet
I also often have this problem. Sometimes it is certain people that are harder to hear than others. It seems like Pete and Kevin are the quietest, but I can always hear Corey and Bob. I download onto my Ipod and listen via headphones, car adaptor, or alarm clock.
Nope, you are not the only one.

I listen by clicking the "Listen Now" link on this site. Never have a problem with the volume level on anything else. :confused3 Sometimes it is so low I just have to give up trying to listen. ( and no, I am not hard of hearing. ;) )

Edit-I also agree with dec2901.
I have the same results. I download from Itunes to my Ipod and listen sometimes with headphones, but most often listen in the car. My car has Ford's new Microsoft Sync system which plays everything very clear. When playing your podcast I find I have to use nearly twice the volume that I would normally use.
I usually find Julie much louder than most everyone else.
No complaints, just offering feedback. :thumbsup2

After being married for ten years the Julie volume thing adds a lot of realism to the show for me. :laughing:
This is one of those ongoing mysteries for me. We've had reports for a while that some listeners have had this problem, but I've been unable to recreate it. Are you listening thru the online stream, or are you downloading it to an IPod/Zune?



I use an IPOD and download through itunes.

I listed to a bunch of Podcast and the Dis is the only one that I have trouble with the volume. Maybe you gusy can use MP3 Gain and increase the volume of something?

BTW. Great Podcast you guys have. !!!!
This message is mostly for Pete. I also (typically) download from iTunes. I play the show on my iPod classic, and my wife uses a Shuffle. Strangely enough, it always would play back quieter on her iPod than on mine. Weird.

Now, I have Adobe Audition available to me through work, so here's what I typically do:
1) Run a Hard Limit (processing) filter set to "-3" with a 2dB boost.
2) Normalize the resulting file to 0dB.

Not trying to imply that this is what EVERYONE needs to do, or that the file should have this done to it before its released. I just wanted to share what works for me.

Feel free to private message me if you want to discuss anything more in-depth :)

Thanks for all you guys do!!

Just thought you should know this is not an across the board problem. I download through iTunes, play on my iPod video and have no sound problems.
I had the same problem on an ipod shuffle. Now I almost always listen to the online stream so it hasn't been an issue.

I remember emailing you when the show was very new with the same issue. Maybe its something with the shuffle.
I had the same problem on an ipod shuffle. Now I almost always listen to the online stream so it hasn't been an issue.

I remember emailing you when the show was very new with the same issue. Maybe its something with the shuffle.

My shuffle doesn't have a problem. Volume is fine for me when I download from Itunes or listen on the site. :confused3
I have had this problem occasionally with individual sound files. Some of the volume problem may be fixed by adjusting the volume of the podcast itself (or just the individual files). In Itunes, right click on whatever you want to change (individual file or whole DIS Unplugged podcast if this is a chronic issue for you) and under "Get Info" there is a "volume adjustment" bar which will change the volume at baseline. More of a work-around, maybe, but if you get in there and find the volume is already adjusted DOWN, there's the problem. Hard to believe it's an encoding problem if it only affects some...
I agree that I have to turn my computer or iPod volume up at least twice as high as other audio files to hear the DIS. Although, it's certainly not a problem that would make me stop listening.
It is not really a problem for me as I just turn it up - BUT when it is turned up then all of you guys start laughing loudly at once - it gets really loud and I have to turn it down. :lmao:

Thanks for the great podcast by the way!
I download to Itunes, then to my Ipod video thing.... volume is the same for me on your podcast as on others.....wonder why some have such a difference???
I have had this problem occasionally with individual sound files. Some of the volume problem may be fixed by adjusting the volume of the podcast itself (or just the individual files). In Itunes, right click on whatever you want to change (individual file or whole DIS Unplugged podcast if this is a chronic issue for you) and under "Get Info" there is a "volume adjustment" bar which will change the volume at baseline. More of a work-around, maybe, but if you get in there and find the volume is already adjusted DOWN, there's the problem. Hard to believe it's an encoding problem if it only affects some...

God Info. Thanks ! :thumbsup2
I find the volume level adequate, especially when comparing to other podcast i try to listen to. Some are so quite even though i find the topics interesting i don't bother to listen.

that said, i too find some comments by the round table to be quiet, but i think it may be from not having one's face right infront of the microphone, and as noted earlier, when there is a funny, you know it. but that's one of the reasons i listen. i love the podcast.


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