Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

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And that is exactly what happens with VMK, they rarely, if ever, listen to their customer complaints. YES, we ARE customers. I do not care if the game is free or not, we are STILL customers and we have a right to complain when things like this happen.

Its unfortunate that you feel that way, but I dont listen to customer complaints either. In my world of financial services, I cannot really help you if you dont provide me with what your possible solution is to the problem that occurred. Provide that, then maybe I could see what I can do for you and if the tax law allows me. :thumbsup2

Hence why complaints go nowhere. On the other hand, I have offered suggestions to VMK to resolve issues that have occurred and yes in fact they have been implemented. I would not necessarily say it was a result of me, but I discussed and shared possible solutions with others and we all sent a comment to VMK.

As the VMK Community, we should (as I stated earlier) "offer solutions, suggestions, whatever you call it" and our opinions here I am sure are taken into account.
Really makes me wonder if we didn't know that hosts read this board, how very different certain posts would be.... :rolleyes1

If I wasnt getting ready to visit my BFF Host_Phinny ( ;) ) I would totally dispute that remark!
Whether hosts read the boards or not, is it wrong to thank them? So often people complain about trivial things (I do as well). It's our given nature, we always want more.

But come on, enough is enough. So some people didn't get into a trade event for gad's sake! I myself haven't gotten into TONS of trade events. The few that I did manage to get into, I was grateful.

In my opinion, more <3 for the hosts is being shown here, because I'm sure feelings are hurt. Doesn't make people better/worse for doing it/not doing it.
Aww, it pains me to see people who actually got in complaining. I wasn't able to try for this event, but I think the event is a wonderful, creative idea. With Hula's connection problems, this was a very ambitious event for her to host. Since I can enjoy VMK completely FREE of charge, I can't really complain. I'm just glad to see the host events back. I missed them.:goodvibes
As a lifetime customer service manager (in varous fields, and that is part of what I do now in addition to technical support) I can say, with 100% certainty, it is NOT the customers responsibility to offer a solution, it is MINE. If something I do, or my company does is not pleasing teh customer, then I have a responsibility to FIND a solution. All criticism is contructive as long as it is not attacking. Thats where many of the rants about people not offering "constructive criticism" go wrong. We, as customers, SHOULD complain when we feel we have been neglected, mistreated, or received poor service. Regardless of how nice and wonderful Hula may be, she is a poor choice to run an event of this nature. Period. It does not matter if I have a "solution" or not, it is up to VMK to find one, or not. That is THEIR JOB. Just like it is MY JOB when things are done wrong in my department. I do not tell the customer "OH, well, dont complain unless you have a solution". That would be incredibly stupid of me and I would, in fact, lose my job for an attitude like that. What I say is, thank you for your thoughts. And then I see if there is a way I can improve my service. My customers do not care a whit if Johnny's car broke down, or Mary is sick, or even if we are "really busy". (Trust me, I called Papa John's corporate because a driver took an hour to get to mny house and said "sorry, we are really busy") My job is to atempt to provide the best customer care I can, regardless of staffing, sickness, auto repair, or just plain bad days. I have bad days, we all do, but it never, ever, affects my customers. And when one of my employees DOES let his bad day affect his customer, he gets a warning. End of story.
Yes, the hosts to read the forums, and yes, when people criticize events, the people running them often do read those comments. People in entertainment find themselves in that position all the time. They deal with it by either learning not to take it personally, or just avoiding exposure to the criticism. Engaging critics and 'defending yourself' is very often not an option, or at least a very bad idea. There's nothing wrong with just not paying attention to critics, of course. If you can remember not to take it personally, though, you can learn a lot from what people say about your performance. But when you work for a game that has such a large and active fan community, you've got to learn to do one or the other.

Hula has computer issues. Clearly, her employers are okay with that, and most of the time it's not a huge deal. She can't control her computer problems, of course, but those issues mean that she was not a good choice for an event like this one. It may not be her fault, but that's the way it is.

For a teleporter game or a 'meet and greet the host' room where you can get in line more than twenty seconds after the room opens and still get in, opening up your room late is not such a big deal; once it's clear that the host is running behind schedule, players can just go do something else and check back in 15 minutes. But getting into a pin trading event is much tougher. When Hula logged on twenty minutes late, it meant that the only people who were able to get in to the room to trade with her were the ones who spent a full twenty minutes clicking 'search' over and over waiting for her to arrive, or those who just got very, very lucky and happened to come back to the guest room menu at exactly the right moment. With an event that fills up as fast as this one, you really do need to show up on time.

Let me put it this way: I've been working in different areas of theatre and entertainment for years. When there's a hard and fast curtain fast approaching, being on time for work matters, and being even a little late can make life difficult for a lot of other people. If I have an employee who has an unreliable car, I expect them to leave home early enough to allow for any transportation problems they might have in order to get to work on time. The first time, 'my car broke down' is a good excuse. The fourth, not so much.

And for some of the other 'extenuating circumstances' that were mentioned, I'll just say that Fin manages to get through her lines incredibly fast, without extended trade sessions while she answers questions and chats in the trade, and even allowing for players who, for whatever reason, don't respond right away when it's their turn. Aside from the computer issues, the challenges Hula had today are the same ones that any other host would have in any other trade event. So we really do have to conclude that the slow pace of the room was probably mainly down to Hula's technical problems.
Well, crap.

I'm pretty disgusted right now by what I'm seeing. I came into this thread to find out what the event is about and found nothing but the same complaints by people who know that more often than not, many people would not be able to participate.

And then blame the host for things beyond her control.

Really, people. Count me in as one of the people with perspective, who was at work (or in school for the younger crowd), and didn't give a damn that we missed an event.

Was the whining worth it? I'm not immune to crappy behavior. I verbally abused a player that was booted from a Mansion game who joined again before we started. I'm not proud of what I did, and I wanted to apologize to her, but I couldn't find her.

Perhaps we all need a Time Out from VMK now and again.
As a lifetime customer service manager (in varous fields, and that is part of what I do now in addition to technical support) I can say, with 100% certainty, it is NOT the customers responsibility to offer a solution, it is MINE. If something I do, or my company does is not pleasing teh customer, then I have a responsibility to FIND a solution. All criticism is contructive as long as it is not attacking. Thats where many of the rants about people not offering "constructive criticism" go wrong. We, as customers, SHOULD complain when we feel we have been neglected, mistreated, or received poor service. Regardless of how nice and wonderful Hula may be, she is a poor choice to run an event of this nature. Period. It does not matter if I have a "solution" or not, it is up to VMK to find one, or not. That is THEIR JOB. Just like it is MY JOB when things are done wrong in my department. I do not tell the customer "OH, well, dont complain unless you have a solution". That would be incredibly stupid of me and I would, in fact, lose my job for an attitude like that. What I say is, thank you for your thoughts. And then I see if there is a way I can improve my service. My customers do not care a whit if Johnny's car broke down, or Mary is sick, or even if we are "really busy". (Trust me, I called Papa John's corporate because a driver took an hour to get to mny house and said "sorry, we are really busy") My job is to atempt to provide the best customer care I can, regardless of staffing, sickness, auto repair, or just plain bad days. I have bad days, we all do, but it never, ever, affects my customers. And when one of my employees DOES let his bad day affect his customer, he gets a warning. End of story.
Yes, but if the customer is receiving your product and services for free, where to they hit on your "triage" list?
As a lifetime customer service manager (in varous fields, and that is part of what I do now in addition to technical support) I can say, with 100% certainty, it is NOT the customers responsibility to offer a solution, it is MINE.

But of course, you do try attempt to find out what it is the customer wants to make them happy by asking them? I would hate to have a solution provided to me that did not meet my needs.

In most cases, the complaints that I deal with in financial services are a result of mistakes that both the business and a client makes as well. This is where the client needs to provide a solution (or their tax advisor) because it impacts their tax picture and the financial services area does not know the clients total tax picture, clients responsibility.

See a solution and to make the appropriate choice of the solution is needed to make both parties involved happy.
As a lifetime customer service manager (in varous fields, and that is part of what I do now in addition to technical support) I can say, with 100% certainty, it is NOT the customers responsibility to offer a solution, it is MINE. If something I do, or my company does is not pleasing teh customer, then I have a responsibility to FIND a solution. All criticism is contructive as long as it is not attacking. Thats where many of the rants about people not offering "constructive criticism" go wrong. We, as customers, SHOULD complain when we feel we have been neglected, mistreated, or received poor service. Regardless of how nice and wonderful Hula may be, she is a poor choice to run an event of this nature. Period. It does not matter if I have a "solution" or not, it is up to VMK to find one, or not. That is THEIR JOB. Just like it is MY JOB when things are done wrong in my department. I do not tell the customer "OH, well, dont complain unless you have a solution". That would be incredibly stupid of me and I would, in fact, lose my job for an attitude like that. What I say is, thank you for your thoughts. And then I see if there is a way I can improve my service. My customers do not care a whit if Johnny's car broke down, or Mary is sick, or even if we are "really busy". (Trust me, I called Papa John's corporate because a driver took an hour to get to mny house and said "sorry, we are really busy") My job is to atempt to provide the best customer care I can, regardless of staffing, sickness, auto repair, or just plain bad days. I have bad days, we all do, but it never, ever, affects my customers. And when one of my employees DOES let his bad day affect his customer, he gets a warning. End of story.

If you feel this strongly about the lousy way host games are run, then perhaps you should do what many people do when they are upset about a service or product. Don't use it anymore.

I don't really buy your whole customer service thing here. I don't think that Hula did a bad job today. She opened the room late, but she kept it open late. Yes, this particular event doesn't handle the volume that some of the others do, but in my opinion, the quests, and the teleport games where virtually everyone gets a prize more than makes up for it.

Seriously, though, I don't get how people get so bent out of shape by pixels!
Yes, but if the customer is receiving your product and services for free, where to they hit on your "triage" list?

My customers, technically, do receive my services for free. I run an internal tech support group for my company.
If you feel this strongly about the lousy way host games are run, then perhaps you should do what many people do when they are upset about a service or product. Don't use it anymore.

I don't really buy your whole customer service thing here. I don't think that Hula did a bad job today. She opened the room late, but she kept it open late. Yes, this particular event doesn't handle the volume that some of the others do, but in my opinion, the quests, and the teleport games where virtually everyone gets a prize more than makes up for it.

Seriously, though, I don't get how people get so bent out of shape by pixels!

you obviously just chose to hit "quote" without reading my post, or, have decided to read between the lines.

I did not specifically say, in any of my posts, that Hula did a bad job. Hula did what Hula does. VMK did a bad job by simply having Hula host the event.

and seriously, I am not bent out of shape. I am pointing out inaccuarcies in teh posts of people who are bent out of shape by people who complained. Life is not all perfume and roses. People complain about poor service. Thats what they do. Today, we received poor service. It does not matter who gave us the service. Or why.
Here's something I found on constructive criticism:

Being critical is easy, and offering criticism seems easier still. Yet constructive criticism - - the more refined and effective brand of critical feedback - - is like an art when compared to nagging, nit-picking and negativity. Nothing makes most people bristle more quickly than unfair, unskillful, or unsolicited criticism.

*Realize that relationships matter
*Review assumptions
*Relax and center before meeting
*Share intentions
*Clarify expectations
*Ask questions (and listen to the responses)
*Speak respectfully
*See the positive as well as the negative

Trust me, I get frustrated with things in the game too. However, I have always found that when I express my complaint/concern in a polite way instead of telling them everything they've done wrong, people are more willing to help me resolve my issue.
But of course, you do try attempt to find out what it is the customer wants to make them happy by asking them? I would hate to have a solution provided to me that did not meet my needs.

In most cases, the complaints that I deal with in financial services are a result of mistakes that both the business and a client makes as well. This is where the client needs to provide a solution (or their tax advisor) because it impacts their tax picture and the financial services area does not know the clients total tax picture, clients responsibility.

See a solution and to make the appropriate choice of the solution is needed to make both parties involved happy.

I do not see VMK on here asking us how they could better serve us. On teh contrary, when we send a complaint to Contact Us, if we get a reply at all, it is usually "tough, deal with it".

When my customers complain, I listen to their complaint. I may ask them, if the complaint warrants it, what could have been done differently. And alot of people here, including myself, have mentioned what could have been done differently. Part of effective service is knowing teh strengths and weaknesses of your employees and putting them in a position to succeed. VMK did not do that here.
Well for those of you who havn't see the description of Fin's room it says "NOTE: This game will run more slowly than most." And I for one can't help but feel that it was directed toward this thread. :sad2:
Not for anything, but anyone who doesn't think that Aengus's bff_phinny doesn't read the boards might want to read her note for this evening's host game.

Note: This game will run more slowly than most.

So, now Phinny can join Hula in the "I created a host event that doesn't handle the crowds" doghouse.

eta: Hey Phinny, if you read this, I'm not getting in line for your game because I know I won't make it in, but that's OK. I'm sure it's a great, fun, and creative game that many will enjoy, so thanks for running it. You rock!
Well for those of you who havn't see the description of Fin's room it says "NOTE: This game will run more slowly than most." And I for one can't help but feel that it was directed toward this thread. :sad2:

Oh, I'm considering this thread just a warm up for when the gingerbread contest winners and prizes are announced.

Want to place bets now how many complaints THAT will generate? :laughing:
Again, I didn't get into the pin event today, but knowing that hosts can look into your inventory. Is it possible that Hula was taking the time to try to give the player a pin that he/she didn't already have?

On a different note, when Hula gave out dream ears in my room. She was able to place the item into each person's inventory that was in the room. This was done several times. Players who were in the room were boot & then the room was opened again and more players were able to get in. Maybe this could be done with 10-15 people at a time. Like in dreams month, "Congrats, everyone just received an eye pin!" :confused3
Again, I didn't get into the pin event today, but knowing that hosts can look into your inventory. Is it possible that Hula was taking the time to try to give the player a pin that he/she didn't already have?

From what I experienced today I think she used a generator to pick pins. [kind of like the room generator during dreams month] Because she asked me if I had all of the Haunted Mansion pins and when I said yes she gave me a Flying Saucer Space Mountain pin. But thats just a guess.
I do not see VMK on here asking us how they could better serve us. On teh contrary, when we send a complaint to Contact Us, if we get a reply at all, it is usually "tough, deal with it".

When my customers complain, I listen to their complaint. I may ask them, if the complaint warrants it, what could have been done differently. And alot of people here, including myself, have mentioned what could have been done differently. Part of effective service is knowing teh strengths and weaknesses of your employees and putting them in a position to succeed. VMK did not do that here.

Oh I totally agree with you on the Contact Us issue, at times reminds me of the movie "The Rainmaker" because I get several no's or I have not really read your message before I get an answer. But I dont give up in providing a solution, albeit frustrating. I guess because I truely want what is best the game that my kids and I play.
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