New update on Gingerbread Winnings- Honorable Mention and prizes!

I believe VMK’s institution of the “Donald” gift and rewording of the “participation prize” section was their way of clarifying their intent. It was not a clarification that went in favor of the players, but it also did not leave people expecting a prize they never got.

“But they made us believe we would get these participation prizes. What does “participation” mean to you?”

Yes, what they wrote was confusing and I can see how some people incorrectly read into it. Perhaps VMK became aware of the confusing nature of what they had published and rectified it. How difficult would it be for VMK to give everybody that entered those “Participation Prizes?” I have no way of knowing, but I imagine it would be quite simple and surely not costly. However, whether they do that or not is purely up to them; those that participated in the Contest are not entitled to anything, as much as they might believe they are or should be. Also, I think it is common practice on websites to update material as necessary without any kind of “apology” for it. It’s not like the prize was in your inventory one day and the next it wasn’t.

I’m very sympathetic to the fact that kids have been disappointed by a company that goes out of its way to ensure that this disappointment never happens. (It seems the only kids disappointed at WDW are that way because their parents feel they have somehow been slighted out of their “perfect vacation” and this gets the kids upset, but don’t get me started.) Disney is a company, not your best friend. If a company delivers bad customer service, how do the customers protest? They refuse to take part in the company’s commodities, products, services or experiences. The option is yours.

I hope these kids…and everyone… will enjoy their Gingerbread houses with their friends and feel good about the work that they put into them. After all, the best rewards on intrinsic right?
I try not to get upset about "virtual" prizes & items, but this situation has really irked me. So, I just sent the following to Contact Us:

I must comment on the prizes awarded for the Gingerbread Competition. There are far too many for the few winners, which is out-of-line with the practice in past competitions.

I was a runner-up in the Space Ride competition, and received a Green Rocketship Couch (which is still my prized possession), a Top Ten pin, and 5,000 credits. This was for building a very expensive ride that went through 3 rooms. All participants in the competition also received the rare Tomorrowland 8/9 pin.

Compare this to the Gingerbread Competition: A runner-up in this competition will receive a Skull Rock Holiday Room, a Blue Winter Jacket, a Blue Winter Beanie, Expedition Everest Boots, a Top Ten Pin, 4 Orange Gumdrop Chairs and 7,500 credits. Also, all participants will receive a Donald Surprise Gift (which would have been a nice prize a month ago).

I really think VMK needs to consider more carefully the impact that things like this have on the players (many of whom are children). It is one thing for them to be disappointed that they did not win. But it is far worse to feel that a select few are far more valued and privileged than others. The disparity in the prize structure that you created helps foster that kind of negative feeling.

It is my sincere hope that you learn a lesson from this mistake. Regards.

A lotta good it'll do, but I just needed to express my disappointment to them.
I hesitated to post...
I don't really expect VMK to stand by their original wording. I'm not even going to ask them to. It would be nice if they owned up to the mistake though. A note that says "sorry for the confusion but here's the deal" would be fine with me.

I for one will gladly accept my Donald Present. I will be a little disappointed if it doesn't already have a greeting and isn't signed by a host. I want to put it out with my other gifts and it would be really neat to have one from a host. Giving me a "prize" that is designed for me to give to someone else seems a little silly.

I think participating in the contest was supposed to be rewarding by itself. If didn't get a kick out of building your gingerbread house then maybe you were in it for the wrong reasons in the first place.

In a nutshell this summarizes it. I think everyone - save one - understands participant as well as understanding they used it in an ambiguous statement on the announcement. (Withholds comment on the good folks with dissenting opinion). With that said most Dis contest participants have been understanding and supportive of this situation, because in general This is not unusual that VMK makes an error and does not own the mistake or take the proper action to apologize or correct it. In business and life, these are some of the steps in normal problem resolution. Not everyone will be happy with your solution but most will accept that you owned it and apologized, it is also important to not repeat the mistakes.

Here is a quote from the business research lab that explains it: “Every business, no matter how well run, occasionally makes a misstep with a customer. How such mistakes are handled is critical to the reputation of the business. The customer will remember how a problem is resolved, and will be sure to tell his or her friends. “ They also show the steps in resolution are: thank the person for contacting them, apologize (several times if necessary), offer an explanation (not so much an excuse but an indication it was not the normal way things go) assure the problem is being resolved and should not be encountered again, then finally offer compensation or restitution. – Is this applicable to VMK? If they want to overall be successful. I am sure Disney has some training resources they can provide them without a problem. The way they handled this makes you feel like “Why bother” (which explains my new room) it is clear that the Donald gift is an afterthought, not that there is anything wrong with that or Donald – Just they never acknowledge these issues or their part in the confusion. A simple note when changing the prize info too more closely match what they meant. We are sorry that there was apparently some confusion over the prizes; we were in a hurry to get them up because we knew everyone was anxious. We did make an error, we have corrected – not all participants receive an award. We hope to avoid problems like this in the future but accidents do happen. Again we are sorry for any inconvenience or bad feelings this may have caused. Because of this error, we have added a small token of our thanks for your participation and hope you will continue to participate in the future. We also thought we would add a few honorable mentions you might enjoy, so you could see how difficult the judging was. Again, thanks for your understanding and continued involvement in the VMK events.

I feel that the Participants (subject to interpretation) all did an excellent job; some spent a lot of time other spent little. We all congratulate the winners, runner's up and now the belatedly mentioned Honorable mentions. Of those that won I saw half perhaps, most I had noted as nice builds. I thank VMK for the opportunity to try their contest and thank the staff for the time and effort they put into the very difficult job of picking winners.

I myself have my own list of honorable mentions, I will state right out - I have no prizes for you, but great Job (In the interest of not hurting any feelings you can assume that if I saw your built your on my list ;) )
I myself have my own list of honorable mentions, I will state right out - I have no prizes for you, but great Job (In the interest of not hurting any feelings you can assume that if I saw your built your on my list ;) )

:cool1: Someone liked the Gum Drop Ski Resort! :cool1: (Of course, there was not a kid repeatedly saying, "Add, can I ask you a question? Add add add answer me! when you were visiting." :headache: Thanks for the group honorable mention. :goodvibes :rotfl:

Sorry but you are into your opinion but I am standing on mine. *All VMK Gingerbread Competition finalist (Grand Prize and Runner-Up winners) receive the Participation Awards.

Where was it written all the All VMK Gingerbread competition participants ??
It is not and it is the end of the story.

Okay, sentence diagramming, oh boy it's been a long time.

All - every
VMK Gingerbreak Competition finalist - grand prize and runner ups in our little funville contest
receive - get
the participation - being involved
award - prize.

Every grand prize and runner ups in our little funville contest gets the being involved prize.

By sheer understand of the English language, I too, not a winner or runner up was involved. So, if there is an award that is for just "being involved" that portion of the prize pack that the grand prize and runner up winners are receiving, I will receive as well.

1 - it is a finalists award package (which it's not, it's a "participation award"
2 - i was not a participant (which I guess now, by vmk's standards, I wasn't) :sad1:
Well the best judge of integrity is to judge a person by how they handle their mistakes. Ah right now VMK gets an F- is there anything lower than an F-.

I just feel so badly for the hosts that for the next while will have upset players talking to them. I rode Fins ride 4 times last night to say thank you and thanks for the quest. Since the ride was over so fast it took 4 times to get out my thank you rofl. I think that ride was made that ride to give her some peace :)
Ok, vmk made a mistake. Most of you knew that was an error and a lot posted that they thought it was an error were not giving hopes up. Yet the extreme amount of complaining never ceases to amaze me.

Those of you that were(are) advid pin traders remember this period in trading before the bottom fell out. Any failed events with the amount of complaints and disappointment. Made it not fun and we PAID for that!! Welcome to the bottom!!

There was no way VMK was going to re-coop from this error. Even if they appologized for any inconvience the flow of letters and complaints would be huge.

Oh well, back to my mini games. :cool1:
Well the best judge of integrity is to judge a person by how they handle their mistakes. Ah right now VMK gets an F- is there anything lower than an F-.

Technically, if VMK received an F- then I would be remiss in my duties, as a teacher, if I did not make them repeat the contest :lmao: :lmao:

Sorry, had to throw that in there :goodvibes
Sorry but you are into your opinion but I am standing on mine.

*All VMK Gingerbread Competition finalist (Grand Prize and Runner-Up winners) receive the Participation Awards.

Where was it written all the All VMK Gingerbread competition participants ??

It is not and it is the end of the story.

I don't really think you understand that every person who was judged, whether they won or lost, is considered a participant. In previous VMK ride contests, there was no difficulty interpreting participant prizes. VMK set the precedent, there's proof. Whether it was a blizzard beach chair, a Yeti paw print pin, or a Tomorrowland 8/9 pin, we were all aware of that as a participation prize.

Because VMK originally worded their prize two days ago as a participation prize and then changed it to the Donald prize, many of us feel it's a cop out. It would cost them nothing to own up to the mistake (as many others have stated) and give everyone the items, minus the Top Ten pins as a fair compromise.

To argue the point further about what constitutes participation is pointless. You won't convince anyone here otherwise.
I don't really expect VMK to stand by their original wording. I'm not even going to ask them to. It would be nice if they owned up to the mistake though. A note that says "sorry for the confusion but here's the deal" would be fine with me.

I for one will gladly accept my Donald Present. I will be a little disappointed if it doesn't already have a greeting and isn't signed by a host. I want to put it out with my other gifts and it would be really neat to have one from a host. Giving me a "prize" that is designed for me to give to someone else seems a little silly.

I think participating in the contest was supposed to be rewarding by itself. If didn't get a kick out of building your gingerbread house then maybe you were in it for the wrong reasons in the first place.

Disclaimer: I'm sorry if any of this has already been said. I scanned the thread but I admit to not carefully reading it all.

And here's where I am saddened by this attitude of acceptance of subpar service. First and foremost, VMK is a Disney brand. By that very nature, they are supposed to uphold what's considered the "Disney Difference".

And you may wonder, what's that? Disney cast members who go through Traditions are indoctrinated in the mission of exceeding guest expectations. I went through two days' worth of Traditions when I was part of a Disney Store opening team in 1995. They thumped into our brains that "just ok" wasn't good enough.

And I'm thinking that a "whoops, my bad" apology does go a long way, but honoring their original posting would definitely meet most or exceed many people's expectations. We want the "Disney Difference" in VMK, and I don't think it's too much to ask for.
And here's where I am saddened by this attitude of acceptance of subpar service. First and foremost, VMK is a Disney brand. By that very nature, they are supposed to uphold what's considered the "Disney Difference".

And you may wonder, what's that? Disney cast members who go through Traditions are indoctrinated in the mission of exceeding guest expectations. I went through two days' worth of Traditions when I was part of a Disney Store opening team in 1995. They thumped into our brains that "just ok" wasn't good enough.

And I'm thinking that a "whoops, my bad" apology does go a long way, but honoring their original posting would definitely meet most or exceed many people's expectations. We want the "Disney Difference" in VMK, and I don't think it's too much to ask for.

As originally posted, the prizes stunk. They got credits, buyable magic and buyable rooms, all with a total value of less than the winning rooms cost to put together in most cases.

Meanwhile, all winning and non-winning participants were to get non-tradeable prizes including a Top Ten pin? That made no sense whatsoever, and when they announced it, I thought it stunk. The participation prizes were better than the winner's prizes.

I don't think the winner and runner up prizes as originally stated stunk at all. But if they did stink, then the prizes as they stand right now must stink for the winners because their prizes aren't any more special than the runner up prizes since all they get is a few extra credits and a couple more buyable items.:confused:

Note again, I don't believe the originally stated winner and runner up prizes even began to stink. On the contrary, I think they were sweet and smelled really nice.:goodvibes
I don't really think you understand that every person who was judged, whether they won or lost, is considered a participant. In previous VMK ride contests, there was no difficulty interpreting participant prizes. VMK set the precedent, there's proof. Whether it was a blizzard beach chair, a Yeti paw print pin, or a Tomorrowland 8/9 pin, we were all aware of that as a participation prize.

Because VMK originally worded their prize two days ago as a participation prize and then changed it to the Donald prize, many of us feel it's a cop out. It would cost them nothing to own up to the mistake (as many others have stated) and give everyone the items, minus the Top Ten pins as a fair compromise.

To argue the point further about what constitutes participation is pointless. You won't convince anyone here otherwise.

I am not trying to convince anyone here. I just hate when some one tells me that I was out of topic while I was not because some people looked like unhappy to have that prize (~it cames one month too late, i am going to sell it back to VMK,.. I dont remember the exact words though), without talking of the fact that VMK made a mistake (sorry but except ppl misleading other people for me it was clear when i first read it that it was only a prize for the winners)

Also, thanks for telling me what participation, participate, participant mean. We used the same words in my first language, I would have troubles not knowing my first language ...

Also, in some contest, there is a participation prize, and only the winner gets it, and people dont go crazy because they did not get it. I know that VMK used in the past that word, but here it was never said.

To disney dreams, tell me what you are doing with your sentence because for me it means, all the finalists (winners) will get the participation awards but it doesnt mean that all the people will get the participation awards.

The only mistake VMK made in my eyes yesterday, was that they showed mistey's room in the homepage, I liked her room, I wanted her to win then she was not even listed in the winning rooms .. now they corrected that and added a prize for those who did not win.
And here's where I am saddened by this attitude of acceptance of subpar service.

I read a story one time, it might have been here on the DIS, of a person who saw some dust on a Main Street USA shop display. They went right down to city hall (or whatever the customer service building down there is called) and reported the offending dust. I thought that was interesting. This person had high expectations and the dust was not consistent with "Disney" as far as they were concerned. The next time they passed that shop (presumably later the same day) the display had been cleaned.

I mention that just to say that some people have very high expectations of anything that has the "Disney" brand applied to it. So I understand the thinking that VMK might go "above and beyond" in making this right by applying the "participant" awards to ALL participants. To my way of thinking, the original announcement was an error. A typo does not obligate VMK to award 2000 with a set of prizes intended for 30, virtual or not. This is not an "attitude of acceptance of subpar service." It's an attitude of acceptance of human error.

As a participant in the gingerbread house building contest I would love for VMK to decide to give everyone all the prizes. However, If I don't get the goodies I won't be upset in the least bit. Furthermore, my perception of the Disney brand would be unaffected for the most part. Some of you will take your complaints to "City Hall" in the form of the Contact Us link on That's fine, but don't be saddened just because I'm not emotionally affected by this whole deal.

5 :hyper:
I just wish for once someone from VMK could post here and defend themselves instead of us ranting and speculating when we don't know the entire story behind why they do the things they do...
And here's where I am saddened by this attitude of acceptance of subpar service. First and foremost, VMK is a Disney brand. By that very nature, they are supposed to uphold what's considered the "Disney Difference".

And you may wonder, what's that? Disney cast members who go through Traditions are indoctrinated in the mission of exceeding guest expectations. I went through two days' worth of Traditions when I was part of a Disney Store opening team in 1995. They thumped into our brains that "just ok" wasn't good enough.

And I'm thinking that a "whoops, my bad" apology does go a long way, but honoring their original posting would definitely meet most or exceed many people's expectations. We want the "Disney Difference" in VMK, and I don't think it's too much to ask for.

Well said and that is why we are not sailing Royal caribean Cruise line again. Yes nice ship but we really noticed the disney difference.

They are so good at it even though there are a couple of thousand of people on the ship we always feel special. Like being thanked for eating as we leave after lunch. Made us chuckle but we never forgot that.

Even the parks have the disney difference VMK no way no how not ta nothing.

If anything VMK has lowered my confidence, and it is sad that I even have to thinK about feeling good about myself on a disney game. I phsycologically prespared my self this time so the ouch of not winning did not last long. What do the poor kids do?

And the ouch was made so much better that we were getting nice particiaption prizes it made me feel the disney difference. We were all special. Yeah I was so happy that VMK finally got it.

And then theY blew it again and made it even worst we were no longer special we were not even participants we were non winners. THAT IS DEFINATELY NOT THE DISNEY DIFFERENCE!!!
I just wish for once someone from VMK could post here and defend themselves instead of us ranting and speculating when we don't know the entire story behind why they do the things they do...

They have a place it is called the VMK newsletter and also it is in the letters that the players who wrote of their great concern should get too.
Also, in some contest, there is a participation prize, and only the winner gets it, and people dont go crazy because they did not get it. I know that VMK used in the past that word, but here it was never said.

I have never, ever heard of a contest that used the word participation prize and then not given it to every one who participated.

Please show me proof of any contest that uses the words participation prize that then does not give to all those that participate.

Participation prize is a participation prize. If you participate in it, then you get that participation prize. Simple as that.
Just found this is a trade room, it looks like the pink jacket is for girls and blue is for guys...

*All VMK Gingerbread Competition finalist (Grand Prize and Runner-Up winners) receive the Participation Awards.

Is it possible people just read it wrong? :confused3 They took 2000 participants, narrowed it down to 33 people and from there picked the top 3 winners. The 33 people participated in the FINAL round of judging. This is how I understood it.

If 2000 people get a blue winter jacket, blue winter beanie, expedition everest boots and 4 orange gumdrop chairs, doesn’t that devalue what the 33 people get? The ONLY things that the winners get which make them stand out from the rest are the clothing and orange gumdrop chairs.

Just something to think about....or not.


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