LURKYLOO's Wedding Trippie: Morocco/Attic/Lower UK: Wedding Album + Gown Preservation

Aw, nuts! I was almost finished with a huge post replying to everyone's resonses, and I lost it! :badpc:

I just want to thank you all for the sweet comments and your continued interest in the trip report! It is a lot of fun to write, and I'm so glad it is helpful for some. To answer specific questions:

We had the BoardWalk's Cape May Lighthouse buffet menu, which lets you pick two meats from a list of four. The only meat we added was salmon for the bagels. We also added ice cream for the cake. An apple cider toast was added at the last minute to meet our minimums when one guest couldn't make it.

The Friendship boat is $250 for a one-way trip and seats about 50. It was totally worth the cost just for the pictures and the novelty of riding a boat out of Epcot - and apparently it was a welcome change from the bus for some of our guests who'd experienced motion sickness on the bus ride to the ceremony.
Hi Lurky!:wave2:

I love your TR! Love, love love it! I have to say when I saw your pics with the teal necklace, I was inspired!!! I love how the aqua blue came out in photos. You inspired me, I went to the craft store yesterday to buy some beads and I'm now making jewelry for my BMs. I don't want to interrupt your TR so I'll post in my PJ.

Can you tell me more about the friendship boats or just PM me? I'm really interested in doing that as a way to get to our reception, if possible. We plan on doing the Living Seas.

I just noticed some new smiles so I thought I include them in your TR just for fun....:crazy2:
:hyper: :scratchin :rolleyes2

Just for fun!:p
Thanks for the splashy smilies - they really punch up the old trip report!

You inspired me, I went to the craft store yesterday to buy some beads and I'm now making jewelry for my BMs. I don't want to interrupt your TR so I'll post in my PJ.

:hyper: Can't wait to see it!

Can you tell me more about the friendship boats or just PM me? I'm really interested in doing that as a way to get to our reception, if possible. We plan on doing the Living Seas.

I want to say the Friendship Boat holds about 50, but I can't find an exact number in my BEO. It holds a lot of people. The closest it would be able to get you to LS is the Future World dock, but the walking distance from there seems shorter than my guests walked from the BoardWalk dock to the Attic, so I don't think it would be a problem. The only thing is, I dunno if you want to pay $250 just to go across the lagoon from, say Germany. Then again, I was paying for a bus I didn't use, so I'm not one to talk! :upsidedow

I just loved the idea of a boat ride - it's very Disney and very romantic, even in a big ol' Friendship Boat! :rotfl:
Seeing Carrie's pics DID make me call the Roots!!! Between the Roots doing Carrie's pics and Randy doing my sister's pics I don't know how to choose.

But don't worry Carrie, I'll tell the Roots how much business you're giving them, maybe they'll give you something free!:thumbsup2

Lindsay, I am waiting for a call from the Roots. I currently have Misty scheduled, but I am in LOVE with Carrie & Patrick's pictures. I just have to talk to them about price and availability. I love their style, it's so NOT like everyone else's pictures.

I just love that your had it your way (like Burger King) only millions of times better. Your TR is just wonderful, you have recalled all the details so well that I can completely visualize your day. It's just been beautiful. :grouphug:
I haven't written anything about your pictures until now because I couldn't find the words to describe how absolutely gorgeous everything was. You made such a drop-dead gorgeous bride! Congrats on your wedding and may you and your DH live a wonderful life together!
Lindsay, I am waiting for a call from the Roots. I currently have Misty scheduled, but I am in LOVE with Carrie & Patrick's pictures. I just have to talk to them about price and availability. I love their style, it's so NOT like everyone else's pictures.

I found that they respond to emails quickly (usually with a 24 hour period) and they seem to be very accomodating. It took at least 10 emails to figure out a mutually convienient time but we did it!!!
If you email them, make sure that you CHECK YOUR BULK FILE. (or spam, whatever) they automatically go into that and I can't figure out how to fix it, so I've deleted them a few times... :scared:

CARRIE I LOVE YOUR SLIDESHOW. DF will be watching it tonight. I'm sure he's thrilled.
Carrie, I just love that your had it your way (like Burger King) only millions of times better.

:rotfl2: That is uncanny - I actually told them at my Planning Session, "I want it MY way - you know, like Burger King!"

j/k :rotfl:

I haven't written anything about your pictures until now because I couldn't find the words to describe how absolutely gorgeous everything was. You made such a drop-dead gorgeous bride! Congrats on your wedding and may you and your DH live a wonderful life together!

Well that is so sweet! Thank you! :flower3:

CARRIE I LOVE YOUR SLIDESHOW. DF will be watching it tonight. I'm sure he's thrilled.

BWaahahahahaha! :hourglass
Okay, I just caught up on your trip report. All I can say is wow! I am in love with the photos you got from Root. They are absolutely amazing. I loved the set up in Morocco. I'm so glad your aisle peddles didn't blow away :) Your buffet looked delicious and I love that you took the friendship boat back to the Y&B Club.

I can't wait to hear about your dessert party.
Our reception ended at 2pm, and we didn’t have to be back at Epcot for the dessert party until 8pm. When we first started planning, I was worried about the festivities losing momentum because of this break, and we couldn’t fix it because Epcot locations require 9am ceremonies. However, I am now so glad to have had this time in the middle of our day – it gave me and DH a chance to compare notes about the wedding and share our excitement, and it meant we had more wedding festivities to look forward to later that night. I think if we’d followed up a spectacular ceremony and spectacular reception directly with a spectacular dessert party, the impact would have been diminished (kind of the way the guests didn’t bat an eye when we got on a boat because they’d been riding them all weekend!).

DH and I spent more than two hours just going over the events of the day and sharing the parts the other one missed. We were like a couple of giddy school girls! Then we took a nap, which we totally needed if we were going to make it through the DP. (Everyone always asks if I took my dress off between the reception and dessert party. The answer is “Heck yes!”). When we woke up, it occurred to us that all these delicious cookies and brownies we were having at our DP would taste even better with a big glass of milk. I figured anything was possible with Disney (that’s right, even milk – dream big, ladies!), so I started looking for phone numbers. I didn’t have my WP’s cell, but I remembered it was Monday and DFTW’s offices were actually open! I called my WP’s assistant and asked if it was too late to add milk to our DP menu. She said she’d see what she could do. As it turned out, not only did we get milk, but our server saw the milk and assumed kids were coming to the party, so he brought glow cubes – cool!! At about 6pm we ordered room service and had a quiet dinner while I touched up and re-accessorized my outfit like Day-to-Night Barbie.

What $30 worth of rubber chicken looks like

I had accumulated so many accessories during my search for The Perfect Look that I thought it’d be nice to get some use out of them. My eBay treasure trove:

Swarovski necklace that my buddies on the Boards all liked

Earrings that arrived the day before I left, so I wore them even though they turned out to be the wrong style

Alternative fascinator

Customized bolero

(I turned out not to need the bolero – the weather was perfect that night – but I wore it anyway cuz everyone loved it.) DH and I walked from the Beach Club to International Gateway, where a guide met us to escort us into Epcot and UK Lochside, as they call it now. I was so excited to be wearing my dress inside the park! The DP location turned out to be perfect – it was down a meandering garden path that shielded it from the main walkway, and we were right on the water.




DH and I arrived so early that we had about 20 minutes to kill before the bus brought our guests. I was really impressed by the setup – sometimes, in pictures, the dessert parties look kind of... how do I describe it? Under the glare of the flash, the black chairs and the plain tables (unless somebody splurges for floral) make it look kinda like a convention event. But in person, it’s gorgeous! The standard candles and white tablecloths looked perfect in the twilight, and even the black plastic chairs didn’t bother me.

We decided to take a walk back to Morocco for old time’s sake, and lemme tell you, I felt like SUCH a rebel wandering around Epcot in my dress unescorted! When we got back to UK Lower, er Lochside, our guests still hadn’t arrived, so we just enjoyed our moment together in this beautiful place... and loaded up a plate full of desserts to eat before we had to start posing for pictures! I’d heard too many horror stories of brides not getting to enjoy the food at their own parties, so I was sure to scarf down one of everything – and two and-a-half Chocolate Peanut Butter Marshmallow Squares! Please tell me someone has the recipe for those...!






When the first guests started arriving, DH and I positioned ourselves under a lamp on the pathway and greeted everyone as they walked in. They all made it but one, who didn’t wake up from his nap til 9pm – d’oh! We had 30 minutes before IllumiNations to mingle with our guests, which felt like a nice amount of time. I was really pleased to get to speak in depth with my two friends who’d originally said they weren’t into theme parks. (These are the ones for whom I’d compiled that list of alternative things to do in Orlando.) As it turned out, they spent a really nice day in Epcot and went to Celebration twice! They were just beaming – it was so nice...

Nathan & Jensey arrived about the same time as the guests and began taking practice shots so they knew the best way to capture the low-light setting. They also took a couple of fun ones where they’d shoot us and then wiggle the camera around to make a light effect.




Before the show started, my MIL came over and showed me all the bags she’d brought to smuggle out leftover desserts – we’re talking grocery bags, here. It was hilarious!

Thanks to other brides’ trip reports, I knew that in order to get the best pictures, we wouldn’t really be able to watch the show, so I warned DH. (It was a little hard to resist turning around to gawk because neither of us had seen IllumiNations before, but we went back the next night to see it in its entirety.) We also used the standard Magic Kingdom photo shoot directions as our guide: “Look at the camera, look at each other, kiss, repeat!” I have to admit, I am disappointed by how much smoke was blowing toward us that night – I didn’t get as many clear fireworks shots as I’d hoped, but DH disagrees and says the smoke adds to the effect.








After the fireworks, we sat around chatting with our guests until the guide fetched them to get back on the bus. I wish I’d timed how long that was, because I know there was some discussion on the boards about how long you are allowed to stay at the DP site after the show ends. All I can offer is that I never felt rushed or like the evening was too short. And even though I didn’t get quite as many fireworks pictures as I’d hoped for, I would do it all again in an instant just for the experience. It felt so special being in that secluded area by the lake.


Don’t bother bringing your bouquet.... this is my only pic with it!

Before she left, my MIL brought us all the leftover desserts she’d bagged. She had even asked the server if he had more behind the table and he said, “Sure – take ’em. That way I don’t have to throw them out!” That was justification enough for me.... My MIL wanted to send all the loot back with us, but we insisted that she take some home too. I made sure to keep all the Chocolate Peanut Butter Marshmallow Squares though...

Just a few of the Dessert Party leftovers...

DH and I were the last to leave – I really didn’t want to! But even the walk out through the International Gateway was magical, with so many people wishing us well and little girls all agog. I’m getting kind of teary just writing about it. It truly was the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Up next: Glad I Did/Wish I’d Done Differently and Mercifully Brief 12-Day Honeymoon Recap, or “How Many Free Desserts Is Too Many?”
Okay, I just caught up on your trip report. All I can say is wow! I am in love with the photos you got from Root. They are absolutely amazing. I loved the set up in Morocco. I'm so glad your aisle peddles didn't blow away :) Your buffet looked delicious and I love that you took the friendship boat back to the Y&B Club.

I can't wait to hear about your dessert party.

Ask and ye shall receive - hee hee! Thanks for the kind words - and remembering all that detail from my drama-laden PJ! :rotfl:
Yay to Carrie and Patrick for afternoon naps, random smoochiness, food porn and fireworks and an added bonus of dessert smuggling!:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:

LOVE the photos!
OMG....I am getting soo Jelous, I want a desert party!!!!!!!!!!

You looked amazing and it looked like it was such a fun way to end such a fabulous day!
I love your outfit change, the bolero is beautiful! Did many guests notice your quick-change of accessories??

Mmm... those peanut butter marshmallow squares sound amazing! :goodvibes Are they automatically part of the "For the Child In You" menu? If they're not, I'm definitely asking for them! :rotfl:
Your dessert party looks amazing!! I'm really considering having one now!
Your pictures are gorgeous! I've checked 3 times today to see if anything new has been posted. I should be studying for a exam on Wednesday. I wish you and your new husband many lifetimes of joy and happiness.

It's great that you got so many yummy desserts to take home. I need to make sure I tell my mom to bring some ziplocs!

I LOVEEEE the chocolate peanut butter marshmallow bars. In fact, I've tried to make them more than once but to no avail. I cannot figure out the recipe but if I do, I'll send it your way :)

I love the Illuminations pictures. Your wedding day seemed truly magical.


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