A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

Hey everyone! Sorry this one took a little longer than the last two. My flu is officially "gone" and I'm back to work! I DIS when I can during the day but the real writing has to wait until after work!!!

After the parade we all found each other again. The nice Stroller Lady thanked Teddy for helping to keep her little one company during the parade!

Teddy responded with,

"I like babies. They smell like toast..."


I swear, that is what the child said.

no CLUE where he came up with that but it seemed to be a complimentary statement.

Oh Teddy...too funny.

I thanked the Stroller family once more for their kindness and bid them a good evening!

The MEANEST lady in Disney was nowhere to be seen...perhaps she got wet and...melted...or something...


I asked SallyRally what her FAVORITE part of the parade was!

She had lots of favorites!

Cindy and Prince Charming! (a wee bit blurry!)



Merrifeather...(Sally INSISTS that is the fairy's name!)

What had been Teddy's favorite part?

King Triton

The Three Little Pigs...even though I only see TWO!

GOOFY!!! Of course!

MissCammie's personal favorites had been:

Ursula...a member of the *wicked* society!

The White Rabbit...as I so often chase after him down rabbit holes!

The Ballerina Ostriches!!!

and my ALL TIME favorite character EVER in a parade and my personal Holy Grail of Character Pictures and signatures...*drumroll*

Hyacinth Hippo!!!

Jay had declared he liked the WHOLE parade! VERY diplomatic of him. Of course we all LOVED Mickey and Minnie...but all the pictures I got of them were dark...dang that flash!

Teddy seemed completely unruffled by his exposure to the MEANEST lady in Disney. He was hopping around, ready to go RIDE something!! Sally was much perked herself. She was smiling and hanging on to her daddy's hand. Of course we were staying for Wishes...it's actually illegal to leave Magic Kingdom before Wishes if you are there after the sun goes down.

It is. Seriously...


We decided we'd try and ride Thunder Mountain Railroad...so we headed that direction...by way of the Aloha Isle...cuz there was a Dole Whip with MY name on it!!

Jay doesn't go much for sweets...except for Brownies...he's got a problem with the Brownies...and chocolate chip cookies...but other than that...he's not so much a sweets guy.

I'll tell y'all what though...Dole Whips have captured his heart. He loves them as much as I do...which is saying a lot considering my tendency to be utterly devoted to certain foods...and or caffeinated beverages...

SO...the kids climbed into the kid transporter and away we went. There was a bit of a breeze finally, which was FABULOUS. It was still muggy as all get out, but at least we had us some breeze!

The crowds were MUCH thinned after Spectromagic. Which was nice. We were able to stroll along at an easy pace, just feeling the night.

We like to feel the night. It is an often requested activity in the summer. Something about night time walks feels special to the kiddies. It feels like summer. So we do it a lot.


As we walked along I told Jay a bit about the MEANEST lady in Disney. I was still bothered by it a little. I was trying to NOT be bothered by it, but things like that sometimes stick. I find that talking to Jay about this sort of stuff incredibly helpful.

Jay listened and nodded his head. I puzzled it out a little...trying to figure out something that was impossible to know. I infuriate myself with this...always asking WHY? or HOW?...

See my problem is, I'll get stuck on things that have NOTHING to do with why I'm so bothered. I didn't actually give a bunny's patoot about why this woman had acted so ugly. I was trying to solve an existential crisis...

Finally, Jay stopped the kid transporter...turned to me and said

"BABE..." and then he proceeded to give me a VERY loud zerbert...right there in the middle of the bridge to Adventureland!


Teddy immediately screeched from inside the Kid Transporter,


Sally's head peeked around the side of the transport...

She gave her father a disapproving look.

Jay points at ME...

to which Sally replied,

"Daddy...MissCammie doesn't poot...she's a LADY from TEXAS!!!"



Thank you Sally!

Something about a zerbert and poot jokes just breaks up the existential angst!

We are a CLASS ACT huh?

I decided to do as I often tell Sally to do...I was going to "STEER MY FEELINGS" to a happy place and stop worrying about what was to come. I was at Disney for Pete's sake!!!

AND I was about to have me some Dole Whip!

It was fabulous...Jay and I shared one and the kids shared a vanilla soft serve. The CM's at Aloha Isle were nice enough to split the serving into two small cups and put sprinkles on BOTH. Everyone was THRILLED with our late-ish evening sugar rush.

After that we rode Thunder Mountain. A blast was had by all!!

Then we did Peter Pan's flight and It's A Small World AND Dumbo...there was barely a line...for two seconds...after our flight landed a BIG line had formed!

WooHOO for hitting all the green lights!!!

Finally it was time to take our spots outside of Casey's for Wishes.

We are creatures of habit.

If it ain't broke...don't fix it!

and we DON'T!

Wishes was just as magical as always. I cried at the end...as always...Jay laughed at me and hugged me...as always.

oh my how we THRIVE on routine.

As the crowed surged around us, I was once again grateful for our kid transporter and the fact that Sally and Teddy were safely inside it! That end of day crowd surge towards the exit is NUTS!!

We walked down the sidewalk and ducked into the little alley way where the "Music Lessons" take place. We sat for a few and let the crowd die down a bit. Sally asked about who lived upstairs. The kids decided that it was most likely Pinocchio and his dad and their cat Cleo and the Goldfish! Teddy thought maybe Horace Horsecollar and Clarabelle Cow lived upstairs too...and maybe some rabbits...


I love these conversations.

Finally it was time to head for the exit. The crowd was considerably lighter.

Sally found her grumps when we had to return the kid transporter.


I smiled at her and said,

"Me TOO...will you carry me please?"

Teddy offered to carry me...I almost took him up on it!


We loaded up our stuff that had accumulated during the travel of the day...we had been all around the WORLD showcase after all!! As we got in line for the Wilderness Lodge Boat, Teddy commented that maybe we needed a WAGON!

I told him that we didn't need a wagon at all...that's what we brought KIDS for!!!

He countered with "Nuh-uh, because it's your favorite thing to carry stuff!"


Jay gave a snort and said under his breath "Also called you won't LET anybody carry anything..."

I gave him a look and said sweetly "I'm fixin to CARRY you in a minute mister...RIGHT to FIST CITY I'll CARRY you!!!"

(we make threats because we love!:love: )

this brought on a round of laughter from Teddy.

Sally chimed in to the conversation with "MissCammie lets us carry our autograph book bags with our autograph books and pens and wallets...and sometimes toys if we want to...like I got to carry Princess Pluto...even though our wallets don't have all our money in them...so we can be responsible and safe...right MissCammie?"

Precisely! I am NOT controlling. I am ORGANIZED.

okay I am controlling...but in a good way...


ANYHOW...It seems we had JUST missed the boat...so we had a bit of a wait.

Sally was having a somber moment!

She had gotten her "Build a Pluto" at MouseGears that day...she had picked Pluto, being the dog lover that she is...and then decided that Pluto wanted to wear a crown and have a pink dog carrier!:laughing:

Teddy was having a quiet moment, staring out at the water.

We were all tired and ready for BED. As we waited, a couple with kids a little older than Sally and Teddy began talking to Jay and me. They told us about what they'd done that day...and how they were going to go swimming when they got back to the lodge...except the daughter...b/c she had JUST gotten grounded for talking back to her mom. So the parents were going to tag team it and take turns watching her because it was THEIR vacation too and they shouldn't miss swimming just b/c they had to GROUND their daughter.



It was one of those uncomfortable moments...I mean I'm all for kids having rules and boundaries and consequences and such...but I am NOT all for airing dirty laundry to strangers...know what I mean? I was MORTIFIED for the little girl...

the little girl didn't seem mortified at all...she was smiling placidly...seemingly unworried about her loss of swimming privileges...or the fact that her parents were calling her out to perfect strangers about all the things she'd done wrong that day...The parents ALSO had smiles on their faces as they talked in a reasonable and friendly tone about putting their naughty little daughter straight to bed...she'd had THREE chances after all...her first strike had been at dinner...her second had been at Space Mountain and her THIRD had been JUST few minutes ago.

on and on it went.

It was the most bizarre conversation I've ever been witness to.


Jay was doing his "smiling and nodding" politely thing...making little sounds of "hmmm..." and "uh-huh"...

If that boat didn't get here soon, my nervous laughing was going to kick in and I wouldn't be able stop. This often happens to me when I am in uncomfortable situations...or I'm scared...or have been injured...I laugh...I could already feel the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth...the laughter was going to come tumbling out any minute!!! Seriously...when I broke my wrist a few years ago, I was laughing rather maniacally and the ER doctor kept asking if I'd "taken something..."

nope...just crazy.

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

see what I mean?!

THANKFULLY, Sally "needed to ASK ME SOMETHING"...and I was able to excuse myself...but NOT before I said to the little girl,

"You sure are doing a GREAT JOB sitting quietly right now!"

I couldn't resist. I HAD to say something nice. I felt badly for her!

And the dad said "Oh give her a minute...she'll do something else...she's the bad one!" He said this in a very loving tone...it was just so WEIRD. The tone was not corresponding to the words. It was FREAKING me out...so I bailed. Sally needed me...


Sorry Jay!!

Sally didn't actually need to ask me anything.

She just wanted to comment on the fact that she would be SO embarrassed if we told STRANGERS that she was grounded or in trouble or a rule breaker...

at which time I was to respond that we would NEVER do such a thing.

Which I did.

Sally was relieved.

as was I...to be away from that conversation...

FINALLY the boat arrived!!!

We took a seat in the open area in the back of the boat. Aside from the company of the muggy air, we were blessedly ALONE. The kiddies had taken their usual seats...Teddy curled up in my lap...hot as it was...and Sally sat with Jay.

It was a lovely ride home to the Lodge. We all soaked in the sounds of the water, and felt the night and thanked the Good Lord that we'd made it safely-ish through another day!!

Up Next: We made it to DAY 3!!! Animal Kingdom!!
Hi Miss Cammie!!!! Excellent update!! Sounds like you had an excellent end of the day but I bet you were all soooo tired!
Funny story about the family at the boat. I have a "friend" who literally brags that she has special needs kids. Seriously, she will tell you all about it whether she knows you or not.:confused3 :laughing: I don't get it but people are just like that I guess. Glad good old Sally Rally came to your rescue. They both are really great kids and you and Jay are a loverly couple! :love: So in love!!!!!
Thank goodness you gave that child some sort of positive reinforcement. It doesn't sound like she gets it at home. It sounds like they've branded her the "bad" one. Poor thing.

I just have to say, I've enjoyed your writing so much. I too am a "misplaced Southerner". :lmao: I was raised in Atlanta and have found myself up here in Maryland??? I don't get a whole lot of fixin to and ya'll in my day. Thanks for providing that sanity! ;)
That poor girl.

"Babies smell like toast..." out of the mouth of babes gone horribly wrong? :lmao:
Once again, you have proven that DNA does not make a mom. Your moments with Sally & Teddy keep me mindful of how lucky I am to have my family as you are to have yours. I love your stories and can't wait to hear about AK!!!
Miss Cammie, I have been reading your tr for a while now but this is my first time posting. I am loving hearing all about your trip and Sally Rally and Teddy.

American Idol was on my tv tonight and one of the contestants sang "Let It Be" and I thought about Teddy singing "Let It Be" and Sally saying Hail Mary's while holding the hem of your dress as you had an asthma attack and it brought a smile to my face. I just love that Sally and Teddy they say/do the cutest things.

You should write a childrens book with your family as the main characters. (Think Ramona Quimby or Junie B Jones) It sounds like you never have a dull moment with Sally and Teddy around.

I hope that things are getting better for your family and that the custody things are all worked out.
We took a seat in the open area in the back of the boat. Aside from the company of the muggy air, we were blessedly ALONE. The kiddies had taken their usual seats...Teddy curled up in my lap...hot as it was...and Sally sat with Jay.

It was a lovely ride home to the Lodge. We all soaked in the sounds of the water, and felt the night and thanked the Good Lord that we'd made it safely-ish through another day!!

Up Next: We made it to DAY 3!!! Animal Kingdom!!

What a lovely end to your evening (except from Mr & Mrs Sharetoomuch). We stayed at WL last summer and I really loved coming back "home" by boat of an evening it was always a big contented sigh moment for us:cloud9:
I am coming out of lurkdom to tell you how much I'm lovin' your TR!! I get so excited to see an update from Miss Cammie :goodvibes .

Your family sounds great and I've both laughed out loud and cried so far and we haven't reached day 3 yet!

Keep it comin'!! ;)
Miss Cammie, I have been reading your tr for a while now but this is my first time posting. I am loving hearing all about your trip and Sally Rally and Teddy.

American Idol was on my tv tonight and one of the contestants sang "Let It Be" and I thought about Teddy singing "Let It Be" and Sally saying Hail Mary's while holding the hem of your dress as you had an asthma attack and it brought a smile to my face. I just love that Sally and Teddy they say/do the cutest things.

You should write a childrens book with your family as the main characters. (Think Ramona Quimby or Junie B Jones) It sounds like you never have a dull moment with Sally and Teddy around.

I hope that things are getting better for your family and that the custody things are all worked out.

I am so glad I am not the only one! As soon as the contestant started singing Let it Be, I thought of Miss Cammie, Sally and Teddy. It is kinda of weird for things to remind you of someone that you have never actually met. Loved the update as always!
OK, I was just about to come out of the adoring crowds lurking in the background to SCOLD you for taking so long for the next installment of your trip report! I mean, I know you have a life and everything, but think of your adoring public, just waiting for their next SallyTeddyMissCammieJay fix!!

Anyway, glad you are feeling better (I spent 10 days on the couch wishing I could just die and be done with it), and now we'll be expecting the next installment, um, soon!!:thumbsup2
This is the best trip report ever. Period. :worship:

Can't wait for the next installment.

And as for the Meanest Lady in Disney - there was a reason she was by herself and she'll get her comeuppence.
Miss Cammie :thumbsup2 ,

Your trip report is my FAVORITE of all time! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

I totally feel like I know your little kiddies, and you too, and I am lovin' it!

Write more soon!

Please? :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc
I have loved your trip report so far and can't wait for more.

You helped me make a decision about renting a "transporter" for my girls (5 and 7). The clincher was after you left Wishes and you commented about them being safely inside and away from the crowds. You can't argue with safety.

How did you arrange for the sign at The Coral Reef? What a great idea! :idea:

This is our first WDW trip as a family and we can't wait.
I just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your report and LOVE it! You sound like an AWESOME step-mom and those kids are lucky to have you in their lives. How great of you to treat those precious kiddos as they were your own! You rock!
I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone for your incredibly kind comments!

It's so great to see so many coming out of lurkdom to say howdy!!!

I want to respond to each and every comment but I only have a second.

The next chapter is nearly done. I am cranking these things out like MAD!

Thanks for reading everyone. I appreciate everyone's comments and I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the trip so far!!!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Awesome post, Miss Cammie! I was so excited to read this when I discovered it this morning until I realized I had to go to work! :lmao: Oh how that pesky making money and providing for the family gets in the way! ;)

So hard to pick a favorite part, I love it all. Even the awkward strangers at the end and how Sally Rally bailed you out. She's quite a perceptive girl, it must make you so grateful to have those little people around to lighten the mood with "babies smell like toast." Gotta love the Teddy-isms.
Crank faster! Just kidding, please don't throw me the arched brow! BTW, is it like the Rock's eyebrow arch? I Loooove the Rock!!
I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone for your incredibly kind comments!

It's so great to see so many coming out of lurkdom to say howdy!!!

I want to respond to each and every comment but I only have a second.

The next chapter is nearly done. I am cranking these things out like MAD!

Thanks for reading everyone. I appreciate everyone's comments and I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the trip so far!!!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Loving these updates. Thanks, Miss Cammie! I even try not to hold it against you that you're from the wrong side of the Red River. :snooty: Of course, I also rarely claim my state with all the wacky news the state reps keep making. :rolleyes:

I'm sort of bummed though. Both you and Brenda will be there right before I arrive and leave prior to me getting in. (You by a couple months and Brenda by a week.) :sad1: Oh well, at least I'll get to look forward to your next trip report and your review of AKL. (We're also staying there for the first time. Partly motivated by how much I liked it when I visited, all the fun activities (which your kiddos should love!), and mostly by the fact that it uses few points and we're cheapskates. :lmao: )
Loved the last update, MissCammie! My favorite part was when Sally and Teddy were pondering who might live in the upstairs apartments on Main Street. :lmao: They are so CUTE!

Dole whips! :worship:

It is indeed a law that you must watch Wishes if you've entered the MK after dark. My dad tried to leave early once and four security guards tackled him and carried him to the hub where they tied him to the Walt and Mickey statue and forced him to watch the fireworks from there.


You're killing me with the WL boat stories. We stayed at WL briefly one year, and the boat was one of my favorite parts. Such a peaceful, serene ride compared to the buses. :love:

Looking forward to the next update! Animal Kingdom! Whoo-hoo! :banana:


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