The Top Three Meet Dis-nee (CMO Contest, Part Three)

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If I'm wrong the pirate will shoot me...but back when we were discussing a "rapid voting technique" for the top 10, someone mentioned that if your operating system was opera browser that you could do a series of shortcut keystrokes and vote many many times a minute. Wasn't able to do that however with my system. Lucky if I could get 3 in a minute. The pirate has magical fingers though getting 30ish as I recall.

That was when I questioned the integrity of that method and the pirate thought I was saying he was cheating. Remember that? Maybe you were at Disney?
Anyway....the Pirate was NOT cheating, however finding shortcuts or loopholes in the voting process may or may not have benefitted some? N'er ye mind tho, you're in baby! ;)

(disclaimer: I am not a computer savy person so everything I may have just said was somewhat skewed....maybe like the voting process itself?) :rotfl:

Oh...ok... yep I missed all of that. I better get going. Be back later.
If I'm wrong the pirate will shoot me...but back when we were discussing a "rapid voting technique" for the top 10, someone mentioned that if your operating system was opera browser that you could do a series of shortcut keystrokes and vote many many times a minute. Wasn't able to do that however with my system. Lucky if I could get 3 in a minute. The pirate has magical fingers though getting 30ish as I recall.

You are quite right, Mrs. F! In my position of Shortcut Auditor, I will now explain:

You need to have the Opera browser (as opposed to Internet Explorer). I have version 9.21 and can only guarantee it works with that version. You can download the current version free from:

Once you have the browser, it is really simple:

1. Go to the voting page through the direct link (see below)
2. Type in the code and hit Enter
3. Wait for the “Thank You for Voting” page
4. Hit Backspace
5. Hit Enter and wait for the “Thank You for Voting” page
6. Hit Backspace
7. Repeat ad nauseum

What should happen is that the browser maintains the old code in the box, so you’re just voting with the same code each time. In addition, the browser shouldn’t clear the code entry box, so there is no re-typing required.
You are quite right, Mrs. F! In my position of Shortcut Auditor, I will now explain:

You need to have the Opera browser (as opposed to Internet Explorer). I have version 9.21 and can only guarantee it works with that version. You can download the current version free from:

Once you have the browser, it is really simple:

1. Go to the voting page through the direct link (see below)
2. Type in the code and hit Enter
3. Wait for the “Thank You for Voting” page
4. Hit Backspace
5. Hit Enter and wait for the “Thank You for Voting” page
6. Hit Backspace
7. Repeat ad nauseum

What should happen is that the browser maintains the old code in the box, so you’re just voting with the same code each time. In addition, the browser shouldn’t clear the code entry box, so there is no re-typing required.

Thank you so much Calliaz for following through with that.....I really didn't know what I was talking about but was just going off memory...which is NEVER a good thing. ;)
Wow, I go out of town for a couple of days and look what all has happened!!

Our new thread went from 12 to +70 pages!!!

We finally know our final 3 and congrats to all of you!!!

Hugs for those that didn't advance. I'm sad for you, and shocked for some of you (Patrick????).

My secret identity as a man was discovered:

Surveillance has caught Mrs Fleagle changing into her Wonder Fleagle outfit. Her lasso work would be handy here in Texas. And who knew DisneyFalcon was a bad guy??? Surveillance Video Here

And I won another award!! I'm the Disney Quotationist!! :banana: :banana: :banana:


Love it!! I've got to figure out how to put things next to each other in my signature!! That was last thread and sooooo many pages ago!!
Welcome Back DisneyFalcon! You've been missed!

oh, and sorry I was so rough with you in the clip from the lurker earlier. Forgive me? :confused:
what's in the package, Mrs. F?? The suspense is KILLING ME!!

What would FedEx deliver for Disney?

I got the Disney Destinations booklet a few months ago, and it SURE didn't come via FedEx....

Welcome Back DisneyFalcon! You've been missed!

oh, and sorry I was so rough with you in the clip from the lurker earlier. Forgive me? :confused:

I forgive you. Although if I was paying attention, that was not me, that was my evil partner!!:laughing:

What'd you get, what'd you get???

I've been waiting every day for the mailman to bring me my DVC membership I won in the mail...but then I heard they'd all three been won this year. So what else can I win???
Hey Everyone...Guess what!

I just asked my son to go get the mail and you'll NEVER believe what we got!

Hint: Fed Ex package, heavy, thick, and from DISNEY!

Any guesses?

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

My guess is that it is the big book from Disney Vacation Club. Mine came FedEx or DHL when I got it last year.
what's in the package, Mrs. F?? The suspense is KILLING ME!!

What would FedEx deliver for Disney?

I got the Disney Destinations booklet a few months ago, and it SURE didn't come via FedEx....


Gosh, I fear a Fleagle has once again offered false hope that something good would actually happen to them......

The package was Fed Ex, it was heavy and very thick....and it was from Disney. Unfortunately or Fortunately depending on how you look at it, it was simply our DVC book. We're thinking of joining and the DVC and a Castmember fed-ex'd the package...seems there is a deal going on until the 28th and wanted to make sure we got it in time to read, review, and decide before the time ran out.

So, I am so sorry to get all your hopes up for sweet by the way that you wanted something so nice to happen to us... but I was just playing off the infamous "package" that we waited for so very patiently when Eric had his last phone conversation with the sponsors after the top 20.

I am so sorry guys....didn't mean to disappoint. :guilty:
Ick! I got a little sidetracked while writing this post (and also had to go pick up DD from Pre-K), so it's probably moot by now... :rolleyes:


What page of the thread did this all go down? I really need to catch up.

I was sort of kidding (I hope! :rolleyes1) -- although there have been a number of posts expressing disappointment about how our Sponsors handled informing the remaining seven that they didn't make the cut. (I'm not sure exactly where you left off in the thread...)

Drama #1:

Sadly, the language in the e-mail (which wasn't sent until about 12 hours after the Top-Three news broke) is open for interpretation. The words leave one to wonder if perhaps the final winners were hand-picked (with no regard for the voting results). My interpretation: Someone borrowed language from the original "thanks but no thanks" letter sent to folks like fleagle (in the second round of this contest). Tragically, they never bothered to edit it. One of fleagle's posts (about his letter of "rejection") supports this theory.

Contents of said letter (kindly posted by Mr. Autopia):

(Side Notes: I've taken the liberty of highlighting the "iffy" language. This was posted in the middle of page 69, and folks' incredulous responses pretty much continue throughout the remainder of our thread... including statements from several of our semifinalists, who suggested -- very diplomatically I might add! :thumbsup2 -- that it was kind of hurtful! Oh, and don't miss AnnDisneyFan's terrifically candid "rant" on page 72.)

For those of you detail oriented-

Attn: David Wotruba,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in the 2008 Magic Job Contest. It was a tough decision to determine the “Top 3” Finalists, and we regret to inform you that have not been selected as a “Top 3” Finalist.

We sincerely appreciate the effort that you put forth in submitting your Video Application, and your participation in the Online Contest Voting period featured at between March 2, 2008 and March 22, 2008, and hope that you enjoyed the experience.

Your participation has helped to make the 2008 Magic Job Contest an overwhelming success, and we thank you for your interest in


"Tough decision", so the vote apparently wasn't the deal! I guess!!

Drama #2:

NostraDISmous' adopted son (HMFan) predicted in our very first thread that the Sponsors were going for a very specific (white, thirty (or twenty-eight ;) )-something male) to fill the position. Several people noticed that all of the Top Three finalists basically fit that description.

Now then...seeing that the final three ending up being 30-something white guys....Hhhmmmmm?
Who was it that said (very early in the contest) they wished CB would have let us all know they were only looking for this type? -HA.

*** raises hand and clears throat ***

Was it you really? I couldn't remember. Are you clairvoyant?:laughing:

:blush: What can I say, HMFan?!? (That irony wasn't lost with me either. ... And I'm the one who tried to deflect people's criticisms about the first-round contest results waaaay back in our first thread. :rolleyes: )

:flower3: :flower3: :flower3:

That is why I have to believe that the votes truly were tallied, and the public has chosen three 30-something white males.
(It's not like our finalists aren't talented and capable! As an aside: :cheer2: Go guys! :cheer2: Nothing personal! 'Just trying to understand the deal with our Sponsors. :confused3 ) Otherwise, some strong women candidates were overlooked, and -- as has been asked before -- why bother stringing people along... :confused:

[Sigh!] At the very least, the whole process should have been handled more professionally. I was willing to let some of the earlier "issues" slide. The contest was young. Plus, (to me, at least) they weren't as glaring and didn't bother me as much. Now, though, the "elephant" in the room is getting pretty hard to ignore... (Come on Sponsors! What's with the unedited form letters?! Now you're messing with our people, who worked really hard to promote you!! Show some respect, please!) :rolleyes:

Thanks for that DISgeeks! Seriously, I appreciate you thinking of David, Tripp, and me amongst all of this. (although, again, I'm 28! :) ) I can't speak for them, but as one of the finalists, I'd hate to think that there was something rigged or fishy about the contest. I'm banking on the fact that we can take them at their word... perhaps I'm still a bit naive, but ignorance is bliss, isn't it?? :flower3:

I guess my feeling on the "strining along" issue is this: Technically you can't post a job opening and say we are looking for a white female, with blonde hair and blue eyes, etc, etc.... people would cry discrimination (as they rightly should, unless it is a movie role, hahahahaha). Now say you had a position available and had an idea in mind of what you wanted the candidate to be like? Hold an opening casting call.... so you get as many candidates as you can and them weed them out as you go along, so you end up with what you wanted in the first place.

I certainly mean no offense to the top 3 with any comment I might make.

Oh! No offense taken! I know you don't mean anything like that and I know that no one else on here would either. I was just sincerely thanking Disgeeks for thinking of us - admist all the questions, suggestions, and legitimate concern and sympathy for others, I just thought it was nice of her!

No worries!

Anyway, it appears that -- by now -- everyone has officially kissed and made up. ... Although we're still hoping for a few answers from our Sponsors! :rolleyes: I hope this none-to-short Cliff's Notes version of our DISboard drama has helped! ;)
I'm not disappointed! I got it right!

Seriously, I hope you do get to join DVC. I really want to, but haven't convinced myself that it would be cost-effective for us.

Oh, can't afford it in any way shape or form....but with our big family it guarantees us an annual vacation when if we had to pay it in one chunk we'd never be able to.....
Especially since we can use the points to other places around the world. We're leaning toward it, but I might have to start wearing my Wonder Woman costume on weekends at birthday parties for extra money? Hey, is Wonder Woman even popular anymore? Hmm... maybe I should change my alter ego to someone more current and hip? ;) Any suggestions?
HA! I just had a quirky little thought: We should all post photos of what we looked like in high school. Then, we should identify which character we would have played in The Breakfast Club: "a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess [or] a criminal."

Now that could be good for a few laughs!! :rolleyes:

:tilt: You know DIS, it's funny and a little frightening how that analogy could so well fit the group that has formed here...not saying anyone's a criminal or anything:goodvibes ...just The Breakfast Club in general of course! :thumbsup2
Edit: Sorry to bring all that back up...just addressing DISgeeks back to your fun everyone!

:blush: Ooops! (Okay, now I feel like kind of a jerk for rehashing everything negative that's transpired in my earlier Cliff's Notes overview. Ummmm... "Trippy made me do it?!?" :rolleyes1 )

:flower3: :flower3: :flower3:
Oh, can't afford it in any way shape or form....but with our big family it guarantees us an annual vacation when if we had to pay it in one chunk we'd never be able to.....
Especially since we can use the points to other places around the world. We're leaning toward it, but I might have to start wearing my Wonder Woman costume on weekends at birthday parties for extra money? Hey, is Wonder Woman even popular anymore? Hmm... maybe I should change my alter ego to someone more current and hip? ;) Any suggestions?

Please no, no, NO, Wonder Fleagle. You must never give up that indivisible airplane or the cool tiara. Please don't.
Oh, can't afford it in any way shape or form....but with our big family it guarantees us an annual vacation when if we had to pay it in one chunk we'd never be able to.....
Especially since we can use the points to other places around the world. We're leaning toward it, but I might have to start wearing my Wonder Woman costume on weekends at birthday parties for extra money? Hey, is Wonder Woman even popular anymore? Hmm... maybe I should change my alter ego to someone more current and hip? ;) Any suggestions?

Rhoda Dakota
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