Team Focker Watch CHAT - New and Improved Part 4!

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I'm doing this right now: :scared1: :faint: :scared1: :faint: Them's some BIG babies out there! And, I forget who said it but you're right, it's amazing how very different women's birthing experiences are. I'm all about honesty - I was led to believe things would be VERY different than they were for me and I was PO'd when I actually went through it!

Did you drop the f-bomb?

According to the Dr. Leo was 2 weeks late. I knew the actual date of conception and knew he was only 1 week late. Didn't matter - Dr. knows best. :rolleyes: So they induced. And induced. And induced. I was in hard labor from 8am to 4pm and the epidural was on full blast with little or no effect. After 2 hours of pushing, I was near-unconscious and Leo ultimately arrived thanks to the sucky-head thing and two nurses throwing their entire body weight on my stomach to shove him out. He was 7lbs, 13oz. Not much in comparison to lots of babies, but consider that I'm 5' tall and have the bone structure of a 12-year-old! :rotfl: It took a full month to physically recover.

I'm 5' too. Can you imagine: I had 40 inches of baby in me. I was completely miserable and I don't think I have recovered yet. I'm seriously thinking I need surgery to repair my muscles.

In contrast, a friend of mine had to have a C-section and was back to normal in less than 2 weeks. Witch. ;)


I had a terrible headache last ngiht, approaching migraine status. I explained to Leo that my head hurt terribly and that I needed to lie down for a bit with my eyes closed whilst he watched TV. My little angel scooted over next to me and asked, "Want me to hold you Mommy?" Then proceeded to hold my hand and rub my head with his other hand. :angel:

That is the sweetest thing ever! :love:
Did you drop the f-bomb?
I can't remember, but I certainly had a few choice words for my then-DH who got me into that mess in the first place! :rotfl:
I'm 5' too. Can you imagine: I had 40 inches of baby in me. I was completely miserable and I don't think I have recovered yet. I'm seriously thinking I need surgery to repair my muscles.
:faint: YOU are amazing! :hug:
I was going to Multi quote... I am just amazed at all of these AWESOME women.. "Slate" loves her Hurricanes :rotfl2:
Our Newbie.. "Dunbarfamiy" WOW !!! Major Baby there 11+ Just reading that.. MY UTERUS IS SAYING.. "Honey.. Do not even think about it"

Little babies needing the NICU ( like mine and Tanya and if I forgot someone there forgive me)
Then all the wonderful and "normal" deliveries. and us moms know what they mean by normal.

Like I said earlier.. even though I spent way too long delivering Sara AFTER the water broke (and yes inducing labor with Pitocin makes the labor MUCH MUCH STRONGER).. when the epidural wore off I could feel the Back labor (which nurses say is worse)
Within 3 minutes after she was born I wanted another one... NOW during the time IN BETWEEN the times the epidural was working and when it was NOT:scared1: :scared1: I would say it's a mistake... "I've changed my mind.." but as the nurse told me.. "There's no turning back now, you are gonna do this".. she said that because I said.. "I can not do this"....

No matter how big or small.. how bad it hurt or how big we got.. There is not a mom here that would say IT WAS NOT WORTH IT.
And now ...we are all Disney Mom's !!!:laundy: :goodvibes
I'm all about honesty - I was led to believe things would be VERY different than they were for me and I was PO'd when I actually went through it!


According to the Dr. Leo was 2 weeks late. I knew the actual date of conception and knew he was only 1 week late. Didn't matter - Dr. knows best. :rolleyes: So they induced. And induced. And induced. I was in hard labor from 8am to 4pm and the epidural was on full blast with little or no effect. After 2 hours of pushing, I was near-unconscious and Leo ultimately arrived thanks to the sucky-head thing and two nurses throwing their entire body weight on my stomach to shove him out. He was 7lbs, 13oz. Not much in comparison to lots of babies, but consider that I'm 5' tall and have the bone structure of a 12-year-old! :rotfl: It took a full month to physically recover.


I swore I'd never have another, but I also had a horrendous pregnancy. Still, that sweet boy was worth ALL of it! :love:

I'm with you on this one.

I had a terrible headache last ngiht, approaching migraine status. I explained to Leo that my head hurt terribly and that I needed to lie down for a bit with my eyes closed whilst he watched TV. My little angel scooted over next to me and asked, "Want me to hold you Mommy?" Then proceeded to hold my hand and rub my head with his other hand. :angel:

How sweet:goodvibes

Did you drop the f-bomb?

I would have dropped more than that:rolleyes1

I'm 5' too. Can you imagine: I had 40 inches of baby in me. I was completely miserable and I don't think I have recovered yet. I'm seriously thinking I need surgery to repair my muscles.


I can't remember, but I certainly had a few choice words for my then-DH who got me into that mess in the first place! :rotfl:

I think we all have tose moments. I believe my exact phrase was "If you ever touch me again I will kill you":lmao:

:faint: YOU are amazing! :hug:[/QUOTE]

Where is Jo ??

I do not remember seeing her chime in.. did I miss her ??

Probably playing golf:rolleyes1
I had a terrible headache last ngiht, approaching migraine status. I explained to Leo that my head hurt terribly and that I needed to lie down for a bit with my eyes closed whilst he watched TV. My little angel scooted over next to me and asked, "Want me to hold you Mommy?" Then proceeded to hold my hand and rub my head with his other hand. :angel:

What a sweetie. :hug: Hope your feeling better.
Where is Jo ??

I do not remember seeing her chime in.. did I miss her ??
I was thinking the same thing... and where's Mo? Has anayone seen here... anywhere? I haven't talked to her in a while and I worry.
What a sweetie. :hug: Hope your feeling better.
Thanks, I am. Just needed two Advil, a Sudafed and a little caffeine chaser. Thank you blooming Jacaranda trees. :headache:
She's probably just BUSY BUSY BUSY.. She was here on Monday but only for a post or two. She has not been posting much lately.

Do you have her # or e-mail addy ??
Morning all...almost afternoon...sue me I slept late!

Wow with all the baby stories. We talk about babies, we wanna have at least 2 (I was an only child) and probably with in the next few years I would say. KC is much younger but I ain't getting any younger. I'm not saying I'm old, I just don't wanna wait forever for babies, ya know!?

Didn't Mo change jobs this week? Maybe they are working her to the bone already!?

Today is the DIS meet in NYC! SO excited! Many pics will be taken! Looks like rain but thats ok- can't win 'em all. I considered bringing ponchos for everyone...:rotfl: . I may even put one of those foam LGMH's on my purse just for a laugh. We act like we can't figure out who each other is when I'm sure we will see each other and instantly realize! for some caffeine and a shower!
Wow far too much to quote, love hearing all the birth stories, when I was pregnant with Jess they moved my dates 4 weeks forward :eek: It was so weird as I knew my dates!!!! Anyway she was due on the 15th (our first wedding anniversary) and arrived at 6am on the 26th so they were obviously right, she weighed in at 8lb 1oz after a straight forward 7 hour delivery ( I had injected pain relief, hated gas and air!) Ellie they moved her dates forward 2 weeks (what is it with my body???) and she arrived 10 days late (or 4 days early if they'd moved her 4 weeks forward too!) she weighed 7lb 8oz and I was only in pain an hour and had no pain relief, right don't faint but I actually enjoyed giving birth to her and would rather give birth again than have my legs waxed :rotfl2:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury... How can you look at these posts and not
see there might be an opportunity for a round of "funny"
Jo even used the YKWIM...
It's all in your mind Katt!!!!! :rotfl2:

Tomorrow is a mini DIS meet in NYC! So excited!
Hope you're having fun Kat and whats hump day?

Native NYer

Third one, decided on a homebirth. 16 hour labor, had him under warm water, NO PAIN. That's right. NO PAIN AT ALL! My biggest problem was that I was afraid my butt was going to fall out, and I actually made my midwife watch my butt so that it wouldn't come out.:rotfl2: I pushed him out on my hands and knees after about 30 minutes of pushing. My midwife passed him to me through my legs and I brought him up out of the water. It was an amazing experience.
That sounds amazing!

:rotfl2: Honestly it's not that bad, if it was we'd all be only children :rotfl2:

When they teach you will you teach me !!
Rosie did you see my picture how to multiquote?

Okay baby stories , not mine but DD. The TWINS weighed in at 7lb 12oz & 7lb 3 ozs add that together !!:scared1:

After all this talk, I am on my way to take my birth control pill right now...

So, I'm laying in bed last night with Jeff (NOT sneezing, just laying ;))
Hey :rotfl2: Hope you're having a nice anniversary, or is it tomorrow?

I had a terrible headache last ngiht, approaching migraine status. I explained to Leo that my head hurt terribly and that I needed to lie down for a bit with my eyes closed whilst he watched TV. My little angel scooted over next to me and asked, "Want me to hold you Mommy?" Then proceeded to hold my hand and rub my head with his other hand. :angel:
That's so sweet :cloud9:

Where is Jo ??

Probably playing golf:rolleyes1
How'd you guess? :rotfl2:

Probably right.. on the trampoline.. and sneezing the whole time.. and protecting her bad shoulder..

BTW Jo... is your shoulder better today ??
Hey :headache: and yes my shoulder is better, back still hurts a bit though!

Played golf today and it started thundering and lightening :scared1: We came in pretty quick!

Ben is just out of hospital but Em wants me to go round for a few hours tomorrow as she doesn't think she can cope with both boys :confused: I'm meant to be playing golf and also it's about a 2 hour round trip to her house, if the traffic is OK, I'm not sure what I think TBH!!!
I think Kat's right.. Mo did have a JOB change.. and she was getting rid of "Witchy Poo" am I right??
Do you have her # or e-mail addy ??
I sent Mo an e-mail yesterday but haven't heard back :confused3

Today is the DIS meet in NYC! SO excited! Many pics will be taken! Looks like rain but thats ok- can't win 'em all. I considered bringing ponchos for everyone...:rotfl: . I may even put one of those foam LGMH's on my purse just for a laugh. We act like we can't figure out who each other is when I'm sure we will see each other and instantly realize!
Have lots of fun Kat and you're right you'll all recognise each other straight away!!!!
It's all in your mind Katt!!!!! :rotfl2:

Hope you're having fun Kat and whats hump day?

Well it can mean two things.. normally it means Wednesday. Over the hump and halfway through the work week.

BUt sometimes in our "American Humor" it goes hand in hand with... dare I say it... "SNEEZING" :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
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