How will your Loyalty to Disney Change?

I'm not sure if I'm even loyal to Disney but I know my Disney spending habits have been decreasing every time Disney has taken a perk away from me. I spend significantly less on Disney products now. My family likes to take more non-Disney vacations.

My Disney spending increased when VMK came along. My family took an unplanned vacation to WDW so we could do the in-park quests and get the cards for purchasing certain items, having fun at the WDW parks was an added benefit. I bought enough of the pin and card sets to end up with four complete sets and extras. I bought Disney movies I wouldn't have bought just so I could redeem the codes for VMK prizes. I spent about $10,000 on a vacation so I could be at Sea's and Out's wedding.

All of that extra spending will end when VMK does.

Will my Disney spending end? No. My July visit to WDW is still on! I'm sure I'll visit WDW again after that. I'm not sure how VMK's closing will impact my vacation spending habits. I'm guessing I'll be less likely to make impulse purchases. I'm definitely less motivated to go out of my way to buy Disney products in general.

That said, I had considered visiting WDW for the VMK closing to be with some of my VMK friends in person. However, Fly:hippie: and I have decided to visit Universal Studios for VMK's closing. We will be spending six days at the Hard Rock Hotel and enjoying the parks there. Translation for Disney executives - I have chosen to spend my money at Universal Studios as a direct result of the decision to close VMK.
No flames here. I understand that it isn't generating revenue. My beef is that they're pulling the plug without ever having even tried to make it profitable. They're just giving up on it for no good least, not one that they've seen fit to share with us. If they were honest about why they're closing VMK instead of hiding behind the "promotion" excuse, that might help. As it is, they're tossing aside this entire community that they created for no readily apparent reason, and that smacks very heavily of not caring at all. If VMK absolutely must (and I mean MUST) be closed, fine...but I can see about a billion ways in which it could have been handled better as far as the public goes.

I've figured out where my blah-ness about Disney stems from with all this. Disney is something that I associate with innocence, and I gain my own innocence back when I watch their movies and, especially, when I visit the parks. That innocence, joy and carefree feeling of "Disney will take care of us!" makes me feel like a kid, and is what brings me back again and again. However, in order for innocence to be present, there must be trust. I don't have that anymore. Disney will NOT take care of us. They're showing that very clearly, and I'm really not sure I can ever get back that trust and innocent feeling. If not, I might as well go just about anywhere else.

I agree with you - Disney could have found ways to make it profitable.
I still love Disney as a whole. But I've also had my eyes wide opened about them for a very long time. Some of their business practices I don't like nad never have. But, you still have to take the bad with the good. Overall, the company still makes good family entertainment.
My feelings as well. As much as I love Disney, I've always stepped back a little bit from the pixie dust because in the end they are a business, just like anyone else. What has happened with VMK will insure that I keep reality very firmly in front of me.
I'm very happy now that I never got around to buying more of the pirate pins for their codes. I was getting ready to buy some when the announcement was made. I don't collect pins and the ones I do have are just sitting in a box. I seriously doubt they'll be worth much on the second market for a very long time since so many were bought.
My extra pirate pins got me started with pin trading and collecting. Yes, even more money for Disney, but at least I am getting something real for my money, and discovering a whole new community of fellow traders. The fact that I'm already well into this new hobby has helped me to deal with the loss of VMK a little better than I would have otherwise.
Problem is they just do not understand what they created and the harm they are doing. To me that is where the pixie dust died. I wish so much one of the big bosses would get it.
As it is, they're tossing aside this entire community that they created for no readily apparent reason, and that smacks very heavily of not caring at all.
I think they bit off way more than they could chew. They have a lot to learn about the nature of online communities.
Disney is something that I associate with innocence, and I gain my own innocence back when I watch their movies and, especially, when I visit the parks. That innocence, joy and carefree feeling of "Disney will take care of us!" makes me feel like a kid, and is what brings me back again and again. However, in order for innocence to be present, there must be trust. I don't have that anymore. Disney will NOT take care of us. They're showing that very clearly, and I'm really not sure I can ever get back that trust and innocent feeling. If not, I might as well go just about anywhere else.
It may hurt, but this may keep us in the future from seeing more in what Disney has to offer than is actually there.
I still love the Mouse. But when I go to Disney the innocense is gone.
And the constant saying of if you can dream it then you can do it just a lie now.

On May 22nd 2008 will be known as they day that faith trust and pixie dust died.
With the gentlest of intentions, let me just say that Disney is in the business of spouting emotional catchphrases that play on everyone's real beliefs and values. We already know in our heart what is good, what is true, what is beautiful, and that is not going to change. Perhaps we can concentrate on creating something significant in our lives from what that "magic" truly symbolizes.
There’s life beyond Disney, that is for sure.

That being said, when it comes to the “complete package,” I think families find it at Disney Parks. Disney has the market-share it does because of the experiences that it offers its Guests; even those cynical about the company know that a Disney experience is unlike any other theme park or resort experience, anywhere.
Exactly. It is not perfect, but it is still an oasis in the midst of a lot of un-family-friendly culture.

I will try to take it for the best parts, without making more out of it than is reasonably healthy.
I am just curious as to why Celebration made you seek out other theme parks. :confused3
Because I did not like that project and WDW made me a theme parks fanatic but I only saw by WDW until before I heard of Celebration, I am the kind when I dont like something to look for alternatives and that is what happened
With the kids' leading the decisionmaking process, we are cancelling our 2009 Disney cruise and getting our $1,000 deposit back. We will instead take a couple of Royal Caribbean cruises. Given the disenchantment that the VMK closure has caused, it's no longer worth the extra ducats to go with Disney.
My relationship with Disney is always rocky...

The two of us will bounce back, I know it.
Although my heart is aching right now with Disney closing VMK, and I don't especially feel in the mood for buying any Disney products, I don't expect that it will make me less inclined to visit the Parks, or buy merchandise in the future. We have a Disney cruise and a WDW visit planned for September and that will remain unchanged.

I know Disney thinks that we will all just migrate to one of their other online games, BUT I can say whole-heartedly that; that will NOT be happening with this girl. When they are showing so little respect for the community that we have already created in VMK, why on earth would I trust them by moving to another one of their game 'promotions' ... and pay for the privilege??? :confused: :headache: :mad:
No, my dollars will not be lining the WDIG's pockets - that's for sure!!!
My hitlist:

1. Jetix - Ruined Toon Disney
2. High School Musical - Ruined Disney Channel
3. WDIG - Not worth keeping around if VMK closes
Honestly, I still feel the Disney magic when going to the parks. Im terribly upset VMK is closing, and when we pass through Main Street, I get this stabbing pain in my stomach. But I'll always feel the Disney magic, and my loyalty to Disney will stay the same as always.
Nope. Have a trip planned to Disneyland. Note on my signature where I live. Very big trip for me. Not cancelling a trip i have been looking forward to for a very long time just because of this...

heh plus i can't very well get my money back on my airfare anyways
Nope. Have a trip planned to Disneyland. Note on my signature where I live. Very big trip for me. Not cancelling a trip i have been looking forward to for a very long time just because of this...

heh plus i can't very well get my money back on my airfare anyways

Cyre that's too funny that you are flying from Boca Raton. While we were visiting WDW one time we drove to Boca just to eat at the Cheesecake Factory, then drove back to Orlando. popcorn::
I had a Disney Cruise booked next year. I cancelled that trip and booked it with Princess Cruise Lines instead.

So has my loyalty changed? Yeah, but only after theirs did.

That's a shame, because I feel the Disney Cruise was probably one of the best cruises I've ever taken...and the one with the most "kid free" spaces compared to other cruise lines. (I like kids, but I don't care to be around them 24/7.)

My feelings toward Disney haven't changed. Yes, I bought VMK pins, too, lots of them. But I'm a casual pin collector/trader, and I'm sure I'll do some pin trades with the duplicates.

I am not letting VMK's closing affect the way I deal with Disney. I wouldn't have bought DVC in 2002 otherwise.

I'm happy to have met so many wonderful people in VMK. And yes, I will be losing contact with a lot of people. But I am thankful there are quite a few people from my friends list who are on the DIS.
When WDW opened in 1971, there was one theme park and three resorts. If things hadn’t changed since then, WDW wouldn’t be what it is today. In order to move in a positive direction, controversial decisions had to be made and other things had to be sacrificed. That’s why I’m excited every time Disney makes a change; I have great memories from the past and an anticipation for the future.

That's my opinion.

Huge difference. They didn't shut down the Magic Kingdom at WDW. They added to WDW.

They are not adding to VMK. They are shutting it down. They want to progress and move forward, fine. Then add to VMK. Don't shut it down.

I understand the monetary aspects. But there are a lot of things that can be done where they can make a lot of money from VMK. But are they doing those things? No. They are just taking it offline and forget the thousands of people that have built a community within it.
I'm not even meaning to make a threatening stand - I'm not trying to hold my US Dollars out as ransom for Disney if they don't comply with my demands-

But the reality is, that I will be far more hesitant to share my paycheck with anyone flying the Disney banner.

I don't even know what the right words are for what I feel.

I'm sure some of my feelings about this are childish and juvenile and spoiled.

I have loved being friend or adversary to many of you in the Pirates game, but more, I have loved playing online with my wife to get credits to buy cool stuff to trade to my kids.

I have loved playing pirates with my sons to see who has the 'mad skills'.
I have loved building rides with my seven year old ( he build the most righteous stuff!!)
I have loved my 4 year old daughter changing the outfit on my avater (DR-Jones) when I'm not looking or am afk.

My wife and I created an account for my 18 month old son in Feb when we were at DLR. He'll never get to enjoy it.

My point is that Disney markets Magic. And Innocence (seen the adds where the Mom is a child in the store window reflection?). Magic is not sold to reasonable and logical consumers. Buying magic is an emotionally driven transaction.

The Magic has been tainted for me now. The natural result of my disappointment (again, not really the right word) is that I will not be excited to part with my cash to by magic from a merchant who reserves the right to take it away and stomp on it when the decide the business model prescribes it (remember the last scenes of the POTC at world's end - 'It was good business' - apparently this is not a good enough reason in the movie, but it's different 'in real')

Sorry about the rant.. my loyalty will absolutely be effected.

Note to Disney - I've looked at you job postings and know that someone out there is assigned to monitor the community sites. You'd be fools to not know what your customers are saying.

If there is a good answer to replacing VMK, you need to let us know. Penguin, Toons and Pirates are not satisfactory answers. You should know that from your own marketing / product positioning information, if not from your customers' feedback.

Jones out.
This letter was already posted on another thread, but it sums up my answer to the question. I received no reply, btw, canned or otherwise:

Hi Mr. Iger,

This is certainly not my first email or letter, and I'm not sure if you or anyone else is reading them anyway, but I have been plagued by a thought that won't go away. I know that you have already heard countless times how VMK is not just an online game, that it's a community, and that it has caused thousands of people to come together to enjoy everything they love about Disney, and just talk to people they now consider good friends. I know you have heard all about how we plan trips just with VMK activities in mind. I know that you already know how much good VMK has done for people (children and adults) with social skills issues and Asperger's, and people who are sick or recovering and couldn't get out of the house. The message we are getting about your reaction to these things is that "it was just a promotion."

We don't care how it started (and btw Day 1 people like me don't recall a word ever being said in the beginning about this being a promotion, and it sure hasn't come up until now), all we know is that we love it dearly. The same way we love other Disney things (characters, parks, movies) in a way that all non-Disney types think is a little weird. And now you just want to suddenly take it away, in spite of the outpouring of sentiments like that ones I just expressed, and with no clear reason why.

That's mean. Just cold hearted and downright mean. We were told point blank just a few months ago that it wasn't going anywhere. So here is my nagging thought: if VMK goes away, it's going to take my Disney magic with it. So without VMK I'm not renewing my annual passes, I'm not buying anymore stuff, and it's not for spite. It's because you will have stolen my innocent joy, the kind the grown ups love the most, about Disney. I will know that it's just a corporation; it's not magic. I feel betrayed, and sad, and angry. And I know you don't need my little family's passholder money. I know we are a drop in the bucket even at 4 or 5 trips a year. But if VMK is gone, I will never, ever, ever feel the same way about Disney again. And that is a great loss, maybe not for Disney, but for me. And I am not alone. I don't think you can understand it Mr. Iger, but I'm begging you to try.

Laura B. Carper
The Magic has been tainted for me now. The natural result of my disappointment (again, not really the right word) is that I will not be excited to part with my cash to by magic from a merchant who reserves the right to take it away and stomp on it when the decide the business model prescribes it (remember the last scenes of the POTC at world's end - 'It was good business' - apparently this is not a good enough reason in the movie, but it's different 'in real')

That was one of the points I made in my response as well. Disney lures us with words like "magic", "experience", "special" and "dreams".....they want our money but reserve the right to pull it all back when they want. :upsidedow
That was one of the points I made in my response as well. Disney lures us with words like "magic", "experience", "special" and "dreams".....they want our money but reserve the right to pull it all back when they want. :upsidedow

AND the simple fact is, once you've been lied to about something that's important to you, it's very difficult to trust again.
AND the simple fact is, once you've been lied to about something that's important to you, it's very difficult to trust again.

You're making a business decision sound emotional. I don't think Disney made this decision lightly, nor do I think they did this to alienate anyone. That's just the unfortunate result of the decision.

I still would love Disney to bring back Horizons, but I realize that ain't happening. I feel the same way about VMK.
Even after all our pleating to please not close it. I have dreamed of taking my kids to disneyworld for the last couple years. In fact that is how I came to find out about vmk. I was on Ebay and saw the dream give away. I really wanted to win that trip to Disneyworld. I entered all the contests.
Bush Gardens is now on the agenda. I have no desire to go to disneyworld now, or to take my kids. I really think it would be heartbreaking seeing all the vmk places in real. Too sad.

You're making a business decision sound emotional. I don't think Disney made this decision lightly, nor do I think they did this to alienate anyone. That's just the unfortunate result of the decision.

I still would love Disney to bring back Horizons, but I realize that ain't happening. I feel the same way about VMK.

Are you kidding me?! Of course it's emotional! To quote Scodaddy:
"Disney markets Magic. And Innocence. Magic is not sold to reasonable and logical consumers. Buying magic is an emotionally driven transaction."

They LIED to us about VMK going away. Just months ago!! Did they do that with Horizons? They have never given as straight answer about this "business decision". Who shuts down something with such a loyal fan base as VMK without a reasonable explanation at least. If their contract with sulake ran out (or whatever) tell us the truth!

Disney appeals to the most basic core of emotion; the desire to belong to something wonderful, feel safe, and treasure the joy and awe that usually only comes with childhood. That's what VMK represented to a lot of people. You don't think that's emotional?


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