Week of May 4th WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Everybody

I may have come in #3 in my age group, but absolutely appropriately for the Minnie 15K, there were no age group awards for manly men. The race is primarily for ladies, we men were sort of window dressing for the real event. Now if the #3 male in 50-54 received a Ducati monster, bright red, I would be all for that :banana: .

The funny part was lots of cast members, called out to me "Alice" when I went by. Planned or coincidence? You decide.

I will miss the chance to do that course and distance again, but hey, lots of us saw the thing off is grand style. Congratulations to everyone who had a smile on their face in the finish area Sunday. I enjoyed watching it all.

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for the thoughts and hugs. I am home again. My Dad rallied for a day or two while I was there so we had some time to visit and some time to say goodbye. He only had about 3 hours of lucidity the whole 5 days I was there but it was still good.

Living in a hospital is not condusive to exercise. I am a slug!! No training what so ever!

Congratulations to all the Minnie finishers! I am going to sit down and read all the reports tomorrow.

Okay... two questions.
1) Do you make cupcakes and stuff for a living?
2) Did you jump over the snake?

Only on This board would those two questions be in the same post!

As for snakes, I used to jump them when we lived in Mississippi. But even better was the time I watched a hawk swoop down and grab the snake off the road right in front of me.

Okay... two questions.
1) Do you make cupcakes and stuff for a living?
Just asking as I am seriously tempted to start taking some classes to learn how to do that. (cake decorating and stuff that is)
2) Did you jump over the snake?

Dana - 1. Kind of. I took classes when I was about 12 to just do as a hobby. I started teaching myself new techniques and was always making cakes for friends and family. Once I started making wedding cakes, it kind of took off from there. Word got out and I started getting "orders." I do not claim to be a professional. Most of my cakes are fairly simple. But they taste good! 2. I didn't really jump over the snake, although I'm sure I jumped high enough to do so. :scared1: And I normally am not one that freaks out over snakes. But this one was big and just jumped out at me! :laughing: (...not really)
Debra - Thanks, but I did not go :yay: for the "accidental 8 miler." My reaction was more of :faint: That will teach me to map out my route a little better next time!
All - Thank you for the warm welcome back!!

Aurora - Good luck with the starting back up! It was tougher than I thought it would be yesterday. I'm glad I took the less hilly route..it I went my normal route that I had been going I don't think I would have made it 1 mile!

Debra - Thank you for the info. I remember Dave! I'll PM him right away!!
Craig - or should we call you Alice? :rotfl: You rock! Fabulous job on 3rd place!

Cecelia - lots of :hug:

I think I have been avoiding this place since the weekend.
I was so bummed not to be at Minnie. The past two years my mom & I had a blast at this race.
I opened a thread that had pics from the meet on Saturday and I got all teary-eyed. I miss my friends and wish I was there with you!

It really stinks trying to be a responsible adult sometimes. :rolleyes:
About the Spring Banquet pics: You two look so good and, if it's possible to do so while in masks, quite come-hitherish! (He kind of looks like a superhero, as his feathers are less noticeable. That, or I have Iron Man on the brain.) I assume it was a good time? The question is whether you enjoyed the masquerade or the kayaking more, as both sound like a great way to spend time together.
LOL it's odd that you would say he looks superheroish because that's the exact thing he commented on the photo! If he wouldn't have cut me off after an hour and a half of kayaking that might have won favorite, but as is they tied. (something about baking like a lobster :rolleyes: :confused3 ) And I think that if you manage to get out the door you have earned a Garmin! :cool1:

Angie: Sorry about the sore quads, but nice time!

Jeff:Having a Garmin that isn't so bulky would certainly be nice....

Mel: Sounds like a good race! Where did you take the bike ride? What's the deal with Minnie next year?

Craig: (or should I say "Alice!"?) :yay: Congrats on the #3 thats great!

Michelle: Ooo can we see some pics of your cakes? I wouldn't say no to a taste either....hehehe! Scratch and sniff?? I definitely catch some air time whenever I see a snake on the ground. They don't bother me really otherwise (Dad has a corn snake and rat snake at home and I hold them).


Yesterday I got in a nice 6 miler and a short bike ride. I also snuck (sneaked?) over to the climbing gym for one last climb for the semester (I needed to be making dinner!). On Friday I climbed a new route and yesterday I got to mark it as my own! So now everyone can climb Claire's route. And even more exciting was the fact that when the tester climbed it he said it was an orange instead of a white. :dance3: White is the most basic and orange is one up. Yay! Today I'm moving a bunch of my stuff out of the dorms so that will entail a lot of carrying and hauling whew! I'm about to head out on a speed play run though. Happy running and resting!
TXANG--Happy Belated Birthday! :bday: I try to keep up with this thread but some weeks it just seems impossible so I am sorry I missed it! I feel like you are sort of my C25K buddy as we are on close to the same spot in the program! WTG on DH's gift!

How is W4? You are there this week right?

I went out today to face W5D2 again. This time I won!

Good morning team!!!!!

Great workouts yesterday, W1D2 of C25K, then a 1 mile walk at lunch and a 4 K after work with the family. It was just so nice outside I couldn't resist. Tonight!!!!! KICKBOXING class. I am very excited.

Debra Hopefully we get some insight, I am just not sure what to do.

CarolA:hug: :hug: This is a awesome team and you are doing great

Angie Yaaaaa for no back pain

TXAng Good luck on W4D1 today

Mel Welcome back and congrats on the PR!!!!

Craig 3rd WOW that is awesome congrats

Cecilia:hug: :hug:

Kristi ya it does suck being a responsible adult, I couldn't make it to Minnie either:sad1:

Claire WTG on the 6M!!!!

AllysonWTG on W5D2:cheer2: :cheer2:

Hope I got everyone....have a super day all

I think I've been avoiding the boards for the last couple of days also! I'm happily planning my August trip, but was really sorry I didn't make it down for the Minnie - it sounds like it was a lot of fun. My two youngest girls were in a ballet last Saturday so even if it was in the budget (and it wasn't), we couldn't have come down. But it still made me sad :sad2: .

I've been in a running funk also, and missed 2 runs! I am getting back on track today, and going out shortly.

Congratulations to everyone who raced this past weekend! Now that I am coming out of my funk it is really great to read all the wonderful race reports. You all did great!

I'm planning to check back in later, but right now I'm going to go out for my run!
Frank, somehow I don't think HR would be appreciative of my new work hours but I can try!! Great job on your 5k this past weekend!

Claire, your photo is so cute! Your DBF reminds me of Zac Effron in that photo! Good luck with the move!

MiaMichelle --Woohoo!! GREAT job on your LR!! :thumbsup2

Debra, you've definitely earned a 405! A girl always needs accessories to complete an outfit!!

Celilia :hug: :hug:

Allyson, woo hoo!! Yay for kicking W5 butt!!

Kim, great job on all your w/o's!!

Me.. no running last night, I made 4doz cross shaped sugar cookies last night and will be frosting them tomorrow! Hoping to get in a good three tonight.

And I have a race etiquette/ethics question: My 5k on Sunday was an out and back, sort of.. we ran down a street and then came back around on a side street to go back down - sort of hairpin like. Anyway, I "fondly" called this side street the "obstacle course" because it was littered with potholes and gravel. It was pretty awful., I had to watch every step as to not fall in a hole. Anyway, this woman who had been steady behind me hopped up a driveway and ran that part of the course on the sidewalk until we got back onto non-potholed road. Is that really ethical? I'm not going to call race organizers or anything on her :lmao: but being on the sidewalk would've made my life a lot easier at that point in time!
Oh my it's been quiet around here,

Where is everybody? Sleeping off their Minnie experience? Out eating ice cream, baking cookies, drinking libations?
Well, I did bake cookie yesterday and today I keep telling myself I'm going to go out for a 4 mile run, but not there yet. Now I have to cook dinner, maybe after dinner.:rolleyes1 maybe I'm just take the rest of the day off and start fresh tomorrow, after all I did run the Minnie Sunday.
Craig - Congratulations on a great Minnie!

Mel - You, too. Sounds like everything came together just right. I haven't tried R4/W2 - sounds like it might be worth a try. Lately R2/W2 has been giving me faster times than my usual R3/W1.

Cecilia - More :hug:

Debra - I have a 205, upgraded from a 201, and refuse to spend another penny on Garmins. Even though it's bulky, it's still my best friend!

Allyson - Hooray on your victory over W5D2!

Angie - Way to go! So glad you were able to finish (relatively) pain-free. See? It really is okay to rest every now and then!

Jeff - I had a spare hour this afternoon - could either go for a run or donate blood. Blood center isn't usually open on Tuesday afternoon, but they'd sent out an email saying there shouldn't be a long wait for walk-ins since they had so few appts. After I waited for an hour and watched them call appt after appt and only occasionally throw in one of the 22 walk-ins who had shown up so far, I threw in the towel. I tried, okay? Now I'm too tired and hungry to go run, but the dog is begging so maybe I'll do a couple of miles with her...

Did upper body stuff yesterday after laughing at the 5:00AM alarm for the TM. Worked concessions at the Van Halen concert last night and didn't get home until midnight, so it's already been a LONG week. Fortunately our first group run is Saturday, and it's only 3 miles so I can start all over if I have to!

Jeff - I had a spare hour this afternoon - could either go for a run or donate blood. Blood center isn't usually open on Tuesday afternoon, but they'd sent out an email saying there shouldn't be a long wait for walk-ins since they had so few appts. After I waited for an hour


That's unacceptable. Any donor (walk-in or with an appointment) should be in and out in less than an hour! :scared1: I hope they apologized before you left. If not, send the director a note or call up, informing them what happened. 22 walk-in's waiting is a good thing to the blood bank, but having to wait that long is not.

Thanks for trying Jackie, A+ for effort, F - on their part for their making you wait so long, and still not taking you.

I hope this doesn't discourage you from trying again in the future. :hug:
That's unacceptable. Any donor (walk-in or with an appointment) should be in and out in less than an hour! :scared1: I hope they apologized before you left. If not, send the director a note or call up, informing them what happened. 22 walk-in's waiting is a good thing to the blood bank, but having to wait that long is not.
The woman working the desk when I arrived was doing a good job of alternating walk-ins and appointments. Then she left, and the kid who took over was clueless. The nurses who were doing the histories were just calling "next appointment" and leaving it up to the people waiting to sort out. And no, Mr. Clueless on the desk just stared at the other woman and me when we said we were leaving. Next time I'll go back to scheduling an appointment. So much for being spontaneous!

Hello all you WISH people...

My official chip time for the Minnie 15K was 2hr:10min:54sec. Pace of about 14:02. My best ever!! (wish I could do that in a half marathon.)

Craig: Great race - You beat those demons!!!. I like doing the 15K distance and I liked the course being the last part of the full marathon. I don't think I will ever get up enough nerve to walk a full, so think was great to get to do the end of the full.

Joan: Good Minnie for you!! I did 3miles today and my quads were hurting a bit and that normally doesn't happen. Must have been something about the course. Thanks for remembering my nametag - I will have to make a better impression next time. (I had such a hard time remembering people!)

Jeff: ALOHA!! Congrats on signing up for th HI Marathon!!I am definately sleeping off my Minnie !! I always have a hard time sleeping the night before an event. I got 2 hours sleep Sat night. I need to find something to help me relax and sleep the night before. Although, I tend to do better times with no sleep - go figure?? - just a PN - can't wait to meet you and your fmaily at the DL Half.

Mel: It was nice to meet you at the Minnie - I think it was you at the meet that had the tropical head band with the lime green minnie on it. Very cute!!

MIchelle: Looks like your doing great with your training. Keep it up girl!!

CarolA: I don't think I will do the Princess Half either. I think it is too close to the WDW marathon weekend. I don't think it is a good time in March, it's kinda peak season. Maybe if they put it in like April or May?? Hey, if DL can have a half in August, WDW can do one in May?? and a PN for me. WISH kinda came along for me after I had the courage to start but my little slogan is "WISH give me the courage to keep going!!" I feel more apt to keep training and exercising with WISH in my lige.

Debra: Oh Debra, congrat on replying to ALL the posts!!
I figured out after a while at the WISH meet, that people might know me more by saying I was the Mount Trashmore girl or the Dirty Girl. It definately helped. You kinda right aobut my next event, except at the last moment I signed up for the RRCA Florida state racewalking championship Open divison 5K and it is this Saturday. Then on Sunday I have a charity walk. Then I have the DL Half. I am on a waiting list for the Garmin 405, I have a 205 and it Garmi is my best friend (during races) I like the fact it is smaller and has easier navigation throught the menus. Plus its a new gadget, what more could you ask for!!

I did 3 miles tonight. Shins and quads were a bit on the sore side and I hope it subsides by my racewalk 5K on Saturday. I did post my Eye2eye shirt on that thread if anyone wants to see what it looks like. I think it still needs a bit of redoing.

Have a great evening everyone!!
Me.. no running last night, I made 4doz cross shaped sugar cookies last night and will be frosting them tomorrow! Hoping to get in a good three tonight.

And I have a race etiquette/ethics question: My 5k on Sunday was an out and back, sort of.. we ran down a street and then came back around on a side street to go back down - sort of hairpin like. Anyway, I "fondly" called this side street the "obstacle course" because it was littered with potholes and gravel. It was pretty awful., I had to watch every step as to not fall in a hole. Anyway, this woman who had been steady behind me hopped up a driveway and ran that part of the course on the sidewalk until we got back onto non-potholed road. Is that really ethical? I'm not going to call race organizers or anything on her :lmao: but being on the sidewalk would've made my life a lot easier at that point in time!

Do I get a sugar cookie (or 10!) if I answer your question? :goodvibes

If the sidewalk/driveway is not cutting the course shorter or outside of a coned off area, it's perfectly fine, and I probably would have done the same thing. It doesn't sound like she cut a bunch off the course.

Another thing...that you didn't ask about, but I see this a lot in races...they are measured using the tangents...the shortest distance around corners. So if you are making a left hand turn or curve...go get on that left side. If you stay to the right and make the bigger curve, you're just adding distance. Not a lot, but it could add up.

Hi, to everyone else...:)

Jackie, good job on at least trying to donate! Not cool that you lost an hour or more of your day, though.

Mel and Jackie...I have tried 2 min. walk intervals, and they don't work as well for me; I find it harder to get running again...but I'm glad it works for someone! If your times are making you happy and you are able to do that consistently, yay!

Tracy---good job on the Minnie! And you could do it for a half marathon...only 6K more!

I did my first land run in about 3 weeks or so tonight. It was ok. My hip is still a little sore, so I'm about to ice it and rest up. 3.6 miles of hills probably wasn't the best first run out in a while. :rolleyes:

And I guess I'll pass on the sugar cookie...quick, someone take them all away! I'm on day 6 of the Jillian plan, and doing well! No weight workout today. Sticking with the food plan. Will have planned indulgence Sat. after my triathlon. :thumbsup2

Considering the Princess thing...but it is awful close to Spring Break for some....hmmm...
Mel – Welcome back! Congrats on the new PR. :thumbsup2

Cecilia – I’m so glad that you got to visit with your dad a little bit. :hug: :hug:

MB Michelle – Cake…yummy! I think you should make a cake for the next WISH event.

Kristi – I agree, this responsible adult thing is for the birds.

Claire – How cool to have a climbing route named after you!

Allyson – It is nice to have a C25K buddy! WTG on successfully completing W5D2! My W4D1 didn’t go so well…see below.

HC Kim – Congrats on finishing W1D2! I’ve always thought kickboxing would be fun.

Kira – Which ballet did your girls perform in?

Morgan – More cookie talk? Cake, cookies – y’all are making me hungry! I do have some chocolate chip muffin mix in the pantry. Hmmm….

Hope your 3-miler went well!

Jackie – I can’t believe they were making people wait that long. How frustrating!

Tracy – Congrats on the great time at the Minnie! Hope your soreness subsides in time for your 5K this weekend!

Me - Attempted W4D1, and failed miserably. The first 3-minute run was ok, the first 5-minute run was tough, but I made it. And then, halfway through the second 3-minute run, my stomach started cramping (and we're not talking about a side stitch). :sad2: So I slowed down and walked all the way back to the house (about a mile). Still managed to cover 2.11 miles in 30:54, but hardly any running. I suppose I'll try again tomorrow!
Jeff: can't wait to meet you and your fmaily at the DL Half.

:rolleyes1 Tracy, at Dland Half you'll have to settle for my friend Marcia (Mooshu), her mom Kim, and our friend Karen. We're going to have to figure out where all the WISHers, the Disney Deads, and Disneyrunning.com groups will all be having meets.

My Queen and Princesses are in year round school, and the race dates are not condusive for them missing school to come out to Scream Team. Same goes for the Goofy.

If you come out to do Honolulu Marathon, they race support and Scream Team for us in several locations on the out and back section of the race. :cheer2:


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