Week of May 4th WISH Walking/Running Club


She's a rebel. She's a saint.
Sep 15, 2002
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

WWDave's 2008 Miles and Minutes Team Threads:

Master Game Roster

New Master Game Spreadsheet

Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge


Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

TEAM #6: OHANA-No One Gets Left Behind:Post your miles/hours here

Walt's Warriors (Team 7) Miles and Hours

Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info
Good luck Minnie Racers, Flying Pig Racers, and everyone else racing on Sunday!! We'll be thinking about you!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Congrats to the Minnie 5K finishers! Awesome job!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Whoooo hooooo :cool1:

Mooshu and I are registered for the Honolulu Marathon in December. Today was the early bird registration.

Here's a shot of the line curling around the block of our local Niketown store where registration takes place. A few friends waited 4 hours before the store opened, while I waited just 45 minutes, having gone to breakfast before the 10 am opening. Rookie mistake on their part, LOL. :rotfl2:


Sunday, a 10 miler is in store for my clinic group. Followed by our first of three group picnics. Photos to follow...

Hope all you Minnie and Flying Pig racers had a great time out on the courses.

Here's Princess #1 with her bling from the Lani Moo Kids Triathlon.

Congrats to your Princess Jeff! That is great! Following in Dad's footsteps!

And all the best to those at the Minnie this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Not much happening here. W5D2 kicked my behind yesterday and I couldn't finish the second run part of it. A bummer but I'll just try again tomorrow. Today is rainy and grey and raw, might be a nice day to just stay in and veg.

Allyson :)
Jeff....awesome on the princess triathlete!! How cute she is!

DKP...So far, so good on the Jillian plan....down 3 lbs this week (prob. mostly water weight, plus I had a huge 'last' meal Wed. night). Sore today from hamstring curls at the gym, but legs are feeling more toned (or was that from my long bike ride?). Hard part was going to a party last evening. I ate before I went, so I wouldn't snack...they had a huge spread of tasty looking snacks and grilled cheeseburgers! As well as plenty of alcoholic beverages. It was so HARD! But I had one Diet Coke, 2 or 3 glasses of water, and a tiny serving of some shredded broccoli salad.

Frank...sorry about the near miss PR...so close!
Debra – That chocolate cheese looks delightful! I’d never heard of such a thing before. I can’t believe y’all are STILL looking for a place – surely the right one will show up soon!

Aloha Jeff – Congrats to your DD! That’s awesome!

Frank – Oh, no! SO close!

Allyson – Sorry that W5D2 didn’t go so well. I’m really nervous about starting W4 this week! Hope yours goes better tomorrow.

Betsy – Congrats for staying strong at the party!

Me - Finished W3 yesterday. It was ok, but I'm afraid of the 5-minute runs next week! The 3-minute runs are still feeling pretty tough, so I hope I make it.

And DH got me a fuel belt for my birthday! The pink one! I can't wait to try it out. :)
Good morning WISHers!

Hoping everyone is having a great Sunday. It's a beautiful day in NW Florida.

Out for 3 this morning. Nothing significant to report.

Krista - Thanks for spinning the thread this week.

Minnie Marathoners - Hope you all had great races yesterday and today!

Aloha Jeff - Congrats to Princess #1 for her triathalon. :thumbsup2

Allyson - Sorry you had a bad run yesterday. They'll get better.

Betsy - Way to stay strong! :thumbsup2

TXAng - You'll do fine with the 5-minute run next week.

Krista: Thanks for hosting this week while Mel was away playing at the Minnie! I hope you're doing well and am wishing for some baby news updates in the near future.

I hope all our weekend warriors had a great time, and our WISH meet at WDW was filled with lots of PG-13 stories that can be related here.

Aloha Jeff: Congratulations to your DD/Princess #1 on her first tri. She LOOKS happy--has she decided to try another tri yet? Was the bling enough incentive? Maybe if you tell her her fellow WISHers keep asking? I'm not above using peer pressure on our younger WISHers. (Hammm, maybe it's a good thing I don't have children? :rotfl:) I loved the shirts on the family, too! About the Honolulu Marathon registration line. Your friends waited for 4 hours? Does it fill that quickly? :confused3 You're certainly the insider in your group, to mention the most well-fed! :thumbsup2

Frank: Mourhino & Milan. Mourhino & Barca. The rumors are flying, aren't they? What drama! You seem to be in the know, so I'll lay money on your speculation. Good job on the 5K, despite missing your PR. (Speaking of flying, I can only imagine how fast you must be flying given your training runs.)

Allyson: No worries about repeating a session or a week of C25K. I repeated many of my days, as you know. FWIW, much of it was mental as much as physical on my part. Just remember that you made it through the first bit of the run and you can do it in the 2nd leg. :banana:

Betsy: "Last meal," huh? :rotfl2: Makes me picture Jillian as a prison guard. Congratulations on the 3 pounds--that's fantastic--AND for showing restraint at a party with good food and those tasty, calorie-laden alcoholic beverages. I'm not sure I could show such willpower as you did: broccoli salad? (I like broccoli well enough, but just broccoli salad?) Jillian would be proud, although I think she'd say you should really do more hamstring curls. :lmao: You should know that you've inspired me to request her book from ILL.

TXAng: I can't believe I'm still looking for a place either. :sad2: It's a combination of factors: 1) a really restricted geographic preference, 2) an equally restricted budget (hey, why spend our $$ on an apartment when there are Disney races to be run?); 3) our beloved cats, 4) the weird rental market here, and 5) lots of competition for choice places. We'll find a place, and then I'll quit being a whiny relocator.

As for you, OMG! When was your birthday? I can't believe I missed it. Happy Birthday, girl!! :bday: I should order you some chocolate cheese for a gift. (Really, I should.) I have that same belt, but in black, and love it. It's so cool that DH is already feeding your addiction to running. Just knowing you have gear to show off will help you get through W4 and beyond. And don't worry about W4's 5 minute runs. You can do it, and if you need to repeat a session, then that'll just help you get stronger. I needed to repeat my fair share of them on the program. No big deal. C25K's program is a guideline that we all tailor to our needs.

Vic: You always say you have nothing significant to report. I don't believe you and think you're concealing something from us. First, you did 3 miles and that's significant to me. Second, you could taunt us with the beautiful weather you're having. (Sadly enough, I might enjoy that.) Third, you could always make something up??

As for me: Just some XT today after yesterday's LR. My shins are a little sore today, so I'll be mixing up my schedule this week to focus on stretching and healing. Instead, I'll be focusing on my core tomorrow, a sadly underdeveloped area on this body. I'm going to pay far more attention to my core strength soon, post the Cleveland 1/2 in a couple of weeks (5/17). Btw, is it strange to be thinking about what I'm going to do after my race instead of what I'm going to do at the race? Is this a by-product of taper? :confused3

And in a stunning turn of events, it was sunny today, perfect perambulation weather, and yet I did not have ice cream. :confused:
Welcome home to all the Minnie racers. Hope there was lots of WISH fun, be sure to post pictures and race reports.

Aloha Jeff: Congratulations to your DD/Princess #1 on her first tri. She LOOKS happy--has she decided to try another tri yet? Was the bling enough incentive? Maybe if you tell her her fellow WISHers keep asking? I'm not above using peer pressure on our younger WISHers. (Hammm, maybe it's a good thing I don't have children? :rotfl:) I loved the shirts on the family, too! About the Honolulu Marathon registration line. Your friends waited for 4 hours? Does it fill that quickly? :confused3 You're certainly the insider in your group, to mention the most well-fed! :thumbsup2

Deb: Princess #1 was not fully convinced at the finish line that she'd want to do it again. However, during the evening, when we went to Farrell's to celebrate, it seems she would like to do it again sometime in the future.

A lot of WISHers sent congratulations posts to her, so she's loving the accolades. (Thanks everyone!)

My group's motto is "Live to Run, Run to Eat", which I wear on my shoe RoadId tag.

The early registration for the Honolulu Marathon is open to Hawaii residents only (and is normally held in January, so they're WAAAAAY LATE!). We get a discounted rate, and if you finished the previous year, they give you an additional finisher's shirt from all the left overs. You have to go on the first day of the two day only early bird registration, and bring a special letter for the shirt. If you are a local resident registering for the first time, they give you the "Mayor's Walk" finishers shirt leftover from the 10K walk.

The Honolulu Marathon does not have a cap on registration, about 33,000 runners + 4,500 10K walkers. We're currently the 6th largest marathon.

The race starts at 5 a.m. when it's cooler, and by 10 am it's usually getting warm, so you want to be done by the 5 hour mark, otherwise it gets brutal. My first marathon in 1995, it was so hot, they sent buses out onto the course to pick up anyone who wanted a ride back to the finish line. 2006 was good weather, and 2007 was pouring rain at the start, then HUMID by 10 am.

Oh, and one last thing, there is NO TIME LIMIT ON FINISHING (i.e. no sweepers). In some years, the last finisher is coming in live at the 10 pm news cast. Granted, they might have a disability or handicap, but they are allowed to finish at their own pace. So if you're sick of being in the snow in December, and need to see what the sun looks like, start saving for the island marathon. (Boy that sounds like I work for the Hawaii Visitors Convention Bureau :rotfl2: )

Honolulu Marathon Entrant Demographics (2006)

• 52.8% Men/47.2% Women
• Participants from all 50 states
• 23.6% Hawaii residents
• 9.6% from the mainland
• 62.6% from Japan
• 31% of visiting runners were accompanied by 5 or more companions or family members

Dave: Congrats on the new job, hope you enjoy the new change of pace.

TXAng: Happy Birthday girl!

My report for Sunday: The clinic had about 250 people out today to the clinic. The doc talked about overheating, and staying hydrated.


The Pink group had about 15 out today, and I was along with them to the 4 mile mark, where they turned back. I continued with a friend to the 5 mile turn around. We met up with the advanced group at mile 6 (for me), mile 8 for them, and they blazed out of the water stop ahead of us.

At mile 6.5 for me, we caught up to the advanced group, who had a 12 year old cross country runner with them. He was experiencing side cramps, and was having difficulty simply jogging. I sent the other advanced guys on their way, and told them I'd watch the kid. I gave him Gatorade, and a mustard pack for his cramping.

Well, the kid tried to be Superman, and took off without us, despite us telling him to slow down. So I trailed him for the next mile and a half. At the next water stop I had him drink, and once again he took off in search of the advanced group, who were now long gone.

The kid was already "hitting the wall" and not aware of his surroundings. Mind you it was about 83 degrees out, with gentle trade winds. Up ahead, he dashed out in the crosswalk, and was nearly hit by an approaching car.

The kid kept going, and was hauling up Diamond Head road trying to pass the intermediate group. Their leader told him to walk, and he finally stopped. When I caught up to him at mile 9 (11 for him), his eyes were glazed over like a dead fish, and weaving like a drunk. He was done, finished, kaput. :sick:

I did a head to toe assessment with him, and determined he was in the early stages of heat stroke. So I sat him down in the shade, and asked him what day it was, the date, and where he goes to school. It took him a minute or so to think out his answers before he could tell me. He didn't recall the crosswalk incident where he almost got run over.

At this point I had him give me his dad's phone number, who I called to have come out and meet us. While we waited, I gave him Gatorade and a powerbar. Within 15 minutes, he started to "come to his senses."

The dad arrived with cold drinks, and I hitched a ride back to the park. I instructed the dad to get the son some lunch, and lots of water and Gatorade, plus a cool bath to bring down his temperatures.

Back at the park I had the two other leaders who were with him earlier in the day come and check on him, and they gave advice on how to rest the remainder of the day. He'll probably end up with a headache, so I told the dad to give a single Tylenol if a headache comes on.

So this ends my story, and the moral of the story is don't overdo it during your training runs, hydrate and fuel properly, and listen to your body before ending up in the hospital. I hope the story wasn't boring.

Our picnic after the run was wonderful. Lots of good grinds to sample, and replenish the gas tank.



We got our new Clinic Staff tank top shirts, with our names on them. Mizuno tech material, nice! (Princess #2 and me). Now I'm gonna need more sunscreen :beach: .


If you're ever visiting Honolulu and looking for a Sunday morning run, the Marathon Clinic is open to the public, and it's free.
Jeff...good for you for taking care of the kid!

DKP--You know Jillian...she's a tough one! I did her wt. workout this evening and totally had to envision her yelling at me to keep moving! (ala "Neill, let go of the treadmill...NOW!!!!") But not on the treadmill. :)

My "last" dinner before this plan was a fancy restaurant chef's dinner with wine pairings....lobster, oysters, avocado salad, gnocchi, roast duck, chocolate creme brulee...each with its own wine. It was SO yummy! Now, this cauliflower I had with my salmon for dinner tonight...not so much. :lmao:

TXAng...just keep that focus in your head...just 5 min. I know it seems hard when you haven't been doing it, but it will come! I promise! :cheer2:

Allyson...hang tough!!

Vic...darling...how are you? I agree with DKP, surely there are some tales to tell!

As for me...I had a great weekend, training/eating plan-wise. Still on the program, on the evening of day 4. Please continue to encourage me...it will be easier to comply with Ms. Jillian if I feel like I have to report in. In addition to the "plan" I did my tri training, with a long bike Friday, water run on Saturday, shorter bike today and swim workout today. :thumbsup2

Now I have to catch up on the Minnie and other RR's. Way to go, WISHers!!
Krista...thanks for spinning the thread this weekend!

Jeff...yikes...good thing you were there to help that kid out.

Happy Birthday Ang!

Feels like I've been gone forever...chocolate cheese??? I'm a pretty big fan of chocolate cheesecake, but are we talking chocolate covered cheddar or gorgonzola? And who's Jillian??
Jeff - So glad you were there with the poor kid! It's scary that he was in such bad shape and had absolutely no idea. And more congrats to Princess #1 on her tri!

Allyson - Better luck on round 2 of W5D2.

TXAng - Have fun with the fuel belt. I'm looking forward to getting back to distances where I actually need to use mine! And a belated :bday: ?

Vic - Think they can talk Dale Jr. into driving an Indy car?

Debra - Good luck on the continued apartment search. I spent last week resting and recovering from various sore muscles - finally had an appt Friday with the chiro and he worked miracles on my calves. Think he was surprised by the size of the knot he found in one of them!

Still nursing the migraine :headache: (day 5, but who's counting...), so once again no run. Have already set the clock for 5:00AM tomorrow. Went down to do laundry tonight and discovered that the freezer had quit while I was away, so everything had to be tossed. :mad:

Yesterday's session with Jeff Galloway was entertaining and controversial. While I totally buy into his run/walk program, I disagree with much of the remainder of his philosophies. He absolutely believes that stretching causes injuries, and that Pilates and yoga have no place in a runner's exercise plan. Someone brought up Chi Running and he blew that off too, saying that leads to more injuries as well. I fully intend to continue to incorporate all the various plans together! It was interesting to hear that he and his wife are now doing all their marathons at a R1/W1 interval (he completed Disney in 5:09), so for those of you considering run/walk, you can still have respectable times with even short run segments.

Jeff- Glad you were there for that kid. :thumbsup2 As a mama, that is scary. :eek: Tell Princess #1 that I have "bling envy". ;)

Debra - The right place for you is out there, you just haven't found it yet. :hug: Hope it finds you soon. ;)

TXAng - Now I think I have "fuel belt envy". :rotfl2: Happy Belated B'day! Don't worry about repeating. Just think about how far you have come so far. That is what DH said to me after I got back from my 6 miler yesterday. I never thought I would ever be able to run that far back when I started in Jan. Now I did it and you will too! :thumbsup2

Vic - :wave2: Hope you enjoyed the race last weekend. I actually caught the end of it on TV.

Krista - Thanks for leading us off this weekend! How's baby Carter doing? Any pregnancy photos yet?

Jackie - Hope your migraine goes away. :hug: I'm like you. I take bits and pieces of training info. and put together a plan that works for me. Interesting that he thinks stretching causes injury. I have always heard the opposite.

Me - Well I did my 6 miler yesterday in 1:20:51. I had a real hard time between mile 3 and 4. I think it was more mental than physical. I just had to stop and walk from time to time. I didn't keep the pace I was supposed to (according to my training plan), but I wasn't far off. My knees really hurt when I started running after the walking segments. :headache:

Can't wait to hear all the "Minnie" stories. :rotfl2: (<- that's me laughing at my own joke ;))
Debra – Extra restrictions do make apartment-hunting much more difficult. DH and I lived in CA for a year, and had a heck of a time finding a place that met our specifications AND accepted our cats without costing an arm and a leg. We got lucky and landed a place that was only 6 miles away from Disneyland. We could watch part of the fireworks from our bedroom window. Too bad it was a really crummy neighborhood! :rolleyes:

Oh, my birthday was on Friday. I don’t think I mentioned it here before.

Have fun with your taper! Wow, race day is sure sneaking up quickly, isn’t it?

Aloha Jeff – Oh, my goodness! I’m so glad you were there to help out that boy!! Scary stuff.

Betsy – Yay for staying on plan! I don’t know about you, but I always have a really hard time sticking to any kind of eating plan on the weekends. Keep up the great work. :thumbsup2

Mel – I’ve got a recipe for an Oreo cheesecake that is SO good. It’s very rich, though, so I can only eat a tiny sliver at a time!

Jackie – Hope your head feels better! :wizard: Sorry to hear about the freezer dying – that’s SO frustrating! And stretching causing injury? I’ve never heard that before. I always thought that NOT stretching causes injuries.

Allie – Congrats on your 6-miler! What plan are you following?
Allie – Congrats on your 6-miler! What plan are you following?

Thanks! It is a plan that a friend's husband made up for me. He has made up a calendar that tells me how far to run, and what pace to maintain. My new Garmin is really helping keep me on track. :thumbsup2 I'm training for my first 10K on Memorial Day. The only thing is that the first 3 miles are UPHILL. And the hill at the top is pretty steep. :eek: Good thing is is that the rest of the race will be downhill. :woohoo:
OK...so I've been gone for a long while. Took some time off due to sub zero temps in the late winter and then I had some surgery that put me out for awhile. Today is the day that I can start back up though!! I came in to get my motivation up and saw that you are in teams now? So do I join a team? I'm not going to be much help right now as I'm just starting back up and my miles won't be up there. I had been running 20-25 a week. Anyhow..I'm gonna try 2.5-3 today and see how I do. Wish me luck! :woohoo:
Hi all....

Just back from the Minnie. It was nice getting to put people and there faces together. It was kinda funny, because I got into intrducing myself as "the Mount Trashmore" girl. People would go, "oooohhhh, that's you." Kinda funny.
I did put in a race report.
I did 9.3 miles (garmi said 9.45miles) in 2 hours 11min. That is a PR for me for walking. My garmi told me I was going too slow about 8 times that I can remember and that was alos a personal best - haha.

I had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone and having ya'lls support and lots of Wishers at the finish line to keep you going!!

Jeff: Loved your daughters BLING!! Congrats!!

Have a great Cinco de Mayo everyone!!
Good Morning

Back from the Minnie Weekend, and I will be very sad to see it go. The scale of the races was just right, large enough for excitement, yet small enough to be able to start where I wanted, to have a few runners around me the entire way, but after 1/2 of a mile, never a pack. It's such a great distance, one that is a serious accomplishment for many, yet you can get to 15K without the heavy training necessary for a good half, and the heavy x heavy training for a full.

I had the good fortune to run with Terri for the first half mile, Scott and Amy Beth during mile 2, and I briefly ran with Lynne, Erin, Cindy and Joan on the course. I especially enjoyed the out and back stretch, seeing Bill F and Martha & Carrie. Runing back and watching for friends coming out was great fun.

I entered the 15K because those last 9 miles of the marathon course have beaten me every time. Well crushed is more accurate. By starting fresh on those last 9.32 miles I hoped to exorcise those demons, and it worked. I crossed the finish in 82:15, #35 male and #3 in my age group. I hit mile 3 in 27 minutes flat and then pushed the pace through the last 6.32 miles. My average pace was 8:49 per mile, and YES ANNE, I was and am pleased. I wanted to run around World Showcase for once in my life, and it happened.

Seeing the gang at the finish, including folks I'd not met before like Angie and Bobby was great. As I said, I'm sad to see it go. It was great fun. Everyone who ran yesterday, take it easy for a few days, you all earned it.

I crossed the finish in 82:15, #35 male and #3 in my age group. I hit mile 3 in 27 minutes flat and then pushed the pace through the last 6.32 miles. My average pace was 8:49 per mile, and YES ANNE, I was and am pleased.

Welcome back Minnie runners and walkers!!

Hey Craig, must feel good to run around World Showcase!:rotfl: Ah, we have all been there. Congratulations on your great time! Sorry I missed the event, but I just couldn't swing it.
The Minnie was great and although it was my first, I wish they would not let it go. I loved the Flower and Garden Show. I meet some Wishers, but I'm having a hard time putting screen names, faces, and real names together. I do remember you, Craig, as you came up to me just past mile 4, I was on a good pace, but faded badly after mile 8 and didn't run around the word. Chip time was 1:26:18 or 18th out of 231 in my age group. 287 out of 2425 women and 331 out of 2632 overall.

My quad and butt are slightly sore today so I feel I did what I could. No training today, but I might get out for a easy walk. DS is playing in high school regional golf tourny so DH is off to see that. He has been a great cheer leader for me too. Life is good-all four of my kids ( ages 22, 19, 17, 15) were excited to see me do this and get the call or call me Sunday after the race. Sorry to drag on, I'm just feel so blessed this morning.

Now that all the Minnie racers are still away and this thread isn't growing so fast I'll try to give props to all...
First, Jeff A BIG YEA to your DD! Kids need to be outside and active, and yea to you for encouraging her.
Craig Great showing! Glad you were able to run the World!
Dnsyfan21 I remember your name tag, but can't put a face to it. Good job on finishing the race.
Villian_rocks Good luck on getting out today...hope it is good for you. Sorry you have been under the weather (physically and from nature).
aldisneygrl Good luck on your new training schedules..those hills can be killer
TXAng :cake: Gotta love running...It allows us to indulge in the extras-Hope you had a great birthday!
Mousedogmom Oh so sorry about your migraine,hope it's better soon. Some how I don't seems to get them very often or as bad anymore. Don't know why, but I feel your pain so I hope it goes away soon. Sorry about the freezer too. Let me sent some pixie dust your way pixiedust:
ironz Stay with the plan, I promise it will get easier the longer you stay with it. Jillian? She's killer, if you can't keep up with her there is always others.:thumbsup2
deekaypee Good luck with core..I'm right there with you.
BigVic three miles is 3 miles more than a lot and a big deal for others-keep it up.
If I've missed anyone-let me say one big KEEP ON YOUR PROGRAM. :cool1:


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