Virtual Family Kingdom Thread

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:hug: I hope you understand its important to bring them back up as new people from our forums read this everyday and I hope they read these things before even thinking about joining the game.

Yup I do!! But maybe you could enjoy people fun. With a special note to new dis readers.

Please note we are aware of these very major issues

so before thinking of joining this game these are just some of the on going issues that still have not been addressed.

Then you are not putting a damper on others joy and also making sure any new readers are aware of these issues.
Is there any chance we could have two threads for vfk; one to debate the issues and one to discuss playing the game, trading, meeting friends and making new ones? I think aengus decided against this though. I know all the topics I start get lost in the debates. I admit I spend less time here because of the doom and gloom. Of course people have a right to express their opinions but it would be nice to have a choice where we can read.
:tinker: :tinker: :tinker:

Please note that the Aengus did not make that decision. If you recall, the VFK discussion thread was closed because of DIS Board rule violations. We consulted with the Webmasters to open this thread once the game became live and a decision was made by the Webmasters as stated in the beginning of this thread to keep it to one thread while the game was being evaluated.
Here you may discuss the new game virtual family kingdom

I would like to thank you all for respecting me while the game was being evaluated.

For now please keep it in this thread. We still have much to learn about this game and its direction.

Thanks again for your understanding.

I just remember seeing this on the first post by aengus and did not know that history. Just want to have a pleasant experience that is all I am saying. I slay dragons every day at work and not need to do it with my leisure time too.

:tinker: :tinker: :tinker:

I understand your concerns, I really do. BUT what do you really think you're going to accomplish (and the others on this thread) by posting over and over your distaste and outrage at this game (sometimes in a very sarcastic manner, I might add).

We all KNOW they have an unsecure log-in... we all know how you feel about them "copying" VMK. However, posting about it in this thread will do no good - all it does is harm this community.

To think that you're protecting the "children" by blasting VFK in this thread is ludicrous. Sounds noble, but it's NOT practical. If you have that big of a concern for the safety of children, take it up in a letter.. not only with VFK but the hundreds and thousands of other online games and forums.

Not one of you is going to "save the world" by your posts. So put the Superman capes away.

Just let those of us that choose to enjoy this game with all its bugs and flaws enjoy it without having to deal with all the rudeness and sarcasm and hatred on this thread.

There are far more "noble causes" in the real world that you could be putting your energy towards. :)

He's no out to save the world, just the VMK refugees
But the thing is, we are allowed our opinion too. Good or bad the words of another is just as appreciated and needed as mine own.

Today I have felt like my voice is not wanted on Dis. And isn't that exactly what you are trying to say is missing? The family feeling? Today I haven't felt like family, or maybe like the new step-mom (child) whose words do not matter.

In life we have to appreciate and understand the opinions of another. We don't have to agree, but we have to be family.
But the thing is, we are allowed our opinion too. Good or bad the words of another is just as appreciated and needed as mine own.

Today I have felt like my voice is not wanted on Dis. And isn't that exactly what you are trying to say is missing? The family feeling? Today I haven't felt like family, or maybe like the new step-mom (child) whose words do not matter.

In life we have to appreciate and understand the opinions of another. We don't have to agree, but we have to be family.

I hope it was not me who made you feel this way, in all the posts aimed at me I may have missed something :rotfl:
To all of you who want to see this thread closed, it's almost reached its 250 page limit anyway. :confused3
I hope it was not me who made you feel this way, in all the posts aimed at me I may have missed something :rotfl:

Hehe! Nope, the ones aimed at you (those flaming darts) were aimed pretty true. Maybe it is why they like the fireworks game so much!

But seriously....this is a discussion board. That means discussion (good or bad). But everyone (and I mean EVERYONE'S) opinion counts. To be told to not post with complaints, to have segregated threads, and/or that we only go onto the game to find out what is wrong and gripe about it, that is just wrong.

If that is what this board is about, being totally in agreement with one persons opinion and keeping all bad opinions out of discussion, then this isn't a board it is utopia.
Go Steelers!!!

I do not want thread closed; just a place where I can read about the game and the people playing it in a supportive, "let's have fun" atmosphere. Most comments are made with sarcastic smilies that discourage me from posting.

:tinker: :tinker: :tinker:
Go Steelers!!!

I do not want thread closed; just a place where I can read about the game and the people playing it in a supportive, "let's have fun" atmosphere. Most comments are made with sarcastic smilies that discourage me from posting.

:tinker: :tinker: :tinker:

Thank you! Some support! (Brat doesn't like the Steelers, and he hates Donna, and Dona is old what's her name...)

So much talk about the Steelers today! I saw it over on the games forum today too
Hehe! Nope, the ones aimed at you (those flaming darts) were aimed pretty true. Maybe it is why they like the fireworks game so much!

But seriously....this is a discussion board. That means discussion (good or bad). But everyone (and I mean EVERYONE'S) opinion counts. To be told to not post with complaints, to have segregated threads, and/or that we only go onto the game to find out what is wrong and gripe about it, that is just wrong.

If that is what this board is about, being totally in agreement with one persons opinion and keeping all bad opinions out of discussion, then this isn't a board it is utopia.

Welcome to our family :) Somedays the pro VMKers feel left out that no one cares how much fun they are having. The other days the people who have many concerns seem to control the board.

There is the issue. If we as humans could all see eye to eye boy this world would be a boring place. But it sure would be peaceful.

The issue really is that the family feeling of encouragement excitement that we felt in VMK can not be on this thread. For the board is split. Tips and strategies for VFK get lost in the this game as major issues. And never the too share meet.

I do understand Webmasters stance on only one thread. This board is huge. They do not want any new dis members or family joining a game that has yet to prove itself. And as Anegus lets us no over and over and over again has major issues that he sees ( as do others)

So many go to other place to get that but it does leave a big whole on both sides.

I think the closing of VMK not only crushed so many fond memories but also created a big whole for many on the once VMK dis thread.

I think we are all morning the loss the the great community we had in VMK. Maybe some day we can get it back. But right now there is no place we all feel comfortable going to. Our close family has moved away to different parts of the big wide web. Just not the same and sadly missed.

Many close friends have become distant because they do not see eye to eye. It is just heart breaking.

Disney did more than just close a game and it is something I do not think they will ever understand :(
But the thing is, we are allowed our opinion too. Good or bad the words of another is just as appreciated and needed as mine own.

Today I have felt like my voice is not wanted on Dis. And isn't that exactly what you are trying to say is missing? The family feeling? Today I haven't felt like family, or maybe like the new step-mom (child) whose words do not matter.

In life we have to appreciate and understand the opinions of another. We don't have to agree, but we have to be family.

Dreamytime, I'm not a mod here on the DIS Gaming forums, but I am a long time DIS mod (currently on the theme parks board), and I want to tell you this: Please don't think your voice isn't wanted on the DIS. We want to hear what you have to say :) All voices are welcome here (as long as they follow DIS guidelines).

Obviously, a lot of us have differing opinions on VFK, and have our reasons for liking or disliking VFK. We aren't going to agree on everything here, and that's fine, but we have to be respectful of our fellow posters.

Bottom line is, we all found these forums in the past few years because of our love for Disney and/or VMK. These forums have been a great place for all of us to share stories about are interest in VMK, build friendships, and help one another.

Believe me, I can understand why VFK supporters are so vocal about it. I can understand why you are looking for something to fill the void left when VMK was closed. If VFK is the right fit for you, thats cool.

I would hope that the VFK supporters can understand the position of many of us have taken against VFK. There are obviously a lot of issues with the game, and things that have raise big red flags for us. We just want to remind people to be aware of some of these things, and protect themselves.

Ultimately, my main concern here is I don't want to see people put all their faith and trust into VFK, only to have their hearts broken when and if VFK is closed (and I believe that Disney will eventually shut it down because of the infringement against their intellectual property--it just takes time for that to happen).
The thing that confuses and concerns me about all this 'debate', both here and in VFK itself, is that VFK seems to be becoming the sacred cow that no one is supposed to touch or say anything bad about. Haven't we always had complaints and negative comments here, about VMK (which we all loved, but also knew wasn't perfect) POTC, Toontown, SmallWorlds, or anything else? If we all have to have the same opinion about things, what's the point in having any discussions at all? Are we all to turn into Stepford wives and stop having thoughts of our own?

VFK, like everything else in life, is neither perfect nor completely evil - people should be able to point out and discuss any aspect of the game, the good and bad, the highs and lows. Having concerns about something is not the same thing as hatred.

I feel that I benefit from reading everyone's posts, even if I strongly disagree with them, because in formulating a reply (which I usually don't post, I tend to just think about) I sometimes solidify my reasons for thinking the way I do, and sometimes realize that I do need to look at things differently. Either way, I'm better off than I was before.
ALL opinions are welcome and encouraged.

As long as no one is attacking another poster, and is following DIS guidelines, we invite both sides of an issue to state their thoughts.

I seem to remember quite a bit of "debate" on many VMK topics. Discussion is always good, just remember that at times we must all agree to disagree. ;)

:hug: I hope you understand its important to bring them back up as new people from our forums read this everyday and I hope they read these things before even thinking about joining the game.
I understand what you are saying with this and reason(s) why. I would like to know something though. Do you or someone else continually post of safety issues for children on all the other threads for Sociotown, or Smallworlds, and/or any other ones where there is unfiltered/unmoderated chat?

A friend in Sociotown told me that anything can be said/asked there. I know that's true in Smallworlds. Isn't this a safety issue with children as well since they can be asked what their real name is, where they live, how old they are, etc? I know this for fact in Smallworlds-while I was there last week I saw someone asking those questions; and to top it off two nghts ago a random stranger asked a girlfriend and me if we wanted to have sex with him :eek:

I am not trying to be a you-know-what about this; just asking here because I don't feel like checking all other game threads and all those Smallworld threads.

Today I have felt like my voice is not wanted on Dis. Today I haven't felt like family, or maybe like the new step-mom (child) whose words do not matter. In life we have to appreciate and understand the opinions of another. We don't have to agree, but we have to be family.
I hope it was not me who made you feel this way, in all the posts aimed at me I may have missed something :rotfl:
Hugs to you both :hug:

Go Steelers!!!
I do not want thread closed; just a place where I can read about the game and the people playing it in a supportive, "let's have fun" atmosphere. Most comments are made with sarcastic smilies that discourage me from posting.
I don't mind seeing both sides to things but I agree with your last sentence-sigh- yep
Only problem is I have to say GO Panthers!!! too. I notice u are a Nitany Lions Fan.

I started participating on Dis with WDW trip planning and everyone was so helpful. I just expected that mood to permeate the board. I am open to other viewpoints and often learn from them but all the talk about copyrights, lawsuits, identity theft, child luring, etc. bothers me. I wonder how kids are managing these "discussions"? I have to think they are very confused. Any kids out there?

:tinker: :tinker: :tinker:
Only problem is I have to say GO Panthers!!! too. I notice u are a Nitany Lions Fan.

I started participating on Dis with WDW trip planning and everyone was so helpful. I just expected that mood to permeate the board. I am open to other viewpoints and often learn from them but all the talk about copyrights, lawsuits, identity theft, child luring, etc. bothers me. I wonder how kids are managing these "discussions"? I have to think they are very confused. Any kids out there?

:tinker: :tinker: :tinker:

I despise stinky pitt fans (not calling you stinky, calling pitt football stinky)

Oh yeah, my sister's boyfriend is a Pitt football player (not a starter)
I understand what you are saying with this and reason(s) why. I would like to know something though. Do you or someone else continually post of safety issues for children on all the other threads for Sociotown, or Smallworlds, and/or any other ones where there is unfiltered/unmoderated chat?

I don't know about the Sociotown threads, but safety issues frequently came up in the SmallWorlds threads, and several times it has been stated that the game is definitely not for kids. I guess the major difference is that the SmallWorlds staff is unusually responsive to our concerns and suggestions, and take steps to fix some of the problem areas, so our discussions can move on to something else.
I understand what you are saying with this and reason(s) why. I would like to know something though. Do you or someone else continually post of safety issues for children on all the other threads for Sociotown, or Smallworlds, and/or any other ones where there is unfiltered/unmoderated chat?

I would like to point out yes, we have advised on the boards that these are PG 13 games. We do our best with the help of our community and by ourselves to identify issues when they surface. Both Smallworlds and Sociotown have listened to individuals in our community and have taken our feedback.

Beejer - Go Eagles!! hehe - Oh I am a dragon slayer too, but must not do a good job because they tend to resurface overnight and return to work the next morning.

I guess what gets me is that what is pointed out are factual deficiencies and people don't want to hear it. We share it here because we are a board that has always shared information both negative and/or positive. As you know, some issues we addressed early on in the game all of a sudden were taken care of. Having the use of the report feature seem to happen almost overnight when it was pointed out. So many other concerns we have posted here are clearly ignored because they cost money to fix.

I for one always wrote to VMK to offer constructive criticism to something, especially soon before I posted it here. Gosh, wonder how VMK_Shorty is doing, bet I am missed.

Based on what I heard, messages are not responded to timely, even just a confirm that receive it would be nice. If I knew that my messages would be read by VFK, darn right I would be sending it there. Sure I could call, but I spend most of my day on the phone, not something I want to do at night.
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