DDA Chapter 13

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We headed to the WD theater for the Golden Mickey's on our way their we went through the main atrium. They were having the Captain's welcome reception. So we got drinks on the way to the show.

Yes, I am holding both glasses in one hand and took the picture with the other hand. :upsidedow



We ended up with even more drinks before the show. I do not know if the CM's felt bad for me or what.

We headed to the theater. We met Claire, she let us to the bottom of the theater.







Mulan one of my favorite movies









We headed to John Charles family show. We had seen him on our 07 cruise and I loved him. He did not disappoint

After the show we headed to our room to change for dinner. It was formal night. We stopped for a few pictures on our way to dinner



Capt. Tom

We managed to acquire more drinks

We headed to dinner. Tonight we were in Lumiere's. A few of our table mates did not show up to dinner. We were not sure if they were at Palo or had changed seating.



Golden Mickey's menu




I think Mushroom soup?



Creme Brulee





We happened upon a glimpse of the Golden Mickey's after party, although it was almost over since our dinner took so long

The Leonard Brothers were performing yet when we got to Rockin B D. They were playing later probably due to the GM party. Did I tell you how much I loved this band. They were just awesome.



After the Leonard Brothers, Ron Pearson was performing. He was pretty funny, I enjoyed his show


He did some juggling. I know not the best pic, but I like the effect

After Ron, the Leonard brothers performed some more and DJ Dan played some tunes. Eventually we headed up to deck 9 and 10.



We finally headed back to our room at who knows what time. We had a frog waiting for us.

Sidenote. We stored the wheelchair in our room at the bottom of the bed. We could have probably left it in the hallway as we saw other wheelchairs there. However we did not want to add another obstacle to the already narrow hallways. Although we did happen to have a wider portion of the hallway, which was good as every time we came to the room we did not bring it inside.
Vicki congratulations!

Becky how is your brother & his friend?

Elizabeth glad you & ds enjoyed the play!
I guess I should share my news with my DDA friends. I couldn't post anything earlier since I was not allowed to tell ANYONE! I have been asked to take a promotion. Normally, it would mean moving to Lansing. I told them I can't move to Lansing anytime soon so I turned down their offer. They feel that it is so important for me to be in the job that they are willing to have me be in Lansing half time but still get the promotion. I'm already in Lansing almost 1/2 time (some months more, some months less) that I took the promotion. Well, actually it is an acting position with a required interview and they have to interview at least 3 people. It is possible that someone else will be better qualified (but not likely). I start in the new level on November 3 as the acting working out-of-class (which means I get a pay increase even during the acting period).

It was very hard to tell my team that I was moving up. They are the greatest team ever. They have been one of the main reasons I have been so successful. However, I feel I can do more for them (& others at their level) if I take this position. Several of them told me I have been the best boss they have ever had. And they are all 29 or older so we aren't talking about people who have only had one or two bosses. :lmao:

Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion, Vicki! I am not surprised you were permitted to "state your own terms" since you have been loyal and and outstanding contributor so far. Why would they not want you to continue in an even more important position?! That is terrific news. :goodvibes :thumbsup2

And the kudos from your staff have to make you feel wonderful. That is such a nice ray of sunshine to read this morning. Thank you!!
Hi everyone.

Elin - :hug: for you and Bob

Vicki - Congrats on the promotion! Finally some good news around here!

Becky - :wizard:
I have dress rehearsal this morning for my concert tomorrow night, so I will not be on much today. There is a possibility that we will get to see Kathrin as she passes through Fredericksburg on her way to Richmond today. She left her portfolio in her storage facility and needs to get it. I am not quite sure why 1) she would leave it in storage in the first place, and 2) why I could not have gotten it for her and either sent it to her or taken it up there next weekend. But, this was a decision she and two friends made last weekend. I hope the rain they are having to deal with along the whole east coast is not too difficult for their travels.

Enjoy your days, everyone! :goodvibes
Who got the flyer from DVC for their member cruise '09? Is anyone considering going?
Steffy and Terry, one of the guys I work with in the NICU is going on the Mousefest cruise with you. His name is Ray Sharpton, and he is one of our Respiratory Therapists.

Are you doing any of the land meets? We aren't, but our park days are the same as Mousefest's schedule. We'll be in Epcot on Sat, Dec 13, MK on Sun Dec 14. Hope we get to meet (again for Terry!)!

Okay, let's just queue "It's a Small World" and leave it at that...:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

We are riding to the cruise with Ray. He's our Capture the Magic teammate.

I'm just shaking my head....:goodvibes :rotfl: :rotfl2: :love:

Now I KNOW we will hook up!
Bob had a meeting yesterday at the East Coast corporate offices. Basically they were told that the commercial end of the company was fine until at least May 2009. That was a good thing to hear and he seemed in much better spirits.

He came home tonight with the news that 3 of his co-workers who do residential design... men who share the drafting tables and blueprints with him every single day were called in and let go. No warning. He is back to being morose and moody again. I hope we are the only ones who have to go through this. I don't wish this on anyone else. Especially you, my friends.
Been there, done that. I feel for you Elin. And at our age, it can be devasting. :hug: :hug: :hug:

This is such a scary time. We are treading uncharted waters. :grouphug:
So if you can send good thoughts and prayers to my brother and his friends. They were in an accident. One of them is at the hospital, as they think he broke his arm or dislocated his shoulder.

They were driving through a green light and another car pulled out and hit them.
OMG Becky.:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Tammi, I ALWAYS consider going on the SS Member Cruise... it's usually a wrong date or too expensive, though! I only hear wonderful things about it though!

Elin -- I obviously can't find our ramblings about Eric Whitacre, but have you heard/seen/performed "Cloudburst"? Oh my gosh, it's great! (Of course). Last night I saw it performed and they used all of these instruments and snapping and such to make 'rain'... and it's a remarkable arrangement of course. It's another set to a poem by Octavio Paz (like Waternight, at least).... so good!! I was thinking of you! :goodvibes

Gotta go feed some girls, then we're back to Oxford for more homecoming festivities!
I guess I should share my news with my DDA friends. .... Several of them told me I have been the best boss they have ever had. And they are all 29 or older so we aren't talking about people who have only had one or two bosses. :lmao:
Vicki, this is such good news!! Of course you are the best boss ever!!!! I'm so glad your company appreciates your value and let the job come to you. Now that's appreciation! Good job!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Good morning, DDA! Wow, two days in a row for me. Of course, I've gotta go run and take the money bread out of the oven, but I got to read. :banana: ;)

Today's agenda includes swim lessons, keeping Kristi's kids for a few hours, then a bbq, hayride and bonfire. Tomorrow we're all going to Six Flags. Sometime after that, we might slow down, but somehow I doubt it.

Elin - Good luck with your show tonight.
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