DDA Chapter 13

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We still haven't eaten :blush:

The kids just had a pre-dinner snack since the pumpkin carving/picture taking is still in progress.

I don't think the kids have ever tried the chocolate chip zucchini bread, Stephanie, but I think it's tasty!
This is my sister's and my favorite dinner from when we were little.

Burger Bean Casserole

1 # ground beef
1 medium sized can of pork and beans
2-3 Tbsp of brown sugar
1 can of refrigerator biscuits (the ones that come 10 to a pack)
shredded cheddar cheese

Brown your ground beef and then drain. In a baking dish mix together your ground beef, pork and beans and the brown sugar. Top with the biscuits and then sprinkle with the cheese. Bake (at whatever temp the biscuit can calls for) until biscuits are cooked and cheese is melted.
Holiday Hot Cider

1 gallon apple cider
2 pkg cherry koolaid w/ nutrasweet
1/4 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 t cloves
cinnamon sticks to float (optional)
orange rind to float (optional)

Mix and warm. After mixed good, I put it back in the apple cider container and when it cools put it in the fridge. When I want a glass, I warm it in the microwave. It makes the house smell so good. I love making this during the holidays. I made this for after the visitation and Chuck's aunt & uncle loved it.

can one add something hard to this????? rum or whiskey????
I think my favorite show of all time is Friends, but I'm also still a big Seinfeld and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan.
Robyn cute pics of the girls in their Halloween outfits :goodvibes
Jennifer the pictures of the girls in the pumpkins are to cute :rotfl:
I cannot for the life of me figure out what is my most favorite TV show. I think that means I watch absolutely too much.

I think Mad About You and Friends are tops with Alias close behind.

I think my favorite show of all time is Friends, but I'm also still a big Seinfeld and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan.
Supper tonight was KFC snackers because I have not felt like doing anything today :rolleyes1
I cannot for the life of me figure out what is my most favorite TV show. I think that means I watch absolutely too much.

I think Mad About You and Friends are tops with Alias close behind.

Same here, nothing comes to mind. But I know I use to watch a lot of shows.
Can somebody please knock some sense into me?!?

My mom and I are having a small baby shower for my sister on Nov. 9th. It is here, by my choice. Well I have had this itch to paint my living room, dining room and foyer for a while now. I had planned on doing it when the boys were gone but that never happened. So now I am down to 2 weeks and what did I start doing today? Paint my living room and foyer of course! It is in various stages of paint. I have some of the trim done (on 3 of the 4 walls) and the small wall in between my foyer and dining room all painted. I have lost my mind!! It may get done and it might not, I guess if it doesn't it surely will be an interesting conversation starter:rotfl:

you know how to live on the edge;) :lmao:
Has anyone ever purchased a Rothschild wool dress coat for yourself or your children? I'm watching a few on Ebay, hoping to snag a deal for Alyssa's wardrobe.
So did somebody compile all of the recipes into a document, so they are easily accessible later?? If so I want a copy. I need to figure out what I am making for our Juliette Low/Halloween Potluck on Friday.

I hope you all had a good day.
Jennifer, I did a quick look through your Oct pictures. Which DD didn't like the pumpkin?
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