We're Going to Have a Lot of Big Protests!

I had to work all day, but caught the story on CNN, and was so proud to think....."I know someone there!"

Thanks Louie!
Ok, so one protest has really turned out to be five, so far, in the Los Angeles area. I've been to four, I couldn't make it on Thursday.

I'm not even counting protests all over the state, Orange County, and San Diego.

Saturday night in Silverlake we had between 12,000 and 15,000 people (everyone has different numbers).

This is all so amazing. The outpour of support has been huge. People are really mad this time, lets hope this spreads across the country!

These were from the Catholic Cathedral protest today:






These are from the huge Silverlake protest on Saturday:





Thank you Louie. I now am struggling mightily for composure as I sit in the airport waiting for my flight.

Seriously. Incredibly moving, and I am very thankful that you are sharing the experience with us. :hug:
These churches are political organizations. Why are they not paying their taxes?

I agree. I signed the web page protest against allowing the Mormon church to retain their tax free status -- but honestly, can't we do more than that? And Focus on the Family? It's freaking illegal!! :confused3
Well, I just did some quick research on Focus on the Family and discovered that they prevailed over a challenge of their tax free status because the IRS auditors concluded that James Dobson was acting as an individual and not as a representative of Focus on the Family. Who the hell did he have in HIS pocket to actually pass that ridiculous claim off. If it weren't for FOTF Dr. Dobson wouldn't HAVE a freaking voice. He uses that program day in and day out to rob us of our basic civil rights, but he's not acting as a representative of FOTF?

Oh. My. Word. I am so disgusted.
Well, Rpmdfw, I understand your desire to inject some humor into a very sad subject. Lesbians might like it if toilets were segregated into gay and heterosexual. It would do something about the line for the women's room. Ooooh, I hate going anywhere there are likely to be a bunch of women in pantyhose!

I have attended a couple of the protests against the passage of Prop 8 in sympathy for the couples whom I have seen married in City Hall here over the last few months. I am also upset with the Mormom Church, whose policies I have often disliked; but I am nervous about seeing them singled out as often as they have been around here. Mormons are a minority much smaller than other sects whose members also largely voted against Prop 8, which makes them a soft target, much as gay-bashers go after gays they consider "feminine." Someone could be seriously hurt. I can imagine what gay Mormons must be feeling right now. Their love for their faith and their love for their same-sex partners has got to be rough.
Well, Rpmdfw, I understand your desire to inject some humor into a very sad subject. Lesbians might like it if toilets were segregated into gay and heterosexual. It would do something about the line for the women's room. Ooooh, I hate going anywhere there are likely to be a bunch of women in pantyhose!

I have attended a couple of the protests against the passage of Prop 8 in sympathy for the couples whom I have seen married in City Hall here over the last few months. I am also upset with the Mormom Church, whose policies I have often disliked; but I am nervous about seeing them singled out as often as they have been around here. Mormons are a minority much smaller than other sects whose members also largely voted against Prop 8, which makes them a soft target, much as gay-bashers go after gays they consider "feminine." Someone could be seriously hurt. I can imagine what gay Mormons must be feeling right now. Their love for their faith and their love for their same-sex partners has got to be rough.

You misunderstand my intent.

I find nothing funny about the picture I posted. Rather, I find it to be a precise and biting commentary on what has been done to us in three states recently and in 30 states in total.

And while I understand you when you compare going after the Mormon Church to those targeted by gay-bashers, I feel no sympathy for them now. They chose to support hatred. They are now reaping what they have sown. If you support hate, you get hate back. They're learning that now, as is the Catholic Church and other organizations. They claim to be victims of attacks while forgetting that they attacked first. They're surprised that we're not going to quietly let them de-humanize and oppress us? Well TOUGH! They have gone from being oppressed to being the oppresssors. They should know better. The fact that the Moromons are a "small sect" makes their massive donations MORE offensive, not less.

They drew the lines of this battle, they should now be prepared for the repurcussions of their actions.

I pity them for thinking that we're a bunch of sissies who won't fight back, they're about to learn otherwise.

And they're not going to like it.
I'm about to leave for work, but I am still here. I just don't understand why same-sex civil ceremonies are a problem for churches. If ministers say that they do not wish to do same-sex ceremonies in their sanctuaries, that is one thing. It is like ministers who will not do interfaith marriages. Civil ceremonies have nothing to do with church. They are a contract between two people and the State. Even the justice of the peace is just doing a job for the State, and it has nothing to do with his private religious views.

My husband says that I just want a situation where no one is unhappy and that that is not how the world works.
I've known some good marriage between both sexes as much as I've known the ones that didn't work out. It's the latter that I seem to remember the most
as time goes on. The things I could tell you about some of my relatives from my Grandmother's side of the family and mine. But I'm not going to bring up the pathetic gorey details.

I truly feel sorry for you guys and gals. :(
Truly, incredibly sad. It's almost enough to make me embarrassed to live in this country. I'm so sorry you guys. We're hoping to keep the status quo here in Mass...at the very least! Can't begin to imagine how you all must feel now. Really incredibly sad that there are folks out there that know no better.
You're totally right about the Mormon church reaping what they sow Rob. 4 out of every $5 that went into this campaign came from that church and their parishioners, and now they want to make themselves out to be the victims. They may be a considerably small cult compared to the Catholics, but the fact that such a small group gave so much money makes it that much worse. Write to your representatives and tell them you want the Mormon Church to lose their tax exempt status.

The LA Gay and Lesbian Center has set up a legal fund to Invalidate Prop 8, and ever time you make a donation they will send a postcard to the president of the Mormon Church telling him a donation has been made in his name to fight for equality in California.

What else is going on? Boycott Utah!

No Utah Ski resorts, no Sundance Film Festival. Contact the Sundance Association and tell them to cancel their Film Fest. Should the state of Utah suffer for the church's mistakes? Probably not. A possible loss in revenue will however encourage the state to join the fight for the Mormon Church to lose their tax exempt status.

We are having a protest on Wednesday at the LA County Board of Supervisors meetings. It's mostly a show thing. Politicians in this city are overwhelmingly on our side in this fight. They have spoken against this proposition and they have campaigned with us.

Can you all tell how excited I am?


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