What a year


Earning My Ears
Nov 3, 2008
Okay first let me start off by saying:
God Bless to you all may you get the understanding, acceptance, and peace you are seeking.

Okay now to my story, it will be kind of long though.

Last Nov. (just before Thanksgiving) we lost my DHs Uncle(54yrsold)on dads side to cancer. Now when he passed he left money to Grandma (Dhs). Well jut a couple of weeks after Grandma called his grieving spouse and asked for the money, ok now I see this as out of line. But I have been told numerous times "that is just how she is" Still not right, so my Father-in-law puts the moey into an account for her, gives her money when she needs it.

OK move ahead to March of this year, we lost DHs 2nd cousin 8yr ,on the other side of the family to Leukemia. None of Dads side showed up to the funeral, but all Mother-in-laws sisters showed to his uncles. Anyway that is neither her or there.

Jump ahead to Oct.7th 2009, this is the hardest part to write, my father-in law who 54 was a farmer. He was moving a forklift from on place to another, when(and this is just what they say happened) he lost control of the forklift, flipped out and it somehow landed on top of him, I am assuming, crushing his lungs. They said he died instantly but no one know for sure because no one was there. This has been especially hard on my DS-3(4in Dec) who adored his Grandpa, and has said things while we were driving like "if we crash we can go up to Grandpa". It just kils me because I can not fix this, people think that really small children can't grieve and don't understand but they do!:guilty:

He and my mother-in-law had been together since ninth grade, just 3 years shy of 40 years. they were married for 33 yrs. At the rosary everything is fine no one fights, etc. But the next day Dhs Grandma does not show up to the funeral, now mind you this is a woman who has lost TWO children in LESS than a years time. My FIL was the only dad I ever knew, and I am a mother,so this one really upset me, once again I was tod "That is just her" and this time " It is her concious(sp?)" okay fine I will leave it alone.

A couple weeks after we put him in the ground guess what dhs grandma wants??? Thats right the last of her money!! So my Dh gets it out for her becase MIL wanted nothing to with it and was not put on the account, and give it to another uncle and tells him it is is his to deal with now.

Well, just here on the 7th of this month, one month later DH's Grandma tells MIL that is time to get rid of FIL clothes and other hings and move on with her life. When Dh's Grandfaher passed 12 years ago on Christmas Eve, I am told she moved pretty quickly.:furious:

Now my DH, DD, and DS are six hours away because of his job, so I can not actually say anything. There are only so many times when you can hear "That is her"

I just don't understand how people can be that way especially at this time of year, so Mrs Dower I know sorta how you feel. My FIL was nothing like that he was the first to think of others. But I guess I just needed to vent. I don't want to vent to much to DH because he has not even dealt with his own grief. Thank you so much for taking time to listen
Michelle -
I am so sorry that you have experienced so much loss in such a short time. I also am sad that your family has been hit hard emotionally by a woman who does not seem to have a grain of human kindness...I know what that is like because my ex MIL waslike that - she cared for no one but herself and only wanted family around when things went her way...she would make any situation about her...even someone elses death...

So please know you are the better person since you do see the good in others and worry about their feelings...and I know you have raised a son who will be a good and caring person as well...he may miss his grandpa..but I hope he grows up knowing his grandpa is his angel..and is so proud of the man he will become...because he takes the time to care...:grouphug:
Thank you for your kind words, it means alot. Especially when you ave so much of your own stuff to deal with. Thank you for what you said about my son also. I have tried to do the best I can, it is just so hard to see him in so much pain.
Dear Michelle,
You and your family have certainly been through a terrible time and I am so sorry that you have had all these losses in your life.
I guess we can never understand why some people seem to be so insensitive. Sometimes I believe that maybe something happened in their lives that has left them unable to feel the emotion that we would expect in these circumstances. :confused3
Of course, it is so hard to deal with people that are so difficult and it must be horrible for you to have to witness the insensitive behaviour of your MIL.
With regards to your little son, I feel for him with all my heart. My son lost his grandpa (my dad) at the same age and he grieved terribly for that loss. He talked a lot about his Grandpa and I answered his questions as best I could but it was soul destroying at the time.
15 years down the track I try to keep my father's memory alive for my son by talking about his Pa and helping to understand and respect how lucky we all were to have him in our lives.

Sending you all some Koala cuddles.:grouphug:

Michelle...some people just need to have order and finalization sooner than others. My husband (49 years old) passed away on July 12th of this year. I got rid of quite a few things of his within the first two months of his passing. It was harder for me to look at his clothes everyday in the closet, it's more final when they were not there staring me in the face. I wear his wedding band so that keeps him close to me and DD16 has his watch and DD8 has his crucifix... he NEVER took those three items off.

Bad things happen to good people and everyone grieves in their own way. Don't dwell on others just deal with yourself. Best of luck.

Michelle...some people just need to have order and finalization sooner than others. My husband (49 years old) passed away on July 12th of this year. I got rid of quite a few things of his within the first two months of his passing. It was harder for me to look at his clothes everyday in the closet, it's more final when they were not there staring me in the face. I wear his wedding band so that keeps him close to me and DD16 has his watch and DD8 has his crucifix... he NEVER took those three items off.

Bad things happen to good people and everyone grieves in their own way. Don't dwell on others just deal with yourself. Best of luck.


Great advice and very well said...:hug:
First let me say thank you all for you kind words. Just to make it clear in case anyone is confused it is not my MIL that is the problem, it is my FIL's own mother. I do understand that evreyone grieves in their own way, but I personally do not think it was ok for "grandma" to tell my MIL how she should grieve.

Thank you quasar hugs are much appreciated, and JerJan I thank you for the advice.
Michelle.. so sorry to hear about your rough year.. I never understand why people say and do the wrong things...I just try in my own life to do what is right and know that I can look at myself in the mirror everyday and know that I have not intentionally been mean, selfish or money grubbing to anyone. Gosh that made me crazy to read...

Know that you can vent here anytime you need to.. Hugs!!!
Thank you Mackey. It just feels good sometimes to let it all out, so again Thank you all for listening.:grouphug:


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