DDA Chapter 15

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Denise - Glad you guys are having fun! :)

I made yet ANOTHER airfare mistake. :headache: I had been putting the tickets I need on hold every day. Well, last night the hold fell off and I forgot to set up another one. Now the price on the return flight has gone up. :mad: The plane is virtually EMPTY, so I am hoping maybe the price will come back down. They have flights through the end of June priced lower, but the competitors don't have their August schedules up yet so the August flights are still expensive. :sad2: Crap. I hate airfare!
I had a dose of panic this morning. I totally remembered sorting out the stocking stuff by individual and obviously I put it safely away. When I went to retrieve it I couldn't find it :confused3 I frantically searched through totes and bags, then came upstairs and searched our closet. I had absolutely NO recollection of where I put it or what container it might be in. I called Chris, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Of course I should have already left the house to run to the pharmacy. He had no idea what I did with it and he didn't think he even saw me with it at all. Finally in a last ditch effort I went back into the cellar. Low and Behold I found it, in a bag on a high shelf, about 10 feet from where I thought I left it. :lmao: I swear that I have early onset alzheimers. I still made it to the pharmacy for the prescription, picked up the last of the stuffers and made it to pick up Colby. I was a few minutes late, but he was later :thumbsup2 We found Nick and he took the meds and now we are home and fed :thumbsup2

I got an adorable card from the Kaufman's today. Of course the Post Office managed to wrinkle the heck out of it, but it still looks beautiful :love:

Mom's photobook came today too. Why it came to my address is another question. Apparently I used my address instead of hers when I ordered it :confused3
My parents are coming for dinner before the older boys concert. Then we'll head off for the last concert of the season. Tomorrow will consist of a morning at the school ending with a classroom party or two. It should be fun.

I guess I need to make a meatloaf at some point today. The kids all like meatloaf so that is one meal that I can count on being a hit.
:( Please keep my friend, Susan, and the family of a young girl, Kari, in your prayers. Susan's sister was the stage manager of a Christmas production here, and Susan was helping with some direction. A terrible tragedy happened on opening night with one of the harnesses used for the show (I'm not sure of the details), and one of the actors fell, and subsequently died after being taken to the hospital. I'm sure there are so many levels to this story that are so hard to deal with....


That is so very sad, Jennifer. That poor family and the audience must have been horrified. How awful for everyone. :grouphug: :sad1:

I see some famous DDA'ers! :teeth:

ETA: Here's the link - they also went parasailing so too many pics to post.

How neat. Did anyone else notice that our own Miss Terry is right out front rarin' to go every time? :rotfl2: LOVE IT!
Have fun tonight, Deb. Meatloaf sounds good to me too. Can I come?
OK, I am going to get some packing done! Did you hear that, Miss Elizabeth?? :teeth:
Diva just e-mailed me that she and Ms. Selfish want to pool their money and buy a TV for Mom. Um, did I not just get a COLLECTIONS call for Mr. Selfish? Because I think I did! Which means they should be paying their BILLS. But I digress...

Mom refuses to get cable. I don't know if she ever bought that converter or not, because she lost the coupon she had for it. :rolleyes: A new TV wouldn't need the converter.
There is no way Mom and Diva are capable of mounting a TV on the wall of their apartment, so I am not thinking a flat screen would be very practical. Not to mention that there ISN'T a blank wall for them to hang one on to begin with! Mom has a houseful of furniture crammed in a 2 bedroom apartment, so blank walls are scarce. Right now her TV is on the counter, and I imagine that's where a new one would end up, too.

She had a big TV when she moved to KS. It was in the trunk of her car. But she wasn't able to get it out of the trunk. Apparently it shifted after she put it in there, and sort of got stuck. So she drove around with it in the trunk until it broke, then she took the pieces and threw them away. :sad2: :rolleyes:

Diva wants to buy a TV and surprise Mom, or give Mom the money to buy a TV. If they give her money for a TV she will NOT buy a TV. She will say her TV is fine.

I shipped a box to Mom on Monday with her Christmas stuff in it. I wasn't planning to spend more than I already have. I flew up there three times this year. I have sent 2 boxes since she started chemo, I gave her an extra little present on Thanksgiving and took her out for dinner. I am FINISHED. Diva and Ms. Selfish can do whatever.
How neat. Did anyone else notice that our own Miss Terry is right out front rarin' to go every time? :rotfl2: LOVE IT!

Looks like a fun group! :)
(You do know that's not Terry in the front of the posted photo, right? She is standing next to Stephanie, wearing a green shirt.)

Yay for packing!! :cool1:
Kristine - with the exception of Christopher's death dance with the door it looks like a very festive trip. I hope you all make it home tomorrow!

Jen - I am glad you are doing somewhat better today.

Elizabeth - I am pretty sure that your choir director cannot do holiday songs as we remember them. I am sorry the quality of the singing and her repoertoire selections were less than enjoyable! (Her master's degree does not necessarily make a good music director/educator though... ;) )

After hearing about all the school "holiday" concerts, I was a bit curious to see what Jacob's third grade program would be like yesterday. Well, they had several secular songs, but at least half of them were religious. It was a nice balance.
After hearing about all the school "holiday" concerts, I was a bit curious to see what Jacob's third grade program would be like yesterday. Well, they had several secular songs, but at least half of them were religious. It was a nice balance.

For the life of me I can not remember what the kids sang in elementary. All I can recall is that there was a tamale dinner before the concert, and during the concert the kid across the aisle threw up everywhere, followed by a girl in the choir throwing up everywhere. SO glad we skipped the tamales! :scared1:

I am glad Jacob's program was nice! :goodvibes
Nice picture Chanon, thanks for posting it. I couldn't find Terry at first, thanks Elizabeth for pointing her out.
Looks like a fun group! :)
(You do know that's not Terry in the front of the posted photo, right? She is standing next to Stephanie, wearing a green shirt.)

Yay for packing!! :cool1:

Nope! I thought it was her! :rotfl2:

Much packing is done. Not all, but much.
That is so very sad, Jennifer. That poor family and the audience must have been horrified. How awful for everyone. :grouphug: :sad1:
See. Things like this really put into perspective the problems that I think I have. So sad. :grouphug: :wizard:
So I got a call from the nurse. Alyssa isn't feeling well and was spitting into a trash can. Not vomiting, just spitting. They gave her crackers and ginger ale, no fever, but said she looked sick. I have a packed day plus a retirement party this evening for a very close friend. I called her dad and he went and got her. It took him an hour and a half :rolleyes:, but he got her. He said she's quiet and acting lethargic, but no vomiting and no fever. Hopefully she'll just need some rest and be okay to go tomorrow. They only have a half day, plus it's pajama day!
Elin - I'm trying like mad to finish my book and then let you take it on your trip. I can't make any promises but I'll do my best. Are you leaving Sunday now?
Nope! I thought it was her! :rotfl2:

Much packing is done. Not all, but much.

Well, in some of the pics in the link Terry IS is the front, so I wasn't sure which pics you meant. :rotfl:
Progress in packing is good! :thumbsup2

I am almost losing my excitement for our trip. Partly because it is so far away, and partly because I am dreading what will happen between now and then with the Uncles. When I INVITED them on that trip in 2006 I planned everything. I laid out every imaginable option, let them have input on every aspect (which they typically declined in favor of letting me choose), and then called and booked everything (tours, dining, etc.). Once things were in place I e-mailed the itinerary to them complete with dates, times, ADR numbers, park hours, crowd levels, parade and fireworks times, down to the last detail. I walked them through the DDP process for every single meal.
I am not willing to do any of that this time, and I am worried that Uncle1 will throw a tantrum when he figures out that I will not be his personal concierge. :rolleyes: I guess he will either get over it and make his own arrangements, or he will cancel the trip to punish me for being a bad friend. :confused3
Went grocery shopping (we are hosting Christmas Eve) $300 later!!!:eek:

Then I come home & realize I have forgotten some things. SO I run over to Target...$174 later!!:scared: Of course I found some last minute gifts too.:rolleyes1 I swore I was done shopping but I couldn't help myself! And I bought myself a present. It's a Christmas collection CD set that has Frosty, Rudolph, & Santa's Coming to Town. No, not for my kids, me!:laughing:

One more gift to wrap!:yay:

The weathermen are saying that we are going to get hit with a big snowstorm tomorrow morning, so school may be cancelled or delayed. Makes me happy knowing everything is done. I am supposed to go out with my girlfriends in the evening & it may get cancelled. Too bad, we haven't seen each other in awhile.
Does anyone here have a Kindle or know someone who does? Is it worth it? Do you like it?

My neighbor has one and she loves it. I am not sure how I would like one. I like to hold a book and turn the pages, but the convenience of a Kindle makes me think one might be a good idea. My neighbor can download new books for a fraction of the price.
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