DDA Chapter 15

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So I put a service call into the water proofing company. The earliest they can come is Monday afternoon, but if there is a cancelation they know that I can be fit in. I do know that the pumps are not under warrantly. The warranty was 1 yr, and it's been almost 5.

Thanks everyone.
Good Morning DDA!

Tammi, sorry your going through so much right now! Hopefully you can get the water mess cleared up and insurance will cover the damage. On the bright side, you might be getting new carpet! Hope your other issue gets cleared up too. I know what a pain in the tushie it is! We spent at least 2 hours a night going through Leighanna's hair, and then all the other stuff that we had to do to decontaminate! As much as we hated cutting Leighanna's hair, it did save us another hour of combing. I know that it will grow back.

Deb, I hope you are doing o.k. this morning! Yay for some generous patrons!

Elin, I bet you are getting excited about your upcoming trip.
That reminds me, I need to pay off our trip TOMORROW! That means it is getting close!

We had an ice storm Tuesday night, so Leighanna didn't have school yesterday. We worked on some craft projects together, and made some homemade Christmas cards to hand out to family.
School was on schedule today, so I need to get some things wrapped because I don't think I will have any other free time before Christmas!

I work tonight and tomorrow night with an overtime shift to get ready for the Christmas holiday. Saturday night is Christmas with the in-laws. I work again Sunday and Monday night. Christmas with my family on Tuesday night. Wednesday is Christmas Eve, so everything has to be done!
I better get off of here and get busy!
Hope everyone has a great day!
We did finally get Leighanna's first grade photos back the other day.
I finally figured out how to get my scanner to cooperate with my newish computer.

She is adorable. I like the shorter hair. I bet it is easier for her too.

I guess it's my responsibility as a homeowner to check them every now and then. Who knew? :rolleyes: Or I could look inside the holding tank to make sure the water is being pumped out. Or I could listen for the pumps to kick on when we have a lot of rain. Clearly, I'm slacking on the job of homeownerness. :sad2: :mad:

That is something that gets forgotten easily, kind of like checking the gauge on the oil tank or making sure there is propane in the grill BEFORE is runs out :lmao: If you are like me you get so used to noises that you wouldn't notice that either.

I have been looking at accuweather.com every day to check out the long-range forecast. It has changed off and on but we still keep coming back to a very desirable set of temps and sunshine. Definitely capri weather! Maybe I can get a few things packed this morning.


That looks heavenly. We have snow showers or even Nor' Easters in our forecast for EVERY day in the forseeable future :sad2:
I need to run to the pharmacy for Nick before I pick Colby up. I still need to check the stocking stuffers too. I guess I better get moving.

I do have a very sore arm today. The bruise is a deep tissue bruise so it is barely noticable on the surface, but I know that it is going to appear and it will most certainly be black :headache:
I guess it's my responsibility as a homeowner to check them every now and then. Who knew? :rolleyes: Or I could look inside the holding tank to make sure the water is being pumped out. Or I could listen for the pumps to kick on when we have a lot of rain. Clearly, I'm slacking on the job of homeownerness. :sad2: :mad:

Don't worry Tammi. When we moved into our house, my mom had no idea that our furnace had a filter that had to be changed. (We came from a wood burning home that didn't have all that fancy schmanchy stuff.) Needless to say we had a high gas bill from the furnace running constantly after the first year and until we had the furnace serviced. :confused3 Bob wouldn't be able to tell you how to turn off the toilet if it was overflowing. I never knew that our toilets had an air vent on the roof.
I hate our sump pump. They are ugly and my cover is falling apart. We only have one and when the power goes out it sucks. On that note...I've also learned that if the basement floods because the power went out it's not covered under our homeowners UNLESS I tell them "the sump pumps couldn't handle the rain and flooded the basement". :rolleyes1 Apparently it's not covered if I say the power went out and the basement flooded.
Sorry it took so long to post... this is what came for Elise on Monday, from Virginia (the princess, not the state)! :)

She shared with her sister, and they wore the hats and bibs out on Tuesday! I'll try and find those pictures at some point! Thank you again!

I got my grocery shopping done early this morning. They are calling for snow, but they way things have been going, every time they call for snow we get ice instead.
Kristine - with the exception of Christopher's death dance with the door it looks like a very festive trip. I hope you all make it home tomorrow!

Jen - I am glad you are doing somewhat better today.

Elizabeth - I am pretty sure that your choir director cannot do holiday songs as we remember them. I am sorry the quality of the singing and her repoertoire selections were less than enjoyable! (Her master's degree does not necessarily make a good music director/educator though... ;) )

ACTUALLY, the girls sang 3 or 4 songs. They sang "Silent Night" and at least one other one. All of theirs were holiday songs. I have the program at home. DH thinks the Hanukkah song was intended for preschoolers - the lyrics were something Sister would have made up. The boys just sang the 2 songs that were not holiday related, so she obviously could have gone with something NOT holiday related for the girls that would have showcased their talent a bit more.

Tom - just beautiful.

Tom, Leighanna looks so pretty! I was surprised that her hair was shorter, but I can understand why!

Ok, maybe I should have said 'home maintenanceness.' My forte is child maintenanceness.

Mine too. That's why we rent! But even if we owned a house we wouldn't have a basement!

Elin - The forecast looks great!! :thumbsup2
Mine too. That's why we rent! But even if we owned a house we wouldn't have a basement!
I couldn't live without having a basement, finished or unfinished, for storage. The problem here is that when they built this house, my lot wasn't landscaped properly for water run-off. I've called Erie and put in a claim. Thanks for the wisdom Chanon. I need to make sure I articulate the circumstances properly when the adjuster comes out.
:( Please keep my friend, Susan, and the family of a young girl, Kari, in your prayers. Susan's sister was the stage manager of a Christmas production here, and Susan was helping with some direction. A terrible tragedy happened on opening night with one of the harnesses used for the show (I'm not sure of the details), and one of the actors fell, and subsequently died after being taken to the hospital. I'm sure there are so many levels to this story that are so hard to deal with....

:( Please keep my friend, Susan, and the family of a young girl, Kari, in your prayers. Susan's sister was the stage manager of a Christmas production here, and Susan was helping with some direction. A terrible tragedy happened on opening night with one of the harnesses used for the show (I'm not sure of the details), and one of the actors fell, and subsequently died after being taken to the hospital. I'm sure there are so many levels to this story that are so hard to deal with....


oh so much tragedy the DDA family has seen the last week. :sad1:
:( Please keep my friend, Susan, and the family of a young girl, Kari, in your prayers. Susan's sister was the stage manager of a Christmas production here, and Susan was helping with some direction. A terrible tragedy happened on opening night with one of the harnesses used for the show (I'm not sure of the details), and one of the actors fell, and subsequently died after being taken to the hospital. I'm sure there are so many levels to this story that are so hard to deal with....


How horrible! Good thoughts for her family, and all of those who were involved with the production. :wizard:
:( Please keep my friend, Susan, and the family of a young girl, Kari, in your prayers. Susan's sister was the stage manager of a Christmas production here, and Susan was helping with some direction. A terrible tragedy happened on opening night with one of the harnesses used for the show (I'm not sure of the details), and one of the actors fell, and subsequently died after being taken to the hospital. I'm sure there are so many levels to this story that are so hard to deal with....


How sad, prayers for your friend & the family :hug:
Thanks Debbie, Deb, Jennifer (K), and Elizabeth for the cards. If the DDA didn't send cards I wouldn't have Christmas cards. :lovestruc
Saw Lindsay and Jonathan in RPC this am. They are so cute and very nice. Having a great time!
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