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Kyra loves the Little Einsteins. I nearly got her a playset that can go with her rocket today but instead got her a pooh bear my first leapad book.

I've had to cut down her Playhouse Disney viewing, its mushing my brain lol.

It wouldn't be too bad if there were lots of episodes of them but until recently there was around 14 Mickey Mouse ones and 10-12 My Friends Tigger and Pooh so we know all the words to them all!!

When Adam was a bit younger and could still fit in the seat of the supermarket trolley, we went through (or rather he went through) a phase where we could only move the trolley after he had 'buckled his seatbelt' and patted his thighs for take-off:headache: . And this happened several times during the shop. Could've just told him no but then he would create a scene lol and this one is not really a 'discipline' matter as such, so we let him.

:rotfl2: That's so cute!!
Afternoon everyone.

Popped to the Boots at Bluewater & got some bargains. I got £60 worth of gifts for £15:woohoo: So I have some birthday presents for the year sorted:thumbsup2

Also go myself a couple of Tops for £12:)
Afternoon everyone.

Popped to the Boots at Bluewater & got some bargains. I got £60 worth of gifts for £15:woohoo: So I have some birthday presents for the year sorted:thumbsup2

Maybe its Bluewater on Saturday then...they have a Pizza Hut too!
I just got my euros - £154 = E165 which is not to bad, I add HB today so 165euros should be plenty as we won't be doing loads of shopping as I don't want to check any bags into the flight and want to manage with hand luggage.
I just got my euros - £154 = E165 which is not to bad, I add HB today so 165euros should be plenty as we won't be doing loads of shopping as I don't want to check any bags into the flight and want to manage with hand luggage.
Sounds good - I have about 160E and HB premium, so I'm hoping I wont need any more cash either.
Thats a good amount of Euros for what you paid out for. Least it wasnt less Euros for your pound.

Kyra's Toy Story 2 has just arrived so peace and quiet for a hour before we have to go out, i may go back to bed lol.
Maybe its Bluewater on Saturday then...they have a Pizza Hut too!

You could make a day of it, but I doubt there will be much left in Boots by them as it was packed with people buying loads. But the advantage is that there are several other shops to look in. The Disney sale was poor, I have seen better sales during the year but I think it was just what they had left.
Sounds good - I have about 160E and HB premium, so I'm hoping I wont need any more cash either.

We got the premium one too, going to eat at Cafe Mickey and Walt's and maybe inventions or auberge. or blue lagoon. I can't decide on the last one. I am getting very excited now though it feel weird to be going back as it seems ages since I last went.
I just got my euros - £154 = E165 which is not to bad, I add HB today so 165euros should be plenty as we won't be doing loads of shopping as I don't want to check any bags into the flight and want to manage with hand luggage.

Yeah, sounds good and looks good too as there are more Euros than pounds lol.
Ugh, I've just realised - there's going to be loads to watch on telly tonight. Why on earth do they do that??? :mad: Don't they know that there are so many other days in the week where there's absolutely zilch to watch??!! There's ER, Brothers & Sisters and then there's American Idol starting as well. And then, there's Celeb BB (I haven't really been following it but like to dip in and out of it). Luckily we have V+, so can record 2 and watch the 3rd.

And the shopping centre here is going to be a ghost mall soon the way things are going. British Bookshops (Sussex Stationers) is closing down on the 18th:sad2: (as rent's too high now), so there's a half price sale (on top of their already half priced prices lol). Bought a few books for Louise - she's a bookworm, so she'll love them.
I booked my meals now - Cafe Mickey, Walts and Inventions. For our last day I am going to let DD pick for lunch and I reckon she will pick Rain Forest Cafe!
I booked my meals now - Cafe Mickey, Walts and Inventions. For our last day I am going to let DD pick for lunch and I reckon she will pick Rain Forest Cafe!

Sounds lovely. I think kacee is just a little too young for these places. Maybe next year when he is three (although new baby will then be one!)
Hmm I was planning on eating at the Rainforest Cafe but now I'm wondering if we should give it a miss - kids are maybe too small, ds will be 6 the day after we arrive, also have 3 year old and 1 year old girls - not sure now, why were you thinking your little one was too small Cap'n Jack?? Arrgggh more decisions to make :confused:
Never eaten in a rainforest restaurant before, nearly ate in the London one a few years back, but crazy wait. Worth the visit to the disney one when we stay there?
afternoon all!!!

see you are talking about food. one of my favourite subjects lol

i can see where you are coming from capn jack. i really want to eat at walts but ash is too young to sit down for a long meal. i can manage annettes and cafe mickey with her. although i will let her eat off my plate. i bought her a kids meal in annettes for like 11 euro and she only ate the dessert and not all of it at that.
Hmm I was planning on eating at the Rainforest Cafe but now I'm wondering if we should give it a miss - kids are maybe too small, ds will be 6 the day after we arrive, also have 3 year old and 1 year old girls - not sure now, why were you thinking your little one was too small Cap'n Jack?? Arrgggh more decisions to make :confused:

im hoping to eat at the rainforest. depending on ashleighs mood. i would say you could let the kids share a meal or the younger ones share some of yours.
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