Don't Hate Me for Knowing More

I haven't read the entire thread, but I'm a little guilty of this. In March 07, we got FP's for Splash Mt. We walk up to the FP entrance about 5-10 minutes into our FP window and there is a line to Kingdom Come and the CM wasn't letting anyone in! We check with the people around us and they are all WAITING for their FP window to open! So, I took my friend, marched to the front of the line and the CM let us in in front of the line that was already queued up. I didn't think anything of it but she said as we were moving along the queue "You just got a lot of dirty looks" I said "Well...then they obviously don't understand the rules..."

It's happened again to us at EE but I refuse to feel guilty about it. I thought the whole idea of FP was that you don't HAVE to wait in line?

I actually did cut in line in a similar situation. I walked past a couple of groups and lines of people at the FP entrance, showed my FP and started walking to the Safari. One couple started walking behind me saying, jokingly, Line? What line?

I turned and said, OMG, I thought you were just waiting for your FP time, and offered to let them go ahead. They were very good-natured about it and laughed it off. Am I the only one confused by the multiple lines that form around the FP entry?
My response to that would be, "Your kid is young. I'm old. I've got less time so I think all the kids should like ME go first."

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: You sound just like my mom!!! She is always in the line before us due to multiple back and neck surgeries. Whenever one of my kids asks why she always has to go first, she tells them, "because I'm old!" My kids find this very amusing!!
THE RUDEST guest encounter - I was waiting with my two youngest kids at Test Track. The line was 20 minute standby and we were inching along. This lady, with her children in tow, was right behind us. If we left 6 inches or less (I kid you not) between my party and the people in front of us, she would tell me to move up. She did that thru the entire line . I got slower in my response to her demands to move up each time because it really got annoying! Did she think that someone was going to jump OVER the railings and squeeze between me and the person in front of me? I'm a personal space kinda girl and I really never appreciate when someone is standing right up my *&^.

I finally gave her the raised eyebrow "IF you say that to me again, I'm going to hurt you crazy lady" look. ;) As soon as we got past the CM at the top of the ramp, I heard her say "Get AWAY from that family. UGH!" Seriously, where exactly did she think she was going?

We wound our way thru the cueing after the preride room. She made it to the lines where you cue up for your car before me but as karma would have it, we were directed to walk to the front end of the room and got in the first car, which was getting ready to leave. We left her standing in the Test Track line, probably telling the poor family in front of her to move up. ARGH! I really wanted to wave goodbye but I'm not that mean.

I looked out for her for the rest of the day because I was leary about getting in line in front of her again.
I don't understand the fast pass haters. I had a woman yell at me when we used fast pass on Space Mountain. Well actually she was really mad because we used the parent switch as well so she had just seen my husband and two kids go through then here come the kids again. She was livid when she saw my kids for a second time.

I really think there are so many people who just dont understand FastPass.

We were at an end of season baseball party and a family who just got back mentioned having to buy them and they didnt want to spend the money.

Another friend spent all her time researching her hotel and dinner choices, she enver got around tor eading the Park section of the UOG. She called me about a week before her trip and I mentioned it causually, she ahd no idea and thought it was something you buy too. So I explained it to her in depth.

I am another one of those people who always tries to explain things if I hear people asking questions, or saying soemthing incorrect.
Some people just seem to NEED to sit and wait for their FP time to come around and hang around the entrance so they can be "first" in at that time slot. Sometimes we might wait there, but we don't "line up" and we do iit because we happen to be nearby, its a short wait, and not worth going off somewhere else in the meantime.

I don't understand the dirty looks given to those who are able to enter though...what are they upset about? That you got an earlier pass?? They KNOW there are people who will have Fastpass times before them, or at least they should. These are the kind of people that just want to be upset about something it seems, and will be upset at anybody who will be in the line before them simply because they are.
If there's a line of people who are obviously waiting for their FP time, I'll go up to the first group & ask what their time is and show them mine (if they ask). That way at least the people at the head of the line know I'm not cutting and can share that information with anyone behind them who wants to know.
I actually got this at Pizza Planet one day. We were waiting in line, and the CM motioned us up since everyone was only standing on one side (and as we all know, they generally use both sides of a counter service register). I had not gone up there because I just had a feeling that the people waiting in line would have an absolute fit. And sure enough, I was right.

When the CM turned to me to take our order the man on the other side started SCREAMING about how I cut in front of him and how he was first. The CM tried explaining to him that they use both sides to speed things up but this guy didn't care. He continued to rant and rave through me ordering our two pizzas and sodas. Paid with a gift card. TOOK ALL OF 45 SECONDS. Still ranting and raving as we got our food. Still ranting and raving as we started to walk towards the dressing. It was horrible, I just didn't know what to say.
The closest I ever come to being a line jumper (inadvertently) is because of the Fast Pass Gate Lice. They're usually out in force, so DH and I have learned to eyeball things for a few seconds and if the people in the "line" all seem to be milling around we bypass them, show our FPs to the CM and proceeed. I can only think of one or two times when there were people who were really there with the proper return time and were dragging their feet for some other reason (asking the CM a question or whatever). In those cases, we simply apologize and let them go. It happens so infrequently tho' that a double finger amputee could count the number of times we've enountered it and still have a finger left.
This thread is definitely entertaining. Didn't read it all, but read a few. My favorite is the line Q's that they have at attractions like HM and MI Laugh Floor. These are not typical lines and it's made to accomodate lots of people. I love how people line up single file in these. When my DW and I go to these rides, we keep walking until we can't walk no more. Many times, we've ended up at the doors. :thumbsup2

Even when the CM's yell, please fill in all available space, no one moves. Oh well, good for us.:woohoo:
I get yelled at on occasion by people in the restaurants. Some people do not realize that you go to both sides of the register, so the one day at the Electric Umbrella, Cosmic Rays and Pinocchio Village Haus. There were long lines only on one side and nobody in line on the other so I got in line on the empty side so I was next to be waited on at each restaurant. Well that made a whole lot of people not very happy with me! Knowledge is key!

We had an incident at the Pinnochio restaurant in Disneyland. A lady was sitting at a table with three empty tables around her. My husband and son sat at one of the tables while I was in line for food. The lady comes over and says she has a big party and all those tables are hers. My husband says okay they will just sit there until her party arrives. And then she goes ballistic and starts cussing up a storm!!! Mind you this is Disneyland and the restaurant is full of children including my own. But, she goes nuts and starts telling him she want TO BOX HIM!!!!:confused3 So, as he's slowly trying to back away from her and leave, her husband show's up and starts cussing up a storm, and saying he wants "TO BOX HIM" and pushing my husband. My husband is 6' and 215, not a good idea :rotfl2: At this point my husband calls security and says he wants to report them. Security comes, talks to the couple and asks my husband if he wants to take further action with charges, etc. Not wanting to deal with this any further, my hubby declined. So, he and son moved outside, I show up with the food and can't understand the looks on their faces when I arrive. I completely missed the whole thing, that line was REALLY long. :rotfl2:
WOW AustinTink! You did miss a lot. :rotfl2: My first trip to WDW in 2 weeks am so excited but after all of this I just hope not to bump into someone like that it will be too annoying.

MTstitch you are right knowledge is key.

I just hope I have done my research to have the most magical time of my life. pixiedust:
WOW AustinTink! You did miss a lot. :rotfl2: My first trip to WDW in 2 weeks am so excited but after all of this I just hope not to bump into someone like that it will be too annoying.

MTstitch you are right knowledge is key.

I just hope I have done my research to have the most magical time of my life. pixiedust:

No worries, we haven't come across any rude people in Disneyworld. It's Disneyland in California that keeps surprising us. It's much smaller and people are crammed in elbow to elbow. That could be the reason for the sourpuss attitudes. Enjoy your first trip to the world. You'll love it!!!!!!!!
AW thanks. I think you are right California has alot of ppl :crowded: maybe that is not helping them to breath correctly to stop n think they are in Disney with kids around them.
I am subscribing to this thread so I can learn more tricks:rotfl2: . Keep them coming! When we were at Disney last year, it was our first trip as a family. The last time I was there was in 87 and I didn't do the planning because my parents took me. I learned about the fastpasses thru this board and TGM. If it wasn't for that, we would have definitely been one of those families standing in line at every ride. Instead we past lots and lots of people just about every ride when we used fast passes. I think we had people pointing and saying stuff but I didn't look at them, I was trying to walk fast pass everyone and keeping an eye on my kids. I know that some people think you have to pay for the fast pass and like me before I found this board, I didn't understand them. It took months for me on the boards to understand and finally decide to use them.

Our first day at our first park (epcot), we were standing way in the back of the line for TSM and the CM came over and told us all to go up front of everyone and ride first so we skipped that line. I bet those people were not happy. I don't know if someone told them to do that or not, but right as we got in the park we didnt' know which way to go and everyone was passing us and was asked a CM which way to TSM. I would not be suprised if that CM told the CM at TSM to watch for us. I dont' know if they do that kind of thing or not. I just figured that good things happen at Disney even if it is not being family of the day or staying at the castle or something and I am going to enjoy whatever they give us. One time we got free hotdogs and another time we got free ice creams but our best was still being able to just to the front of the line at TSM when the park first opened! I felt blessed just to be able to afford to go to disney with my family and anything else was just icing on the cake :cake:

The only problem we had was one day I was pushing the stroller and some guy behind me kept running into me. I told him to just go ahead of me cause I didn't know what his problem was. He said he was running into me on purpose because I butt in front of him. I didn't realize I did that. I already was having pain walking and found out after 3 days of TERRILBLE pain trying to rush at the park that somehow my hip was dislocated. I don't know how I was able to walk on it for 3 days I was in horrible pain and even extra strength tylenol didn't help. Finally one day I was getting dressed and I looked at my hip and thought look how that bone is "sticking out". I pushed on my hip and after that I was fine. I was so glad because every day we came home from the park I would think dang, I can't take this pain anymore, I don't want to walk in the parks in this pain anymore but I didn't want to ruine our vacation! I seriously thought about getting a wheelchair but we already had our youngest son in the stroller. I have no idea how it happened or when:confused3 . It never happened before. Thankfully it hasn't happened since.

:disrocks: :thanks:
This type of thing happens to me all the time... but sometimes it's my family that gets angry...

They try to tell me 'did you know (such and such)?' and I reply "yes, I did, an din fact (such and such else)" Sorry, but I already know whatever you're going to tell me, and I'm not going to pretend I don't because then they'll get all excited about 'knowing more than me'... lame.

At the parks... I always get looks for going right up to the door on the left for Ellen right when I get there. Most often, I'm the only one that goes and stands in the front, while everyone else sits on the bench things attached to the wall, or stands in the center to see 'stupid judy' :rotfl2:
This thread is definitely entertaining. Didn't read it all, but read a few. My favorite is the line Q's that they have at attractions like HM and MI Laugh Floor. These are not typical lines and it's made to accomodate lots of people. I love how people line up single file in these. When my DW and I go to these rides, we keep walking until we can't walk no more. Many times, we've ended up at the doors. :thumbsup2

Even when the CM's yell, please fill in all available space, no one moves. Oh well, good for us.:woohoo:

Whoah! I always thought HM was a "regular" line! There really isn't much room for someone to walk past another in that area, so it's easy to assume it's a "single file" type of line. It's good to know!
Whoah! I always thought HM was a "regular" line! There really isn't much room for someone to walk past another in that area, so it's easy to assume it's a "single file" type of line. It's good to know!

I'm pretty sure the HM is a regular line. I would be really angry if somebody tried to pass me in line there. There isn't room for it to be more than just a regular line until I guess you get to the very front where the doors are.


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