Don't Hate Me for Knowing More

This type of thing happens to me all the time... but sometimes it's my family that gets angry...

They try to tell me 'did you know (such and such)?' and I reply "yes, I did, an din fact (such and such else)" Sorry, but I already know whatever you're going to tell me, and I'm not going to pretend I don't because then they'll get all excited about 'knowing more than me'... lame.

At the parks... I always get looks for going right up to the door on the left for Ellen right when I get there. Most often, I'm the only one that goes and stands in the front, while everyone else sits on the bench things attached to the wall, or stands in the center to see 'stupid judy' :rotfl2:

Really? Because I see no benefit to getting to the doors and onto the vehicles early. You can't see the Stupid Judy part from there as well, and the benches are so comfortable for what can be a long wait.

I've NEVER seen that ride filled...not even Christmas week.
This is Ellen's Energy Adventure. If you ride the left front car,you get to hear the whole radio spiel in the middle of the ride. If you ride in the last car to get to the radio point of the ride,you miss about half of it.
This is Ellen's Energy Adventure. If you ride the left front car,you get to hear the whole radio spiel in the middle of the ride. If you ride in the last car to get to the radio point of the ride,you miss about half of it.

I wonder if anyone ever WANTS to hear the radio portion of the ride?:lmao:
I work in customer service and the other day a customer overheard someone ask me about my upcoming trip to WDW. The customer came over and told me she just got back and that if I can afford it I "ought to buy one of them passes that get ya to the front of the lines." Being the cracker jack cusomer service specialist that I am, I thanked her and told her I'd look into it!
Who is Ellen and Stupid Judy:confused3

Hope this answers you without giving away too much:
Stupid Judy is a character in Universe of Energy which is 'hosted' by Ellen Degeneres. Judy is played by Jamie Lee Curtis. At one point Ellen says her secret nickname for Judy is "Stupid Judy," because Judy is really more of a know-it-all.
I like the first car... and I like to sit in the front row of the first car... so I stand by the door so I can be in the front row of the first car....
That is one ride we didn't go on. Maybe I thought my 4 and 7yo boys wouldn't be interested.

I'm from south dakota and when we travel to orlando there is a big difference in people. In south dakota..and I'm sure plenty of other areas...people are helpful to those around you. We don't cut lines, we hold doors for people who have their hands full, if someone drops something we pick it up and try to catch that person to give it back. When we are in Orlando it's crazy. We have people who cut in line in front of us. If you say something they act like they have no idea what you are talking about. My 3 year old got punched in the nose at MK in August 2008. All because the line was not moving and some how it was our fault not the other hundreds of people stuck on the bridge. No one on that bridge was nice. My 3 year old her the "f" word and many other things. Thank goodness when I did make my way to guest services some kind man came up and agreed with me. He said he was also on the bridge at the time. At least someone was nice. But good lord I wish people would be nice and kind. STOP line cutting. If someone is in a line you don't walk up and stand in front of them....Starting another line fine...but to join in front of me not happening.
I work in customer service and the other day a customer overheard someone ask me about my upcoming trip to WDW. The customer came over and told me she just got back and that if I can afford it I "ought to buy one of them passes that get ya to the front of the lines." Being the cracker jack cusomer service specialist that I am, I thanked her and told her I'd look into it!

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: funny!
I'm pretty sure the HM is a regular line. I would be really angry if somebody tried to pass me in line there. There isn't room for it to be more than just a regular line until I guess you get to the very front where the doors are.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking/had always thought. That's why I was so confused about several people mentioning moving forward. I knew about spreading out at the doors and the multiple turnstiles (IIRC).
I know to show up for a parade or Illuminations at least an hour beforehand if I want a front row space & for some reason I get a ton of grief for that. On our last trip during the F&W we were with friends and having cocktails at one of those small round high tables with no chairs they have set up during the F&W. Since Illuminations was going to start within the hour we decided to get another round & stay where we were. Well our friends offered to go get the drinks & while they were gone people kept coming up to the table, which is fine we certainly didn't own it, but we politely said we had friends coming right back. Well this one lady shows up about 15mins before the show with another 5 family members in tow screaming at me telling me I had no right to hold that table & who did I think I was. She was really angry & losing it, and I was so shocked I just didn't answer her. I just waited to see what she would do & luckily her family dragged her away while she was still screaming at me. Scary! :scared: I did end up moving the table for a young girl in a wheelchair, and I always will try to do something like that if I can, but not when people are throwing their kids in front of me, yelling at me, or sneering at me, which happens more times then not. :sad2:

Another time at Epcot we got to Illuminations very late and I'm pretty short (under 5'2") so if I'm not up near the front, I can't see anything except the high fireworks. Well I didn't even think of trying to push my way in somewhere, but instead we moved way back from the lagoon in the walkway leading from futureworld to stand on a one of those walls surrounding the trees. Right as Illuminations was starting, a family had come up behind us & sat down & the mother starts yelling at us to sit down because they couldn't see. I told them that even if I sat down, they still wouldn't be able to see most of the show and that it wasn't just fireworks. And the mother asked in a nasty tone, "Well what kind of show is it?" And I told them how it took place in the lagoon with a large globe, water fountains, fire, etc. & I even offered to have their child come up in front of me on the wall & they refused. Instead they stood on the ground beside us while the mother glared at me & then they finally left in disgust. I can't win! :confused3
Kind of similar.... we were getting off Dinosaur this past September and found ourselves stepping into vomit as we were stepping off the ride, well almost. It's a good thing my mom looks down because we would have stepped in the mess of it but I just caught the edge.

I said ew pretty loudly drawing attention to it so I think, the way my mom was positioned, everyone who saw us thought she was the one to throw up. The crazy part was there was a CM right next to us and we saw him there for a while. Couldn't the person who actually threw up have said something? :rolleyes2
I know to show up for a parade or Illuminations at least an hour beforehand if I want a front row space & for some reason I get a ton of grief for that. On our last trip during the F&W we were with friends and having cocktails at one of those small round high tables with no chairs they have set up during the F&W. Since Illuminations was going to start within the hour we decided to get another round & stay where we were. Well our friends offered to go get the drinks & while they were gone people kept coming up to the table, which is fine we certainly didn't own it, but we politely said we had friends coming right back. Well this one lady shows up about 15mins before the show with another 5 family members in tow screaming at me telling me I had no right to hold that table & who did I think I was. She was really angry & losing it, and I was so shocked I just didn't answer her. I just waited to see what she would do & luckily her family dragged her away while she was still screaming at me. Scary! :scared: I did end up moving the table for a young girl in a wheelchair, and I always will try to do something like that if I can, but not when people are throwing their kids in front of me, yelling at me, or sneering at me, which happens more times then not. :sad2:

Another time at Epcot we got to Illuminations very late and I'm pretty short (under 5'2") so if I'm not up near the front, I can't see anything except the high fireworks. Well I didn't even think of trying to push my way in somewhere, but instead we moved way back from the lagoon in the walkway leading from futureworld to stand on a one of those walls surrounding the trees. Right as the Illuminations was starting, a family had come up behind us & sat down & the mother starts yelling at us to sit down because they couldn't see. I told them that even if I sat down, they still wouldn't be able to see most of the show and that it wasn't just fireworks. And the mother asked in a nasty tone, "Well what kind of show is it?" And I told them how it took place in the lagoon with a large globe, water fountains, fire, etc. & I even offered to have their child come up in front of me on the wall & they refused. Instead they stood on the ground beside us while the mother glared at me & then they finally left in disgust. I can't win! :confused3

Some people.....

Can't we send the rude a-holes somewhere?

I feel like I can relate. We were at FT BBQ one time and it was PACKED! We saw a couple struggling to find a table and we were just 2 so we offered to share and they accepted. But if they had demanded we get up or move or to share, as if it was their right to do so... I would have told them no.

I will also get up and let anyone sit down on the bus if they want, I'll offer it because I hardly ever really get tired. I'm a girl so once I get up, I usually have 4 other dudes offering their seat to me... :) good to know chivlary isn't dead. But still, someone demanding it, I'll usually say HELL NO!

And I know exactly what you mean about fireworks.... I'm 5'3" so I have to do similar to what you do. One year I was in the walkway between Adventureland and the hub, staked it out for an hour so my mom could sit down and so I could see. We were fine until those last minute people come up and stand in front. And for everytime, it's always those inconsiderate fathers who put their children on their shoulders in front of someone else. :sad: How am I supposed to see when there's 7' of person in front of me.
Kind of similar.... we were getting off Dinosaur this past September and found ourselves stepping into vomit as we were stepping off the ride, well almost. It's a good thing my mom looks down because we would have stepped in the mess of it but I just caught the edge.

I said ew pretty loudly drawing attention to it so I think, the way my mom was positioned, everyone who saw us thought she was the one to throw up. The crazy part was there was a CM right next to us and we saw him there for a while. Couldn't the person who actually threw up have said something? :rolleyes2

The person who threw up probably said "blecccch" :lmao: sorry, I just had to say it! The cm may have already called for someone to clean it up, but the cm should have said something to you like "watch out!"
I am probably wrong but I think cm's with gloves and such have to called for protein spills.
We have gotten nasty looks in the fast pass lines, and on EMH nights as well. When others have to leave and resort guests stay, I have witnessed many off property visitors yelling at CMs over this.

However, our worst problem came actually from a Disney bus driver. Me, my mom, two of my sisters, and my 85 year old aunt went to Disney in May two years ago as my aunt wanted to go one last time before she could no longer make it. She is ill and lives in WV, so it was quite an ordeal for her.

She rode in a wheel chair the whole trip although she was able to transfer at rides. Every morning we would line up with her in the designated wheel chair area for those with a handicap. This driver threw a fit and said that she could come on but not us, and that we were cutting and would have to wait for the next bus. I never say anything to anyone, but my mom spoke up as well as my sisters. He finally let us on but not before giving us a huge lecture in front of everyone for like 5 minutes.

I am very easily embarrassed and upset, and I am the Disney freak of the family. I had just got done telling them that everyone was nice in Disney World and that in all of my years there I had never witnessed a mean person. Anyways we reported him to guest services in Epcot as I was still in tears, and before we could even tell them his name, they already knew who it was. Makes me wonder why they didn't remove him before if his goal is to make everyone feel like dirt for trying to be with their family members when one happens to be handicapped.

Can someone tell me what possess people to come and stand directly in front of three little boys two minutes before the fireworks start when they have been waiting there for an hour? I had to hold a boy on each hip one year, and listen to the other in tears the whole time because people came and stood directly in front of us. I understand that everyone needs to see, but we had been there. They could have at least sat down. The lady actually looked at my one son who was crying because I couldn't hold him to see. She looked at her husband shrugged her shoulders and turned around while their two children had a perfect view. Of course I once again was quiet, I guess I need to learn to speak up.
I'm pretty sure the HM is a regular line. I would be really angry if somebody tried to pass me in line there. There isn't room for it to be more than just a regular line until I guess you get to the very front where the doors are.

Yeah, the line doesn't really "spread out" until you clear the turnstiles. While there is room for people to stand side-by-side in the queue before that, I don't think the intention is for people to just walk on by you to get ahead.

Here's a tip for 2 good places if you want to watch Illuminations without anyone squishing in front of you....

Morocco - right up against the wall to the right of the water wheel.

Mexico - stake out your spot early up against the railing across from the Marguerita stand. :thumbsup2

Also, if you luck out and can't get those spots, go to Japan and actually stand BACK from the water towards the pavilion. The ground slopes up slightly there and unless a bunch of giants are in front of you, you can generally see over the heads of the people in front - even the lower show stuff.


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