Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Hi My name is April and I can't follow directions on a commercial pattern.

I try but get so confused but I just keep at it. I do shir and like it except the first one comes out loose so now I start in the middle and work up and down.
No one can understand commercail patterns! So you are not alone!

I definitely need to learn to shir this summer!

A few things I made for my niece & nephew's trip next week (I made a few more shirts and some matching shorts for my nephew too):



All are great!

My name is Cathy and I.....

...can shir.....I dont know why...I just wound the bobbin and stitched a few rows and it did it.....I have no special reason why it worked....:confused3

...have a major fabric obsession....I melt around bridal silk and quilting cotton...:cheer2:

...cannot understand commercial patterns....nope....as a teacher, they frustrate the $#$%*^(^^ out of me... :sad2:

...am Disney obsessed...but you knew that already....:mickeyjum
ALL TOGETHER NOW! HI CATHY!:crowded: Ok I was looking for a wave smiley but I couldn't resist this one I hadn't seen before.
Here is Lily's Sophie tunic! I can't wait to make more! It was sooo easy! I want to make one with a contrasting fabric. :love: And I love the sis boom fabrics. So fun and colorful!


That Lily is so cute!
The Tunic is great too!
I am totally in love with the Sis boom fabric! I am having the darnedest time trying to find it by me! I WANT TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY AND PAY CASH SO RIGHT NOW ORDERING IT ON LINE IS OUT. WHEN I GO TO THE FREESPIRIT WEBSITE FOR LOCATIONS IT IS ALL MESSED UP ! Sorry about the caps wasn't yelling hit the capslock by mistake. Too lazy to retype...
Wow, did this day go by quickly! Im pretty sure Im going to miss some comments

-Love Lilly's new shirt- GREAT colors for her!

Reflexology-My first time experiencing this, about 5 years ago I loved it, felt like my whole body got a massage and its interesting because she picked up on "congestion in my lung area" and it turned out I had severe allergies and asthma and didnt know it yet. The whole experience was really relaxing.

Yesterday was pretty different. She started with a little bit of relaxing stuff on my head and shoulders, and then moved to my belly- very gently touching certain areas, then my legs- i was all prepared for me gentle and relaxing- she touched some spot on the inside of my ankles and lower calf- HOLY MOLEY it HURT!! She said it's the main such and such that connects to my uterus. Yeah-well it felt like she was digging in to a bruise. (but overall, still good) I wish I knew a good accupressure person. but the idea behind reflexology for this purpose is simply to encourage baby if baby is ready. im going back sat for a massage.
I had lots of braxton hicks and baby activity for the remainder of the evening, to the point where I wondered if it would progress, the braxton hicks were much more intense than anything I've felt before.

But, Im still here typing, so Im still pregnant. ;)

Gorgeous today!!

I took some photos, did this in April for DD, dont think I've posted it...

This is the outfit for my niece's birthday -first time I've made anything for someone else, I hope it fits!

Here is the easy fit made up as "bloomer" style shorts- this is a Moda check and has such a soft hand to it! I'll be making a regular short for Megan out of this fabric

I dont know why the photo doesnt show it better, plenty of sun, these fabrics are a collection and all match

Got to use one of my tags!

I'm thuroughly disappointed with these photos, they look washed out...
Here is my Pooh - still needs the outer border (another 3" in a different purple)
This was basically my first applique, other than the monster tshirt I did that came out really bad

This quilt was a challenge for me since the quilt was sooo heavy and I had to rotate the entire thing for each piece I appliqued- no way to work on smaller pieces and then attach

Not sure if I posted this when I made it- I love this fabric

Here is Lily's Sophie tunic! I can't wait to make more! It was sooo easy! I want to make one with a contrasting fabric. :love: And I love the sis boom fabrics. So fun and colorful!



Lily's tunic is too cute. I love the fabric and florals are my fav or all time. She is adorable!
Wow, did this day go by quickly! Im pretty sure Im going to miss some comments

Here is the easy fit made up as "bloomer" style shorts- this is a Moda check and has such a soft hand to it! I'll be making a regular short for Megan out of this fabric

I dont know why the photo doesnt show it better, plenty of sun, these fabrics are a collection and all match

Got to use one of my tags!

It was so nice out, I sat outside while Megan rode her new Trike and I took some pics of all the pretty flowers- I love photographing wild animals and flowers, etc...
These were practically dying 2 years ago, then we cut down 2 big maples in our yard and life came back!

Not wild....my senior citizen catching some rays

another affect from cutting down the trees- I've never seen these grow here

Boaz, hanging in the sun

Heres a wild animal- and rare too- seeing DD in a tshirt and jeans!

I'm thuroughly disappointed with these photos, they look washed out...
Here is my Pooh - still needs the outer border (another 3" in a different purple)
This was basically my first applique, other than the monster tshirt I did that came out really bad

This quilt was a challenge for me since the quilt was sooo heavy and I had to rotate the entire thing for each piece I appliqued- no way to work on smaller pieces and then attach

You have been very very busy! I love the bleeding hearts. Glad they came back for you. The quilt is very detailed. I can't believe you had to do it as a big piece for each one. It is beautiful! The bloomers look so comfy and your wee one with her dog is sweet.

I had a lot of trouble when I first tried this. I had the Disney Brother, and now I have a Singer Futura, both with drop in bobbins. I finally figured it out and LOVE it. I use it whenever possible rather than elastic. I always start out on a scrap piece of fabric. It starts off really, really loose. Then after a few very short rows, it just seems to click. That's when I move to my real material. I am not sure if this will work for everyone, but that's what works for me. Oh, and one more thing, I don't use the auto-thread-cutter. I always cut the threads by hand and lengthen the threads so that I can tie them off. OK, one more last thing, I don't start each row fresh. I go across, go 3 stitches down, then back across, 3 more stitches down, back across. Less to tie off. Sorry if this is general knowledge. I just wanted to help since so many people were having issues.

Thank you, I was wondering if I should even attempt this with the Futura. Just FYI any hints you can think of on the Futura I would be very happy to read!!:)
Wow, did this day go by quickly! Im pretty sure Im going to miss some comments

-Love Lilly's new shirt- GREAT colors for her!

Reflexology-My first time experiencing this, about 5 years ago I loved it, felt like my whole body got a massage and its interesting because she picked up on "congestion in my lung area" and it turned out I had severe allergies and asthma and didnt know it yet. The whole experience was really relaxing.

Yesterday was pretty different. She started with a little bit of relaxing stuff on my head and shoulders, and then moved to my belly- very gently touching certain areas, then my legs- i was all prepared for me gentle and relaxing- she touched some spot on the inside of my ankles and lower calf- HOLY MOLEY it HURT!! She said it's the main such and such that connects to my uterus. Yeah-well it felt like she was digging in to a bruise.
I had lots of braxton hicks and baby activity for the remainder of the evening, to the point where I wondered if it would progress, the braxton hicks were much more intense than anything I've felt before.

But, Im still here typing, so Im still pregnant. ;)

Gorgeous today!!

I took some photos, did this in April for DD, dont think I've posted it...

This is the outfit for my niece's birthday -first time I've made anything for someone else, I hope it fits!

Here is the easy fit made up as "bloomer" style shorts- this is a Moda check and has such a soft hand to it! I'll be making a regular short for Megan out of this fabric

I dont know why the photo doesnt show it better, plenty of sun, these fabrics are a collection and all match

Got to use one of my tags!

It was so nice out, I sat outside while Megan rode her new Trike and I took some pics of all the pretty flowers- I love photographing wild animals and flowers, etc...
These were practically dying 2 years ago, then we cut down 2 big maples in our yard and life came back!

Not wild....my senior citizen catching some rays

another affect from cutting down the trees- I've never seen these grow here

Boaz, hanging in the sun

Heres a wild animal- and rare too- seeing DD in a tshirt and jeans!

I'm thuroughly disappointed with these photos, they look washed out...
Here is my Pooh - still needs the outer border (another 3" in a different purple)
This was basically my first applique, other than the monster tshirt I did that came out really bad

This quilt was a challenge for me since the quilt was sooo heavy and I had to rotate the entire thing for each piece I appliqued- no way to work on smaller pieces and then attach

Not sure if I posted this when I made it- I love this fabric

Love your outfits and Quilt and pillowcases!
Your dd is too cute Loved the little report
dd would desperately like bride & groom Mickey and Minnie ears for their Disneyworld honeymoon. I would love to have them for her at her "Happily Ever After" themed shower.

Anyone...If it's possible to pick them up for me and ship them to me next time
you're in the World, would you PM me please?

If not, I'm sure I can call DelivEars, right? or is there another Disneyworld merchandise # I can call?

Thanks for the assistance!
Linnette sent me a message today that she is feeling very depressed. Her family is in desperate need of prayers and well wishes. Tomorrow is going to be a very tough for them all. So please say a prayer that everything will turn out well.
Oh I continue to pray for Linnette and her family. If you can, please keep us posted. I am worried about Linnette.

My 91 year old grandma needs carpal tunnel surgery (and 2 other surgeries on that arm, apparently) and they plan on doing it outpatient. So, my mom will spend the summer doing absolutely everything for her (my grandma tends to play these things up, too).
Awww hugs to your grandma but also to your dear mom!! Sounds like your mom may need another WDW vacation after the summer!!!! Hehehehehe!!! :banana::cool1:

I'm sorry I haven't been on since my first post. My internet was down, but finally an at&t guy came and fixed it! Yea! I wanted to say thanks to all the ladies who welcomed me! I had a great Mothers Day. My hubby got me my first dslr! It's a Canon XS. I'm so excited. Just trying to figure out how to use it. But my kids got me my newest obsession! Some more patterns from ycmt. I love that site! :love: I got the twirl skirt pattern, and the faith dress top pattern. I'm so excited to try these out. The twirl skirts are my favorite! But I need to make a stop at Joann's first. So I probably won't get to try them out until sometime this weekend. I know I introduced myself but I don't think I really told you anything about me. I have a soon to be 3 year old son named Ethan. His bday party is in 2 weeks and thats all he talks about. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Yes we have a Thomas freak in the house! lol... Then I have a 15 month old perfect little girl named Makenna. She's just learning to walk, but loves to climb on everything, so she's keeping me on my toes. Our newest addition is our little girl Callie. She is only 7 weeks, and I'm breastfeeding her. It's hard to juggle them since their all so young and all need my attention. I'm just trying to get back in the groove of things. I love having a schedule and since we've had Callie, there has been no schedule! I can't wait until things settle down. Anyways I hope to be back soon to show you some cute things I made! Wish me luck! I've never sewn a skirt before! I can't wait!
WELCOME!!!! Sounds like you are busy with 3 little ones. Looking forward to seeing what you sew soon!

Here is a summer dress that I worked on for the past two weeks. I still need the hook and eye and hemming.


I am working and not use the schedule yet so things are very hectic right now.
I think your sundress turned out really cute!

Hi Ladies! It's been a while since I've last chatted with you! I got a new machine for Mother's Day! Its a Husky 955E. I haven't even open the embroidery unit yet! I made a Maternity top with it so far. I decided that when I get pregnant again, I'd like to make some of my own things. What is the trick to darts? Mine don't look right.
Hiya my friend!!!!!! :goodvibes You know me, I can't help ya with the "darts"...LOL....but I can't wait to see you post your newest creations!!!

Got back from the doc, I have severe tendonitis in my shoulder! And of course it also set off my fibromyalgia pain. I swear this crud only happens to me!

So two shots, some cream, and a jar of muscle relaxers later I'm home. I'll probably make even less sense than normal soon, but I'll probably be entertaining!

Oh, and I paid for my sewing class today! hehe!
Awww you poor thing, I hope you start to feel better soon!!!

I haven't even tried shirring Jessica. I'm sure I'd fail too!
Okay, if I can shir, ALL of YOU can do it....LOL....I need to get pictures of DD in her shirred Scooby Doo outfit so I can show you guys. LOL.

Hi All this is my first post on Disboutiquers although I must admit I have been lurking and getting ideas for at least a year and a half. I even had someone come up to me at EPCOT and ask if I was on the tread because my girls were wearing the dresses I made for them after getting inspiration here. So now I am finally posting (mostly because it took me this long to figure out how to post pictures LOL:rotfl2:)

I got this super fabric from billwendy (thanks )there wasn't enough left to make both DDs a dress so I improvised. These are still works in progress and I need advice on what to add next I am thinking a strip around the bottom and a v tie but I'm not sure. I just know it needs something.

The front:

The back (the red is not sewn on only pinned so I can change it):

Thanks for any help suggestions you can offer
Awww that is cute!

I'm proud to be on the failure list. I tried everything. MY NAME IS JEANNE AND I CAN'T SHIR! :snooty:
Awwwww, huggies to you!!!! (Maybe it was just a fluke that I was able to shir...hmmm...kinda makes me wonder if I can do it again...LOL):confused3:banana:

My name is Cindee and I can't do an IRON ON!!!!:sad2::guilty:
:rotfl2:You crack me up!!!

Funny story....

For awhile I have been "missing" fabric. I "thought" I bought a fabric, but when I went to use it I could not find it. I thought it was just me loosing my mind. I FOUND all my "missing" fabric. My "sweet" "angel" (according to HeatherSue) has been "borrowing" it for AG doll table cloths!!!!!!!! :lmao::lmao:
Awww what a little cutie, that Morgan. You didn't expect her to use OLD stuff for table cloths did ya?? She has great taste ya know!!!!!!!!!
I definitely need to learn to shir this summer!

A few things I made for my niece & nephew's trip next week (I made a few more shirts and some matching shorts for my nephew too):



Awww everything is so cute!!!

Here is Lily's Sophie tunic! I can't wait to make more! It was sooo easy! I want to make one with a contrasting fabric. :love: And I love the sis boom fabrics. So fun and colorful!


I love this...she looks adorable in this! Where are you guys getting this sis boom fabric????

I'm Jessica, and I have no idea what shirring is...

Can someone send me over to the pre-school sewing thread? :lmao:
:rotfl2::cool1::lmao: I often think I need to be in that same class!!!

I took some photos, did this in April for DD, dont think I've posted it...

This is the outfit for my niece's birthday -first time I've made anything for someone else, I hope it fits!

Here is the easy fit made up as "bloomer" style shorts- this is a Moda check and has such a soft hand to it! I'll be making a regular short for Megan out of this fabric

I dont know why the photo doesnt show it better, plenty of sun, these fabrics are a collection and all match

Got to use one of my tags!

It was so nice out, I sat outside while Megan rode her new Trike and I took some pics of all the pretty flowers- I love photographing wild animals and flowers, etc...
These were practically dying 2 years ago, then we cut down 2 big maples in our yard and life came back!

Not wild....my senior citizen catching some rays

another affect from cutting down the trees- I've never seen these grow here

Boaz, hanging in the sun

Heres a wild animal- and rare too- seeing DD in a tshirt and jeans!

I'm thuroughly disappointed with these photos, they look washed out...
Here is my Pooh - still needs the outer border (another 3" in a different purple)
This was basically my first applique, other than the monster tshirt I did that came out really bad

This quilt was a challenge for me since the quilt was sooo heavy and I had to rotate the entire thing for each piece I appliqued- no way to work on smaller pieces and then attach

Not sure if I posted this when I made it- I love this fabric

Wow you have been busy!!! Everything looks wonderful!!!!
dd would desperately like bride & groom Mickey and Minnie ears for their Disneyworld honeymoon. I would love to have them for her at her "Happily Ever After" themed shower.

Anyone...If it's possible to pick them up for me and ship them to me next time
you're in the World, would you PM me please?

If not, I'm sure I can call DelivEars, right? or is there another Disneyworld merchandise # I can call?

Thanks for the assistance!

Goodnews..... literally today DisneyShopping.com started selling park merchandise. I am sure they will be adding more, but it looks like bride and groom mouse ears are already on the site:

OK I am sure the answer will make me hit my head but....... I know there is a tute for adding pics to the photo bucket account on the first page but how do I add them to an actual post?? :confused3

Have ya'll seen these?



I just found them today and I'm in love with them. I need to start saving for a machine that will do this. Anyone have any reccs on an inexpensive/beginner model that will do these applique patterns? I'm in love with WAY too many of them...
Have ya'll seen these?



I just found them today and I'm in love with them. I need to start saving for a machine that will do this. Anyone have any reccs on an inexpensive/beginner model that will do these applique patterns? I'm in love with WAY too many of them...
Those are so cute. For a machine recommendation. I have the Brother SE350. I actually think it would be good for a beginner sewer as well as a beginner embroiderer.
oooo we are admitting those thing too?:scared1:

Umm, I can shir
I feel a NEED to own all fabric (does that count as an "obsession":lmao:).
Patterns of any kind are not my friend.
And I don't think I need to comment on Disney, given where I live LOL.

Oh and Cathy is a realllllllly sweet personprincess:

Awww thanks Cindy...can you iron that on a tee???? :laughing:

I'm Jessica, and I have no idea what shirring is...

Can someone send me over to the pre-school sewing thread? :lmao:
OK this made me spit out my soda :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Goodnews..... literally today DisneyShopping.com started selling park merchandise. I am sure they will be adding more, but it looks like bride and groom mouse ears are already on the site:


Wow! now how cool is this...talk about being on top of things!

Eeyore4Ever - Now where did your quote go??? Sorry you didn't have a nice side effect to your massage...I know if you massage the ball of your foot it really can set off contractions...arggggg....I was miserable the last few weeks! Gentle hugs!!!

I Love :lovestruc:love:your adorable baby outfits and quilt!!!! That is some seriously cute stuff!!! Glad you got a chance to take pretty pics and hang out with your adorable DD! :cool1:
Ok one more thing and I will shut up...

I don't think embroidery machine and inexpensive can be in the same sentence! :rotfl:
You're laughing, but I still don't know how to shir or what it means...:rolleyes1

Shiring is gathering with elastic thread. You use normal thread in the top of the machine and use the elastic thread in the bobbin and do a long straight stitch. The elastic "gathers" the fabric.
Ok one more thing and I will shut up...

I don't think embroidery machine and inexpensive can be in the same sentence! :rotfl:
I got to thinking the same thing after I made that post. I don't think that I would have paid what I did if I was just looking for a sewing machine. :lmao:But to be honest I think that mine is worth every penny.:thumbsup2
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