Video montage of our trip to DLP Aug '08


Jan 18, 2008

I've just finished a video montage of best bits from our trip to Disneyland Paris in August 2008. Sorry it's taken so long!

Click here to watch the video.

Any feedback would be gratefully received.

Enjoy :goodvibes


PS A full length video (without music soundtrack) will be coming soon.
Fantastic Patrick. How much video did you edit through to get this 5 minute montage? :)
Fantastic Patrick.

Thank you very much :thumbsup2

You're always so quick to watch and comment on my videos. It's very flattering! :)

How much video did you edit through to get this 5 minute montage? :)

Oh gosh... that's a hard one to answer. :confused3 Urm, quite a lot! I shot a lot of video on this trip. When I used to film to tape I'd be able to tell you exactly but now it's all on hard disk it's not so easy to answer.

Having said that I am very selective about what I film and there's not much in the way of excess footage but I still seem to end up with a lot of video to wade through - that's one reason why it takes me so long to finish any one video!

In fact there's so much good footage from this trip - especially on ride footage - that there's going to be quite a collection of different videos made from the footage. Most of them you've seen already but there's more to come.

The next one, as mentioned in the first post, will be a traditional home movie of the trip without music but with the sound from the recorded footage. I think this will be quite interesting when it's finished because most Disney holiday videos (including my own) are montages and set to music.

The reason for doing this one is to add another dimension to the film so you can see the sights and hear the sounds of Disneyland. This video will be quite a bit longer (around 9 minutes) but hopefully it will still hold peoples interest. You get to see a lot more of the rides and attractions in detail - it won't be as rushed and full of quick edits.

The idea was put into my head by a professional videographer who saw one of my other videos. He wanted to hear more original sound in the video.

Thanks again for your kind comment.

Thank you very much :thumbsup2

You're always so quick to watch and comment on my videos. It's very flattering! :)Patrick

I am teaching myself who to better my videos and know that yours are such an inspiration. The flattery is all yours.
Thanks for sharing :)
That was SO good!:thumbsup2 I love the way you mixed fantastic family shots, just the fact that you can see their excitement in their faces! :goodvibes
Any feedback would be gratefully received.

Well you made me cry....again!:sad: It was such a fantastic snapshot of your holiday and, having been just this week it's so fresh in my mind that it made me very teary. Even my husband stopped reading about football long enough to come and peer over my shoulder at it. Thanks for sharing.
That was lovely. We were at DLP in August 2008 and it's brought it all back :cloud9: I have really missed not going this summer :sad1:
Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments, it's brilliant to get such positive feedback :goodvibes

hildasmuriel, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry! :hug: I hope that you had a good trip to DLP last week.

Fantastic, thought the music and everything went really well together, had a lump in my throat at the end, your very talented
Oh that was loverly and I filled up as well arn,t we a soppy lot:hug:You have got a real talent there and I think Disney should drop all those big budget adverts and show this ,id book in a second:wizard:
It's wonderful Patrick, got a tear in my eye too.
Your daughter is so cute and I love the footage of Captain Hook playing with your son. How nice he still wants to hug the characters. My son is getting so he won't even go near some of them. Mulan had to beg him for a photo this trip!
It's wonderful Patrick, got a tear in my eye too.

Crikey you're a soppy lot or is there someing in the air/water* today? (delete as appropriate) :goodvibes

Your daughter is so cute and I love the footage of Captain Hook playing with your son.

Ellie's too cute for her own good sometimes - meaning that she gets away with murder... especially with me!!

Capt Hook actually stayed for ages playing with Josh - I'm not sure who was enjoying it more!

How nice he still wants to hug the characters. My son is getting so he won't even go near some of them. Mulan had to beg him for a photo this trip!

Well, Josh is mildy autistic and he really doesn't know any different. He doesn't realise that it's uncool for an 11 year old boy! So please don't tell him - long may it last! He's also just beginning to realise that there might be more to this Father Christmas lark than meets the eye. To Josh the characters are old friends. In fact the first time he saw Mickey on that trip I have him on video saying to Mickey "how long's it been Mickey? Too long I think" and then they had a big hug. Bless him.

Lovely. Tower of Terror part was brill. I could feel my tummy lifting. F.A.B.
[QUOTEYou have got a real talent there and I think Disney should drop all those big budget adverts and show this ,id book in a second:wizard:[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more :thumbsup2

My daughter wants to try Indy and Space Mountain, but isn't too sure. So I am going to show her your video in the morning and she can make up her own mind, as I've been on them and I think you've captured them so well.

This was great to watch, and if I knew anyone who was going who hadn't been before, I'd tell them to watch this :)

Thanks for sharing.
My daughter wants to try Indy and Space Mountain, but isn't too sure. So I am going to show her your video in the morning and she can make up her own mind, as I've been on them and I think you've captured them so well.

In that case you might be interested in watching my full length video of Indianna Jones and the Temple of Peril - it's filmed from the front seats! I did post a seperate thread for that video but you'd be forgiven for missing it :)

This was great to watch, and if I knew anyone who was going who hadn't been before, I'd tell them to watch this :)

Awww, that's really sweet. What a great thing to say! You've made my day :goodvibes

Thanks for taking the time to post such a great comment.


BTW You can see all my Disney videos here
This was great to watch, and if I knew anyone who was going who hadn't been before, I'd tell them to watch this :)

That's just what I've done! As my 2 sisters are coming with me at the end of the month, I sent them a link and told them to have a look to see what they've got in store.

Guess what - just got an email from my sister which says "It is awesome and made me cry"
See, it's not just in the water round here! :rotfl2:
As my 2 sisters are coming with me at the end of the month, I sent them a link and told them to have a look to see what they've got in store... just got an email from my sister which says "It is awesome and made me cry"

I guess they're excited about going then?! :yay:

I hope that you all have a great time and I can't wait to read about it when you get back.


BTW Please tell your sister "thank you" for the lovely comment :goodvibes


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