Princess Pea's first trip to the World - Day 4 posted 4/11

ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm so excited!

We got everything squared away with ME (we hope), so there shouldn't be any issues there. Now I need to concentrate on my packing lists and the list of stuff to ship to OKW before we leave. I bought DD a few books from the $1 bin at Target last night, now I just need to find her a cute backpack. I'm having anxiety just thinking about the amount of stuff we're going to have to carry on, hopefully once it's all packed it won't seem like as much!!
Three more weeks!!

Three weeks from right now, we should already be at AK, or at least on our way there if it's not open until 9. I need to get my park hours straight!!

We're going to see my parents and sister today, so I told DH we need to finalize our grocery list, and the list of stuff I can ship down to OKW ahead of time. I need to place our Garden Grocer order in the next 10 days or so, and get that box packed and ready to ship a week ahead of time!!

I borrowed some clothes from a couple of friends for DD. None of her summer clothes fit her anymore, but I didn't want to really buy anything (I did buy her a cute Ariel sundress from TDS on sale last summer though!!) since #1 - I don't know if it will even be warm enough for her to wear summer stuff while we're there, and #2 - whatever I buy her now won't still fit her next summer! She's growing faster than we can keep up with! We got her some new sneakers yesterday, so she has a few weeks to break those in!

Oh, and I'm obsessively checking the 15 day forecast for Orlando. It doesn't even get as far out as my trip yet, and will likely change 234565757 times between now and then, does that make me nuts?
Planning for that schizophrenic Florida weather can drive anyone nuts! :crazy:

You are getting so close now!!

I need some happy Dis thoughts for my little Pea to feel better. She's got a horrible cough and a runny nose. The pediatrician says it's just a bad cold, and a couple other kids at daycare seem to have the same thing, so hopefully that's all it is. She's got 2 weeks to kick it!!
I had planned on hitting MK for Spectro on arrival day, but it's been pushed back to 9PM. We're going to be up around 4:30AM, and even with the flight and some down time at OKW to rest, I really think that's going to be pushing it for DD, and probably the rest of us, too.

I think instead, we'll head to HS and see the lights. We should be able to get in and out of there fairly early, even if it's crowded, we should be ok since we aren't planning any rides. My original plan had us doing that on Monday after our Epcot day, but there's a 7PM Spectro that night, so we'll head to MK after our break at OKW.

Hopefully that will work better for us. TWO MORE WEEKS!!
11 more days!!!

Pea seems to be feeling mostly better, but now DH and I have colds...hopefully they'll be long gone in the next week! I've been checking the long range forecast and it doesn't look super warm, but at least the rain has been taken out for now. I know it's way too early to rely on it, but I'm so excited!

Oh, and just placed our GG order, just waiting for them to get back to me with the beer/wine prices!

I packed up the box of stuff to ship to OKW, that makes it feel so close!! I somehow forgot to buy coffee :scared1:, so I have to make a grocery store run on the way in to work tomorrow, and then I'll tape up the box and stop at the UPS Store after work to ship it!!

Only six more sleeps!!!
Just found your PTR. We took our DS to Disney for his first trip back in Feb. 2009 when he was 22 months old and he had a blast. He loved the characters. It was amazing seeing the world through his eyes.
Just found your PTR. We took our DS to Disney for his first trip back in Feb. 2009 when he was 22 months old and he had a blast. He loved the characters. It was amazing seeing the world through his eyes.


So glad to hear it. We're hoping she likes the characters since she had a complete meltdown when she saw Santa yesterday, LOL!
Just found your PT and right before you go! Next year we will be going with either a 17 month old (if we go in May) or a 21 month old (if we go in September), so I'd love to read about your trip. Are you planning to do a TR?

Hope you have a wonderful time!
Just found your PT and right before you go! Next year we will be going with either a 17 month old (if we go in May) or a 21 month old (if we go in September), so I'd love to read about your trip. Are you planning to do a TR?

Hope you have a wonderful time!

Thanks for reading! I'll definitely be doing a TR!
Three days to go, and DD has an ear infection in each ear!!!:eek::eek:

She'll start antibiotics today, so hopefully the flight won't be too bad. The good news is that she doesn't slow down much when she has them, this is number 7 or 8 for her...we're one away from an ENT!

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that she's ok on the flight down Saturday morning. It's always something, right?
Sorry to hear that your little one has an ear infection, but it sounds like she's an old pro with them. That's how my son was - he's had 2 sets of tubes. And I know it sounds bad, but at least she got the infection BEFORE the trip and not during. I'm sure she'll be fine!
Sorry to hear that your little one has an ear infection, but it sounds like she's an old pro with them. That's how my son was - he's had 2 sets of tubes. And I know it sounds bad, but at least she got the infection BEFORE the trip and not during. I'm sure she'll be fine!

Oh believe me, we're glad it happened now and not in a couple days, too!! I had tubes a few times as a kid, so I won't be surprised of that's the route she ends up taking.
Well, it's finally our turn!! We leave tomorrow, EARLY! I think I have everything we need, now it just needs to make its way into the suitcases. I'm sort of a last minute Lucy when it comes to these things!!

Anyway, I'll be doing a TR when we get back!!

We're back!!!

I feel like the trip went by in the blink of an eye! We had a great time. It was cold, then hot, and then cold again. It was sorta crowded, and then not crowded, and then a little more than sorta crowded. I have all my pictures off the cameras, but need to get them uploaded and sorted, and then I'll get a TR started!


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