The Fridge Swap that will never die thread!!! ;-)

As I'm sure you've read, I'm only taking this swap over from someone who can no longer do it..

I'm unsure what all this talk is about regarding a fridge lost and the one we are using.

I haven't personally seen the fridge and in 3 weeks, i'll see it for the very first time.
As I'm sure you've read, I'm only taking this swap over from someone who can no longer do it..

I'm unsure what all this talk is about regarding a fridge lost and the one we are using.

I haven't personally seen the fridge and in 3 weeks, i'll see it for the very first time.

Read back a few pages. Your swapper posted a pic of our fridge and since then I've been working w/ Christa to get it back...unsuccessfully. I hope that will change. :)

According to your swapper on 11/28/09 a few posts up, you still have it. :love:
updated dates can't seriously be updating dates...your swap still has our fridge and we want it back. This is ridiculous...I don't know what's going on but this just isn't right. Georgette said she doesn't want to swap a fridge that isn't theirs...but she was waiting to hear from you. I sent her all the PM's I had from you way back when you were willing to work with me...not sure what changed you mind!!

You swapper on 11/28 said she still has OUR fridge...your swap doesn't have a fridge. You are using OUR stolen came to you by accident, but by continuing to swap it, you have stolen it.

Any swapper on this swap that continues to swap our fridge KNOWINGLY has no Disney spirit at ALL and should be ASHAMED to be a member of the Dis! Disers work together & help each other...not screw each other over & that is exactly what this is.

Please contact me to give us our fridge back asap...thanks. Happy Holidays!:rolleyes1
I am an upcoming swapper...Dec 12-20th, and I really, really want to have a fridge. We have planned and purchased accordingly, and it would really mess up our plans to not have one. It may be "un-DIS-like" to want a fridge anyways, but again I feel unfairly punished by someone else's mistake here. (As we probably all do.)

And I am not going to be the one to tell the next swapper..."sorry you can't have this fridge that I was just using...even though you are scheduled to get it from me," that seems just wrong.

However, if we have someone ended up with another swaps fridge, I think we should try and get things straightened up, in both returning this fridge to the other swap, and maybe trying to get the original fridge back. If we can't get the original fridge back, perhaps Georgette it is best to let the swap die out after you use it. Christa had already made arrangements to end it...and maybe that is the best thing to do. Then the other swappers can have their fridge back.

I couldn't tell from all the posts - Has anyone from this swap even TRIED to see if Guest services still has Christa's fridge in storage somewhere in there? have you looked for it with other swaps? It can't have just dissappeared, right? It must be there somewhere? I would be glad to bully the Storage area to see if we can find Christa's fridge. However, I won't have computer access while we are there...(like most people)...which might make it difficult to get things back on track. If I can find Christa's fridge...I can trade AvonLady's fridge for Christa's fridge...but then how to get that back to AvonLady's swap?

Definitely this whole thing is very messed up.

I am an upcoming swapper...Dec 12-20th, and I really, really want to have a fridge. We have planned and purchased accordingly, and it would really mess up our plans to not have one. It may be "un-DIS-like" to want a fridge anyways, but again I feel unfairly punished by someone else's mistake here. (As we probably all do.)

And I am not going to be the one to tell the next swapper..."sorry you can't have this fridge that I was just using...even though you are scheduled to get it from me," that seems just wrong.

However, if we have someone ended up with another swaps fridge, I think we should try and get things straightened up, in both returning this fridge to the other swap, and maybe trying to get the original fridge back. If we can't get the original fridge back, perhaps Georgette it is best to let the swap die out after you use it. Christa had already made arrangements to end it...and maybe that is the best thing to do. Then the other swappers can have their fridge back.

I couldn't tell from all the posts - Has anyone from this swap even TRIED to see if Guest services still has Christa's fridge in storage somewhere in there? have you looked for it with other swaps? It can't have just dissappeared, right? It must be there somewhere? I would be glad to bully the Storage area to see if we can find Christa's fridge. However, I won't have computer access while we are there...(like most people)...which might make it difficult to get things back on track. If I can find Christa's fridge...I can trade AvonLady's fridge for Christa's fridge...but then how to get that back to AvonLady's swap?

Definitely this whole thing is very messed up.


Thank you, SkierPete.

I can see why you'd feel unfairly punished. However, the swappers in my swap paid for the one your swap is using. How is that right? I know you want a fridge, but fridges get lost, as yours has. How is using another swap's fridge the right thing to do? Continuing to swap ours is just wrong. I am truly sorry your swap lost their fridge. My swap had nothing to do with that. I hope yours turns up...I'm sure that there are several fridges just sitting in luggage services waiting to be found. Ours is clearly labeled on the has our name on it - on every side! There's no mistake that it's ours.

It would be simple for us to get it of your swappers simply has to agree to swap it back...Christa & I had set up a meet, but your swapper at the time refused to give it to my swapper.

We don't have a fridge to trade...I wish we did. Please, Skier Pete, my swapper is getting there on the 20th...perhaps you could just hand it off to her? I would be happy to give you her info...

Pictures don't lie...and your current swapper has posted that, yes, she has our fridge as we speak.

I have to say Georgette is being very unreasonable...she is still denying any knowledge of her/Christa's swap having our fridge...she just doens't want to NOT have one on her trip, as she has clearly stated in our private converstations via PM.

Is this the leader you want? Someone who can be so dishonest & selfish? I beg anyone coming into this for NOT join this swap. We should have our fridge back...
I did sign up for a fridge swap for my vacation. I am not being being unreasonable... Like you said, fridges get lost - you had a fridge that was supposed to be swapped with Christa's swapper, it was an even trade, now all of a sudden you have no fridge to swap. What happened to it? Did your swapper give that fridge to LS, who in turn lost it? You could even have been giving us someone elses fridge and it wasn't ours either. We don't know if it was the original fridge from this swap.

In one breathe you are telling me that you don't care if I have a fridge or not now you are telling me that I can have it and swap when I'm done. If I even agreed to that, I would be leaving the so called fridge in LS for your next swapper, where in turn it could go missing.

I was eager and willing to help keep this swap going but I will not be accused of things or be harassed over a free fridge.

Like Pete said, I'm sure there are several fridges in LS right now as I type this - so why is it that your swappers haven't gone to LS and gotten one. They seem to all look the same.
You are exactly right. Fridges do get lost and things happen. Our swap some how acquired your fridge accidently we did not personally steal it. From how you are ranting and raving that is how you are acting. We did try to make a trade your with ours. Our swapper did try to contact your swapper and he did not answer. I am wondering though, how do you exactly know that the fridge that was in your swap's possession actually belong to my swap? You are just assuming it was. What you are doing to poor Ge0rgette is basically harrassing her. Sending her pm after pm in all caps yelling. I have run this swap for almost 2 years and have never seen someone behave so childish as you are. GET A LIFE!!!!! oh yeah, Happy Holidays to you too!!!

Thank you, SkierPete.

I can see why you'd feel unfairly punished. However, the swappers in my swap paid for the one your swap is using. How is that right? I know you want a fridge, but fridges get lost, as yours has. How is using another swap's fridge the right thing to do? Continuing to swap ours is just wrong. I am truly sorry your swap lost their fridge. My swap had nothing to do with that. I hope yours turns up...I'm sure that there are several fridges just sitting in luggage services waiting to be found. Ours is clearly labeled on the has our name on it - on every side! There's no mistake that it's ours.

It would be simple for us to get it of your swappers simply has to agree to swap it back...Christa & I had set up a meet, but your swapper at the time refused to give it to my swapper.

We don't have a fridge to trade...I wish we did. Please, Skier Pete, my swapper is getting there on the 20th...perhaps you could just hand it off to her? I would be happy to give you her info...

Pictures don't lie...and your current swapper has posted that, yes, she has our fridge as we speak.

I have to say Georgette is being very unreasonable...she is still denying any knowledge of her/Christa's swap having our fridge...she just doens't want to NOT have one on her trip, as she has clearly stated in our private converstations via PM.

Is this the leader you want? Someone who can be so dishonest & selfish? I beg anyone coming into this for NOT join this swap. We should have our fridge back...
You are exactly right. Fridges do get lost and things happen. Our swap some how acquired your fridge accidently we did not personally steal it. From how you are ranting and raving that is how you are acting. We did try to make a trade your with ours. Our swapper did try to contact your swapper and he did not answer. I am wondering though, how do you exactly know that the fridge that was in your swap's possession actually belong to my swap? You are just assuming it was. What you are doing to poor Ge0rgette is basically harrassing her. Sending her pm after pm in all caps yelling. I have run this swap for almost 2 years and have never seen someone behave so childish as you are. GET A LIFE!!!!! oh yeah, Happy Holidays to you too!!!

My swapper spent hours of his vacation trying to get a hold of yours....he never made contact. So there goes that theory.

Yes, I am at a ranting raving point...because you have our fridge. It is now stolen because you are refusing to give it back. You've seen Georgettes PM to me? Basically telling me she doesn't care...all she cares about is having a fridge for her vacation?? Wow.

I have a life...and I am trying to save my swap. My swap that has MANY MANY MANY people waiting for our fridge...Your swap has THREE. Then it quit cause you couldn't hack it.

I don't know what happened to your fridge...we had a fridge that was someone elses. The difference was we thought it was ours and the box was lost. Not one person in my swap is willing to use another swaps fridge knowingly. That's the big difference here. You are dishonest and unmagical. Our fridge is NOT have it.

Your fridge could be sitting there...who knows?? Like skierpete said...has ANYONE from your swap tried to find it or are you just content using ours?

And I'm not harrasing...I'm trying to negotiate the hand off of our fridge back to us. You both need to stop being so sensitive and childish...your fridge is lost, your swap is dead. Deal with it & move on...

Why do you care anyway, Christa? You QUIT. Handed off the responsibility. Tell Georgette that you were trying to get our fridge back & give her the ok to do so. She keeps saying she doesn't want to get in the middle...keeps waiting to hear from you...

Why are you both being so unreasonable??

Your swap is ended at the end of the year. You have NO swappers for 2010. All you have to do is not take any on. Am I being unreasonable to ask that if you won't nicely give it back, that at the very least, we pick it up after Georgette has it? No one on your list would be getting screwed...cause there is NO one on the list after that. I'd just be screwing all my December swappers...but at the very least our swappers starting in 2010 would be back in it.

You can't just pretend that the fridge that says Under-Pop-ulated Fridge Swap is & I both know it's not.
I did sign up for a fridge swap for my vacation. I am not being being unreasonable... Like you said, fridges get lost - you had a fridge that was supposed to be swapped with Christa's swapper, it was an even trade, now all of a sudden you have no fridge to swap. What happened to it? Did your swapper give that fridge to LS, who in turn lost it? You could even have been giving us someone elses fridge and it wasn't ours either. We don't know if it was the original fridge from this swap.

In one breathe you are telling me that you don't care if I have a fridge or not now you are telling me that I can have it and swap when I'm done.

As for my changing what I said one breath from the next, that is true...I know you won't give it up and not have it. I know that you don't care that the swappers that actually paid for the fridge you are going to use get screwed...I know that all you care about is the fridge that YOU signed up for. So, if I can't get it from you BEFORE you use it, I'll take it back least we'd be getting it back. All you care about is you...Another accusation...but again, is it untrue?

If I even agreed to that, I would be leaving the so called fridge in LS for your next swapper, where in turn it could go missing.

There is no guarantee that it wouldn't go missing. The difference is it is not missing now. I know exactly where it is.

I was eager and willing to help keep this swap going but I will not be accused of things or be harassed over a free fridge. I am accusing you of knowingly continuing to swap a fridge that isn't this untrue?So don't take it over...give it back after you use it and all is well with the world.

Like Pete said, I'm sure there are several fridges in LS right now as I type this - so why is it that your swappers haven't gone to LS and gotten one. They seem to all look the same. Why haven't they? Why haven't any of your swappers tried to find the right fridge? I don't know...not my fault, nor is it my problem.

Luggage services did lose the fridge that we were supposed to swap back. Not that it mattered...the swap was never made. That fridge we thought was ours had no swap name on identifying marks to let us know who it belonged to. If it did, we would've tried like hell to find its rightful owners, unlike some swappers.

I'm not even scheduled to use our fridge for a long long time...all I care about are the swappers on my list who have been waiting, like you, to use it. I care that you refuse to give something back that isn't yours...and you know it. If you didn't when you took over the swap, you sure as hell do now, so that excuse went out the window.

My swapper spent hours of his vacation trying to get a hold of yours....he never made contact. So there goes that theory.

Yes, I am at a ranting raving point...because you have our fridge. It is now stolen because you are refusing to give it back. You've seen Georgettes PM to me? Basically telling me she doesn't care...all she cares about is having a fridge for her vacation?? Wow.

I have a life...and I am trying to save my swap. My swap that has MANY MANY MANY people waiting for our fridge...Your swap has THREE. Then it quit cause you couldn't hack it.

I don't know what happened to your fridge...we had a fridge that was someone elses. The difference was we thought it was ours and the box was lost. Not one person in my swap is willing to use another swaps fridge knowingly. That's the big difference here. You are dishonest and unmagical. Our fridge is NOT have it.

Your fridge could be sitting there...who knows?? Like skierpete said...has ANYONE from your swap tried to find it or are you just content using ours?

And I'm not harrasing...I'm trying to negotiate the hand off of our fridge back to us. You both need to stop being so sensitive and childish...your fridge is lost, your swap is dead. Deal with it & move on...

Why do you care anyway, Christa? You QUIT. Handed off the responsibility. Tell Georgette that you were trying to get our fridge back & give her the ok to do so. She keeps saying she doesn't want to get in the middle...keeps waiting to hear from you...

Why are you both being so unreasonable??

Your swap is ended at the end of the year. You have NO swappers for 2010. All you have to do is not take any on. Am I being unreasonable to ask that if you won't nicely give it back, that at the very least, we pick it up after Georgette has it? No one on your list would be getting screwed...cause there is NO one on the list after that. I'd just be screwing all my December swappers...but at the very least our swappers starting in 2010 would be back in it.

You can't just pretend that the fridge that says Under-Pop-ulated Fridge Swap is & I both know it's not.
You wanna bring moral values into this avon lady? Really do you? Ok then lets go:

It is ok for you to harrass someone, over a FREE fridge?

It is Ok for you to say our swapper is lying about trying to meet yours? So of course we ASSume that your swapper is the honest one?

It is ok for our swappers to not have a fridge?

Also why not put the blame on luggage services where the blame belongs???

You are name calling and just flat out MEAN. (Ever see the bumper sticker? Mean people suck- well it is true.)

Saying Christa could not hack it?? Actually she is in a position where she no longer needs a fridge as a DVC holder. After two years of running it, she deserves an award, for dealing with the people who are unreasonable and feel they are entitled to everything.

Perhaps we should face reality here. ALL the fridges are being swapped around. NO one is keeping the same fridge. So walk down to luggage and get a fridge. That is how we aquired the one we were given. Really should everyone get their panties in a bunch over a FREE fridge swap? No.. Not at all. There are bigger things in life to worry about. Cancer, our economy, our unemployment rates sky rocketing.

I suggest you take your anger out on something worth fighting for and leave others alone.
Wow! seem to be getting really nasty here. I understand your frustration, but you should be understanding of ours as well.

Does your swap have a fridge in its possession? That's what one of your recent posts make it sound like...or at least that they HAD a fridge. I would certainly be willing to swap your fridge back for a different fridge. Again, I feel uncomfortable telling Georgette I won't give her her fridge. Would it be unreasonable to let Georgette have it, and then turn it back to your swap? That is my suggestion of the best way to go, but even that probably leaves somebody fridgeless....
You wanna bring moral values into this avon lady? Really do you? Ok then lets go:

It is ok for you to harrass someone, over a FREE fridge?
IT WASN'T FREE! I and 15 others paid for this fridge when I started the swap. It is free for all swappers after that.

It is Ok for you to say our swapper is lying about trying to meet yours? So of course we ASSume that your swapper is the honest one?
No one is lying...where is that coming from?

It is ok for our swappers to not have a fridge? That isn't the issue at all. You are using someone that right?

Also why not put the blame on luggage services where the blame belongs???
I can only assign them half the blame. The other half is on the swapper who accepted it from LS even though it wasn't their swaps fridge to accept.

You are name calling and just flat out MEAN. (Ever see the bumper sticker? Mean people suck- well it is true.) Name calling? Where?

Saying Christa could not hack it?? Actually she is in a position where she no longer needs a fridge as a DVC holder. After two years of running it, she deserves an award, for dealing with the people who are unreasonable and feel they are entitled to everything.I have the PM's from her with her real reasons from ending the swap. Her story that she gave you is much nicer. I haven't ever even seen the fridge I paid for. Yet, here I am, 8mths later still leading...for however much longer.

Perhaps we should face reality here. ALL the fridges are being swapped around. NO one is keeping the same fridge.Yet your swap has had my fridge for quite some time... So walk down to luggage and get a fridge. That is how we aquired the one we were given. Is that how? Ignoring the name of another Diser that was on there...Really should everyone get their panties in a bunch over a FREE fridge swap?Again, where do you think it came from? Someone paid for it... No.. Not at all. There are bigger things in life to worry about. Cancer, our economy, our unemployment rates sky rocketing.

I suggest you take your anger out on something worth fighting for and leave others alone.My anger is not unfounded...

:hippie: to you all! I'm glad you are all ok with this.
TY Pete.... starting our a vacation with this type of anxiety isn't at all fun!

Like you - from the posts I've read, etc, that there was a fridge in their possession to be evenly swapped with the one we have. That didn't take place - that's not my fault.

From what I've also read and understood is that luggage services is giving anyone a fridge ... whether it's theirs or not. Most white dorm fridges are the same cost, so why the big deal, if they are properly maintained.

I thought I was doing a nice thing by trying to keep things going - but I'm wiping my hands of it. Especially after I've seen people being attacked that 'they quit cause they can't handle it'.

Also why not put the blame on luggage services where the blame belongs???
I can only assign them half the blame. The other half is on the swapper who accepted it from LS even though it wasn't their swaps fridge to accept.

Okay, well maybe did the other swap accept the wrong one? It could be possible.

In all this I blame luggage services for not giving out the right fridges... Coffee makers and toasters seem to go un-noticed as well.
Wow! seem to be getting really nasty here. I understand your frustration, but you should be understanding of ours as well.

Does your swap have a fridge in its possession? That's what one of your recent posts make it sound like...or at least that they HAD a fridge. I would certainly be willing to swap your fridge back for a different fridge. Again, I feel uncomfortable telling Georgette I won't give her her fridge. Would it be unreasonable to let Georgette have it, and then turn it back to your swap? That is my suggestion of the best way to go, but even that probably leaves somebody fridgeless....

I have suggested that......several times! Georgette doesn't seem to be going for it. I don't know why...I am willing to do that. At this point, if she wants to lead a swap so bad, I'll give her all my swappers for 2010! She can even have my swap essence merge the two swaps starting after her trip. Our name is on the box of the fridge, so she may as well keep it.

I have invested a LOT of time & energy (and money) into this swap since I started it. Unless you've led a swap from the ground up, you can't really understand the emotions behind it. It is not an easy job organizing & keeping a swap going.

I just want my swappers to have their fridge...any way that is possible is fine with me at this point.

Not trying to be mean...I'm very frustrated and upset at the way this is going. Just the fact that you all seem to think it's ok to keep something that doesn't belong to you...
TY Pete.... starting our a vacation with this type of anxiety isn't at all fun!

Like you - from the posts I've read, etc, that there was a fridge in their possession to be evenly swapped with the one we have. That didn't take place - that's not my fault.

From what I've also read and understood is that luggage services is giving anyone a fridge ... whether it's theirs or not. Most white dorm fridges are the same cost, so why the big deal, if they are properly maintained.

I thought I was doing a nice thing by trying to keep things going - but I'm wiping my hands of it. Especially after I've seen people being attacked that 'they quit cause they can't handle it'.

If you're wiping your hands of it, will you then agree to swap the fridge to my swapper after you use it?
In all this I blame luggage services for not giving out the right fridges... Coffee makers and toasters seem to go un-noticed as well.

Well, they are storing your stuff for NOTHING. You get what you pay for.....

This whole debacle is a perfect example of why the DIS washed their hands of these swaps.


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