As God as my witness.I'll never be sick at Disney World again~~~wrapping things up...

Same for me with Portland... What is it with the "great NW"?
I would love to live near Portland...I love it there.

"friend" says "you know shrimp are the cockroaches of the ocean!" :!
yuck! guess what I'll be thinking of next time I try to ea t one!

Yep.....after my 'Ohana review.
that's right..

Tribilín;34587053 said:
Oh I remember that! And also remember someone misspelling "annual" :rotfl:

That was Winkers!

And I said it's a matter of mind over (fecal) matter.
I will never misspell annual again!

mind over fecal matter....:lmao::lmao::lmao:

OMG hilarious photos and so what I would have looked like too :rotfl:
I've decided to stay away from unknown seafood globs.

Yeah! More poop talk and revenge photos!!:lmao:
yep, keeping it classy.

I love your expressions. You have missed your calling. You're destined for the theater.

Can't wait for the next update. Danielle loved this character meal.

thanks, my family agrees that I'm a ham.
Tribilín;34598693 said:
OK, as Pumbaa said it, lets put our behinds in the past :rotfl:


sadly (according to my mom) I could keep the "rear end" jokes up for a long time. :)
:thumbsup2:lmao:Seafood snot glob! That was too funny and just what I needed today! Thank you for a good laugh on a tough day.
Okay I am caught up...

1. Love the updates... You are hilarious...

2. Your MIL still amazes me, makes me appreciate my MIL a little more, she has her quirks, but nothing in the same caliber as your MIL...

3. Sorry about your Dad, I can relate... By the age of 16 I was driving him to and from jail every day for 6 months for work release... At 17 I had to use the money in my savings account to bail him out of jail... And just a year ago he left my young siblings alone at my grandma's house(she was out of town) and Terry had to go rescue them when my step mother called frantic(they live 3 hours away)... I got the pleasure of trying to find him... He got really ugly and nasty and we had to call the police on him... It was a mess... Then he asks is the kids can go spend the weekend with them... :confused: Ugh, not a chance!

4. I think you and MIL need a TV show... I would watch every week... And DVR it for later amusement...
Okay I am caught up...

1. Love the updates... You are hilarious...

2. Your MIL still amazes me, makes me appreciate my MIL a little more, she has her quirks, but nothing in the same caliber as your MIL...

3. Sorry about your Dad, I can relate... By the age of 16 I was driving him to and from jail every day for 6 months for work release... At 17 I had to use the money in my savings account to bail him out of jail... And just a year ago he left my young siblings alone at my grandma's house(she was out of town) and Terry had to go rescue them when my step mother called frantic(they live 3 hours away)... I got the pleasure of trying to find him... He got really ugly and nasty and we had to call the police on him... It was a mess... Then he asks is the kids can go spend the weekend with them... :confused: Ugh, not a chance!

4. I think you and MIL need a TV show... I would watch every week... And DVR it for later amusement...

MIL is one of a kind. She does have a good heart..she just seems to forget to put her brain in gear before opening her mouth. If I thought she said and did the things to be malicious I wouldn't tolerate it. I guess she's blissfully clueless.

I'm sorry to hear about you dad.

My Dad decided to call at 6 a.m. and before Bailie could even say hello after picking up the phone, he started yelling and swearing.
Bailie was really upset after. I guess my dad has reached the point that he can't have a normal conversation .

my own show?: :laughing:
MIL is one of a kind. She does have a good heart..she just seems to forget to put her brain in gear before opening her mouth. If I thought she said and did the things to be malicious I wouldn't tolerate it. I guess she's blissfully clueless.

I'm sorry to hear about you dad.

My Dad decided to call at 6 a.m. and before Bailie could even say hello after picking up the phone, he started yelling and swearing.
Bailie was really upset after. I guess my dad has reached the point that he can't have a normal conversation .

my own show?: :laughing:

:sad2: on the call. I had to stop answering the E's dad's calls for a long long time as I never knew what I'd get. Just frightening. Even more when they'd get recorded and you could go back and listen. Now there just aren't any calls. Which is easier but makes me sad for them.
:sad2: on the call. I had to stop answering the E's dad's calls for a long long time as I never knew what I'd get. Just frightening. Even more when they'd get recorded and you could go back and listen. Now there just aren't any calls. Which is easier but makes me sad for them.
I don't answer his calls but this one was early and Bailie just picked it up. I usually turn the ringer off at night because he's known to call 10 times in a row at 1 a.m.
He makes MIL look like a saint!

Eww!!! I think you were chewing on a mussle. Yuck!!!

my thoughts exactly!
I think that resort is beautiful as well. When we went to Disney's Beach Resort for dinner our last trip- I was in love and thought everything look soo amazing. But while I was admiring.. my DH was complaining.. hehe He said that it was cool but he felt that everyone was to snooty- maybe he felt like a hillbilly in the city- idk. But I didn't understand why. Yeah- there are wealthy people there- its a deluxe resort but I never got that vibe. I said- we are young college students who cares what others think. hehe And I'm sure people aren't looking at us thinking "wow, these people shouldn't be at this disney resort- they are not rich enough". As for our meal- he loved it and said he would eat there again. But then when we went to the Animal Kingdom Lodge- which I KNEW he would love- he was amazed by it and wants to stay there. I said "whats so different about this place" and he said "This is like Africa and the people here are like rustic outdoorsman" :confused3??!! hehe Ohh well. I guess I can see his point. hehe

I'm glad to hear that someone else also lovvesss Biergarten. I love German food- pretty much anything. This last trip in May we ate at Biergarten and while I loved the food- DH like the atmoshphere but wasn't impressed with the food. He said it was ok. Now I have to figure out how I am going to get him to go back. hehe It seems like I hear more dislikes then likes with this place.
I'm glad to hear that someone else also lovvesss Biergarten. I love German food- pretty much anything. This last trip in May we ate at Biergarten and while I loved the food- DH like the atmoshphere but wasn't impressed with the food. He said it was ok. Now I have to figure out how I am going to get him to go back. hehe It seems like I hear more dislikes then likes with this place.

We do love Biergarten! Even my picky eaters enjoy it.

After my experiment with revenge by chewed fish snot, it was time for something a little more palatable.

I was about to get up when the horns blew and Cinderella was announced. She and Prince Charming came out followed by Lady Tremaine and the step sisters.

I was slightly giddy with excitment because I had hear about them being funny , espeacialy with teenage boys. I'm not sure if Evan had noticed but he was the only boy over 11 in the restraunt, except for the men.

My poor innocent child had no idea what he was in for. hehehe

Music started to play and Cindy and Charming started to dance at the far end of the room. I got up from our table minding my own busines on the way to the buffet when what do my wondering eyes behold...Anastasia heading right towards me.

So, I did what any loving Mom would do.......I asked if she needed a dance partner. To say she was excited would be and understatment.

Before Evan had a chance to realize that he was about to be the center of attention, I introduced Anastasia to my own handsome prince Evan. The next thing he knew he was up and dancing...............




I only wish you could see how red his face was. If Santa had needed a substitute for rudolph that night, Evan's face would have been great.

The entire time they danced, Anastasia was preening and talking very loudly about how excited she was to meet him. Right after the song ended she yelled across the room to her mom and sister "Look!! I found me a Prince".

I was snapping pictures like crazy and laughing harder than I think I ever had. Everyone in our part of the restraunt were watching the happy couple. She told him she had to go but she'd be back later.

Evan sat down and just glared at me from across the table. His face was a bright red for about 3 hours after. I managed to stop laughing long enough to refill my plate.

Soon we had a few people interested to meet the prince Anastasia had found herself.



Lady Tremaine made honored us with her visit....
She said that Evan "would do".




Poor Evan was being teased non stop by us, Hunter and Ethan were really having fun being the teasers instead of the tease-ee

When I asked about his wedding date this is the look I got...

Drizella (I had to look up how to spell that) was slightly jealous and wanted to know if one of the other boys would be a good husband.. Soon Ethan and Hunter were turning red.






I was a little underwhelmed with the perfomance of Drizella...the cm just didn't quite get into her character. Maybe I felt that way because Anastasia was so good. The cm portraying her was spot on.

Just when Evan thought he could relax....Anastasia was there to claim her prince....earlier she had yelled from across the room to Drizella that she couldn't have him.


this is my favorite picture from the trip...



Meeting her soon to be sister..



she didn't want the other boys to feel left out..




She said farewell to her newfound love and Evan relaxed for the first time.

We finished up our meal, wanting to be done with it, Evan moved faster than I'd ever seen. We laughed for so long and hard about that meal. It was one of those disney magic moments we'll never forget. Evan may wish we could forget, but Anastasia is brought up frequently.

I was realy proud of Evan and the way he handled the entire ordeal. Alot of people would be mad and upset, but even tho he wanted the floor to open and swallow him, he was such a good sport. He is one great young man.

I was so impressed with the cm playing Anastasia, that I sent an email giving my thanks for a great family memory.
This was by far our favorite meal of the trip. Just thinking about it now makes me laugh and feel all warm inside at the same time.

up next....look out, she's gonna blow......

What a great story, and a great family memory for you! Yes, it sounds like Evan handled it quite well. Everyone has to take their turn being the butt of the joke in our family -- it's better to just play along.

Lady Tremaine made honored us with her visit....
She said that Evan "would do".

That's a great line.

I like the saying on D.Jay's shirt.
I have been lurking a long time on your TR and really enjoying it despite the fact I haven't said much. I just had to say, your story made me :rotfl2:

Thanks for a great laugh this afternoon!!
Absolutely hilarious Cherie, and I agree it definitely looks like Evan was a good sport :thumbsup2

I love D-Jay's shirt :)


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