As God as my witness.I'll never be sick at Disney World again~~~wrapping things up...

I think Lady Tremaine and MIL look pretty good next to each other! It's like they are meant to be friends! hehe:lmao::lmao:
:laughing: I'd take MIL over Lady Tremaine any day!

Makes me want to take Connor there in a few years. ;)
yes, you should!

I know, it's the little things that all add up !

so glad you guys had such a good time at 1900!!!! erica and i ate there in september 2008 and we had a blast. both the stepsisters were HILARIOUS but anastasia had us completely cracking up because she kept singing from across the room and yelling, "CINDERELLA!!!!!!!!" she was great! and i agree...evan is such a gentleman for handling the situation so well. i know he was mortified but he handled it so well.

She did alot of that while we were there too! I watched the video of it today and I forgot a few parts. As soon as d.jay gets it uploaded I'll post it.

As soon as dinner was over Evan ran out of restraunt while the rest of us walked. Actually, I was limping because my foot was killing me and for some reason both of them were swelling. I have no idea why, but my bunion was screaming for relief.

We took a taxi from the Grand Floridian back to POFQ. We discovered on this trip that it was worth the $12 to pay a taxi to get back at night. We did it several times and this last time it was worth every penny.

But before we left we had to take some pictures....I'm sure we looked just like the Clampett's.


the closest I'll ever be to posing for a calandar





Later the kids went to the pool while I packed. It's always like putting 10 clowns in a VW, getting all the souvieners home.

We were all in bed by 10 that night. I think we were all just exhausted. After a week with your family, you need a brake. We were all on eachother's last nerve.

We were up by 7 to get everything together and checked out so we could go to Epcot for a few hours. My feet were getting to ginormous stage and I had blisters all along the sides of both feet. They HURT.

By the time I was ready to go with 6 bulging bags....we had to wait for MIL. She didnt' finish untill almost an hour after me. I guess it takes awhile to put everything in the MBOC.

We made it to Epcot and headed for TT....I spotted a peep wearing these....


My feet hurt just looking at those. I can not imagine walking around all day in those.

We went on a few rides and stopped by mousegears to use our 26 snack points...where MIL had to make sure she had her fare share. We had planned to let the kids split them, but it took D.Jay telling her that they were for the kids to get her to understand.

We ate in Mexico...while Hunter was eating he nearly pooped his pants when a seagul landed next to him. It was so funny!


I just wish I had gotten his first reaction on film.

We did a little walking around WS.

All too soon it was time to head back to POFQ . We boarded the magical depress , through security and to the gate. As we were waiting to board I realized that MIL had 4 bags as carry on....I don't know what she was thinking . She wouldnt' listen when we told her she need to compact it a little, so when she went to board and was told by an attendant too she had a little fit. We were all embarassed for her and us. She really was acting like a toddler who needed a nap....but that's how she handles most things.

On the plane D.jay, Hunter, Ethan and I were in the back and Bailie, Evan and MIl were near the front. It was such a nice peacfull flight. But, by this time my feet were so swollen they looked like elephant feet.

When we got off the plane to catch our connection I could tell my the looks on Evan and Bailie's faces that something was wrong.

At some point durring the 4 hour flight MIL had another hissy fit and was chewing Bailie out for not wanting to swith seats or something and a slap was involved. Evan said it was so embarassing because everyone around them was staring. She also said something about being sorry she went on the trip with us.

My blood was at boiling point and about to spill over. I just practiced my lamaze breathing a little more . We boarded a little plane for our final flight. It took them about 20 extra minutes because they had to balance it with the bags!!! I prefer to fly in a plane that is big enough to not be off balance from 2, yes 2 pieces of luggage.

That was the bumpiest flight ever! I love dropping on rides, but a plane...not so much. I swear, if a bird farted in the sky....we felt it.

We had told the kids we would stop and get food before we drove's almost 2 hours from the airport. Evan had told MIL this and she told him she didn't want to have to stop for food. The arrangement before was 2 kids and some luggage was in her car and the rest in ours.

She acted put out when she had to go get her own car from the parking and then wanted d.jay to carry all her crap with him, when they went to get the cars.

The kids and I waited by the curb with all the luggage..durring this time i got an earfull about all of MIL's antics that day. I've always know that she treats the kids differently when I'm not there..I've seen it a few times when she thought I wasn't home.

Anyway, what happened next wasn't pretty and if I could go back to undo it I would. I'm realy not proud of my actions but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I HATE contention and arguing, so I avoid it most of the time. I can take quite a bit, but sometimes I have to say something and then my brain can't get my mouth to shut up.

D.jay and MIL pulled up with the cars. I calmly walked to mil's car put her luggage in the back seat and told her that since stopping at McDonald's was a problem for her, we'd take all the kids with us.

She told me that she didn't mind stopping...but I was too far gone. I told her we'd take all our luggage to so we wouldn't impose on her anylonger. I think I said something about being sorry we tried to show her a good time.
It just got ugly.

poor d.jay. He was as frustrated as I, but I knew he wouldn't say anything to her, he's even worse than me about bottleing things up.

At some point on the drive he talked to her on the phone and she acted like the innocent victim and couldn't figure out why I was upset. She said she had even tried realy hard to not say things during the trip about us bugging her.

It was around 3 a.m. when we got home. I was so upset with myself for having blown up and sad that our trip ended that way. Later that day, after we'd all rested and spent time apart, we talked and I apologized. She continued to act oblivious to anything she might have done to irritate me.

up next...some ramblings and final thoughts...

Oh man, I'm sorry that your trip ended on a sour note. But a person can only take so much, and when it comes to the kids being mistreated you've gotta draw the line. I'm glad to hear that apologies were made, and that even though MIL still feels "the victim", it sounds like the rest of the family sees it your way.

I think that most people would have "lost it" long before this point in the trip! You did a good job maintaining your composure.

i love the sucked-in posh spice cheeks! :rotfl:

I spotted a peep wearing these....


My feet hurt just looking at those. I can not imagine walking around all day in those.

not only is it just STUPID to wear these to a theme park, but what was she thinking when she picked out those shoes with those tights? black heels with brown argyle (sp?) tights????? BUY A MIRROR!!! :laughing:

all i see in this picture is that evil bird who is getting ready to peck a hole in hunter's head!!!! :scared1: i guess it's the bird "lover" in me.

At some point durring the 4 hour flight MIL had another hissy fit and was chewing Bailie out for not wanting to swith seats or something and a slap was involved.

She also said something about being sorry she went on the trip with us.

She said she had even tried realy hard to not say things during the trip about us bugging her.

:eek::eek::eek: these three things just absolutely SHOCKED me!!!!! i just can't imagine her nerve. and just so you know, i would have said much worse things. i think you held your composure WAY better than i would have.

so sad it's over, but i know you guys are returning soon! :goodvibes
First off I am glad that bird didn't take Ethan's food. Remember what happened to me in Paris?? LOL!

If my MIL ever slapped one of my kids I would put the smack down on her. OMG! You are a Saint for not slapping her back. Maybe one day you will look back on the time you went to Disney World with your MIL and laugh about it. I wonder if she will expect to go with yall next time.

I think you trip turned out pretty good. I have a oldies CD that has a song called Mother In Law on it . It is so funny. It says Satan must be her name. To me they about the same. Sent from down below Mother in law. LOL. My cousin had her DJ play it at her wedding reception for her new husband and her mom to dance too. It was too funny. In my wedding picture of Faron and I in our you may kiss the bride moment you can see a dark figure of my MIL in the background and her eyes are glowing orange. I am not kidding. I guess there was a glare on her glasses but it is too funny.
Oh man, I'm sorry that your trip ended on a sour note. But a person can only take so much, and when it comes to the kids being mistreated you've gotta draw the line. I'm glad to hear that apologies were made, and that even though MIL still feels "the victim", it sounds like the rest of the family sees it your way.

I think that most people would have "lost it" long before this point in the trip! You did a good job maintaining your composure.
I just wish I had been able to say what needed to be said without being mean. I don't want my kids to think it's ok to talk to their grandma, or anything like that. Actually, I think I shocked the kids because they've never seen that before from me.

i love the sucked-in posh spice cheeks! :rotfl:
I obviously have no shame...I can't believe I posted that let alone did it in public. :laughing:

not only is it just STUPID to wear these to a theme park, but what was she thinking when she picked out those shoes with those tights? black heels with brown argyle (sp?) tights????? BUY A MIRROR!!! :laughing:

I've noticed that alot of the peeps..from peepland...wear some interesting things

all i see in this picture is that evil bird who is getting ready to peck a hole in hunter's head!!!! :scared1: i guess it's the bird "lover" in me.
I knew you'd love the bird!:rotfl:

. It was too funny. In my wedding picture of Faron and I in our you may kiss the bride moment you can see a dark figure of my MIL in the background and her eyes are glowing orange. I am not kidding. I guess there was a glare on her glasses but it is too funny.
that's too funny!:rotfl2: maybe it was a warning sign..;)
I guess I should clarify, it wasn't a slap on the face, but on the arm.
still not good but if it had been the face.....I might be writing this from prison.

Oh, Cherie, I hate that the trip ended the way it did. :hug: I would have blown up, too, though.

I got over it pretty fast...but I'm sure my kids will one day say..."remember the trip where mom blew up and yelled at grandma?"
I got over it pretty fast...but I'm sure my kids will one day say..."remember the trip where mom blew up and yelled at grandma?"

Without a doubt. I still remember the Christmas of 1983 when my mom finally had enough of my dad's family and told them all off at the dinner table. :laughing:
Oh Wow!!! Sorry all of you guys had to deal with all the MIL stuff. I agree with everyone else, I think you held your composure much better than I would have. Especially with a slap being involved. I may have just had to slap her back. :mad:

On a different note....I was somehow 2 updates behind!! I LOVED those pictures of Evan and Anastasia!!! :rotfl2: He looked so embarrassed but seemed to be such a good sport about it. That was a great update!
On a different note....I was somehow 2 updates behind!! I LOVED those pictures of Evan and Anastasia!!! :rotfl2: He looked so embarrassed but seemed to be such a good sport about it. That was a great update!

I should have the video posted tomorrow....
Oh Cherie, I am so sorry your trip had to end on that note. Someday you and your kids will laugh about it but I know that's not what you wanted them to see. On the flip side though, as important as respect for others is, so is seeing your mom stand up for you.

You SO deserve your upcoming adult only trip!

WOW! Sorry it was an ugly affair in the end! Really, though, she should have expected someone to say something in return- that is if she were in her right mind. But sadly, she is not. So glad you made up- Cynthia's right.... both are important, seeing their mom protect them AND seeing her make apologies when necessary. You're bigger than me! When my MIL accused my son of "inappropriate behavior with my daughter" (which never in 4 million years ever happened!) I didn't say anything, and will forever wish I did. You did good Mama!! :thumbsup2
I think we can take, and take, and take until it comes down to our kids and then that Momma-don't-play mode comes out and WHAM! It's on! When you try to teach your kids not to allow themselves to be victims, you can't really validate the treatment from someone because they are "family". Enough is enough. I can see that you might have said it a little nicer when the anger was gone but it doesn't seem like she got it even when said Harshly...!
Oh Cherie, I am so sorry your trip had to end on that note. Someday you and your kids will laugh about it but I know that's not what you wanted them to see. On the flip side though, as important as respect for others is, so is seeing your mom stand up for you.

You SO deserve your upcoming adult only trip!
my kids are already laughing about it...they tease me whenever theres opprotunity.

You have self control! Your MIL woulda gotten the WWE Smackdown from me!
:laughing: I'd love to see your WWE costume!


WOW! Sorry it was an ugly affair in the end! Really, though, she should have expected someone to say something in return- that is if she were in her right mind. But sadly, she is not. So glad you made up- Cynthia's right.... both are important, seeing their mom protect them AND seeing her make apologies when necessary. You're bigger than me! When my MIL accused my son of "inappropriate behavior with my daughter" (which never in 4 million years ever happened!) I didn't say anything, and will forever wish I did. You did good Mama!! :thumbsup2
y;ikes!! I'm afraid my MIL would be missing a few body parts if she said that to me!

I can see that you might have said it a little nicer when the anger was gone but it doesn't seem like she got it even when said Harshly...!

yea, she lives in what d.jay and I call "katieland"'s a very happy place where she is ms.perfect..:rolleyes:

I've told d.jay many times to please tell me if I'm acting that way.
the closest I'll ever be to posing for a calandar

Perfect! Oh man look at those curves... you don't see a beauty like this every day... oh and the chick is not bad either. :rotfl:

She continued to act oblivious to anything she might have done to irritate me.
So sorry to hear about the sour ending. That' so typical party pooper behavior (I know it first hand, it's like a tradition in my family), but coming from a family member you have to shrug it an let it go (it's OK to snap too :lmao:).


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