If you Rode Forbidden Journey...POST HERE! :) (Spoilers)

The thing I find highly amusing here is the way that people will happily go to Florida that has real live alligators that can eat you, snakes that can eat you or poison you, real spiders that can kill you and yet when they get there they wont go on a ride with pretend spiders in it :)

Yes that is true, but I don't invite them into the hotel for a visit :cool1:

I hate spiders, I'm from Florida, but that won't make me not ride this in 3 weeks!
Just finished my article on Forbidden Journey, complete with lots of photos. Click here to read it. I will be adding more articles about other aspects of the preview over the next week (we get to spend one more morning there so I'll kick into high gear after that).
I wish someone who has ridden it could elaborate on how big is too big to get on this ride? Are we talking 300-350+ pound folks can't fit, or big, husky guys around 250 would not fit? A picture of the test seat would be great if anyone has that.
Just finished my article on Forbidden Journey, complete with lots of photos. Click here to read it. I will be adding more articles about other aspects of the preview over the next week (we get to spend one more morning there so I'll kick into high gear after that).

Thanks for the link. Very nice review! I'm so glad you and your elbows got to ride! I hope you manage to make it on again tomorrow!

I noticed your comment about the greenhouse...how big is that area? When I saw some of the first pictures I was wondering about the greenhouse...who wants to stand in a greenhouse in Florida heat? Do they cool it at all?
So I would like to clear up, because apparently I wasn't clear enough in my honest description about the park. I NEVER once said it wasn't impressive or great. I just said for me personally, and I did say everyone gets somthing different from the books, that the things that stood out to me in the series, like certain characters and music, wasn't there. AGAIN, I said that it was all personal and I wasn't trying to be picky or degrade the hard work that was put in to the park. I am entitled to my opinion just as everyone else on this public discussion board is. I agree with the TM's and other universal workers being extrememly pleasant and excited. Almost everyone had a smile on thier faces and looked to just be happy to be in, AS I WAS as well. I wasn't overly upset the first day about NOT riding FJ, I was just excited to be there. I guess being the big fan I am, I enjoy all the quirkiness of the characters and believe they make the stories great. I knew there would be some that would reply to my honesty in a negative way even though I clearly stated that it was my own personal opinion and I was ASKED to give my honest account. The things I love about disney is detail and uniqueness. I am not saying they didn't to that here, just saying that MY personal favorite details aren't there. Im not knocking it. I also clearly stated that I was disapointed that FJ was a "viturual ride" like spiderman and simpsons, because I am a coaster fan, HOWEVER I said that I was pleasantly surprised but it amazed me, and was much better than I expected. The wonder of the series is that there is so much everyone can have a favorite character, part, book etc and still feel a connection with the main characters and story line. That is what makes it sucessful, and has all of us hangin on to every word. I would expect the parks to be no different. :)
I noticed your comment about the greenhouse...how big is that area? When I saw some of the first pictures I was wondering about the greenhouse...who wants to stand in a greenhouse in Florida heat? Do they cool it at all?
I saw fans in the greenhouse a few weeks ago so at least there is something.

Here you go, I am the one in the purple tank, i've got a double chin in the pic and my legs look like I lift weights each day! So don't look at me but it gives a good pic of the ride vehicle and my size for those who are wondering.
I was thinking we heard HP music the whole time. Maybe it was just in the FJ queue.
Thanks for the link. Very nice review! I'm so glad you and your elbows got to ride! I hope you manage to make it on again tomorrow!

I noticed your comment about the greenhouse...how big is that area? When I saw some of the first pictures I was wondering about the greenhouse...who wants to stand in a greenhouse in Florida heat? Do they cool it at all?

Thankfully it's not a real enclosed greenhouse and they have lots of fans.








Ok so here are some pics of me (in the purple tank) and the line that was going out into hogsmead, and the castle. I have many more but don't want to overkill the thread. Any Q's just ask. :wizard:
I was thinking we heard HP music the whole time. Maybe it was just in the FJ queue.

You know the music im talking about...the one at the beginning and end of the movies...the bom badom bom Babom....HA, I dont know if you can get that...I can't really put it into words....ahah, I am actually laughing at myself trying to describe it in words...funny...as I was writing this I switched the channel to ABC family and the Order of the Pheonix was just starting...perfect timing...the whole house is sleeping and it's in HD. Must be a sign. LOL. :laughing:

Anyways back to the music, maybe I was too excited and looking for details to hear it. Like I said I was very overwhelmed trying to take it all in. I knew I was limited for time.
rjvose, I thought your review was awesome and I really appreciated you letting us know your favorite parts and the areas you thought were lacking. Actually, I have been glued to your posts for the last 24 hours! You gave a rational, real report and have taken a lot of personal time to do it.
But, I am getting super tired of other posters deciding before they go to be negative and find all the wrong instead of the right in what has been posted here. We all know people like that though, thank goodness I won't be sharing my vacation with any of them! :hippie:
Just finished my article on Forbidden Journey, complete with lots of photos. Click here to read it. I will be adding more articles about other aspects of the preview over the next week (we get to spend one more morning there so I'll kick into high gear after that).

Great review!!! I am happy to see you got on and enjoyed it as I did. I think our reviews are quite similar as it is bound to be different for each person. I hope you get to enjoy it more. I certainly wanted to ride again! Oh and nice frame...I bought the same one!! I am glad to hear that you packed light and skipped the lockers, it's really a time saver. Enjoy your day again tomorrow, im back in cold Maine with no humidity just lots of bugs :sad1:
Awesome pic! Can't wait to have mine on my wall of ride pictures between Jurassic Park and Dinosaur! XD
We only rode FJ once but none of us (4) remember seeing snakes anywhere on the ride. Maybe that part wasn't working when we rode? My son said he saw what looked like bones of snakes in the Chamber of Secrets, but no actual snakes and no basilisk, which, to me, was surprising. But since it is brand new, there might be parts that don't always work. When we rode Mummy during he soft opening, quite a bit of it was not working. We were thrilled to get on it at all.
rjvose, I thought your review was awesome and I really appreciated you letting us know your favorite parts and the areas you thought were lacking. Actually, I have been glued to your posts for the last 24 hours! You gave a rational, real report and have taken a lot of personal time to do it.
But, I am getting super tired of other posters deciding before they go to be negative and find all the wrong instead of the right in what has been posted here. We all know people like that though, thank goodness I won't be sharing my vacation with any of them! :hippie:

Thank you so much for your postitivity, it's nice to see people being open minded and having a rational idea of how things work...I am normally not a "poster" so this is out of my norm for me and the attention and comments can be hard to take. I thought that people would just really appreciate the honesty. There are always a few in the group and I find it easy to be negative myself, but try really hard to control those thoughts on the disboards.

I hope that you enjoy your trip and don't let mine OR anyone elses reviews, disapointments, or problems sway your own opinion of the WWOHP. Thanks again :cloud9:
We leave Tuesday and plan to be in the parks by 2pm. Our turn at Harry Potter will be Wed-Fri previews. I am so glad to have some tips to go on when I am there. I now know to get there early and do FJ first, shop after. I will be there with 3 teenage potter freaks and they will beeline for the que. Thanks for your help!:)


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