*Jeni and Carl's PJ and TR-SBP/CG/Wishes Cruise 8/17/09-UPDATE 8/09 - Discovery Cove*

Oh wow what an awesome shoot. Some great shots and you guys look so cute :goodvibes You can only get a shoot done in MK if you having a wedding through DFTW right?

Love the shots of Amelia playing in the queue, she looks like she is having the time of her life :)

Thank you - Amelia had a great time and she keeps asking if she is going back this year!

I think you are right about getting the MK shoot but I have a feeling I heard from some other brides (who are planning at the moment) that you can only do the other 3 parks now, not MK - they said you could only get MK photos now if you do the bridal shoot. That could be wrong though!
I love your MK photos, that is a great idea to get 'wedding' pictures in semi wedding attire. I never thought of that, for me it was thinking of either full wedding attire or no shoot. That was actually one of the reasons we didn't do any park shoots, I didn't want to get up that early the morning of the wedding, and I didn't see much sense in doing it after and getting my hair and makeup done again.

We have talked about maybe an anniversary shoot, but still not sure. :goodvibes

Thanks for the great idea!
I love your MK photos, that is a great idea to get 'wedding' pictures in semi wedding attire. I never thought of that, for me it was thinking of either full wedding attire or no shoot. That was actually one of the reasons we didn't do any park shoots, I didn't want to get up that early the morning of the wedding, and I didn't see much sense in doing it after and getting my hair and makeup done again.

We have talked about maybe an anniversary shoot, but still not sure. :goodvibes

Thanks for the great idea!

Thanks :goodvibes We also thought it stopped all the photos from looking the same!

We're possibly going to do a shoot with Randy Chapman around a couple of the resorts for our Christmas trip - we thought the decorations would make a lovely backdrop :cloud9:
Thanks :goodvibes We also thought it stopped all the photos from looking the same!

We're possibly going to do a shoot with Randy Chapman around a couple of the resorts for our Christmas trip - we thought the decorations would make a lovely backdrop :cloud9:

Christmas is such a beautiful time to be at Disney, I love visiting the resort to check out there decorations. I know you will get some awesome shots! Good luck!
Whoops, I've been a bit slack on getting the trippie finished again! As 3 weeks today we'll be back in the parks I think I need to get it done :rotfl:

So, after we had finished the photos with Regina we continued with our plan for the morning, which was to meet the fairies. The time was 9.45 and we were surprised to find that Toontown was already open, and the queue was already 45 minutes. But, as this was our plan, we joined the queue. In the end we waited for 35 minutes but it was probably the least pleasant queue we stood in as there was a really obnoxious girl who seemed to have the entire family's holiday organised around her. She got annoyed everytime a "big" person stood in front of her and she couldn't get a view of the TV screen - apparently we had no right to be there, lol. In the end we began talking to the mum and daughter in front of us, who were lovely - the two little girls couldn't have been more different!






After the meet with the fairies we crossed the park to Liberty Square and used some of our honeymoon registry funds to buy a print with the definition of both of our names. While there we also looked up our family coats of arms, which we might get on our anniversary trip. By this time Carl was feeling quite hot in his jeans and shirt, so we decided to head off. We did happen to see the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It party, though, and he let me stop to get a couple of pictures with the promise we could watch it properly another day!




Love the fairy pics, must catch them this year. Wonder where they will be?

How horrible to have to deal with that person, not what you want whilst waiting in line, but at least the parents were nice :)
Love the fairy pics, must catch them this year. Wonder where they will be?

How horrible to have to deal with that person, not what you want whilst waiting in line, but at least the parents were nice :)

I've read the answer to the Fairies question but I can't remember what it was! I've now got to try and find Princess Tiana as Amelia has decided she is her new favourite :goodvibes I've heard she has been doing meet and greets again recently, so I'm hopeful!

Anyway, on with the trippie....

We spent the afternoon back at POFQ, checking emails and uploading photos. We called Dining on the off-chance and managed to get an ADR at House of Blues for 5.30. So, just after 4pm we got the boat to DTD with mum and dad.



We walked over to West Side and browsed the Cirque du Soleil shop, picking up some souvenirs.



By the time we were done it was 5.15 and we got seated straight away in House of Blues. The meal was fantastic.





After the meal, Carl was totally full!




Plus we had a doggy bag to take home. We decided that, as we still had quite a bit of time to kill, we would go back to World of Disney for some shopping.







Having bought quite a few things, when we were done in the store it was pouring with rain! We sheltered for a little while before deciding it wasn’t going to ease off anytime soon. At that point we put our ponchos on, covered all the electrics on mum’s cart and headed back over to West Side at 8.10. In the end my feet were slipping around in my sandals, so I took them off in order to be able to run!

We arrived at the Cirque arena just before 8.30 and went into the auditorium. The first seats we were directed to turned out to be in the wrong section, but when we moved to our correct seats (about 2 minutes before the start!) they were even better. The show went so quickly – I wasn’t sure how much I would like it but it was something that Carl really wanted to see. As it turns out, I loved it! I would definitely go and see another Cirque performance on the basis of this one. We came out of the theatre at about 10.40 and were feeling pretty tired so we got the bus back from Pleasure Island.
As today was am EMH at Hollywood Studios we got up at 6.30, aiming to leave at 7.30. We decided to take the car and ended up parking by 7.50. On arrival we went straight to the end of the street for rope drop but we seemed to be waiting some time – in the end rope drop finally happened at 8.10 but we never found out what the delay was! We walked with the crowds to Rock n Roller Coaster, and virtually walked on the ride. This time it was my favourite Aerosmith son – Dude Looks Like a Lady.

At 8.40 we met up with mum and dad, who had come on the bus. Carl and dad went to get Fast Passes for TSM, while mum and I went to the entrance to see if the scouts were out for the American Idol Experience. We found that they were there, so I walked up to audition. I had to stand in front of the big background screen and sing. I chose Torn by Natalie Imbruglia. The CM said he loved my belt, talked to me a little bit and said he was putting me straight through to the next round. I had to hang around a little bit then, until a couple of us who had been put through all walked together with some CMs to the audition facility. When we got there, other people were lining up to do their first audition, so I was glad I had got mine over with out on the street as it was much quicker. We were taken to the Coca Cola lounge where we were given Ipods with the song arrangements on. Before the trip I had looked at the list of songs and had some idea what I wanted to do, but a couple of the arrangements were unfamiliar, so it was a bit stressful choosing songs!

After about 10 minutes I got called through to audition for Producer Kendall. My two songs were Breakaway and Colours of the Wind. I had to stand on the X and sing into the camera, while the producer watched me live, and on the TV screen. I sang all the way through Breakaway, then less than half of Colours of the Wind. At that point Ryan Seacrest came on the video screen and said, “I can’t tell you you’re going to Hollywood, but I can tell you you’re going to be performing live at Hollywood Studios’ American Idol Experience!” By this point I was very excited, and I am sorry to say I screamed little bit (no British decorum for me!) and Carl got a bit embarrassed (they let him come in to my audition with me). The producer then gave me all the details, like when I had to come back, and what would happen. He said he was going to ask me to sing Colours of he Wind for the live show as I have more of a musical theatre voice (which I knew) and that I would be in the 12pm show. As a bonus I was given 4 Fast Passes good for any ride – well, we already knew we would use them on TSM! Finally I was asked who my favourite American Idol was, and I said Kelly Clarkson – the original.

When we came out of the audition facility we didn’t know where mum and dad were, so we wandered a little aimlessly trying to find them. Finally I got a text message which said they were at Muppetvision so we went over to meet them. From there we used our special FPs to ride TSM – I still wasn’t very good at it, lol. By this time it was 10.30, and I needed to be back at AIE for 11am. I went in the bathrooms and got changed. It might sound like I’m really vain, but I took a dress and nice pair of shoes just in case I got on the shoe – it made me feel more confident than if I’d kept my shorts and T-shirt!



I arrived first out of the contestants on my show, but when all 3 of us were there we were taken in. I was competing against a 17 year old girl, and a mum in her late 30s. First stop was the green room, where the procedures were explained to us. We each got ten minutes with hair and make-up, ten minutes with the vocal coach, and ten minutes to chill and listen to the track on an Ipod again – the difference this time is that the Ipods were not chained down :D The vocal coach was really helpful, and also gave me tips on movement and working the camera. After all this, we had 30 minutes of rehearsal which consisted of walking through positions for the show, and singing our song once on the stage. We also got some more movement tips. It was really interesting to see how things work on TV, because it really is a proper TV show environment. Finally, we all had to have a tracker attached to us, which was for the follow spots, so they would always know where we were and would track our movements.

By the end of this rehearsal time they had let our families in for priority seating, and Carl, mum and dad waved to me.



For the actual performance I got to sing first, which I was glad about as it meant less time to worry! As I was first, I got a “special message” from Kelly Clarkson to wish me luck. In the end I was really pleased with how I sang.







One judge told me I was hot and probably made the audience think again about teachers! She also liked my “theme park heels.” I got told that my voice was more musical theatre than pop (which it is!), and although I had reduced my level of vibrato there was still a bit too much. The ‘mean’ judge told me I reminded him of when he saw Pocahontas at the cinema, because he fell asleep then as well! To be honest, I got the least harsh comment of the three of us, so I didn’t mind. There were a whole lot of British people down near the front who were really rooting for me, but I didn’t win. The older lady and I had predicted that the 17 year old would win, and she did, but I didn’t mind as I had a great experience. I was just pleased that anyone thought I was good enough to go up and do it in the first place.

After the show I went outside to meet my family, and some kids who had seen the show asked for my autograph, which was quite exciting! Some other people said they had voted for me, so I thanked them, and smiled, but I think I also went bright red. I got more comments like this throughout the rest of the day, and the English family from the front row saw me later (Carl told me I had to stay in my dress so I was recognisable!) and shouted out “You were robbed!”

After the show, Carl and I went to our ADR at 50s Prime Time Cafe. We had told guest services earlier that we would be a little late due to the AIE show I had been scheduled in, and they had said that wasn’t a problem – they had been really excited for me, lol. When we got there we were seated in 5 minutes, which ended up being 25 minutes after our scheduled time.


Our server was Laurie, and she was great fun. Within seconds of introducing herself she announced to the whole place that we were newlyweds, which got a round of applause. She also had to tell Carl to keep his elbows of the table! For an appetiser we shared onion rings, which were huge and very tasty.


As entrees I had chicken pot pie, which I’d been looking forward to and it didn’t disappoint.


Carl had Southern fried chicken with mash and greens.


To drink I had a smoothie and Carl had a PB&J milkshake, on Laurie’s recommendation – this promptly became our favourite drink ever, and I don’t normally like peanut butter!

After the meal we went over to meet mum and dad again, who were coming out of Lights, Motors, Action, which they had really enjoyed. We didn’t watch this as we’ve seen it at DLRP and we know all the tricks and secrets! We had been looking at the pet ID tags for a while, and it was at this point that we got engraved Mickeys for our cats, Terk and J.D.
Next up we used our original FPs for TSM – finally I broke the 100,000 barrier! By this point mum and Carl had got super competitive and Carl actually ended up with a blister on his hand from working the string so hard. This was followed by all of us riding the backlot tour – as mum had her electric wheelchair we had to sit in the front compartment, which meant we got to chat to one of the CMs for quite a bit of the tour. At the end of the tour we stopped for a drink at the Studio Catering Co. We’d heard a lot of bad things about the food here, so we did limit ourselves to only a drink! We also looked around the store that is there, where Carl tried on this fetching Stitch hat!


After this we said goodbye to mum and dad, who got the bus back to POFQ. Carl and I walked across to Voyage of the Little Mermaid, and then finished our day with the 5.45 performance of Beauty and the Beast. As my favourite Disney film, this is a must-do for me every trip. Towards the end of the performance it started to rain, and we found ourselves very glad that we had brought the car and didn’t have to wait for the bus. We were back in our room by about 6.40 and had an early night, drinking a couple of beers and watching TV :goodvibes

Yay, updates! :) Loved your MK photos, they are so cute!

Love the fairy pics, must catch them this year. Wonder where they will be?

I've read the answer to the Fairies question but I can't remember what it was! I've now got to try and find Princess Tiana as Amelia has decided she is her new favourite :goodvibes I've heard she has been doing meet and greets again recently, so I'm hopeful!

To answer these questions, the fairies are in Mickey's Toontown Fair in the tent with the princesses. Also, Tiana and Naveen are found under their green gazebo in Liberty Square. :thumbsup2 At least that is where they were on Monday!
Yay, updates! :) Loved your MK photos, they are so cute!

To answer these questions, the fairies are in Mickey's Toontown Fair in the tent with the princesses. Also, Tiana and Naveen are found under their green gazebo in Liberty Square. :thumbsup2 At least that is where they were on Monday!

Thanks Sarah, that is really useful to know :thumbsup2
Today we had our first real lie-in of the trip, and we didn’t get up until 8.30. By 9.30 we were in the car and on the way to the Florida Mall, arriving just after 10am. We browsed for a bit, and went in some of our favourite stores. I bought Skechers trainers in the sale at JC Penney, some clothes for my bears from Build a Bear, a nice autumn top for work, and a few other bits and pieces. Carl bought a couple of bits, including a polo shirt for playing golf. We enjoyed taking these photos in the M&M store, as well as buying some!






On the way back we headed to Michaels, as we had already been to JoAnns. I got some more scrapbooking items, including a gorgeous album for my wedding layouts. I only wished I could get some of the storage items home – the prices are so much more reasonable than they are in the UK, as we have to have everything imported.

On the way back we drove down International Drive and then came off onto the 192 so Carl could pick up the game he had reserved earlier in the trip, the one that was for Robin’s best man present. We couldn’t decide where to get lunch so we just popped into McDonalds, knowing we had an ADR in the evening. When we arrived back at POFQ we found that the photos from the Magic Kingdom shoot had arrived – even better, there was also a disc of all the photos which we didn’t know we were getting – we had been told we would only get two prints, chosen by the photographer! SO we loaded up the laptop to look at the photos and we were really pleased. We also found this fetching towel ‘couple’:


After this we lounged by the pool for an hour and a half, reading and swimming, and Carl also popped into the arcade for a bit. Then it was time to get ready for our ADR. This was at 6.15 so we left at 5.30 as I was driving across. Last time we had visited Wilderness Lodge we had gotten the boat from Magic Kingdom, so it was interesting to drive in!

We arrived at 5.50 and spent a little time browsing the gift shop before we checked in. We also saw a Photopass Photographer and got some photos. For some reason I look a bit pregnant!







We were seated in Artist Point just after 6pm, and the restaurant was still fairly empty. Our server recommended the Portobello mushroom soup for appetiser, so we shared this and it was delicious. Our main courses were pretty good too, but overall we weren’t as impressed with Artist Point as we had been with some other signature dining that we have experienced. If anything our server became a bit too clingy, and repeatedly appeared at our table!







At 7.45 we finished our meal and drove over to the Boardwalk. We took a couple of photos around the resort, and looked at it in more detail than we had been able to on the wedding day!




Then we headed to Jellyrolls. As it was still early, we were only the third group in there. We sat near the front, but not right at the front. As it got busier, it got more and more lively – we would have stayed much longer if we didn’t have an early Keys to the Kingdom Tour the next day. As it was we stayed until 10.30, by which time we had had our request for a Green Day song played – they chose Good Riddance (Time of Your Lives) which was great. When we emerged onto the Boardwalk again it was raining, and I managed to slip over. Luckily I only hurt my ankle a little, but my ego was definitely bruised!
Great update, how fun was the AI experience :)

I love those M&M flip flops, awesome!

That drink in Artist Pointe looks delish, what was it?

To answer these questions, the fairies are in Mickey's Toontown Fair in the tent with the princesses. Also, Tiana and Naveen are found under their green gazebo in Liberty Square. :thumbsup2 At least that is where they were on Monday!

Do you know where they will be once Toontown has gone?
I can't wait to hear about KTTK tour!!!! I want ot do that so badly, but with the kids, I dont want to miss them in the parks....so one day, when I do a solo trip....hahahahhaha!
Mmm, that food is making me super hungry! So many M&M's... I think it is now time for dinner! :rotfl:

And you looked really cute for you Idol day! Love the dress! :goodvibes

Do you know where they will be once Toontown has gone?

Now this I do not know. I would imagine they would be in Fantasyland somewhere if they were to remain in the Magic Kingdom.
Great update, how fun was the AI experience :)

I love those M&M flip flops, awesome!

That drink in Artist Pointe looks delish, what was it?

I can't remember exactly but it was a virgin strawberry cocktail of some description, I think - it was yummy!
I can't wait to hear about KTTK tour!!!! I want ot do that so badly, but with the kids, I dont want to miss them in the parks....so one day, when I do a solo trip....hahahahhaha!

Will post it in a bit - have it all lined up and ready to post but am at my mum's at the moment!
I'm back again!

Day 17 Part 1 - Keys to the Kingdom

This was another early morning for us as we were booked on the first Keys to the Kingdom Tour of the day. We got up at 6.30 and were at the bus stop by 7.30, where a bus arrived almost straight away. By 7.45 we were in the queue for entry with those who had breakfast ADRs, and were sent through to City Hall. After taking some great photos we registered for our tour at 8am. We were given a name badge and told to help ourselves to coffee and water, which was very welcome!















We also found a Photopass Photographer:




Having wandered around a little and looked at the newly appeared Halloween decorations we then met back in the garden next to City Hall at 8.25. Here we met Jerred, our guide, and were given our headsets so we could listen to his conversation. The tour was fascinating, with lots of new bits of trivia. We got to ride the Haunted Mansion, and were given specific things to watch out for, and when we were backstage we saw Goofy’s Candy Co float rehearsing ready for the Not So Scary Halloween Party parade! We had lunch at Columbia Harbour House, and I had chosen the salad which was enormous and very tasty. We also got enormous soft drinks!

At the end of the tour we received a surprise (I won’t mention it here in case anyone else is planning to do the tour) and were told that there would always be a seat for us at the Magic Kingdom – we were stood by Roy’s bench at this point, and I will always remember that when I see it from now on. By now it was 1pm and we had plans to go and eat around the World, so we headed off on the monorail to EPCOT.
Day 17 - Part 2 - Eating Around the World

We had planned to meet up with mum and dad, but when we arrived we beat them and decided to look for our Leave a Legacy tile, which we eventually found after getting confused at first.



At this point there was still no sign of the parents so we got in the queue for Spaceship Earth. Posted wait time was 10 minutes, but we actually waited about 5. After we came off the ride I had a text message to say mum and dad were now riding SSE!


At this point we decided to go and pick up FPs for Test Track. As the time was for 7.15-8.15 we decided to save them for the EMH.

By this time we met up with mum and dad, and mum was annoyed we didn’t wait for dad to get FPs (?!). Sometime my mum gets in a bad mood for no reason, and today was one of those times! We stayed with them, though, and went to the Gran Fiesta Tour. Last time we had ridden this it was El Rio Del Tiempo, so it was interesting to see the changes. The ride was a walk-on, which was nice. Our first food item then had to be churros – one of our favourites. By this point mum was making it evident that she was annoyed with me, although I still wasn’t sure why, so Carl and I went off on our own to queue for Maelstrom. Posted wait time was 10 minutes and we ended up waiting slightly longer than that. After the ride we got our second food item – school bread. This had been recommended by lots of people and we found it was delicious. We were glad we shared it, though, as it was quite large.


The next country was China and we were trying to decide whether we should have tea or beer when we spotted Mulan. The CM told us she would be back out at 4pm so we spent some time browsing the pavilion and joined the queue at 3.55. We then met Mulan at 4.05pm. Before leaving China we finally bought a Tsing Tao beer!








When we got to Germany we didn’t want to get Bcks, having just had beer in China, and we also didn’t want food so we decided to come back later. We moved onto Italy where we found a PhotoPass photographer who was really funny and insisted on taking photos of us in loads of different places! The funniest one for us was with Dominic the Donkey, as our favourite DJ plays the Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey song every year.





As we were in Italy we obviously had to get gelato, so we shared some cookies and cream flavour.




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