From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 2

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Congratulations to those of you that have the dinner plans of choice for the night before. We're planning on playing it by ear- some thoughts would be either Earls at DTD depending on when we get there and the weather or the Food Court at POFQ again depending on weather and the time we actually arrive- since United has changed our flights in already. (at least I managed to talk my way back onto a direct flight from Chicago to Orlando instead of an extra stop in DC)

We are making absolutely no dinner plans for our stay before the trip. In fact, we're staying at Residence Inns where the plan is to basically prepare our own food.

I know it sounds hard to believe, but last time we did the PC cruise we found that after 15 nights of cruise dining we were ready for plain home food. So we're keeping it simple before the trip so that we can really enjoy the cruise dining.

(Oh, and it saves a few bucks as well :rolleyes1 )
Good morning! Glad to wake up in my own bed as I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed that as were were preparing for our first night's dinner, we couldn't find DD. Finally found her and I realized that I had forgotten to pack any clothes for me. I told DH that we must call my dad, tell him what I want from my closet, and have him send pronto to Aruba. In the meantime, DH calls my dad, and they are just chatting about nothing for at least half an hour while I'm trying to stress to him that this call is costing us a fortune. Then, I look our our dining tickets and we are to be in Animators at 5:25 for the show night and it was now 5:28. Not only was I not going to be dressed appropriately, I was going to be late. Then, I woke up, so relieved. It was such a real dream.

I once had this terrible dream where we were heading out to a Mediterranean cruise and landed the night before the cruise in Barcelona but our luggage was nowhere to be found. The whole next day we kept calling and hoping it would show up or be delivered to the ship - meanwhile scrambling to buy something to wear and figuring out how to translate U.S. sizes into European sizes.
Then on the ship somehow putting together a wardrobe out of stuff bought in Spain and at the gift shops.

Oh wait - that wasn't a dream... :rolleyes1
Just an update. Jeff worked on getting our cruise thread "logo" up on Cafe Press. After a few days we heard back from them saying they wouldn't do it because of copyright laws (we expected that - Cafe Press is a bunch of noobs). So he's going to Zazzle now. Why not use Zazzle first? Cafe Press's stuff is usually of better quality and their prices are a *touch* better. But in the end, as long as people can get their shirts, bags, whatever, who cares. He will put the image on whatever he can so people can buy whatever they want.
He also "cleaned up" the image. The one we're using right now looks fine on the computer, but on a t-shirt every.little.speck will show up. I don't know if he's going to host the cleaned up image on the website for anyone else to use. If anyone wants another image on Zazzle for a different shirt or whatnot, IM him. I will tell you now it will be DAYS before he gets back to you. I haven't seen him for more than an hour in a week and that trend will continue for the next two. Little League season has him umpiring every day until the State finals (last step before regionals and then the World Series). So if you have PM'd him, he got it, but ya know the drill. He'll get to it soon.
A good tip is to mix the family's clothing between cases, and then if one case is lost/delayed at least you all have some clothes. Imagine losing a bag containing all of your clothes.:scared1:

YES! If you are flying in a day before or sooner yes. Add to that - always carry with you anything you can't live without. And carry with you at least one change of clothes. :worship:
Thats a horrible dream, Im always having dreams being late for flights.
Ive only ever been late for 2 flights in my life and both times I was travelling with the same idiot for want for a better word!

The best missed connection I ever had was on one of the Australian Airlines between Alice Springs and Brisbane vis Sydney. We'd been delayed on departure and were wondering if we'd make the connection.

A very cheerful stewardess came up to us. "Hi! Are you going to Brisbane tonight?"
"Yes, that's the plan" we replied
"No you're not" she said - her smile didn't even waver.

They took great care of us - had the hotel all arranged and flight rebooked for the morning.
Just an update. Jeff worked on getting our cruise thread "logo" up on Cafe Press. After a few days we heard back from them saying they wouldn't do it because of copyright laws (we expected that - Cafe Press is a bunch of noobs). So he's going to Zazzle now. Why not use Zazzle first? Cafe Press's stuff is usually of better quality and their prices are a *touch* better. But in the end, as long as people can get their shirts, bags, whatever, who cares. He will put the image on whatever he can so people can buy whatever they want.
He also "cleaned up" the image. The one we're using right now looks fine on the computer, but on a t-shirt every.little.speck will show up. I don't know if he's going to host the cleaned up image on the website for anyone else to use. If anyone wants another image on Zazzle for a different shirt or whatnot, IM him. I will tell you now it will be DAYS before he gets back to you. I haven't seen him for more than an hour in a week and that trend will continue for the next two. Little League season has him umpiring every day until the State finals (last step before regionals and then the World Series). So if you have PM'd him, he got it, but ya know the drill. He'll get to it soon.

It would be great if he could put a link to the high quality logo on the web site for those of us who prefer to make our own shirts (iron-on). :cool2:
As far as packing, let's see we leave for FL on 1/4/11 so I will probably start paking on 1/3/11. I don't do lists. I just count.

We're like Alan in packing the day before and usually finish around midnight. We each pack our own things so if something is forgotten you only have yourself to blame. It works for us.
One thing is for sure, and please I don't mean this in a negative way agenst anyone, This would be way more entertaining than the show in Animators. I am in the minority but show night in Animators does zero for me. Way over hyped in my opinion. As far as packing, let's see we leave for FL on 1/4/11 so I will probably start paking on 1/3/11. I don't do lists. I just count. DW is a very early packer, I think she started before we even had a reservation. My late packing drives her crazy.

It was cool the first time I saw it. By the fifth I wasn't paying attention. I also kind of feel sorry for the servers having to parade around in all these shows. But that is a cruise thing.
I once had this terrible dream where we were heading out to a Mediterranean cruise and landed the night before the cruise in Barcelona but our luggage was nowhere to be found. The whole next day we kept calling and hoping it would show up or be delivered to the ship - meanwhile scrambling to buy something to wear and figuring out how to translate U.S. sizes into European sizes.
Then on the ship somehow putting together a wardrobe out of stuff bought in Spain and at the gift shops.

Oh wait - that wasn't a dream... :rolleyes1

That would be terrible! Poor you :goodvibes
I once had this terrible dream where we were heading out to a Mediterranean cruise and landed the night before the cruise in Barcelona but our luggage was nowhere to be found. The whole next day we kept calling and hoping it would show up or be delivered to the ship - meanwhile scrambling to buy something to wear and figuring out how to translate U.S. sizes into European sizes.
Then on the ship somehow putting together a wardrobe out of stuff bought in Spain and at the gift shops.

Oh wait - that wasn't a dream... :rolleyes1

Were you with us on the '07 cruise? That was during the big scare at either Heathrow or Charles De Guell (I can't remember which) when planes were being diverted everywhere and about 8-10 people on our cruise were without luggage--What a horrific experience that must have been! We felt so bad for everyone!!
Sorry for the lack of replies - time on the net has been limited this week - between work and days out for school holidays...

A big ol' "thanks" to Jen Katt and Nicole for the "heads-up" on DL dining. not sure what we'll do yet, but it'll be a while until I can book anything anyway, so I'll mull it over for a bit.

And thanks too, Bookwood, for explaining the US schooling system. The differences between Australian states can be confusing, too, with different starting ages, different names for years, and different times spent in primary / high school.

Onto the topic of suitcases / packing - thankfully, we've never had one go missing *touch wood*. With packing, I'm one of those OCD-types, with lists everywhere. Mind you, when you're packing for 6 people, I'm not sure anyone would cope without a list. I start preparing clothes about a week out, and pack about 2 days out. Works for us.

Jenkatt - please thank Jeff for all that he's doing on top of his already busy schedule :) I can't wait to see what we can order from zazzle (although I'm already guilty of having ordered from the Disney Store.... :rolleyes1 )

I guess that's all for now - busy weekend ahead, as DD1 turns 13, and we're having our first ever sleepover party ! Help me survive !!! :rotfl:

Have a great one.

Sally :)
Were you with us on the '07 cruise? That was during the big scare at either Heathrow or Charles De Guell (I can't remember which) when planes were being diverted everywhere and about 8-10 people on our cruise were without luggage--What a horrific experience that must have been! We felt so bad for everyone!!

I don't know if it was the same one. By the time we sailed (sometime in July I think), DCL had it down to a science - every cruise had passengers without luggage. I gather on the early cruises DCL was caught by surprise and didn't really know how to handle it. By my cruise they would take a copy of the lost baggage info, and they just took care of everything - following up with the airline, notifying them of ports and schedules, and sending people to the airport to pick up luggage.

I have a picture of us arriving back from our wandering in Naples to find our luggage with an officer on the dock getting ready to load it onto the ship.

I hear that this summer they're even better organized - they have scheduled excursions the morning of departure to clothing stores so that passengers can do some shopping before being transferred to the ship.

As challenging an experience as it was, I can't say enough about how fantastic all of the DCL people were. Knowing they were looking for our luggage allowed us to relax and enjoy our vacation. :cool2:
We're like Alan in packing the day before and usually finish around midnight. We each pack our own things so if something is forgotten you only have yourself to blame. It works for us.

Well what I really ment is I will start packing about 2 hours before we leave for our flight.
Hi Everybody!
I've had a busy few days trying to book DVC stays for friends renting our points. The good news is, most of the cruise is now paid for! :banana: I'm looking at listing some stuff on Ebay, I've been a buyer before but never a seller. I just but my brain to working after my very long post here and came up with some solutions. I am not cancelling this "bucket-list" cruise!

Thanks to whomever made the suggestion to wait until right before PIF day to finish paying in case DCL reduces the price. I booked with Dreams, will they keep an eye out and get the discount for me?

Carmen, we're staying at BLT beginning January 2. I think we'll go to Kona for breakfast before the cruise bus. I've always wanted Tonga toast. We should try to get together the next time you're up this way visiting your sister.

I don't think we'll be planning any table service meals, as we'll be eating so much on the cruise.

Night All!
Hi Everybody!
I've had a busy few days trying to book DVC stays for friends renting our points. The good news is, most of the cruise is now paid for! :banana: I'm looking at listing some stuff on Ebay, I've been a buyer before but never a seller. I just but my brain to working after my very long post here and came up with some solutions. I am not cancelling this "bucket-list" cruise!

Carmen, we're staying at BLT beginning January 2. I think we'll go to Kona for breakfast before the cruise bus. I've always wanted Tonga toast. We should try to get together the next time you're up this way visiting your sister.

I don't think we'll be planning any table service meals, as we'll be eating so much on the cruise.

Night All!
I'm going to be eating Tonga Toast at Captain Cooks. From what I read, it is the same except it's not served with a meat and cheaper since is CS vs TS. Plus, no worries about having to be there at any certain time. Get up early because we're too excited to sleep and we can go ahead and head over there. Enjoying sleeping, we can snooze a bit longer and just get there when we get there. No ADR to worry about.

I'm with you about not planning any TS meals. We're planning Earl for lunch on the 5th, Captain Cooks for dinner on the 5th and again for breakfast on the 6th.

Don't know when I'll be back up visiting my sis but I will let you know. I graduated from UTA when I lived in Fort Worth so I've been to Arlington a few times :goodvibes. Been awhile though, sure it's grown, everything (or just about) in the Metroplex has!
We are making absolutely no dinner plans for our stay before the trip. In fact, we're staying at Residence Inns where the plan is to basically prepare our own food.

I know it sounds hard to believe, but last time we did the PC cruise we found that after 15 nights of cruise dining we were ready for plain home food. So we're keeping it simple before the trip so that we can really enjoy the cruise dining.

(Oh, and it saves a few bucks as well :rolleyes1 )
Sounds like a plan.
Just an update. Jeff worked on getting our cruise thread "logo" up on Cafe Press. After a few days we heard back from them saying they wouldn't do it because of copyright laws (we expected that - Cafe Press is a bunch of noobs). So he's going to Zazzle now. Why not use Zazzle first? Cafe Press's stuff is usually of better quality and their prices are a *touch* better. But in the end, as long as people can get their shirts, bags, whatever, who cares. He will put the image on whatever he can so people can buy whatever they want.
He also "cleaned up" the image. The one we're using right now looks fine on the computer, but on a t-shirt every.little.speck will show up. I don't know if he's going to host the cleaned up image on the website for anyone else to use. If anyone wants another image on Zazzle for a different shirt or whatnot, IM him. I will tell you now it will be DAYS before he gets back to you. I haven't seen him for more than an hour in a week and that trend will continue for the next two. Little League season has him umpiring every day until the State finals (last step before regionals and then the World Series). So if you have PM'd him, he got it, but ya know the drill. He'll get to it soon.
I think we are using zazzle for ta cruise.

The best missed connection I ever had was on one of the Australian Airlines between Alice Springs and Brisbane vis Sydney. We'd been delayed on departure and were wondering if we'd make the connection.

A very cheerful stewardess came up to us. "Hi! Are you going to Brisbane tonight?"
"Yes, that's the plan" we replied
"No you're not" she said - her smile didn't even waver.

They took great care of us - had the hotel all arranged and flight rebooked for the morning.

Service with a smile.:goodvibes
At least it was not too much a prob, we missed flights with easy jet and they werent smiling.:mad: but it was our own fault.
I once had this terrible dream where we were heading out to a Mediterranean cruise and landed the night before the cruise in Barcelona but our luggage was nowhere to be found. The whole next day we kept calling and hoping it would show up or be delivered to the ship - meanwhile scrambling to buy something to wear and figuring out how to translate U.S. sizes into European sizes.
Then on the ship somehow putting together a wardrobe out of stuff bought in Spain and at the gift shops.

Oh wait - that wasn't a dream... :rolleyes1

Oh, nightmare!!! How did you manage?
GOOD MORNING Happy Cruisers!

We're almost to the magic number of 250 pages again! I'll go put up a new thread to pick up when this one is finished.
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