"The Best Things in my Life came from Disney" - ABD Backstage Magic, Summer 2010 TR

Have to ask before I read...is this safe for someone who is going next year that has never been on the Podcast ABD? Don't want to read if it's going to spoil anything! ;)

We read some trip reports before our first trip in 2008. We could not believe that our tour could possibly be as good, but it was. When we signed up for the 2010 trip we wondered if it would still be magical. I can definitely say that it was! We did some things this time that we didn't do before. The people with us were different, and we developed special relationships with them, too. I still treasure my memories of our first trip because very wonderful things happened.

So do I recommend skipping the reports? It's hard to say because on one hand, it helped us decide to take a chance on ABD in 2008. However, if you are already on board, you know this is the trip you want to take, and the element of surprise is important to you, then you may want to skip the reports!
We read some trip reports before our first trip in 2008. We could not believe that our tour could possibly be as good, but it was. When we signed up for the 2010 trip we wondered if it would still be magical. I can definitely say that it was! We did some things this time that we didn't do before. The people with us were different, and we developed special relationships with them, too. I still treasure my memories of our first trip because very wonderful things happened.

So do I recommend skipping the reports? It's hard to say because on one hand, it helped us decide to take a chance on ABD in 2008. However, if you are already on board, you know this is the trip you want to take, and the element of surprise is important to you, then you may want to skip the reports!

Ah, you said that MUCH better than I did! I really HAD to do the trip once I found out a lot more about it from the podcast and the trip reports. Otherwise I would probably have kept promising myself to do the trip "someday" and never would have pulled the trigger on it. That said, if you really, really don't want any spoilers and surprises really mean a lot, you probably ought to skip the reports. Of course, there is one thing about these trips - they change somewhat on every trip, so our trip several weeks ago won't be the same as the trip starting next July. There will still be surprises that keep the trip fresh even for people who've been before. :wizard:
Great TR. I loved the tour when I took it, and Michael was one of my guides, too! He's absolutely fantastic (and still owes me a churro, actually...).
Great TR. I loved the tour when I took it, and Michael was one of my guides, too! He's absolutely fantastic (and still owes me a churro, actually...).

Oh! I wish I'd known this - I would have collected it for you! :)

I have the final installment to go - the farewell dinner and evening activities, but I find I'm procrastinating since I don't want the trip to end.....again! As long as my trip report is unfinished, then my trip is still happening, right?

It doesn't work that way? Darn.....

OK, well I'll have a farewell dinner/evening, next day/departure and then some final thoughts coming up. Soon. I promise.

Thanks everyone for reading!!
After our nap it was time to meet back up with the group for our farewell dinner :( So sad! Yet also so exciting! :goodvibes

We met at the door at the end of Hollywood Boulevard we’d been told to meet at. All 21 of us were there right on time. Most of us were a teensy bit more dressed up than usual (I had on my Club 33 polo shirt). We waited. And we waited. OK, we maybe waited 10 minutes, but during that time I said, dumbly perhaps, that the door we’d been told to meet at looked like a façade. And then I got a different angle on it and realized it WAS a façade! OK, so where are we going to eat dinner?!?!

A few minutes later Michael and Dean fairly danced out of nowhere to meet us and led us to a warehouse around the corner from the façade…It’s not someplace you’d ever notice as a typical guest, as it’s behind some barriers and really tucked out of the way, but they had transformed this warehousy-room into a private dinner for us!!


There were 4-5 round tables sent up with place settings and movie themed centerpieces.


A buffet was one side, just about to be filled with food. A TV showing the ABD Logo was at the “front” of the room.

I can’t remember much about our meal – but it was tasty and good! Beer or wine was included, as well as tiny desserts.


The big surprise: Joe Yakovetic, a long time Disney animator, was on hand to draw our favorite character! :banana: He announced he could not do any Winnie-the-Pooh, Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland and maybe some other characters, probably due to licensing issues (he never specifically said why not), but most everything else was fair game.

My favorite character?? :confused3

I love Disney. I love the characters. But I don’t really have a “favorite”. I mean, Mickey is classic….but he can also be a bit overdone. Wayne asked me my favorite Pixar movie, which is “Up” by a mile, but I can’t say I need or want a drawing of any of the characters. Oh, I hemmed. I hawed. I asked almost everyone else in the room who they were getting. I googled Disney characters on my iPhone to help inspire me. I thought about getting one of my friends’ favorite characters (I have dear friends who love Sorcerer Mickey and Donald Duck), but decided I really wanted this to be for me (Selfish? Maybe).

And then I decided. :idea:

I chose Lady, from “Lady and the Tramp”. Not so much because that is a favorite movie or character, but because she looks a lot like my dog Ruby, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Here is Joe drawing Lady:






And here is Ruby:


While Joe was drawing all our characters Michael and Dean were talking to the group, and then Pete was talking to us. We watched a movie that Michael and Dean had put together from the photos they had taken during the adventure, and it was absolutely wonderful seeing our trip played back for us. It was a bit surreal – the early part of the trip seemed so far away, and yet the trip itself had gone by in an instant. I attribute that to the relationship building that took place during the week.

Michael asked if anyone would like to stand up and talk about what this trip had meant for them to go ahead and speak. Jeff, who was sitting at my table, stood up first. He said so many things I would have said. How he has been listening to the DIS Unplugged Podcast for 4 years and feels like he knows Pete and Walter (who were on the trip), that he loves them, that he and his wife had no second thoughts about signing up when the trip was announced. I can’t even remember everything he said, but I was in tears when he was finished. I was “next” to speak and just said “I couldn’t say it any better than Jeff did” and waved them off.

And then every single other person in the room spoke!

Boy, did I feel small. And lame.

So this is something like what I would have said:

I’ve been an avid DIS Unplugged listener for 4-5 years now. The entire podcast team feels like friends to me, even though I’ve been a little intimidated to approach them at the events I’ve attended before now (Podcast Cruise 1.0 and DISapalooza). I mourned with them when Bob passed, although I never was fortunate enough to meet him.

I wanted to attend the April trip when it was announced last May, but couldn’t figure out how to swing it, logistically and financially. So it tells you how committed I was when I somehow found a way to swing this trip, with less than 2 months notice!

Pete and Walter – you’re my friends now. I will never hesitate to approach you again. The intimate nature of this tour is perfectly suited for me. I have made so many new friends and have had so many fantastic adventures with you all. I got to experience things as a Disney fan I never dreamed I would get to do.

Michael and Dean – you epitomize everything we all love about Disney. I think I speak for us all when I say I adore you.

Thank you all for sharing this fantastic adventure with me.​

Or something like that.

Stacy, Jeff’s wife, went last, because she had been getting her character drawn when the rest of the group was talking. She said many lovely things, and then got all choked up saying “The best things in my life came from Disney” as she leaned in to hug Jeff, who she met when they were both working at The Disney Store! (Paul and Lisa met on the Monorail during a Mousefest weekend!) As you can see, that’s where the title of this trip report came from. Now you know……the rest of the story. Paul Harvey – good day! (sorry, got a little carried away there)

We each got an envelope with a handful of photos taken during the trip (a full CD of them is supposedly on its way – many folks have received theirs but not me yet!). Also, Dean was “pinned” as a now experienced ABD Tour Guide – we were his very first ABD Tour!

After dinner Mickey and Minnie came in for a private photo session!



After dinner we were set out on our own again. Many of us headed straight for Tower of Terror which we elected to wait for, despite the line. It wasn’t too bad, as I recall, but I actually do NOT recall!

At 8:55 pm we snuck into a spot on the bridge with our World of Color Fast Passes and watched it again. It was just as good, maybe even a tad better, the second time.

I was exhausted, but it was my last night in the parks – there are still so many things to be done!

According to my notes we only did two rides after this – we did the Matterhorn (finally!) and then the Nemo sub ride. I had last ridden this when it was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which I thought was cheesy even as a 10 year old. But I thought this was fairly well done. The wait was very long though, even though the line was not – just the nature of the ride itself, I think. We all decided to call it a night after this – it would be good to go to bed on the same day we got up.

In the morning we all met at the Storyteller’s Café right in the Grand Californian for a buffet breakfast and to say goodbye. People had return flights at all different times (and days), so we said goodbye to many folks for the last time….at least for awhile.

Many of us who were staying decided to hit Rope Drop to ride Toy Story Midway Mania, which had so far eluded us (no fast pass for this either????). We entered the park and then had to wait at the second rope leading to Paradise Pier. We were right at the front, but had a good 20 minutes to wait.

When they dropped the rope we ran…or at least I did! I first grabbed a FP for California Screamin’ (which I never used – it’s in the scrapbook now) and then got in line for Toy Story. We rode quickly – the ride is a little different here than WDW – some different games, although please don’t press me for details as I can’t remember!



Wayne and I then rode California Screamin’ via the single rider line – we had to take elevators up and down to get there, but it was faster than waiting in line (he didn’t have a FP). Then he, Nichole and I wanted to do some shopping before noon to use some 20% coupons we had from our food purchases earlier in the week. At Off the Page at DCA I bought a print done by Joe Yakovetic, our artist from last night (and already want another).


And we each spent a small fortune at World of Disney, the Emporium, Disney Vault and Marceline’s. Oh, and the gift shop at the Grand Californian, where we each had gone in to buy one item with the GC logo on it, and I came out much, much poorer. I would also need a trip to the Business Center to ship some things.

These are Mickey apples from Marceline’s in DTD – I didn’t buy any but thought they were adorable!


Wayne, Nichole and I had lunch at Tortilla Jo’s in DTD – I have to say my shrimp enchilada with plenty of guacamole was delicious! :love:

Then it was rest time, and I had to pack, as my ride to the airport was coming at 6:25 pm. :(

I went outside about 5 minutes early. I sat on the benches where buses, taxis and town cars were dropping off and picking up people. I waited. I waited some more. And some more. I was afraid to check the time as I was afraid of stressing out even more than I was.

Finally a car started to pull up – I saw the “Adventures by Disney” placard on the dash, so I knew it was my ride. I tried to make eye contact. The driver backed up. He tucked himself in, to wait, apparently. I walked over on the sidewalk. He didn’t see me. I came all the way around the car and had to knock on his window to get his attention.

“I think you’re here for me,” I said.

“Have you been here the whole time?” he asked.

I told him I’d been out since about 6:20. He said he’d come by earlier but no one was there, and he’d gone inside to ask where to find me. All of which I find incredibly difficult to believe. Oh well.

I zoned out on the way to the airport. I was tired, and a little sad that the trip was ending. And my airport experiences were not great – very, very slow moving line at Jet Blue, surly TSA agent, horrible food (I know, I know). I also did not sleep a single wink on my red eye flight – had a 2 hour layover at JFK starting at 5:30 in the morning where they BLAST the rock music. And I left behind my Joe Yakovetic print in the waiting area, which I didn’t realized till my plane landed at home. Happy ending – I have it hanging on my wall now.

So that’s my trip! I have some final thoughts coming up.
Wow - I am SO unqualified to write a trip report! You captured everything, especially the emotion of the final evening so beautifully. I really love how you got numerous pictures of your drawing of Lady as he progressed!! :cool1:

It's so sad that it's over...I wish we were back there now, starting it all over again, making new friends and seeing incredible things and completely bowled over by all the magic!!
Great report, Kristen!! It has been so much fun reliving the trip through your report. I hope you get the DVD soon. It was fun (and a little sad) to see the pictures that Michael and Dean took throughout the week. I wish we were starting the trip all over again.
Wow! Thank you so much for writing all of this for us to enjoy! It's hard to remember all the details when talking to someone, much less write them all down. It's also so emotional to relive these moments, and you did it all beautifully! :wizard:

This really is a testament to how special this experience is, how choked up and excited we get reading this report and looking at the pictures. We're both really glad to have the chance to communicate with you all here. It's sad that this trip is done, but just think of the Disney opportunities for us all in the future: cruises, meets and more ABD! This can't be good-bye, it's "till we meet again!!":love:


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