Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.9

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I too tell everyone I do not want any bad news. I have said no dying is allowed while we are vacation.

Now I am almost finished my experimental FE. Note to self crazy glue duck tape and sleep deprivation does not go well together :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:lmao::lmao:

Well it is truly a no sew FE:lmao::lmao::lmao: But I am sure I left some of my DNA on it:rotfl::rotfl:

Noel what a wonderful thing you did for your sister. That definitely takes a very special person. :hug:

Princess Di died while we had our honeymoon. We could not figure out why everyone in the UK pavilion was so somber till we turned on CNN.
That was a very courageous and selfless thing to do for your sister; to put her happiness before everything, in spite of peer pressure I'm sure from others who were telling you to call her. As my British friends would say, your a star. :thumbsup2:love::cloud9:princess:

I know my kids will have that fortitude, but I can't trust my siblings, so I will not take my phone out of airplane mode, except to send photo texts. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Thank you again for the kind words. I have a pretty forceful personality so I pretty much got my way in that instance. My parents agreed and my other siblings were much younger at the time.

My children and GK's know how much I love them so my being there or not being there would not be an issue as they would know I would be there in spirit.
Noel what a wonderful thing you did for your sister. That definitely takes a very special person. :hug:

Princess Di died while we had our honeymoon. We could not figure out why everyone in the UK pavilion was so somber till we turned on CNN.

Thank you for your very kind words. I too remember the time where Princess Di was killed. What a very sad ending to her life. I hope it did not mar your honeymoon.
So I have a choice for Saturday.
I can go to work and finish my August financials, :surfweb:

or I can iron on my transfers,
put labels on my fish extender gifts,
put aside my 3 work outfits and mentionables,
make out a list of everything I'm going to pack in my 2 large bags,
go to the DMV and get my picture taken for my driver's license that expires next week,
mail off all of my birthday cards for my September birthdays (a bunch!),
setup my bills to be paid for the rest of the month,
reschedule my stone massage,
make a spreadsheet of all of my activities I have scheduled. (This is beginning to look a lot like Mousefest, it is so activity intense. :)
assign an outfit for each activity,
find my golden ears,
find my jewelry,
make up my scrapbook pages for the door and figure out how I'm going to attach the pens,
buy another battery for my camera,
take my friend with stage 4 breast cancer, spine and brain cancer for a Rita's ice.

I'm really glad I put this into words cause this is a no-brainer!:thumbsup2
I too tell everyone I do not want any bad news. I have said no dying is allowed while we are vacation.

Now I am almost finished my experimental FE. Note to self crazy glue duck tape and sleep deprivation does not go well together :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:lmao::lmao:

Well it is truly a no sew FE:lmao::lmao::lmao: But I am sure I left some of my DNA on it:rotfl::rotfl:

Noel what a wonderful thing you did for your sister. That definitely takes a very special person. :hug:

Princess Di died while we had our honeymoon. We could not figure out why everyone in the UK pavilion was so somber till we turned on CNN.

OMG Ruth, you have me laughing so hard I'm crying. Thank you for that!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Can't believe that this time next week we will all be eagerly anticipating boarding the Magic the next day. We also booked this 2 years out, in fact we were onboard the Magic the day everything opened up! It seemed like an eternity 2 years ago until this day. Many of us will have met by this time next week at the Hard Rock. Looking forward to meeting everyone for the first time next week, and meeting Melanie at lunch tomorrow and talking about our exciting plans! For those of you starting your trips in the next few travels and I'll see you in Barcelona!

A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.
A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.

Ahhh yes the smell of rural living. That and when a farmer cleans out the barn!!!!!
Sorry I had to end so abruptly yesterday but my laptop was almost out of charge and flashing warnings. I want to thank Noel for picking up the rest of the job of putting together the St. Martins trip as <i had to fly off to Chicago to help with DD´s wedding. It went off beautifully, everyone had a good time, and we returned to LA to pack to leave for BCN the following day. So thank you Noel for all the finishing details.

The problem with the wifi at the Pratik is probably due to the router. We are on the 4th floor and the computer is on the first floor. They have a lovely terrace on the first floor and I can mostly connect there, so email will have to be a daylight activity. Will post more later today. Questions welcomed.
I just noticed my DH is in wikipedia. Does that make his famous or infamous?
John Birkner

Yep, Famous! ;)

Today I got to browse/read about 5 Hello type mags. Jordan is pregnant, Jordan isn't pregnant. Jordan and hubby are about to split, Jordan and hubby are fine. So and so got married, so and so is pregnant. So and so looks too fat, so and so looks too thin. So and so looks great in this dress. So and so is showing her bulges in that dress. Oh and all the female stars have bunions and terrible feet! I know that for a fact as I saw the photos!

So funny, I love those trashy mags with a cup of tea and some biccies!!! :goodvibes

Me four ..... a Brazilian is quite a different hair cut over here :rotfl2:

Here too! :rotfl2:

I just had a really weird thought .... just think .... exactly one week from now a lot of us will have met in person at the Hard Rock Cafe meet. I wonder what we will all think of each other when we finally meet after chatting on line for almost 2 years in some cases. Do you know ..... I am soooooooo excited and can't wait to meet everyone

Me too, Sue and I were just saying the same thing, I was saying that I have a picyure in my head of how some people look and then I finally see their photo and it is completely different :confused3:)

I did make it into town today. I managed to get another swimsuit with the gift card that I found and some mentionables. I also stopped by a shoe shop to try on some shoes that I consider getting for the vow renewal and those shoes caught my eyes:

Love your shoes, they are really cute and perfect for pirate night. Sounds like you had a productive day, not long now........:cool1:

Up to recently shoes were a necessary evil. I have very wide feet and find it tough to get shoes that fit. Even Clarks Shoes do not usually fit me. A couple of month ago, somebody introduced me to Irregular Choice shoes. To my immense surprise a lot of them fit me and they are just so quirky and fun. At the moment I am lusting after this pair:


I love these Corinna, they are too cute, I hope they go on sale soon, well, either in the next couple of days or not until you return so you don't miss them.....:thumbsup2

Kathy, I am lucky to have mobile me and the option to lock my phone remotely and I can send it a message or go online and "find" my iPad or iPod.

I love the instapper app so mch that I bought the paid version and I have saved all kinds of post from this thread to later.


Hmmm, sounds good, but I'm not sure what you just said :laughing:

Dennis went for his eye checkup and to the dentist to get the 4 temp crowns off and permanent ones put on today. He is good as new!! We still have to use eyedrops 3x a day for a couple of weeks, but are happy it is all over and well!! We had to go buy sunglasses for him since his are prescription and HE DOES NOT WEAR GLASSES ANYMORE!! Now to pack tomorrow and we will be on our way to Spokane, WA Sunday morning. Driving west to get east.

So glad everything is going well for Dennis, he'll feel like a new man by the time he cruises. :woohoo:

Day 1 of getting up early and going to bed early. So far the kids have done well. I know Emma's having a hard time going to bed early, though. Tomorrow we are up at 5:30a! So, we'll see how it goes! Emma's getting better but still has a nasty cough. Today was her last day of medicine. So, we'll see how it goes! Got DH to pull out his clothes tonight. We just did a quick weight and he's about 4 pds over. I'll start packing the kids stuff and mine tomorrow. Then doing what Krisann suggested and write it all down in case we loose a suitcast. Off to bed! Weird that it's not even 8:30p yet!

Good Luck :)

So the reason for the helicopter last night was because a gentleman managed to leave a nursing home and got lost. He was found and is okay.

It is just so strange that after living here for 32 years, in the past two weeks, we are hearing helicopters. Never before have we had any problems. I just keep thinking I don't need this excitement!!!!

Maybe they have a shiny new helicopter they like to show off? :banana:

My mama called. :lovestruc I think she is getting a little nervous that we are going to be out of touch for a couple of weeks. She lives in WA State very near my sister, but she always calls Dennis for advice so she is getting a bit anxious. She likes Dennis best! :rolleyes: I told her I will call her for sure a couple of times before we leave the US and then as soon as we get back to FL. Dennis told her she should be going with us!

Very cute! :cutie:

I got a few things done today for the cruise including buying a new dress. My mom thought it was so cute that she insisted on buying it for me...however my sister can wear it too so it works out.

I'm hoping to work tomorrow - however, my track record for the last two Saturdays has been being sick. I'm HOPING that isn't the case tomorrow. I stopped the injections and I feel so much better so I'm glad.

I can't believe that next week we'll be getting on the Magic! It doesn't seem possible! :)

I am so glad you are feeling better, sometimes medication can do more bad than good to our bodies!
A new dress day is always a good day! :goodvibes
See you on the Magic in a few days :banana:

So I have a choice for Saturday.
I can go to work and finish my August financials, :surfweb:

or I can iron on my transfers,
put labels on my fish extender gifts,
put aside my 3 work outfits and mentionables,
make out a list of everything I'm going to pack in my 2 large bags,
go to the DMV and get my picture taken for my driver's license that expires next week,
mail off all of my birthday cards for my September birthdays (a bunch!),
setup my bills to be paid for the rest of the month,
reschedule my stone massage,
make a spreadsheet of all of my activities I have scheduled. (This is beginning to look a lot like Mousefest, it is so activity intense. :)
assign an outfit for each activity,
find my golden ears,
find my jewelry,
make up my scrapbook pages for the door and figure out how I'm going to attach the pens,
buy another battery for my camera,
take my friend with stage 4 breast cancer, spine and brain cancer for a Rita's ice.

I'm really glad I put this into words cause this is a no-brainer!:thumbsup2

Cruise stuff, cruise stuff, cruise stuff and Rita's ice!!!!!!

A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.

EW! :rolleyes1
Me too, Sue and I were just saying the same thing, I was saying that I have a picyure in my head of how some people look and then I finally see their photo and it is completely different :confused3:)

When Stephanie and I got together with about 14 other DIS folks from the DDA thread way back in 2006, we had seen pictures but tried to put the voice to the face. That was interesting at first, but now when we read their posts, we can hear their voices!!!

Cruise stuff, cruise stuff, cruise stuff and Rita's ice!!!!!!

Yes!! I kept telling Stephanie she wasn't going to work!!!!!

Can't sleep,,,too many things spinning around in my head. Family dynamics. Gave poor Stephanie an ear full tonight!!!
Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers :littleangel: for my friend Eric and his family. The surgery was delayed a day as the new hospital where he was transferred wanted to run additional tests. Tests showed an 80% blockage. Surgery was this morning and Eric is in recovery!!! After a double by-pass, the doctors are saying his heart is back at 100% pumping. No new meds will be needed. He is not out of the woods yet but things are definitely looking good.

I really appreciate all of the good vibes coming his way. They really worked and we are looking forward to alot more fun times for their family!!!!!

You guys are the best! :thumbsup2


That is such good news!! I hope he continues to make a good recovery. It is a wonderful operation!

More scared about what to pack for hubby. He says just throw in anything you want. Problem is most of his shirts have stains on them :scared1:

John's shirts get stained too!!! I found one on my favourite shirts of his had a stain last week!:headache: He forgets which are his good shirts and which are for work, and he seems to stain those. He uses wood stain, oils etc. So many have little blobs on. It is me who always get the tomato stains and splashes from pasta sauces etc down my front!!!

You are my hero!! I wish I could not take so much stuff but I guess over packing is in my "genes".

My genes too Noel!!!:confused3 Can't help it somehow.;)

Dennis went for his eye checkup and to the dentist to get the 4 temp crowns off and permanent ones put on today. He is good as new!! :thumbsup2 We still have to use eyedrops 3x a day for a couple of weeks, but are happy it is all over and well!! :cool1: We had to go buy sunglasses for him since his are prescription and HE DOES NOT WEAR GLASSES ANYMORE!! :dance3: Now to pack tomorrow and we will be on our way to Spokane, WA Sunday morning. Driving west to get east. :rolleyes:

Really great news Angie!!

A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.

Oh my goodness, Not just one skunk either.:scared1:
Hey guys, I have been googling for hours and find any aswers, Can someone help me? I want to purchase a handbag from Louis Vuitton, I think it will be cheaper for me to buy it from Barcelona than USA.
So, the whole confusing VAT thing? Does anyone know if LV do the VAT refund cheques? And since we are not going back to the airport, where do I make my claim? Will I be able to commuincate all this to the staff at LV since I speak no spanish, or is it just too hard?
Help, my handbag addiction is getting antsy!!!! :rotfl2::)
Up to recently shoes were a necessary evil. I have very wide feet and find it tough to get shoes that fit. Even Clarks Shoes do not usually fit me. A couple of month ago, somebody introduced me to Irregular Choice shoes. To my immense surprise a lot of them fit me and they are just so quirky and fun. At the moment I am lusting after this pair:


They would be perfect for the vow renewal, fit wonderfully and are really comfortable.


Those shoes are gorgeous .. I have seen some of those irregular choice shoes on the DIS UK holiday shopping post ... they are really unique and interesting. Hope you manage to snag a pair :thumbsup2

Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers :littleangel: for my friend Eric and his family. The surgery was delayed a day as the new hospital where he was transferred wanted to run additional tests. Tests showed an 80% blockage. Surgery was this morning and Eric is in recovery!!! After a double by-pass, the doctors are saying his heart is back at 100% pumping. No new meds will be needed. He is not out of the woods yet but things are definitely looking good.

I really appreciate all of the good vibes coming his way. They really worked and we are looking forward to alot more fun times for their family!!!!!

You guys are the best! :thumbsup2


Great news that the surgery went well and Erik is making a good recovery. Sending more pixie dust so that it continues :wizard:

Ladies and gents, if you saw the link that I posted and the Marilyn posted you can see this really is a rate G straightening treatment for the hair on YOUR HEAD!! I realize what it sounds like that is why I added the word blowout!!

If you have extemely thick, culy, frizzy hair like I do, the treatment is miraculous. Whenever my hair is in any kind of humidity, it become unmanageable without having it done every day. The young women who does it for me does it a discount as a favor to my hairdresser!

OK Noel .... we believe you about the hair treatment :rotfl2:

Actually it sounds very good. I have quite thick hair which will never do as it is told ... maybe I should try this.

I think there will about 2 seconds of awkwardness then we will just jump in and everything will be just like we have been talking in person forever!!

I will be so hyped up I will probably be talking complete rubbish :rotfl2:

pirate: We are going to be at sea on International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2010 - Sept. 19th


Pity it's not on Pirate Night pirate:

We are packed! I sort of can't believe it. Our bags are only tipping the scales at around 40 pounds, too, and we have a 50 pound limit, so plenty of room. I just need to throw in a pair of capris and sweatshirt and day-of makeup and brushes.

I even got my hair cut and eyebrows done today. I was working from home and finished up my writing early, so I was able to get out. Stopped by the Dollar Store for twist ties, did a ton of laundry, and printed out my DCL docs and advance passenger info. Also looked up how to get from Penn Station NY to JFK (airtrain).

Safe travels to all of you on your way!!

You sound very well organised there ... I still have loads to do :eek:
Dennis went for his eye checkup and to the dentist to get the 4 temp crowns off and permanent ones put on today. He is good as new!! :thumbsup2 We still have to use eyedrops 3x a day for a couple of weeks, but are happy it is all over and well!! :cool1: We had to go buy sunglasses for him since his are prescription and HE DOES NOT WEAR GLASSES ANYMORE!! :dance3: Now to pack tomorrow and we will be on our way to Spokane, WA Sunday morning. Driving west to get east. :rolleyes:

This is really good news about Dennis ... he must be thrilled not to be wearing glasses anymore. Safe travels and see you soon :hug:
A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.

Imagine having Bambi and Flower in your back yard ..... apart from the aroma it must be really cute :goodvibes
After doing a weekly countdown for what seems like forever, it gives me great pleasure ( tinged with a teeny bit of sadness for some reason ) to present to my wonderful DIS friends ..... our last ever weekly countdown ...


Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers :littleangel: for my friend Eric and his family. The surgery was delayed a day as the new hospital where he was transferred wanted to run additional tests. Tests showed an 80% blockage. Surgery was this morning and Eric is in recovery!!! After a double by-pass, the doctors are saying his heart is back at 100% pumping. No new meds will be needed. He is not out of the woods yet but things are definitely looking good.

I really appreciate all of the good vibes coming his way. They really worked and we are looking forward to alot more fun times for their family!!!!!

You guys are the best!
Thats great news.

I think there will about 2 seconds of awkwardness then we will just jump in and everything will be just like we have been talking in person forever!!
Funny, last cruise we invited a granma and her grandson (same age as shaunie) from the dis boards to come and stay at our huge villa we had rented with our family, I was really nervous, I dont know why cause had lots of chatting and writing and sending pics for over a year, anyhow, we were standing outside waiting for them, i was really nervous as I said, we seen there car coming, she started tooting the horn as in toot toot toot toot on and on and on ,all the way down the street, it was so funny and it made me laugh and I knew it was going to be a perfect night(which it was)

Thats such a shame, there was somebody on our Panama canal cruise that had to cancel this one that would have just loved that:rolleyes1
We are packed! I sort of can't believe it. Our bags are only tipping the scales at around 40 pounds, too, and we have a 50 pound limit, so plenty of room. I just need to throw in a pair of capris and sweatshirt and day-of makeup and brushes.

I even got my hair cut and eyebrows done today. I was working from home and finished up my writing early, so I was able to get out. Stopped by the Dollar Store for twist ties, did a ton of laundry, and printed out my DCL docs and advance passenger info. Also looked up how to get from Penn Station NY to JFK (airtrain).

Safe travels to all of you on your way!!
you too, see you soon
We will miss the Hard Rock meeting too. Can I join the new girl at school group too? :flower3: :lmao:

yes, of course.
Dennis went for his eye checkup and to the dentist to get the 4 temp crowns off and permanent ones put on today. He is good as new!! We still have to use eyedrops 3x a day for a couple of weeks, but are happy it is all over and well!! :cool1: We had to go buy sunglasses for him since his are prescription and HE DOES NOT WEAR GLASSES ANYMORE!! :dance3: Now to pack tomorrow and we will be on our way to Spokane, WA Sunday morning. Driving west to get east. :rolleyes:
Yipeeeeeeeeee for Dennis, he is going to be brand new for this cruise, can he be my deignated walker now
So the reason for the helicopter last night was because a gentleman managed to leave a nursing home and got lost. He was found and is okay.

It is just so strange that after living here for 32 years, in the past two weeks, we are hearing helicopters. Never before have we had any problems. I just keep thinking I don't need this excitement!!!!
Thats horrible, its horrible getting old.
My mama called. :lovestruc I think she is getting a little nervous that we are going to be out of touch for a couple of weeks. She lives in WA State very near my sister, but she always calls Dennis for advice so she is getting a bit anxious. She likes Dennis best! :rolleyes: I told her I will call her for sure a couple of times before we leave the US and then as soon as we get back to FL. Dennis told her she should be going with us!
Dennis should be carefull with what he says:rotfl2:

I really, really, like you Noel.:love::love::love:
Me too, actually I really like everybody on this thread, and Ive not got a good tolerance level:lmao:
Hello is truly hard to believe that next week at this time we will be a couple of hours away from Barcelona....two years ago we booked this cruise and now it is here.....just cannot believe it. DW will begin packing tomorrow....and that is a major accomplishment since we usually never start packing until the day travels to all and will see ya real soon!
I konw, 2 years!
Hi everyone!

I got a few things done today for the cruise including buying a new dress. My mom thought it was so cute that she insisted on buying it for me...however my sister can wear it too so it works out.

I'm hoping to work tomorrow - however, my track record for the last two Saturdays has been being sick. I'm HOPING that isn't the case tomorrow. I stopped the injections and I feel so much better so I'm glad.

I can't believe that next week we'll be getting on the Magic! It doesn't seem possible! :)
take care, hope you are well
I too tell everyone I do not want any bad news. I have said no dying is allowed while we are vacation.

Noel what a wonderful thing you did for your sister. That definitely takes a very special person. :hug:

Princess Di died while we had our honeymoon. We could not figure out why everyone in the UK pavilion was so somber till we turned on CNN.
The day she died we were travelling from englad up north, the roads were nice and quiet:thumbsup2
So I have a choice for Saturday.
I can go to work and finish my August financials, :surfweb:

or I can iron on my transfers,
put labels on my fish extender gifts,
put aside my 3 work outfits and mentionables,
make out a list of everything I'm going to pack in my 2 large bags,
go to the DMV and get my picture taken for my driver's license that expires next week,
mail off all of my birthday cards for my September birthdays (a bunch!),
setup my bills to be paid for the rest of the month,
reschedule my stone massage,
make a spreadsheet of all of my activities I have scheduled. (This is beginning to look a lot like Mousefest, it is so activity intense. :)
assign an outfit for each activity,
find my golden ears,
find my jewelry,
make up my scrapbook pages for the door and figure out how I'm going to attach the pens,
buy another battery for my camera,
take my friend with stage 4 breast cancer, spine and brain cancer for a Rita's ice.

I'm really glad I put this into words cause this is a no-brainer!:thumbsup2
ha ha, I was crolling down thinking no brainer.
A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.
Can't sleep,,,too many things spinning around in my head. Family dynamics. Gave poor Stephanie an ear full tonight!!!

Poor Stephenie, its good I am at work this weekend, Im so tired by the time I get to bed I am actually sleeping.
So, Ive been for a run, had my shower and oatsosimple, now I am checking in with you guys and going for some food for the weekend.

I wanted to share my txt conversation with my dad with you.
He is so funny, I love him, he cracks me up.

So I txt him,mum and len the exact same.

The countdown has started 44 and half hours till Im home and on holiday.

then I sent another txt.

Dont reply, this could get boring before the weekends out,lol.

len txs back..... not long, i love you bla bla.
mum..... no txt (thats normal)
dad... k


I mean where the heck did he even learn that, I dont write k on txts, he is so cheeky, wiat til I see him I wil k him alright:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
So, Ive been for a run, had my shower and oatsosimple, now I am checking in with you guys and going for some food for the weekend.

I wanted to share my txt conversation with my dad with you.
He is so funny, I love him, he cracks me up.

So I txt him,mum and len the exact same.

The countdown has started 44 and half hours till Im home and on holiday.

then I sent another txt.

Dont reply, this could get boring before the weekends out,lol.

len txs back..... not long, i love you bla bla.
mum..... no txt (thats normal)
dad... k


I mean where the heck did he even learn that, I dont write k on txts, he is so cheeky, wiat til I see him I wil k him alright:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Heyyyyy ... your Dad is cool .... he's up to date with modern text jargon !!!
So, Ive been for a run, had my shower and oatsosimple, now I am checking in with you guys and going for some food for the weekend.

I wanted to share my txt conversation with my dad with you.
He is so funny, I love him, he cracks me up.

So I txt him,mum and len the exact same.

The countdown has started 44 and half hours till Im home and on holiday.

then I sent another txt.

Dont reply, this could get boring before the weekends out,lol.

len txs back..... not long, i love you bla bla.
mum..... no txt (thats normal)
dad... k


I mean where the heck did he even learn that, I dont write k on txts, he is so cheeky, wiat til I see him I wil k him alright:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Love it, Cool Dad! K! :lmao:
Bad news......

Mark's just had to go into work again....:sad1: he's only been home an hour or so.....:sad2:

Thank goodness he will soon be on that ship in the middle of the ocean and they won't be able to get hold of him! :rolleyes1:woohoo::woohoo:

Best reason EVER for being on a cruise!!!!! :thumbsup2

Off to get my Brazilian Blowout so I won't have to fuss with my hair!!

See you guys later!!
That sounds very cool, Noel!!! :thumbsup2 Wish we had that here...

Noel, they really should have called that something else.;)

I agree!!!!!:rotfl2:
Ladies!!! Your minds!!! :crazy: :scared1: :rotfl:
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