Offensive billboards on the way to Disney


Oct 18, 2010
I hope this does not get my flamed or start a huge debate, I don't want it to or think it should but I wanted to see if anyone else notices this.

On the drive into DW we passed about 100 anti-abortion billboards. I am not going to state my stance on this issue one way or another. What bothered me was some of them were downright rude and insulting and offensive. I was actually getting depressed over some of them.

There were some that showed pictures of fetuses and said stuff like about how they had brain activity at 8 weeks or could feel pain blah blah. Well I don't need to see or think about that. I miscarried two babies at 6 and 8 weeks and I really don't need to be reminded of my poor lost babies when I am on my way to DW with my two kids that did not die inside me.

They had ones that showed kids dressed up as firemen and policemen and then showed a kid missing and was like you know pointing out that a lost baby could have been someone important. Again, something I do not want to think about on my way into DW.

They were literally every mile or so and DH started counting them and counted pretty high. What is the deal with this? First of all how can they afford so many billboards in prime billboard territory? Secondly, I feel it is just bad taste for little kids and families to have to be confronted with those on their way to a family vacation in DW or US. I mean come on! I called the number on the billboard one time to tell them off but it was busy. After that I stopped caring.

Has anyone else seen these? They were on 75 south and the Florida turnpike. I would rather look at the "We Bare All" billboards than these offensive anti-abortion ones that just pull at your heartstrings and could prompt kids to ask some pointed questions. Blech! I know it is their right to pay for them and put them up but it just shows lack of taste.
I find all billboards offensive. I think they are obnoxious and ugly and deter from natural scenery. Topic doesn't matter.

Maine. The way life should be.
Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. I have never noticed the anti-abortion billboards, but I remember as a kid asking questions about the "we bare all" billboards.
I think we've come to a point where everyone is so focused on their own goals and purposes that they really don't care about appropriateness. I'd love to see all billboards disappear just so I never have to have another in-car conversation about strip clubs, abortion, or any other "adult" subject matter while on a family vacation again.
I definitely understand the argument, but sometimes the only way to get your message across is to be shocking.
I think we've come to a point where everyone is so focused on their own goals and purposes that they really don't care about appropriateness. I'd love to see all billboards disappear just so I never have to have another in-car conversation about strip clubs, abortion, or any other "adult" subject matter while on a family vacation again.


At 8, my DD doesn't buy the blow-off answers anymore, and keeps asking until we come up with something that satisfies her. It is getting harder and harder to keep her innocent.
Well I thought I should at least put this out there so that people driving through there will at least have a heads up ahead of time about what they are going to see.

Mostly the whole way down 75 south past Atlanta is strip club billboards and anti abortion billboards. Lovely scenery. :P
Well I thought I should at least put this out there so that people driving through there will at least have a heads up ahead of time about what they are going to see.

Mostly the whole way down 75 south past Atlanta is strip club billboards and anti abortion billboards. Lovely scenery. :P

I understand. As a fellow Tennessean, we follow the same path.
Those anti-abortion billboards are nothing compared to the anti-meth billboards. Whoa! I don't necessarily take issue with them being out there though. Abortion is a fact of life and if groups have money to spend on billboards, it is their right to do so. Its shocking and some are in bad taste, but, again, freedom of speech and all that good stuff. :goodvibes
Why can't they replace the bilboards with ads for the theme parks so everyone can get pumped on the way to there desetation
This will probably be moved (or closed) soon but I agree. I don't hate all billboards (love those about attractions) but they can keep the negative stuff.
Mostly the whole way down 75 south past Atlanta is strip club billboards and anti abortion billboards. Lovely scenery. :P

Are they right next to each other?

On 79 & 77 are lots of signs for Southern Xposure Gentleman's Club. I have a hard time explaining that to my youngest daughter. She wants to know what the gentlemen do in the club. She'll be 30 on her next birthday! :lmao:
I saw those billboards on our way to Disney this past June. It was approx 4 days after miscarrying (@11weeks). It was all I could do to keep it together while driving. :sad1: It was really the last thing I needed to see. I understand the message, but the images/information was awful for me. I don't think my husband saw them...
I saw those billboards on our way to Disney this past June. It was approx 4 days after miscarrying (@11weeks). It was all I could do to keep it together while driving. :sad1: It was really the last thing I needed to see. I understand the message, but the images/information was awful for me. I don't think my husband saw them...

I'm so sorry :hug: and I totally agree.
I definitely understand the argument, but sometimes the only way to get your message across is to be shocking.

Next time my 8 year old niece starts asking questions about the OFFENSIVE picketers in front of our local hospital, I will just tell her they are doing it for shock value.

If you want to shock people that is fine. Just don't shove the shocking and offensive material in front of kids faces.


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