You Think You Have Problems?

WOW!!! I need to be talking to you about planning my firsrt family disney vacation cause I have no clue.
You get an award for being the biggest Disney fan ever.:thumbsup2
Could you please find me one of you that is unattached and in the 40-50 age range, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship:
It just occurred to me that...I am almost 63 years old, I'm a nice guy, love to laugh, but my body is a mess and let's face it, I'm old.

You would think that due to my circumstances in life, I would be relatively easy to please when it came to a relationship. However, even though I only go to WDW about once a year, I would not even consider anymore hooking up with someone that didn't have at least the same enjoyment level of the place.

Typing it out, it even sounded weird, but there it is. If I cannot go to the only place on the planet that makes me feel good with someone that won't draw me down like an anchor, then I don't want to be with them at all. I prefer to go it alone. Sad isn't it?
I have converted my two girls and several friends into WDW fans. My husband is a hard sell. He hates crowds, high humidity and long lines. But he'll go once in awhile because he loves me. :love:
Anthony Preston, you understand my "meh" feeling about Toy Story Mania. For this opinion alone, I like you. :thumbsup2

Whenever I think of our snowbird status which should happen in a few years, I wonder if I'll get tired of WDW during those three months when I can go whenever I want. You give me hope I will not. ;)
It just occurred to me that...I am almost 63 years old, I'm a nice guy, love to laugh, but my body is a mess and let's face it, I'm old.

You would think that due to my circumstances in life, I would be relatively easy to please when it came to a relationship. However, even though I only go to WDW about once a year, I would not even consider anymore hooking up with someone that didn't have at least the same enjoyment level of the place.

Typing it out, it even sounded weird, but there it is. If I cannot go to the only place on the planet that makes me feel good with someone that won't draw me down like an anchor, then I don't want to be with them at all. I prefer to go it alone. Sad isn't it?

:hug: I can relate to this. Unfortunately my Disney obsession started after I married my DH. But at least my kids love it as much as I do!

I hope you find someone that you can enjoy it with. pixiedust:
I will have to remember the name Anthony J. Preston, b/c someday he very well may be the CEO giving the dedication speech of a new park. Good luck to you!
It just occurred to me that...I am almost 63 years old, I'm a nice guy, love to laugh, but my body is a mess and let's face it, I'm old.

You would think that due to my circumstances in life, I would be relatively easy to please when it came to a relationship. However, even though I only go to WDW about once a year, I would not even consider anymore hooking up with someone that didn't have at least the same enjoyment level of the place.

Typing it out, it even sounded weird, but there it is. If I cannot go to the only place on the planet that makes me feel good with someone that won't draw me down like an anchor, then I don't want to be with them at all. I prefer to go it alone. Sad isn't it?

ITA with your sentiment, I go once a year also and probably after this year I will be solo as DS (my Disney buddy) is going to college in the fall.

But... In a way I am looking forward to doing WDW solo, as I won`t have to please anyone but myself :goodvibes
ITA with your sentiment, I go once a year also and probably after this year I will be solo as DS (my Disney buddy) is going to college in the fall.

But... In a way I am looking forward to doing WDW solo, as I won`t have to please anyone but myself :goodvibes

I have done the place solo a number of times in the past 10 years since my divorce. I have enjoyed it. Going where I want, when I want, as often as I want, sitting and watching, riding rides (single line when available), I usually stay off site so I eat mostly off site as well, and I can chose when and where I want to do that as well. It's all good.

That said...I have found at times that not having someone to share certain attractions and experiences with can be a downer, but for the most part, I truly have enjoyed my solo visits.
It just occurred to me that...I am almost 63 years old, I'm a nice guy, love to laugh, but my body is a mess and let's face it, I'm old.

You would think that due to my circumstances in life, I would be relatively easy to please when it came to a relationship. However, even though I only go to WDW about once a year, I would not even consider anymore hooking up with someone that didn't have at least the same enjoyment level of the place.

Typing it out, it even sounded weird, but there it is. If I cannot go to the only place on the planet that makes me feel good with someone that won't draw me down like an anchor, then I don't want to be with them at all. I prefer to go it alone. Sad isn't it?

I totally get this! My husband likes WDW, but would be happy to go once every five years. Yes, he is a wet blanket, but I finally took my first solo trip last month, and while I enjoyed it - I probably wouldn't do it again. I want to share the experience (even with a wet blanket!)

Good luck finding a fun-loving companion!
Impressive list, yes, and I have to admit I'm jealous of number 1 (as I live in the UK!) But why do you feel the need to be in such competition with everyone about being the biggest Disney fan...

Some people are massive Disney fans but don't feel the need to claim so many bragging rights about it :confused3

Sometimes it's not about how many books you have, or how many movies you own. It's about the love you have in your heart and soul for Disney and everything that comes with it! :cool2:
Oh no, I hope nobody took my original post this way, i'm not trying to be in competition with anybody, or brag about what I have or how often I go. It was just supposed to be a humerous take on how obsessed I am with Disney, while everything I said was true, it was by no means trying to show off. I mean, i'm undefeated in Disney trivia in my circle of friends, but I know enough to know there are some people out there who could still probably even blow me away.

I didn't think you were bragging. I thought you were just being funny; I got your humor. DH and I thoroughly enjoyed the post.
Again,your list is VERY impressive and I know you don't have any bad intentions,but I would really encourage you to reconsider the unauthorized use of an official Cast Member badge and,if I am "reading between the lines" correctly(#16),the unauthorized "forrays" Backstage.:)

Maybe it is just me,but I don't beleive in EVER knowingly violating WDW policy.
To me,that is part of being a WDW fan,but again,that could just be me.

I could be the ONLY one that feels that way!LOL:)
Every once in a while i'll see a post on here with people claiming to have an unhealthy Disney obsession, I just wanted to assure all of you, you have nothing to worry about. Here is my list.

1. I'm at Disney World a minimum of 3 times per week.

2. My MP3 player has about 600 Disney songs on it, and that is only because I ran out of room.

3. Those songs are not just from the movies or attractions but area music as well.

4. Mickey Mouse is tattooed on my arm. It is not small, or hidden.

5. I have my own Disney blog.

6. I have 750+ friends on Facebook, about 30 of them are Family and personal friends, the rest are people whom I have met at Disney, and/or are Disney fans like myself.

7. I have been to Mexico, and I have been to the Mexico pavilion at EPCOT. I prefer EPCOT.

8. I have been to almost every other theme or amusement park you can name, atleast once. Know your enemy.

9. It doesn't matter what the conversation is about, I can and will make a reference to Disney.

10. I own every Disney movie that has been released, and that includes movies from Disney partners. ex: Indy, Star Wars, Singin' in the Rain

11. My library consists of about 100 books that have to do with Disney

12. I drink Coke and use Kodak film because they are sponsors at Disney (I do, in all reality love Coca-Cola)

13. I am the undisputed champion at Disney Scene-It, and many other Disney trivia games.

14. I can do every E-Ticket attraction, at all 4 parks in Disney World, meet Mickey Mouse, watch FANTASMIC! And still make it to Wishes on a crowded summer day. (As long as both shows are playing that night of course) Working the crowds is a science to me.

15. I am completely determined to meet every character Disney parks have to offer, even if they are retired.

16. I have been in many of the backstage areas at Disney World, half of the time I was allowed.

17. I cannot count the times I have spent the night at Disney World, and was not staying at a Disney hotel.

18. I cannot count the times I have spent 18 hours at Disney World on 0 hours of sleep and did #14

19. I have taken 11 people to Disney who have never been, all 11 of them are now Disney fans, 2 of them have bought premium annual passes.

20. Sometimes, when I get bored I price out and plan the perfect Disney vacation, even though I know i'm not going on it.

21. Sometimes, #20 is when i'm sitting in my car on the laptop outside of the All-Star resort.

22. Sometimes #21 is on a notepad and piece of paper, because I already know the prices and menus at all the resteraunts.

23. Why was Tigger in the toilet?
A: He was looking for Pooh
(Sorry, thought you all needed to hear a really bad joke)

24. I point with 2 fingers.

25. I've created hidden Mickey's in my home.

26. My pets are named after Disney Characters, and when I have kids, they will be also.

27. I went on a trip up north to see some family, and even though I live right next to Disney, booked a 1-night stay at Disney World on my way back so I could ride the Magical Express when I got back to Fl.

28. One time, I forgot my wallet when I went to Disney World, it had my premium annual pass and money in it, so I rode the monorail, and buses, and fairy boats all day.

29. I've backpacked Disney property (Visiting all the Disney Resorts on foot)

30. I have pretended there was the set, and flawlessly performed the first scene of the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular because my friends didn't believe I could do it.

31. The local barber knows I get the Walt haircut.

32. My pin collection will put your pin collection to shame.

33. What ride? I'm checking into the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

34. I have drawn, and have had other people draw concept art for certain areas of Disney so I could see what my ideas would look like.

35. If I am at a park, and overhear someone trying to figure out how to get somewhere, I am quick to help them out.

36. I can look at a waiting line at Disney and know that the time on the sign is wrong.

37. I don't have to see a waiting line, I can guess what the wait time is at any attraction on any given day and be right 80% of the time, if i'm wrong, i'm only off by about 5-10 minutes.

38. I write down the names of cast members doing a good job and send in compliments to Disney when I get home.

39. My answering machine message (in my best Rod Sterling voice): You're dazed, bewildered, trapped in a world without time, where sound collides with color and shadows explode. You see a sign post up ahead-- this is no ordinary telephone answering device... You have reached 'The Twilight Phone'. (For the record, I did not come up with this, I read it on another site once)

40. I'm almost certain that the number of hairs on the drunken pirates leg sitting on the bridge is 54

I could keep going, but..... Considering my better judgement, I won't, I probably already sound like a lunatic. Scratch that. I KNOW, i sound like a psycho. And yes, this is all 100% true.

LOL Love this!!! :lovestruc
You have just made my day! You rock! i didn't read your post as bragging at all, you were being humorous and it was!

You could always hide the tattoo with body makeup and try getting a job at Disney again. YOU BELONG THERE!!!!
You could always hide the tattoo with body makeup and try getting a job at Disney again.

The policy is no visible tattoos, so having a tattoo on your arms is not an automatic disqualification. Certain, not all, positions offer costumes with long sleeve shirts.

They generally will not issue CMs without tattoos a long sleeve costume as they are not as plentiful and are held back for those CMs needing to cover up. So if you're in area where CMs are wearing short sleeved costumes and then see one with a long sleeved version of the same costume, there is a good chance that they have a tat.

There are many CMs working at WDW with tatoos on their arms. They're just not visible. If the OP is really interested in working at WDW, he could, but would have find out which positions offer the long sleeved shirts.

Some of the positions at the resorts and bus drivers are two that offer long sleeved costumes.
I love your post. :cool1: I keep telling my daughter that as soon as she is out the door to college im moving to Orlando and becoming a Disney cast member who visits the park even on my days off


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