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Better hurry then, Rosie!! According to Vanessa, The Froggies are going are getting deep-sixed. Sad! But great Tate got his girl in time!!!

so glad Tate is fixed up before the Froggie Mill is swamped. Sad- that was a fun little area.

I could be wrong it might just be the velcro game that's going away.
I could be wrong it might just be the velcro game that's going away.

Ah, gotcha! THanks for the news- it's hard to keep up with the changes sometimes, no matter how many websites and sources you watch!! :thumbsup2

Rockin' flip flops there, froggy! Quite creative!

So, Lucy's been home sick the past couple days so I haven't had much time to catch up. Just read through all the mentions of the dreaded gall bladder. :sad2: So sorry you are dealing with that, the pain sounds horrendous! Lets get that puppy out of there quick! I hope the ultrasound goes better tomorrow. That's weird that you can't chew gum:confused3
Rockin' flip flops there, froggy! Quite creative!

So, Lucy's been home sick the past couple days so I haven't had much time to catch up. Just read through all the mentions of the dreaded gall bladder. :sad2: So sorry you are dealing with that, the pain sounds horrendous! Lets get that puppy out of there quick! I hope the ultrasound goes better tomorrow. That's weird that you can't chew gum:confused3

Aw, poor Lucy! I hope she gets better soon!

yeah, I guess the rotten thing will have to come out- apparently, it's no big loss. I wonder how much some of my back pain is due to this??

yeah, I was sort of like, "WHA..?" Who knew. She told me though, that even just smelling coffee or walking past a bakery can trigger your G.B. to contract. Who knew?!!
Ahhh! That was a great update! I loved your picture of Carl! It was great! What are YOU talking about! Looks perfect!

Great PP pictures and how great that you got 2 rides of Soarin'

I can't wait to hear about the Seeds tour. I have always wanted to do that!
Well, I couldn't be MORE mad at myself today, if I tried....

Who knew a little piece of sugarless gum would be a problem for an ultrasound?? They did what they could this morning, then told me that she couldn't get a clean pic of my g.b. - either the gum made it contract or I have a diseased organ. Ummmm..... aren't I here because I have classic symptoms?? Either way, she has to confirm after a NON- gum chewing morning. UGH!! WHO KNEW!? So, back in the morning again for round 2.

What?:eek: Gum makes a difference? Oh Liesa, I'd have been so po'ed! Fingers crossed that tomorrow brings a clear picture and no gum tonight or tomorrow for you!:laughing: Are you managing the pain alright? Ugh, gallbladder pain is the worst, worse than appendix pain.

Loving all of your updates too! You have a very witty style of writing, it's very engaging! We almost did the velcro frog thing on our trip but for some reason we didn't. I don't know why.:confused3
That is awful about the gum!!! Sorry you had to deal with that. And crazy about certain smells making it contract. Our bodies are amazing-and peculiar-things!

Tomorrow will go better. I hope you have a (relatively) pain free evening.
Ahhh! That was a great update! I loved your picture of Carl! It was great! What are YOU talking about! Looks perfect!

Great PP pictures and how great that you got 2 rides of Soarin'

I can't wait to hear about the Seeds tour. I have always wanted to do that!

I think the Carl isn't BAD, just one of the harder ones to do. When I've gone through all of them, I'll post them all in one place, and you guys can choose which one looks most like it's supposed to.

I did!! I got in 2 rides, and would have had more if I hadn't have had a few other things on the morning's agenda. I LOVE that ride!!

Oh! You will LOVE the Seedy Tour! It comes with it's own bit of drama (always good for a TR, eh??) and some fabulous pix! :thumbsup2

What?:eek: Gum makes a difference? Oh Liesa, I'd have been so po'ed! Fingers crossed that tomorrow brings a clear picture and no gum tonight or tomorrow for you!:laughing: Are you managing the pain alright? Ugh, gallbladder pain is the worst, worse than appendix pain.

Loving all of your updates too! You have a very witty style of writing, it's very engaging! We almost did the velcro frog thing on our trip but for some reason we didn't. I don't know why.:confused3

Yeah, gum. Guess I should have foregone the teeth brushing this morning to make them all pay. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Aw shucks, thanks. I do love to spin a good yarn; some days are better than others.

yes, you should have hit up Velcroland. It's a bit of fun in there, and best of all, IT'S FREE!!!!!!!!

That is awful about the gum!!! Sorry you had to deal with that. And crazy about certain smells making it contract. Our bodies are amazing-and peculiar-things!

Tomorrow will go better. I hope you have a (relatively) pain free evening.

It wouldn't have been so bad except it's a half hour there and a half hour back! UGH! hey, if you like a good read about just HOW AMAZING our bodies really are, I have a good title for you to check out. A book called "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made". It's a story about a doctor who lived in India and worked with lepers. He uses the analogy about our bodies and some of its technical/physiological aspects to the Body. It's simply a wonderful, wonderful book!!

Some more peculiar than others. :laughing:

hey! ;)

Good Luck with the Ultrasound this morning.

Thanks! It went well, but one really never knows squat until they see the doc for real. That's on Monday.

hey! ;)
Yeah, gum. Guess I should have foregone the teeth brushing this morning to make them all pay. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Aw shucks, thanks. I do love to spin a good yarn; some days are better than others.

yes, you should have hit up Velcroland. It's a bit of fun in there, and best of all, IT'S FREE!!!!!!!!

Thanks! It went well, but one really never knows squat until they see the doc for real. That's on Monday.

I still say the gum thing is stupid and yes, you should've 'forgotten' to brush your teeth for your US and then asked lots of questions! Right up close too!

You're quite funny Liesa! Spinning a good yarn is an art form, didn't you know? It's how our ancestors told their stories!:thumbsup2 Before they had TR's of course!:laughing:

I remember seeing the velcro frog area but we didn't stop for some reason. I think we may have been rushing to lunch? But free fun? That doesn't happen too often in Disney, does it.:laughing:

I'm glad to hear they thought your gallbladder looked good. Sounds like your pain meds are helping too. Hey, maybe you should post an update while you're on them!:laughing: Seriously though, I hope they nail down this issue for you.:goodvibes
Time to resume our tour! Ladies and Gentlemen, FOLLOW THE FLAG…! (Anyone know where that reference is from- hint, it’s NOT a movie!) We last left off after Shiny Cheeks (that’s me on the top there) led your through harrowing near misses over cliffs of snow and encounters with giant plastic-faced animals who only knew one tour pose. I made a good choice in teaming up with Digi-Darling, my co-Post Host, on Friday, Sept. 3; she is a fantastic tour guide able to single-handedly combat large groups of Brazilians, outwit any ADR confirmation number snafu, and quickly help even the most novice DisneyWorld newbie understand the FastPass system. You are in good hands.

<Digi-Darling, take it away!>

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am your next host; your POST HOST. There will be no stopping in the main walkways, no gouging your fellow guests’ Achilles heels with your strollers, and ABSOLUTELY NO alcoholic beverages carried into the parks in your (stolen) refillable mugs. Now, let’s get moving... we only have an hour left before we must feed you!

<Shiny Cheeks, these guests are all the same- from one food to the next…>

Our first stop is something unique to Future World. You see, in the future, someone other than percussionists might actually think this is an act worth stopping to see for more than 2.4 minutes. But because it’s a tradition that Shiny Cheeks can’t seem to separate herself from, we keep it in our touring itinerary. But there’s more to these guys than meets the eye. They have an uncanny capacity to appear when you least expect them, and have a seemingly paranormal ability to bang on and on for what seems like hours driving most guests deeper into the park to try to escape the racket they make. And yet, they are mesmerizing- for at least 2.4 minutes. I’ve never seen anything like; I doubt you ever will either.



MOVING ON!!!! Next we’ll be moving back to a familiar attraction that you’ve already done. This is a bonus round we’ve secured for you by way of SPECIAL ticket- you know the ones you hear other guests complaining about as you go through the queue, which only SPECIAL people who PAY for them get …


We’re sorry that this excursion won’t be as thrilling as the last one- well, at least the part after this captivating scene:


Unfortunately, someone thought that other peoples’ feet would enhance our ride, and put us back a ways. <Shiny Cheeks, remind me to pay that monthly “stipend” to the CM tomorrow. We going to lose business this way.> Sorry about that folks, it just loses something when you’re trying to score in kicking the rafters off their kiesters, and you have to put up with that much competition.


Now that you all have ridden that twice today…

“Excuse me…”

“Yes, ma’am? Do you have a question??”

“Ummmm…. I lost my shoe.”

“Oh! Well that’s a fine howdy doo! You just made the entire ride shut down because you CAN’T listen to basic instructions about putting your shoes ON THE FLOOR!!! I’m sorry, you’ll have to remain behind for our next attraction.”
Folks, right this way…

“You mean THAT’S a ride??!”

“Why yes, it’s inside EPCOT’s wienie! Please follow me, it can be tricky getting on this one, watch your step! We’re going to travel through time discovering valuable lessons that all people can learn from in all ages.”

These well-dressed Egyptians are discussing (have been for 40 years- some things never change in politics) ways to tackle the Israelite slavery insurrections and ongoing calamities associated with poor management, tougher security inside the pyramids (as if cursed mummies aren’t enough), and what to do about the growing illiteracy rate. Hieroglyphics are terribly tricky!


Next, we find someone researching the growing problem (or pop art craze, depending on how you look at it) of graffiti. Seems the urban “artists” can never seem to find enough material for their vandalism. And the lesson here: Even the most basic shape can turn into a trillion dollar mega-enterprise!


Now, folks, I know this is hard to believe, but:

It’s time to get along and compromise; time to find common ground and link arms. (Please vote for me in 2012!)

On our way down, after you’ve had sufficient (sufficient in American-ese is about 30 seconds) time to ponder the valuable lessons you’ve learned, you’ll find an interactive touchscreen toy to play with. Here you’ll pretend to be George or Jane Jetson


and listen to suggestions of spending your money on other vacations such as:


<Clearly, someone in marketing needs to be questioned on the wisdom of this. And personally, I find it disturbing that they will find a hotel for you, but no restaurant.)

Before heading back to where yet, another of our friendly tour staff will continue your tour, let me show you a marker that you may find interesting.


These are great for printing checks (your payments are due at the end of this session) and tour guide compliment memos (we like those to be turned in regularly). Thank you for allowing me to be your POST HOST today; I’ve sure enjoyed my time with you!
I still say the gum thing is stupid and yes, you should've 'forgotten' to brush your teeth for your US and then asked lots of questions! Right up close too!

You're quite funny Liesa! Spinning a good yarn is an art form, didn't you know? It's how our ancestors told their stories!:thumbsup2 Before they had TR's of course!:laughing:

I remember seeing the velcro frog area but we didn't stop for some reason. I think we may have been rushing to lunch? But free fun? That doesn't happen too often in Disney, does it.:laughing:

I'm glad to hear they thought your gallbladder looked good. Sounds like your pain meds are helping too. Hey, maybe you should post an update while you're on them!:laughing: Seriously though, I hope they nail down this issue for you.:goodvibes

Well, I was a good girl and didn't eat anything. And I did brush my teeth- the world of dawn thanked me.

So, does that mean I'm a Neanderthal??

Free fun, is the best kind of fun. I can think of a whole lotta things that fall into that category, but very, VERY few at WDW.

I just put up the next installment, but sadly read your advice too late- maybe next time I can entertain you with an inebriated bunch of drivel. :lmao:
I made a good choice in teaming up with Digi-Darling, my co-Post Host, on Friday, Sept. 3; she is a fantastic tour guide able to single-handedly combat large groups of Brazilians, outwit any ADR confirmation number snafu, and quickly help even the most novice DisneyWorld newbie understand the FastPass system. You are in good hands.
Where was Digi-Darling when I was getting denied at my Kona ADR? :confused3

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am your next host; your POST HOST. There will be no stopping in the main walkways, no gouging your fellow guests’ Achilles heels with your strollers, and ABSOLUTELY NO alcoholic beverages carried into the parks in your (stolen) refillable mugs.
Well now you just took all the fun out of touring. :sad2:

<Shiny Cheeks, these guests are all the same- from one food to the next…>

Our first stop is something unique to Future World. You see, in the future, someone other than percussionists might actually think this is an act worth stopping to see for more than 2.4 minutes.
You have me rolling with this! I think we stopped to watch them for about 2.4 minutes... or was it 2 1/2???? :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Unfortunately, someone thought that other peoples’ feet would enhance our ride, and put us back a ways
I'm not sure if you were able to spot any hair feet from that vantage point... :confused3

Even the most basic shape can turn into a trillion dollar mega-enterprise!

Nice shot!!!!

Now, folks, I know this is hard to believe, but:
You don't say???? I never knew.. :confused3


Ooooh, where was that? I don't think I've ever seen that before.

I hope your scans went well yesterday... Is the surgery still scheduled for Monday?
After all of that beating and banging I'm glad you took in Soarin' again so you could mellow back out! (well, except for that initial heart flutter as you prepared to board for your flight) ;) Travel through time is never a good thing when you're stressed out from a loud cacophony! :sad2:

And the future must be a really great place Liesa Jetson.......I didn't see one evidence of hairy feet while you zoomed around in your souped up ride vehicle! :yay:
Great job POST HOST!!

You got some great shots on SE. That POC camera was working overtime for you.

Yeah I am not fond of the feet seats either. My DS was impressed when I asked and received the top row. I waited to explain why after the ride. :rolleyes:
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